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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

wonder why that is?

oh lol

She is also (perhaps?) the highest educated leader in my memory.

moose eater

Well-known member
I didn;t read this whole thing. But the general premise of this to me is this. A humanitarian group is embedded in an oppressed culture with a "terrorist" ruling power, others might see it as freedom fighters of some sort depending on the perspective. Just like the population or civilians in Gaza may have genuine disdain for Israel, UNRWA folks might come to that perspective once embedded in an embattled region. They are obviously there to help, to would they not naturally come to an oppressive view towards the oppressive state of Israel? Its logical that they would/could. Is it right or wrong? Are some in that organization pretending to be something they are not while getting US and other global funding, probably.

But on the flip side. Israel also openly militarizes its youth and population. Forced conscription being one. And in some perspectives they are terrorists as well as they historically and continue to steal land, commit crimes against humanity, and control resources. They are also funded, much more so, by US interests so I guess two wrongs are two wrongs. But its still David vs Goliath but Goliath here has the star of David as its banner.

This whole instability in the region is just the result of yesteryear's bad policy and nation building. from the beginning there should have been two officially recognized states with full sovereign authority and self determination. Only Israel got statehood and they were backed by others to have the upper hand. You cant have your cake and eat it too. Act like this and expect not to be hated.

Isreal's only path to peace is by the destruction of others all around them. And that is their agenda, and its dangerous. Because at some point they may turn their attention/crosshairs in our direction. Clearly they have some dirt/leverage on the US govt. as it seems they control us more than we control them. I wonder what it is. I would fathom it has something to do with the deeply occult and esoteric nature of global leadership, including the UN.
I think that's close, with the exception of this:


moose eater

Well-known member
Meanwhile at the border with Alaska earlier this week. Photo taken from a F16.

View attachment 19077614
We get to see that routinely, really. And for many years. This one simply involved an added risky maneuver by a Russian pilot, who swerved in from behind within a few feet of the US' F16.

There are better cockpit images from the F16 showing the closeness of the encounter. That aspect of it was admittedly a bit unusual.

Needless to say (I hope) the US struts its war machinery in foreign places outside of US jurisdiction, in what looks a lot like intimidation and provocation, on a routine basis.

This kind of adolescent bullshit is what our esteemed various superpowers do... somewhat routinely.
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moose eater

Well-known member

Russian aircraft buzzes F-16 during Sept. 23 interception near Alaska​

  • Oct 2, 2024


""Military officials released aircraft video footage on Monday that captured close interaction between a U.S. Air Force F-16 and a Russian Tu-95 fighter during a routine interception mission on Sept. 23 in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) near Alaska airspace.

The video displays an apparent aggressive maneuver by the Russian aircraft as it came up from behind the camera and swooped by the F-16, just feet from the U.S. jet.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command officials and Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan condemned the Russian jet’s interaction as both unsafe and aggressive.

The Sept. 26 interception was the latest in several incursions made by Russian military aircraft in the Alaska ADIZ over the past month.

“The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all — not what you’d see in a professional air force,” Gen. Gregory Guillot, NORAD’s commander said in a statement on Monday. Guillot prefaced the comment by noting the U.S. jet “flew a safe and disciplined intercept of the Russian military aircraft.”

Sullivan voiced similar sentiments in a Monday statement. He called the Russian pilot’s maneuvers reckless and unprofessional. The action “put the lives of our brave Airmen at risk and underscore the escalating aggression we’re witnessing from dictators like Vladimir Putin.”

“These tactics stand in stark contrast to the skill and discipline of our Alaska-based service members who are on the front lines at all hours in defense of our entire country,” Sullivan stated.

NORAD released the video a week after it reported that it had detected four Russian military planes off Alaska’s coast.

The U.S. Army had days before deployed 130 soldiers to Shemya Island in the Aleutians in response to the Russian and Chinese naval and aerial operations in the Arctic region. The deployment was done around the same time eight Russian military planes, two navy vessels and a pair of submarines traveled close to Alaska.

In September, NORAD reported four other incidents of Russian military plans operating in ADIZ, from Sept. 11 to Sept. 15. In July, two Russian Tu-95s and two People’s Republic of China H-6s entered the ADIZ in what NORAD called a rare Arctic-area joint aviation operation between the two nations.

NORAD said in each statement that it didn’t consider the Russian planes to be a threat and they never entered U.S. or Canadian sovereign airspace.

An ADIZ, like Alaska’s, “begins where sovereign airspace ends and is a defined stretch of international airspace that requires the ready identification of all aircraft in the interest of national security.”

However, NORAD sends military aircraft like F-16s and F-35s usually stationed at Eielson Air Force Base or Joint base Elmendorf-Richardson to intercept and escort Russian jets away.

International aircraft may operate in an ADIZ but must identify themselves. In the past, NORAD has stated that Russian military aircraft operate through the Alaska ADIZ regularly but vary from year to year.

In the last two years, however, activity has spiked. NORAD detected and tracked 26 occurrences in 2023 and 25 incursions so far this year.""

*'Borrowed' from the Fairbanks Daily News Miner
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Well-known member
I didn;t read this whole thing. But the general premise of this to me is this. A humanitarian group is embedded in an oppressed culture with a "terrorist" ruling power, others might see it as freedom fighters of some sort depending on the perspective. Just like the population or civilians in Gaza may have genuine disdain for Israel, UNRWA folks might come to that perspective once embedded in an embattled region. They are obviously there to help, to would they not naturally come to an oppressive view towards the oppressive state of Israel? Its logical that they would/could. Is it right or wrong? Are some in that organization pretending to be something they are not while getting US and other global funding, probably.

But on the flip side. Israel also openly militarizes its youth and population. Forced conscription being one. And in some perspectives they are terrorists as well as they historically and continue to steal land, commit crimes against humanity, and control resources. They are also funded, much more so, by US interests so I guess two wrongs are two wrongs. But its still David vs Goliath but Goliath here has the star of David as its banner.

This whole instability in the region is just the result of yesteryear's bad policy and nation building. from the beginning there should have been two officially recognized states with full sovereign authority and self determination. Only Israel got statehood and they were backed by others to have the upper hand. You cant have your cake and eat it too. Act like this and expect not to be hated.

Isreal's only path to peace is by the destruction of others all around them. And that is their agenda, and its dangerous. Because at some point they may turn their attention/crosshairs in our direction. Clearly they have some dirt/leverage on the US govt. as it seems they control us more than we control them. I wonder what it is. I would fathom it has something to do with the deeply occult and esoteric nature of global leadership, including the UN.
The instability of the region is pretty simple. The west made the maps. Areas like Iraq were never a country. It was a Shia area, Sunni area, and a Kurdish area, all tossed together into a country that never existed. The whole place was made by the west. Making Israel a country was just icing on the cake.

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