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Well-known member
Please show a credible report of this ANYWHERE!! I'm calling it bullshit.
Use of child suicide bombers by Palestinian militant groups
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As part of the Arab–Israeli conflict, especially during the Second Intifada from 2000 to 2005, Palestinian militant groups allegedly used children for suicide bombings. Minors were sometimes used as messengers and couriers, and according to Israeli sources as fighters.[1] However, no evidence was found of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups.[2] The involvement of children in armed conflict was condemned by international human rights organizations.[3][4]

According to Amnesty International, "Palestinian armed groups have repeatedly shown total disregard for the most fundamental human rights, notably the right to life, by deliberately targeting Israeli civilians and by using Palestinian children in armed attacks. Children are susceptible to recruitment by manipulation or may be driven to join armed groups for a variety of reasons, including a desire to avenge relatives or friends killed by the Israeli army."[5]

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Last edited 1 month ago by UnspokenPassion
Related articles
Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2003
Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2004
Hussam Abdo
Palestinian militant (born 1990)
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Left wing Wikipedia


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I believe life experiences drive behaviors and tolerances (or lack thereof) at least as much as culture.

Having neighbors who've stayed in Muslim countries, including Gaza and Pakistan tribal outlands, I know the hospitality and kindness they were treated with. No warrior attitudes expressed toward them whatsoever. They were protected, treated with utmost hospitality and respect, and fed well. But they weren't there to undermine, nationalize in the name of the red-white-and-blue at the barrel-point of an M4, or seize control or power, either.
I’m not saying all Muslims are crazy. But it’s obvious they’ll go a lot further than westerners for a cause they believe in.


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Use of child suicide bombers by Palestinian militant groups
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As part of the Arab–Israeli conflict, especially during the Second Intifada from 2000 to 2005, Palestinian militant groups allegedly used children for suicide bombings. Minors were sometimes used as messengers and couriers, and according to Israeli sources as fighters.[1] However, no evidence was found of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups.[2] The involvement of children in armed conflict was condemned by international human rights organizations.[3][4]

According to Amnesty International, "Palestinian armed groups have repeatedly shown total disregard for the most fundamental human rights, notably the right to life, by deliberately targeting Israeli civilians and by using Palestinian children in armed attacks. Children are susceptible to recruitment by manipulation or may be driven to join armed groups for a variety of reasons, including a desire to avenge relatives or friends killed by the Israeli army."[5]

Psychological triggers and indoctrination
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Last edited 1 month ago by UnspokenPassion
Related articles
Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2003
Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2004
Hussam Abdo
Palestinian militant (born 1990)
Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted.
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Left wing Wikipedia
This is common knowledge


Well-known member
Not to mention their own children's lives. They strap them with suicide vests

Please show a credible report of this ANYWHERE!! I'm calling it bullshit.

Y'all scoffed and dismissed David Bedein and his work when I first brought him up.

Since then (yesterday, to be precise) his claims about UNRWA have been demonstrated to be true.

Two articles.
First, an op ed from Bedein published in 2014.
Second, discusses Hamas and UNRWA confirmation of many of Bedein's claims, published today.

UNRWA violates human rights laws that protect children​

Will US citizens let US funded education for terror continue unabated?​

JANUARY 6, 2014 12:36

Palestinian kids sit at UNRWA school 370 (photo credit: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

Palestinian kids sit at UNRWA school 370(photo credit: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, shapes the mindset of a new generation of Palestinian youth, educating 492,000 students in 699 schools.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 3.1 of the Convention, requires that "in all actions concerning children... the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration."

Article 6 requires UN agencies to recognize "that every child has the inherent right to life," and, further, that UN agencies "shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child."

Article 29 requires that such education be directed to "preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society, in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of the sexes, and friendship among all peoples...."

In direct contradiction of the mandate of UN education, UNRWA uses new school books from the Palestinian Authority which violate sacred UN principles of peace,

AS depicted in the film "Camp Jihad," produced by the Center for Near East Policy Research this past summer, UNRWA instructors openly incorporate virulent anti-Semitic teachings into the classroom, demonizing Jews as part of their UNRWA summer camp program, telling child campers that Jews are none other than "wolves" who chased their grandparents from their homes.

