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The Swedish Armed Forces – which has been in charge of NATO's gender work for ten years – is now telling about a seminar it held earlier this week.
The Chief of the International Military Staff in NATO, Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak, participated on Monday at a gender seminar at the Nordic Gender Centre (NCGM) at the Swedish Armed Forces' international centre Swedint. The meeting was about "the value of gender work in NATO", the Armed Forces writes on social media and continues: "The purpose of the seminar is to increase knowledge about how to integrate the gender perspective in operation planning and how it contributes to political, military-strategic and operational goals."

Lmaooo the whole thing is a farce.(...)



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So Hai

Well-known member
The irish (z.o.) government hires migrants to attack democratic peoples assembly, during their terrorist attack the antifascists dropped their phone



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The world is divided into two: d’on one side the Anglo-Saxons and the’other human beings

par Claude Janvier


Sand Creek massacre,1864

So my friend Adnan Azzam, Syrian writer, was speaking in Damascus last year, as we walked together in the’interlaced alleys of the old city, adjoining the magnificent mosque of the Umayyads. We were referring to the catastrophic situation that the Syrian people have suffered for, alas, more than 12 years.

We were taking stock of the genocide orchestrated around the world by the Anglo-Saxons since the creation of their empire with the deadly’ideology, having for sole purpose, the plundering of all the wealth of the planet at the expense of the people. At the top are the British royal family, the City of London, Wall Street, the US military industrial complex and their allies, international high finance and secret services such as the CIA, the MI 6, etc.

The terrible curriculum vitae of the Anglo-Saxons proves the murderous madness of their leaders for far too long.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of their genocides :

• 1492 To the present day. The genocide of Native Americans is estimated at between 80 and 100 million victims. Certainly, this massacre is not attributable that’aux Anglo-saxons, but they have largely participated in it. The creation of the United States S’is made in a blood bath.1,2

• 1747-1947. British colonialism has caused at least 100 million deaths in India in forty years, according to a university study. And during nearly 200 years of colonialism, the British’ Empire stole at least 45,000 billion dollars of wealth from’India.3,4

• 1839-1842. The wars of’opium. The forced introduction of’opium into the Chinese’empire by the English, besides corruption, banditry and prostitution, killed between 120 and 150 million people. Not to mention the ravages of’opium then across the western world.5,6

• 1840-1891. 40% of the Maori population was killed. Between these years, the Maori population will grow from 80,000 to 42,000. The New Zealand population today includes ninety percent’ inhabitants of European origin, Anglo-Saxon for about ten percent Maori. The percentage of Maori is constantly decreasing, partly due to lack of resources, poor health, poverty and unemployment of the population.

• 1945. Japan. Two useless atomic bombs. The books of’stories do not teach you. Indeed, at the time when President Truman plans to use the atomic bomb against Japan, he thinks to stop the fight. Indeed, the American’arme managed to decipher on July 31 a coded telegram of the ministry of foreign japan of July 26 which assured that «Tokyo is studying allied’ultimatum», namely that Japan was ready to lay down its arms. But the Americans had decided to start the nuclear fire. Results : post-war’ estimates of Japanese casualties range from 66,000 to 80,000 dead and from 69,000 to 151,000 wounded. Tens of thousands more’s died as a result of the radiation and their wounds. An estimated 140,000 people died as a result of the atomic bomb at the end of’ in 1945. The highest estimates put the death toll at 230,000. Of the survivors, 171,000 became homeless.7

• 1945-1975. Vietnam Wars. On the American side, there are nearly 60,000 dead and 350,000 wounded and maimed. On the south Vietnamese side, nearly 700,000 dead, including 430,000 civilians, added to the 1.8 million wounded and maimed. On the north Vietnamese side, nearly 1 million soldiers were killed, with more than 900,000 wounded and maimed. Between Indochina and Vietnam included, nearly 4 million civilians lost their lives, not to mention the guerrillas that followed.8

• 1950-1953. Korean War. This conflict will be very deadly. Between two to three million victims with the threat of’ a nuclear bombing.9

