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Well-known member
I really must be getting on with my day .
I may come back and respond to a post , but there is really a lot to respond to after stepping out for 1 second


Well-known member
Right now :

According to sources from the Spanish Interposition Forces deployed on the Lebanese-Israeli border, leading the UNIFIL- FINUL, the Lebanese Army has just deployed very strong protection cordons to protect the US Embassy from popular anger and/or possibly imminent armed attacks by Lebanese factions.

Yesterday, 1 day ago :


Spanish soldiers in Lebanon halt patrols and resort to bunkers​

The head of the brigade of the eastern sector of Unifil, General Guillermo García del Barrio, stresses that morale remains high.


Spanish military patrol in Ligano



Spanish soldiers patrol their area of responsibility.


11 months ago :

The difficult task of the Spanish Army in Lebanon ensuring peace in the powder keg of the Middle East :

The Debate

The UN mission in the Mediterranean country has the participation of a large Spanish contingent and El Debate has been able to see, first-hand, what life is like for the Spanish soldiers deployed there; (with several deaths already among its ranks, both from terrorist attacks by radical Lebanese factions, and from Israeli missile attacks)

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moose eater

Well-known member
Right now :

According to sources from the Spanish Interposition Forces deployed on the Lebanese-Israeli border, leading the UNIFIL- FINUL, the Lebanese Army has just deployed very strong protection cordons to protect the US Embassy from popular anger and/or possibly imminent armed attacks by Lebanese factions.

Yesterday, 1 day ago :

View attachment 19074154

Spanish soldiers in Lebanon halt patrols and resort to bunkers​

The head of the brigade of the eastern sector of Unifil, General Guillermo García del Barrio, stresses that morale remains high.
View attachment 19074164
View attachment 19074166
Spanish military patrol in Ligano

View attachment 19074155
View attachment 19074160
Spanish soldiers patrol their area of responsibility.
View attachment 19074161
View attachment 19074162

11 months ago :

The difficult task of the Spanish Army in Lebanon ensuring peace in the powder keg of the Middle East :

The Debate

The UN mission in the Mediterranean country has the participation of a large Spanish contingent and El Debate has been able to see, first-hand, what life is like for the Spanish soldiers deployed there; (with several deaths already among its ranks, both from terrorist attacks by radical Lebanese factions, and from Israeli missile attacks)

There were some writings in publication earlier that I never saw substantiated, that indicated Spain had at least floated the idea of providing an international military force toward enforcing the UN's and ICC/ICJ's rulings regarding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, among other issues/rulings.

If true, then kudos.

Though it raised the thought in my mind re. Spain as a member of NATO, and how the US might handle or react to that, should there come to be defensive or line-abiding gun-play by Spain's forces involving the US' favorite Apartheid criminal nation, Israel.

That might become a sticky issue for Joe, no?


Well-known member
There were some writings in publication earlier that I never saw substantiated, that indicated Spain had at least floated the idea of providing an international military force toward enforcing the UN's and ICC/ICJ's rulings regarding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, among other issues/rulings.

If true, then kudos.

Though it raised the thought in my mind re. Spain as a member of NATO, and how the US might handle or react to that, should there come to be defensive or line-abiding gun-play by Spain's forces involving the US' favorite Apartheid criminal nation, Israel.

That might become a sticky issue for Joe, no?

..."West Banks"...;  Cisjordania, we said in Spanish; in Arabic is (aḍ-Ḍaffah l-Ġarbiyyah) الضفة الغربية‎
In both languages it means the same: "On this side of the Jordan"...

That would be another, different mission;
The most ambitious thing would be to create an internationally protected connecting corridor between the West Bank and Gaza... Very difficult, right now...:

Sanchez recognises Palestine and calls for taking territory from Israel with “a corridor between Cisjordania (the West Bank) and Gaza”​

"This decision is not against anyone, least of all Israel," he said.​

But what was mentioned in my previous post, is about the current mission in Lebanon:
Spain has been in Lebanon since 2006, and is finally leading the ONU mission from 2022.
NATO has nothing to do here(Lebano mission) : it is the UN that sets the strategy to follow to Spain.
In any case, in the past, Spain already abandoned the Triple Alliance of the Azores Trio (USA, UK, Spain with the right-wing PP government) that declared war and invaded Saddam Hussein's Iraq,
when the social democrat of the PSOE José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero unseated at the polls to the right-wing José María Aznar, raised by popular indignation and rage, in the face of "evidence of weapons of mass destruction" that was never confirmed, and in the face of the right-wing government's attempts to blame the brutal attacks by al-Quaeda in the country, to ETA, so that the population would not associate them with revenge of Islamic religious terrorism for participating in the invasion.

Anyway, Spain does not have military capacity deployed in the area to do anything decisive in the face of an open war:
It was already difficult for them to prevent the Israelis from machine-gunning the herds of Lebaese goats that threatened to chew their cud so much close of their side of the Blue Line...

I think the most "powerful" thing they have there will be some old Centauro tank destroyers from the updated Spanish version of the original Italian model.

With only that at most, in the face of an Israeli air or missile attack, the best thing is to get into the bunkers :
Unos soldados españoles de la Unifil se refugian en un búnker en la posición 9-64, en el sur de Líbano.
Unos soldados españoles de la UNIFIL se refugian en un búnker en la posición 9-64, en el sur de Líbano.
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