UNRWA educational facilities are sites of indoctrination, exploiting the malleability of children's minds to breed hostility toward Israel and the West and to encourage violent homicide suicide attacks, effectively grooming pupils for recruitment by terrorist groups like Hamas, which controls the teacher's union in Gaza.

Where is the accountability? With Islamic states that remain at war with Israel?The United States, the largest donor nation to UNRWA, contributes more than USD 275 million in 2013 alone, while the rest of the donors are spread among 38 democraticnations. The US continues unbridled funding of UNRWA, which results in theuse of US taxpayer dollars to teach Palestinian children to revere suicide-homicide bombings. Letters to USAID to condition funds to UNRWA on the cessation of such indoctrination have gone unanswered.

At the same time, UNRWA openly hires teachers with ties to designated terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, ignoring US law which forbids aid to agencies hat hire terrorists. While UNRWA has agreements with Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon for the verification of criminal records by potential Agency employees. No such agreement exists between UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority, where 19 UNRWA camps function under Palestinian jurisdiction.

Terror education abounds in the UNRWA schools. A fifth grade textbook taught in UNRWA schools known as Our Beautiful Language reads, "We shall return to the homes, to the valleys, to the mountains/Under the flag of glory, Jihad and struggle/With blood, sacrifice [fida’], fraternity and loyalty/We shall return."

An eighth PA school book goes even further: "O brother, the oppressors have exceeded all bounds and Jihad and sacrifice [fida’] are imperative...."

A ninth grade PA textbook indoctrinates students into martyrdom. In an exercise where students are asked to connect two sentence, a correct answer links the phrase "Morning of glory and red redemption, nourished by the blood of Martyrs" with the concept of "hope for the liberation of Palestine."

When UNRWA promotes such sentiments, UNRWA schools violate a child’s basic right to protection from harmful influence. The question remains: Will US citizens file complaints against UNRWA with Congress and with the courts, or will US citizens let this kind of US funded education for terror continue unabated?

Applying his master's degree in community organization social work (Wurwzeiler School of Social Work, New York, 1980) David Bedein, who has produced a book, nine monographs and six movies about UNRWA, invokes the cardinal principles of social work to critique UNRWA, as a UN social work agency, which violates the most fundamental human rights of children. He is also the Bureau Chief of the Israel Resource News AgencyThe Lawfare Project, www.thelawfareproject.org provided the author of this article with research into appropriate sources of international law.

UNRWA can’t fully vet staff for Hamas ties, because it lacks police, intelligence unit, United Nations says​

“Most people who are engaged in underground organizations try not to have their involvement known publicly,” a U.N. spokesman told JNS.​

Mike Wagenheim
Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the United Nations secretary-general, briefs reporters at U.N. headquarters on Oct. 9, 2023. Credit: Paulo Filgueiras/U.N. Photo.

Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the United Nations secretary-general, briefs reporters at U.N. headquarters on Oct. 9, 2023. Credit: Paulo Filgueiras/U.N. Photo.

(Oct. 1, 2024 / JNS)
The U.N. Relief and Works Agency didn’t realize earlier that the principal of one of its schools, who was also head of a teacher’s union, doubled as a Hamas terror commander in Lebanon, because the United Nations agency “doesn’t have an intelligence or police unit to investigate every staff member,” Stéphane Dujarric, the spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, told JNS on Monday.

Shortly after Fateh Sherif Abu el-Amin was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon on Sunday, Hamas identified him as its commander in Lebanon and paid tribute to him.

“Fateh Sherif was indeed an UNRWA employee. As soon as UNRWA received information about his possible involvement with Hamas at a senior level, he was immediately put on administrative leave without pay. This was back in March,” Dujarric said in response to a question from JNS at a press briefing. “Contrary to what information may be floating in social media or other places, he was never ever reinstated.”

In March, U.N. Watch notified the global body of the terror ties of Sherif, the principal of the UNRWA-run Deir Yassin Secondary School in al-Bass and head of the UNRWA teacher’s union, which oversees 39,000 students in 65 schools.

His suspension drew widespread protests and strikes from Lebanese teachers, and reports indicated that Sherif’s suspension had been lifted as a result, although Dujarric denied that charge.

