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Well-known member
Please show a credible report of this ANYWHERE!! I'm calling it bullshit.

According to the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, in the al-Aqsa Intifada, children were used as "messengers and couriers, and in some cases as fighters and suicide bombers in attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians" during the al-Aqsa Intifada. Fatah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine have all been implicated in involving children in this way. The issue was brought to world attention after a widely televised incident in which a mentally handicapped Palestinian teenager, Hussam Abdo, was disarmed at an Israeli checkpoint. The youngest Palestinian suicide bomber who blew himself up was Issa Bdeir, a 16-year-old high school student from the village of Al Doha. He blew himself up in a park in Rishon LeZion, killing a teenage boy and an elderly man.


moose eater

Well-known member
Is that all you got? Talking about rape? Pretty disturbing.
Why is talking about rape disturbing? The Israelis have been raping Palestinians for a long time.

Note: This isn't the first time someone brought sexual abuse or sexual activity into a discussion that you reacted like that. I recall a comment of mine in the election thread wherein you'd spoken of racist laws prohibiting inter-racial marriages, and I had mentioned that in many of those same places, anal sex was also illegal even with one's spouse, and you'd had a similar reaction. If something it disturbing to you as a matter of discussion of very real aspects of life, I'd recommend looking at your reactions to common discussions of those realities, and why you have those reactions. They are, indeed, parts of our realities, even if unpleasant in some cases and/or for some people.
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moose eater

Well-known member
According to the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, in the al-Aqsa Intifada, children were used as "messengers and couriers, and in some cases as fighters and suicide bombers in attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians" during the al-Aqsa Intifada. Fatah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine have all been implicated in involving children in this way. The issue was brought to world attention after a widely televised incident in which a mentally handicapped Palestinian teenager, Hussam Abdo, was disarmed at an Israeli checkpoint. The youngest Palestinian suicide bomber who blew himself up was Issa Bdeir, a 16-year-old high school student from the village of Al Doha. He blew himself up in a park in Rishon LeZion, killing a teenage boy and an elderly man.

Please see my earlier comments about minorities within the Muslim faith, and minorities include the Taliban, who are not supported by MANY Muslims. They are seen as being as much of a deviation from the Muslim faith, every bit as much as practicing Orthodox Jews often view Bibi's militant Zionism as a deviation from the Jewish faith. They are hardly representative of average Muslims around the world.
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Well-known member
Tell us again how you are a principled opponent of theocratic ethnostates, while you cap for Iran, a country led by a council of clergy with a Supreme Leader; a country who routinely executes political dissidents; a country whose name literally means, "Land of the Aryans."
ethnostates are bad. ethnostates that rape prisoners, target civilians on purpose, and kill children while committing a genocide are even worse.


Well-known member
Is that all you got? Talking about rape? Pretty disturbing.
i agree. raping prisoners with the barrels of m16's and then have your country defend these actions on tv with settlers protesting the right to rape at the gaza border is quite disturbing.

The other detainees at al-Naqab were also sick and wounded, and a man who was visibly “bleeding from his bottom” was brought in and placed next to Khalili. The man told Khalili that before he was placed in detention, “three soldiers took turns raping him with an M16 [assault rifle]. No one else knew, but he told me as a paramedic. He was terrified. His mental health was awful, he started talking to himself.”

moose eater

Well-known member

Not to mention the gross assumption that all detained Palestinians are Hamas.

Sounds a bit unhinged paranoid to me, but then IF I'd have been victimizing some place for 76 years solid, stealing their land and homes, raping them, murdering them, etc., with impunity, I might be a bit paranoid about potential blowback for my behavior, too.

Israel is now little more than a well-dressed criminal state thriving on others' land and possessions, while sucking the military tit of the US DoD. A true welfare state.
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Well-known member

The reason you (or anyone) is aware of the allegations of rape concerning Palestinian prisoners of war is because of a) a free press in Israel that investigates and publishes such claims and b) due process in Israel, where individuals accused of such crimes face prosecution in courts of law.

Israel is, in fact, a liberal democracy. The mass demonstrations shown in that video you shared a few days ago proves this.

None of these things exist in Iran.


Well-known member
Cool man. All the human rights orgs say Israel is an apartheid state. Cope.

they're mad the war is dragging on, that the government isnt doing it quick enough, and that the hostages weren't released. not that genocide and apartheid itself are bad.

moose eater

Well-known member
And this is in re. to Palestinians who are residents of Israel, never mind those Palestinians who are living in Gaza or the West Bank in illegally occupied land.

The assumption or assertion (pretentious as it might be) that there is equal justice for Palestinians in Israel is as much a fairy tale as Hansel and Grettel.

Laughable at best, and truly sick and delusional at worst.



Well-known member
Cool man. All the human rights orgs say Israel is an apartheid state. Cope.

they're mad the war is dragging on, that the government isnt doing it quick enough, and that the hostages weren't released. not that genocide and apartheid itself are bad.
Tell us again how you are a principled opponent of theocratic ethnostates, while you cap for Iran, a country led by a council of clergy with a Supreme Leader; a country who routinely executes political dissidents; a country whose name literally means, "Land of the Aryans."
ethnostates are bad. ethnostates that rape prisoners, target civilians on purpose, and kill children while committing a genocide are even worse.

For the record, Israel has no death penalty. Only two (2) people have ever been executed by Israel as sentence for a criminal conviction: Meir Tobianski (who was later exonerated) and Adolf Eichmann.
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Well-known member

"This includes Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)"

"Our report reveals the true extent of Israel’s apartheid regime. Whether they live in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, or Israel itself, Palestinians are treated as an inferior racial group and systematically deprived of their rights. We found that Israel’s cruel policies of segregation, dispossession and exclusion across all territories under its control clearly amount to apartheid. The international community has an obligation to act."

"Amnesty International documented acts proscribed in the Apartheid Convention and Rome Statute in all the areas Israel controls, although they occur more frequently and violently in the OPT than in Israel. Israeli authorities enact multiple measures to deliberately deny Palestinians their basic rights and freedoms, including draconian movement restrictions in the OPT, chronic discriminatory underinvestment in Palestinian communities in Israel, and the denial of refugees’ right to return. The report also documents forcible transfer, administrative detention, torture, and unlawful killings, in both Israel and the OPT."

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