• 11 September 2001. Since that date, the continuous wars «made in US», have killed 4.5 million civilians. Still for the «bonne cause». From’Afghanistan to’Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and parts of Pakistan affected by the fallout from the war in Afghanistan, butchery has accelerated. In addition, deaths of American soldiers and’entrepreneurs, including subsequent deaths due to cancers, suicides and other consequences of wars, are not taken into account.10

• 5 May 2022. Ukraine. D’after Ukrainska Pravda, «, <TAG1>The possibility of talks between Zelensky and Putin has stopped after Johnson's visit, according to’UP sources» – thursday 5 may 2022, 13 hr 32 «(...) La johnson's position was that the collective’ Occident, which had suggested in February to Zelensky to surrender and flee, now felt that Putin was not really as powerful as’il had previously imagined, he said, and that’there was an opportunity there to «press on him».

By adding up, and leaving room, the total victims are between 350 and 400 million people. Dizzying butchery !

Anglo-American’imperialism is the most violent and bloody force on the planet, and the danger is that, if the proxy war against Russia becomes a more generalized conflict, the, involving nuclear weapons, the death toll would risk exceeding this horrific toll.

The politico-media complex of the countries of the’UE has become a great specialist of the’indignation with variable geometry. The debates no longer exist. Only war and propaganda activists express themselves. It’is bland, aggressive, inconsistent, without reasoning and all too often, of’a rare intellectual indigence. But it turns in a loop in the media in the manner of’a perpetual steamroller. It is in this way that’s have managed to propel us to the head of the’State, and for our greatest misfortune, the gravedigger of the Republic and the warlord of’Europe : Emmanuel Macron.

It is up to you to decide whether you should continue to support the unsustainable’. It is up to you to decide whether you want our company to rise or s’abime in the depths of’enfer. Time is running out.
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Well-known member
The return of civilizations

Carlos X's. Blanco

Closer relations between the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, etc, China and South Africa) can become a prerequisite for the gradual overtaking and abandonment of the United Nations and other obsolete, ineffective or clearly aligned institutions.

Recently - on the day of the year 2024 - the number of member countries has increased, making it impossible to change or expand the acrostic, and expanded BRICS can be referred to as BRICS+. The new countries added are from the Muslim and African world. The complete incorporation of Argentina, located on the fringes of these coordinates and with enormous potential to join its neighbor Brazil, was planned, but the Milei phenomenon came to derail everything.

Among the founding countries and new members, there are several medium-sized regional powers, occupying strategic positions (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Africa), and, as well as powers with global - not just regional - opportunities such as Russia, China and India. Although they enjoy a possibility of global influence, these three major powers have not manifested the desire to become « the » hegemon, just as the United States is today a unipolar hegemon. The vocation of all BRICS, whether large, medium or small, is to develop a different world, a multipolar world.

All these powers are experiencing difficulties in their development, they have an « unfinished work », they even experience tensions between them and manifest rivalries on different topics, but they have a telos or a final cause : free yourself from the yoke of the « hegemon ». The American hegemon, determined to preserve - by blood and fire - its unipolarity, admits only colonies or submissive states. Submissive states have a time the illusion of being « partners and allies », words that seem to refer to an equal relationship and a proportional or equitable participation in the benefits of looting the rest of humanity. But all this turned out to be a lie.


For too long, since the end of the Second World War, public opinion and some western or pro-western governments have believed this whole story. The « free world » would guarantee the submissive population peace, human rights, democratic stability and a society of abundance for a growing middle class.

The history of « free world » began to collapse with the global economic crisis of 2007. It has become evident that the speculative methods of the United States and, in general, of the anglosphere, were nothing but very dangerous viruses that could infect any capitalist economy that did not retain certain classical elements in its rules of operation : a) a high level of state control in the financial, monetary and productive spheres, b) a high level of protectionism in industries and agricultural activity, and, c) full economic sovereignty that allows for long-term productive planning and the relative and strictly regulated closure of borders.

From 1945, Western countries began to renounce all mechanisms and rules that could guarantee their economic sovereignty. The latter, as well as military sovereignty, which is necessarily interwoven with it, guarantees all possible sovereignty. The « collective West » fell into an unfortunate colonial situation: its economies are exposed to all possible infections from the American system, a system gradually and dangerously disconnected from reality, based on speculative bubbles that tend to strangle production.