Dujarric said that UNRWA has “taken on board” a number of recommendations made in an independent report early this year, compiled to address issues in its neutrality and vetting processes.

Many critics saw that reporting effort, led by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, as an attempt to absolve UNRWA of accountability for long-standing problems, with only cosmetic recommended changes.

Dujarric said that UNRWA, which “like most employers, doesn’t have an intelligence or police unit to investigate every staff member,” has acted swiftly when it has been aware of a problem.

“Every time UNRWA has received information beyond just a name, action has been taken, and we’ll continue to do so,” he said. “Anyone who works for the U.N. and engages in terror-like activity is unacceptable and outrageous and an insult to all U.N. staff members around the world.”

He added that vetting can be difficult, because “most people who are engaged in underground organizations try not to have their involvement known publicly.”

U.N. Watch presented the United Nations with extensive documentation of Sherif’s attendance of Hamas events, rallies and funerals. He was also photographed often with Hamas leaders, and top leaders of the terror organization attended the wedding of Sherif’s son.

Sharif also had long promoted terrorism on his Facebook account, including praising Hamas leadership.

Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch, wrote after Sherif’s death and identification that “the U.N. cannot say that they didn’t know.”

U.N. Watch notified Guterres and Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general of UNRWA, “again and again” to fire Sherif, Neuer wrote. “We gave them a huge dossier with the evidence.”

“Everyone at UNRWA knew,” he added. “Yet they refused to act.”

moose eater

Well-known member
This is common knowledge
Common propaganda. Like the allegations of Vietnamese kids and babies covering grenades and other devices in their clothing or hats.

Anything to justify the carnage unleashed by the good guys in white cowboy hats, like Bibi's allegations that Hamas hides behind human shields, when all there is in Gaza is civilian infrastructure.

Common knowledge for whom? Nationalists with no critical thinking ability?

Way too many useful idiots on the planet. Seriously.


Well-known member
Common propaganda. Like the allegations of Vietnamese kids and babies covering grenades and other devices in their clothing or hats.

Anything to justify the carnage unleashed by the good guys in white cowboy hats, like Bibi's allegations that Hamas hides behind human shields, when all there is in Gaza is civilian infrastructure.

Common knowledge for whom? Nationalists with no critical thinking ability?

Way too many useful idiots on the planet. Seriously.
This was common knowledge from before it was hipster to be phobic or racist against jews

moose eater

Well-known member
I’m not saying all Muslims are crazy. But it’s obvious they’ll go a lot further than westerners for a cause they believe in.
Anyone who is tired enough of being pressed to a wall or corner, of a world that failed to deliver much other than hollowness where the promises are involved, the hollow nonsense that people were/are fed and is tired of there not being any real hope for improvement, will go a lot further in expressing their disdain than the average pacified and comfortable worker bee.. Some places simply have more people who've endured those things and are tired enough of it that they're not to be fucked with.

"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose."

moose eater

Well-known member
This was common knowledge from before it was hipster to be phobic or racist against jews
The simplicity in your conclusions is frightening.

Are Cannavore or I phobic about Jews?

If you think that, then you're more ignorant than I suspected.

By the way, being Jewish is about a faith, not about a race. The Palestinians are also Semites, in case you weren't aware.

Edit: And not all Jews believe in militant Zionism and killing others to take their land. Quite the contrary.


Well-known member
Use of children as ‘human bombs’ rising in north east Nigeria
Young girls are most frequent victims
22 August 2017
ABUJA/GENEVA/DAKAR/NEW YORK, 22 August 2017 – UNICEF is extremely concerned about an appalling increase in the cruel and calculated use of children, especially girls, as ‘human bombs’ in northeast Nigeria. Children have been used repeatedly in this way over the last few years and so far this year, the number of children used is already four times higher than it was for all of last year.

Since 1 January 2017, 83 children have been used as ‘human bombs’; 55 were girls, most often under 15 years old; 27 were boys, and one was a baby strapped to a girl.

The use of children in this way is an atrocity.

Children used as ‘human bombs’ are, above all, victims, not perpetrators.

The armed group commonly known as Boko Haram has sometimes, but not always, claimed responsibility for these attacks, which target the civilian population.

The use of children in such attacks has had a further impact of creating suspicion and fear of children who have been released, rescued or escaped from Boko Haram. As a result, many children who have managed to get away from captivity face rejection when they try to reintegrate into their communities, compounding their suffering.

