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moose eater

Well-known member
It's not a war against Sadam Hussain. It's a war against radical Muslims
And according to you, or what I am reading from you, they're nearly all radical, and even if they're reacting to abuse by other lawless boundary-challenged nations, they're still simply radical Muslims, correct?

Again, the simplicity of your conclusions and utter lack of detailed knowledge (and your racism and ethnocentrism) is both sad and frightening.

moose eater

Well-known member
Thank God it's not hipster to hate blacks Asians or Hispanics
Please point to any place anyone among those commenting said or implied they hated Jews. You seem incredibly, stunningly unable to conceptualize the difference between being Jewish, and being a militant Zionist war criminal. But Bibi loves your kind of generalized simplicity and ignorance. It aids in his getting away with his war crimes. Useful idiots.

moose eater

Well-known member
Anyhow I put up 3 examples.
What I was discussing was Muslims using their children as suicide bombers
And you used isolated regional examples of minority sects of the Muslim faith in each one, and have little awareness or shame about doing so. Such is blissful ignorance.

moose eater

Well-known member
Every one who doesn't agree with moose eater is ignorant. Hahahaha
Not necessarily, but you've proven your worthiness for that title and adjective numerous times over, and you're apparently too dim, to even understand why.

Remember your assertions in this very thread the other day about the housing implosion? Ignorance.

The Housing Act? Ignorance.

Your Trump support and related blind partisanism? Ignorance.

Shall I go on??.


Well-known member
Clinton did infact pass legislation to extend mortgages to people based off of race .
When they couldn't pay fanny may and Freddy Mac went belly up

moose eater

Well-known member
Clinton did infact pass legislation to extend mortgages to people based off of race .
When they couldn't pay fanny may and Freddy Mac went belly up
And once again you leave out the incentive ($$$$$$) that brokerages had to sell homes to people wherein the brokerages violated the regulations for who was eligible for those loans, and yet they were able to keep their ill-gotten gains.. But it's easier to blame old Billy Bob, because he had a D after his name, right?

Have you always been this much of a simpleton partisan, or has alcohol contributed?


Well-known member
That is even more ignorant and unintelligible than anything else you've posted today in here.

Please translate and explain or simply admit you're drinking too much again.
As a member of terrorize Wallstreet your group bloked traffic stopping people from getting to work and paying rent
.just following the leader what ever is hip huh?

moose eater

Well-known member
As a member of terrorize Wallstreet your group bloked traffic stopping people from getting to work and paying rent
.just following the leader what ever is hip huh?

Do you have any clue how often OCCUPY blocked traffic? Do you know what the penalty was with NYPD for even stepping off the sidewalk?

Please do some reading.

You can find good footage at the OCCUPY Wall St. archives.

And OCCUPY was about the manipulation of the markets at the cost of the little guys you're so interested in helping. It was about incessant unprosecuted fraud committed by Wall St.

Maybe look up the impact of both Citi Bank and Bank of America repeatedly selling fraudulent shorts, receiving minimal penalties, and the effect of that on Ma and Pa America's 401k's and other retirement funds. Yet you pretend to be protecting the 'little guy'?


Christ but you're uninformed/misinformed.

I was there, in both Manhattan and DC. And you're merely talking shit fed to you by corporate pro-Wall St. media.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I've made and proven my point, all you have managed to do is name calling and insults
You've offered up nothing more than cherry-picked (regional minority sect Muslim) evidence. Nothing more.

What was your point, again?

Oh yeah, people critical of Bibi's war crimes simply hate Jews.

All Muslims believe as the Taliban do (never mind the large numbers of Muslims who reject the Taliban's premises).

And it was Bill Clinton who made the brokerages sell homes without adhering to the regulations governing those loans.. mostly because he was a Democrat.

I think I got that all down.

And yes, it still reveals you to be ignorant as fuck.


Well-known member
That's your go to 😄.Everyone is misinformed uneducated and ignorant. Get a new line .
Clearly you know I am right . Look how excited you are getting. Or is it just phobia?
By the way shit ( pardon my language ) rolls downhill. Punishing Wallstreet is passed on to the little guy. Life is more complicated than you understand

moose eater

Well-known member
That's your go to 😄.Everyone is misinformed uneducated and ignorant. Get a new line .
Clearly you know I am right . Look how excited you are getting. Or is it just phobia?
By the way shit ( pardon my language ) rolls downhill. Punishing Wallstreet is passed on to the little guy. Life is more complicated than you understand
Yep, check the evidence I gave you to follow, and find that your conclusions are full of shit.

My go-to is to call ignorant fucks what they are; ignorant fucks.

Everything you need to find the truth about the illusions and delusions you posted is right there. All you need to do is look at it.

Let me know when your balloon of partisan bullshit bursts, I'll likely be right here... or not far away.