The most notorious evidence of the neocolonial situation was the case « Nord Stream » (in 2022), the sabotage having most likely been carried out on orders from the United States. The hegemon, in its desperate struggle to retain its unchallenged power and keep the world in unipolarity, has not only declared war on the declining powers and the countries of the South. For decades, Americans have also been waging a secret war against their « partners, allies and » friends, that is, the small powers of Western Europe. For this greedy Uncle Sam, it is essential that outside the anglosphere (his first belt of henchmen and buddies), he, the whole non-English-Saxon West is subdued and functions as a colony and a battlefield.

The Americans laughed in the face of the naive and powerless Germans by brutally cutting off their cheap and close Russian gas supply. Eurasian cooperation quite natural and necessary, which includes the insertion of Russia into Europe (slav Russians are Europeans, although there is also an Asian Russia, which is, while the Yankees are not) as well as the insertion of Europe into Asia, of which we are, in the end, an appendix, has been amputated. When the German authorities have submissively accepted the brutal act of sabotage, as well as the intimidating ban on the Yankee brute from freely buying Russian gas and accepting much more expensive gas from North America, the neocolonialism of the hegemon has shown the world its terrible face.


The rest of the world witnessed it. The Global South has seen how the master treats his henchmen, the henchmen of the third level, like the Germans and French and other barking dogs of the European Union who are about to throw to the nettles the remains of their « welfare state » to support the dictator Zelensky and his corrupt and neo-Nazi clique.

Central European Vietnam that is Ukraine, Afghanistan a stone's throw from Germany and France, ultranationalist Ukraine from where the « marines » and « collabs » always stick their tail between the legs, now claims to be a problem transferred to an unworthy Europe. Americans leave the « hot potato » to the « partners » European, to a NATOized EU that accepts one after the other the impositions of the Pentagon, and that allows sinister or servile characters, like Borrell, Ursula or Dr. Sanchez (known as « Dr Death/Dr Mort » during his confinements during the CO pandemic VID-19) to say himself « Europeans », while they are actually just the race boys of the Democratic Party of the Yankees, it is'that is to say, the most hawkish and criminal faction of the American establishment, already very hawkish and criminal.

In Spain, our Doctor Deaththis week promised some 1,100 million euros to the Ukrainian dictator, another comic artist who became a butcher. This billion will be devoted to arms, and this in a critical context for Spain, namely a ) progressive dismantling of the country's small industry and agricultural sector, delivered to the Moroccan lobbies who control Madrid and Brussels, b ) extreme weakness of the Spanish army, unable to repel any unilateral annexation or any new « Green march » from Moroccans to Ceuta, Melilla, to the Canaries or to the south of Spain in general, c ) the progressive erosion and dismantling of the « Spanish welfare state », already precarious, where the number of inactive arms and hungry mouths continues to increase, due to the lack of productive investment and'unlimited reception of African populations and other populations from other latitudes.


In Spain, child poverty and the number of broken homes are increasing (partly because of the so-called « empowerment » policies of women and the LGTBIQ+ ideology). At the same time, the school system has deteriorated worryingly, with ignorance and fraud spreading to higher levels. The « culture » of hedonism, achievement, class ideologization and lack of rigor in the award of diplomas has triumphed. It has created a morally sick, decomposed and impoverished society down to the marrow of the bones. Similar processes are underway in other Western European countries. The only way to live is the service sector, tourism (the great destroyer of productive diversity), speculation.Talents are mutilated and people live in a strong disconnection from the real world.

The great hope of the BRICS+ is that this network or system of powers will come to function as an alternative UN within which true international laws, and, and not just « » rules, would be worked out. Tyrants make rules, but law and sovereignty make laws. The establishment of de-dollarized transactions, immunity from arbitrary sanctions of the hegemon, the possibility of returning to a fair - and not usurious - financing of the development of the most technologically deprived countries, in talent and money, open a humanistic horizon. After the series of invasions, coups, hybrid wars of conquest, selective assassinations, bombing « humanitarian », etc., etc., committed by the Yankees, humanity had almost lost the hope that'any international institution can rise with authority and prestige and be able to channel relations between sovereign nations, even between civilizations, in a solidarity, cooperative and anti-colonialist way.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( ⁇ , ⁇ х ⁇ ⁇ ), one of the most important in the world in terms of population and size of the planet it represents, is, can also be an effective barrier against the predatory aggressiveness of the American hegemon. This type of institutional framework opens the door to fair cooperation in all areas: a) commercial, financial and technological transfers, b) cultural and educational exchanges, c) building safe environments, etc, where US-funded terrorism and NATO, as well as interference NGOs and other hybrid warfare units, are duly neutralized.


