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Well-known member

Adolf Heusinger, Hitler's top German general who participated in operational and strategic decisions, notably the attack on Stalingrad. A prisoner of war, the Russians demanded his extradition to try him as a war criminal.

But he became advisor to Chancellor Adenauer then chairman of the NATO Military Committee until his retirement in 1964....

So Hai

Well-known member
This country has no balls if they let Netanyahu leave the US alive.

We need Nuremberg 2.0
Arrest all leaders, foreign fighters, diplomats, media personnel involved in maintaining this genocide.

Now you sound like an antivaxxer. They did the same things during the ”russian revolution” and every other genocide enacted against designated ”ameleks” but hey, better wake up late than never.


As for the Nuremberg tribunals, they extracted confessions from german prisoners by such methods of torture so there you go.


Well-known member
Anna Kuznetsova reveals that the Russian army found documents on the SALE of children/ORGAN TRAFFICKING in the liberated Ukro-nazi city of Sviatogorsk

«A private english military company is involved. One of the entrepreneurs was Coca-Cola.»



Well-known member
Official portrait of king charles III unveiled by buckingham palace
(Proud to be satanist)


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If you allow me, I would like to comment on the content of your message, repeating here the same thing that I say to the original author of what you quote, who apart from being a Doctor of Philosophy (specialized in Marxism, and in Pedagogy), and writer, is philosophy professor in the capital of my province, here next door: Whoever wants to get rid of the link necklace of Gringo Imperialism, is not to let me later put on another necklace that is the same (and sometimes, much worse and more authoritarian) with a different engraving, whether it be autocratic Imperialism of Tsar Putin, or Chinese neo-Stalinist-capitalist dictatorial Imperialism , or the fanatical-medieval Imperialism of the Iranian ayatollahs...

Regarding the very simplistic and childish vision (falling into the same "goodism" and the same "Pink Legend" of the right and the extreme right in which he says not to fall) of the Spanish Empire in the last pragrph...:
"In Spain we know that the Americans have developed at our expense. After stripping Mexico of a large part of its territory and, shortly before, of Spanish territory, they exterminated the natives of America, then they stripped Spain of its provinces of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines, causing great genocide..."
...In addition to pointing out his forgetfulness or ignorance that there were also Spanish crimes, especially in Cuba, I would once again recommend a well-founded book (to You too if you allow me, @Cannabrainer ; it may surprise and change the perception of that historical period):
Henry Kamen : " Imperio (La forja de España como la primera superpotencia mundial) "
"Empire (The forging of Spain as the world's first superpower) "




"From the late-fifteenth to the mid-eighteenth century, Spain was the most extensive empire the world had seen, stretching from Naples and the Netherlands to the Philippines. This provocative work of history attributes Spain's rise to power to the collaboration of international business interests, including Italian financiers, German technicians, and Dutch traders. At the height of its power, the Spanish Empire was a global enterprise in which non-Spaniards -- Portuguese, Aztec, Genoese, Chinese, Flemish, West African, Incan, Neapolitan, ... -- played an essential role.Challenging, persuasive, and unique in its thesis, Henry Kamen's Empire explores Spain's complex impact on world history with admirable clarity and intelligence."

Posdata para @Cannabrainer :
Me permito citarte, primo boricua, al hilo de la conversación que manteníamos, concretamente sobre el Iberismo, el Hispanismo, o lo que tu llamabas (yo no lo tengo tan claro y ya te dije que me limito el término a la esfera cultural) "meta-étnia-hispana".
¿Conoces o te suena el tal Carlos X. Blanco?
Es discípulo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno.
Da clase en mi provincia pero es norteño, de Asturias, y además de los de "Asturias es la auténtica España: lo demás, es tierra conquistada a moros" ...


...Pues si recuerdas mi broma/video musical con Los Nikis y su " El Imperio contraataca (Volveremos a ser un Imperio)", la letra parece estar echa a medida de individuos como este, je, je...


(Por su puesto, comparto todo lo "bueno y utópico" que hay su Iberismo e Hispanismo; pero creo que es demasiado pueril y cristiancéntrico..; por otro lado, su visión y aproximación al Marxismo, me recuerda a la que pretendían ciertos fascistas para atraer a la clase obrera a su redil, como la de ciertos fascistas falangistas españoles, y no sé si también la de su propio "maestro" Gustavo Bueno...)
...Y como te gustó la broma musical de Los Nikis, te dejo otra de unos primos sureños míos, dedicadada "con mucho cachondeo y sólo por joder", a todos esos "norteños-godos-cristianos" tipo Carlos X. Blanco...
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moose eater

Well-known member

The Intercept and Chris Hedges have both spoken or written about the 'weaponized rape' hoax. The fact that it originated with the person who also lied about and fabricated the disproven '40 beheaded babies' con job says that Israel's spin machinery isn't that bright and has little to no conscience or shame. Bastards one and all.