It is urgent for us, inhabitants of a colonized West, citizens of a prostrate Europe, to create all kinds of cultural, humanitarian, commercial, student and professional associations, as well as mixed platforms for virtual and face-to-face meetings with these non-NATO and non-hegemonic countries, countries that are taking decisive steps towards de-Americanization, the, de-dollarization, by confronting neoliberalism and the aggressive militarism inherent in it. It is up to us Spaniards to launch a massive citizen mobilization against NATO and against any involvement in a suicidal war against Russia. We must call for the immediate holding of peace conferences to resolve the Ukrainian conflict and begin to organise a common European policy in favour of'greater integration of Eurasian. There is an urgent need for European nations to reindustrialise and source from their own farmers, that they direct their armed forces towards the defense of their territory (as is the urgent case in southern Spain, exposed to invasion) and not towards war against Russia. It is necessary to collaborate with the techno-scientific power of the 21st century, China, integrating our countries into its « new silk road » for mutual benefit.exposed to invasion) and not to war against Russia. It is necessary to collaborate with the techno-scientific power of the 21st century, China, integrating our countries into its « new silk road » for mutual benefit.exposed to invasion) and not to war against Russia. It is necessary to collaborate with the techno-scientific power of the 21st century, China, integrating our countries into its « new silk road » for mutual benefit.

In Spain we know that the Americans have developed at our expense. After stripping Mexico of a large part of its territory and, shortly before, of Spanish territory, they exterminated the natives of America, then they stripped Spain of its provinces of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines, causing great genocide. Since then, the Yankee Empire has been the empire of death, pain and slavery. As A says. Douguine, and quite a few current Chinese philosophers, the Yankee Empire is just a parenthesis. The time is for civilizations, plural, self-centered but collaborative worlds, the great imperial spaces that make order prevail inside and cooperate without colonizing outside. The old traditional empires return,dressed in the clothes of the future, while the Yankee thalassocracy, brutal, anti-traditional and artificial, withdrew.


Well-known member
The irish (z.o.) government hires migrants to attack democratic peoples assembly, during their terrorist attack the antifascists dropped their phone

you have these social media trained minds calling the irish ' right wing' . you can't make it up . the invaders claim the irish ' ruined their country ' ....

antifascist are actually fascist , and they consist of white middle class , privileged yuppies as the main base of their enetrprise. the useful educated idiots

So Hai

Well-known member
”Gender mainstreaming is… the core of security” :ROFLMAO:

This is what we call functional stupidity from an organization that has shown nothing but strategic incompetence and do not know how to conduct combined arms warfare operation. They know how to arm and train terrorist groups and committ genocide while they talk dearly about democracy, human rights, equality and such.

So Hai

Well-known member
you have these social media trained minds calling the irish ' right wing' . you can't make it up . the invaders claim the irish ' ruined their country ' ....

antifascist are actually fascist , and they consist of white middle class , privileged yuppies as the main base of their enetrprise. the useful educated idiots
Antifascists are world zionists who will tell you the idea of an irish, welsh or any other european nation is a bad thing. They will call replacement migration a ”conspiracy theory” while thinking it is for the common good. The difference between fascism and antifascism is the difference between a european national dictatorship and a jewish dictatorship over a european nation.

So Hai

Well-known member
Revealing 1994 schneerson speech (even slavs are amelek)

On the jewish involvement in Ukraine

On the state of Ukraine before the SMO


Well-known member
This country has no balls if they let Netanyahu leave the US alive.

We need Nuremberg 2.0
Arrest all leaders, foreign fighters, diplomats, media personnel involved in maintaining this genocide.