All of this is taking place in the context of a massive displacement and malnutrition crisis – a combination that is also deadly for children. There are 1.7 million people displaced by the insurgency in the northeast, 85 per cent of them in Borno State, where most of these attacks take place.

Northeast Nigeria is one of four countries and regions facing the spectre of famine, with up to 450,000 children at risk of severe acute malnutrition this year.

UNICEF is providing psychosocial support for children who have been held by Boko Haram and is also working with families and communities to foster the acceptance of children when they return. This includes providing social and economic reintegration support to the children and their families.

UNICEF also supports reconciliation activities in northeast Nigeria, led by respected community and religious leaders, including influential women, to help promote tolerance, acceptance and reintegration.


Notes for editors:

For more information about UNICEF and its work for children, visit www.unicef.org/nigeriaregionalcrisis

For more information, please contact:

Harriet Dwyer, UNICEF Maiduguri, +234 906 222 2215; [email protected]

Doune Porter, UNICEF Nigeria, +234 803 525 0273 [email protected]

Thierry Delvigne-Jean, UNICEF Dakar, +221 77 819-2300, [email protected]

Christophe Boulierac, UNICEF Genenva, Tel: +41 79 963 9244; [email protected]

Marixie Mercado, UNICEF Geneva, Mobile: 41 79 559 7172 [email protected]

Media contacts
UNICEF Media Team
Tel: +1 212 303 7984
Email: [email protected]


Well-known member
August 31, 2011 5:24PM EDT
Available In
Afghanistan: Taliban Should Stop Using Children as Suicide Bombers
New Attack Proves Mullah Omar’s Pledges Meaningless

(New York) – The Taliban’s use of children as suicide bombers in Afghanistan is an egregious affront to humanity that should cease immediately, Human Rights Watch said today. In the latest incident, on August, 27, 2011, residents of Baharak district in northeastern Badakhshan province captured a 16-year-old wearing a suicide vest as he was on his way to blow up a local mosque.

There has been an alarming increase in recent months of suicide bombings, and attempted suicide bombings, by children, Human Rights Watch said. Younger and younger children have been involved. Children as young as 7 have reported that they were deployed as suicide bombers. Surviving children who trained as suicide bombers describe having been given amulets containing verses from the Quran that they were told would protect them from the explosion. They said they were told that when the bomb they carried detonated, everyone around them would die but they would survive.

“The Taliban’s use of children as suicide bombers is not only sickening, but it makes a mockery of Mullah Omar’s claim to protect children and civilians,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Any political movement or army that manipulates or coerces children into becoming human bombs has lost touch with basic humanity.”

The Taliban has pledged to respect the laws of war, published a code of conduct, and recently released a statement by its leader, Mullah Omar, renewing a commitment to protect civilians. The Taliban has denied using children as suicide bombers or for other military purposes.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has collected evidence that the Taliban has been recruiting children ages 11 through 17 to carry out activities including armed combat, planting improvised explosive devices, and smuggling weapons across the Pakistan-Afghan border. The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission confirms increasing use by the Taliban of child suicide bombers. The Afghan government has reported that as many as 100 children who were recruited as suicide bombers by the Taliban are in the custody of the National Directorate of Security.

Recent incidents of suicide bombing involving children include:

On June 26, an 8-year-old girl was killed in central Uruzgan province when a bag of explosives that the Taliban had instructed her to carry to a police checkpoint detonated.
On May 20, in Nuristan province, a suicide vest strapped to a 12-year-old boy exploded prematurely, killing several suspected insurgents, including the boy.
In early May, five children, all under age 13, from Logar and Ghazni provinces who had allegedly been trained as suicide bombers were arrested by the National Directorate of Security.
Around May 3, a 14-year-old boy who said he had been coerced by the Taliban into carrying a bomb under threat that he would otherwise have his hand cut off surrendered to international troops in Ghazni province.
On May 1, a 12-year-old boy blew himself up in a bazaar in the Barmal district of eastern Paktika province, killing four civilians and wounding 12 others.
On April 13, in Kunar province, an explosive vest detonated by a 13-year-old boy killed 10 people, including 5 schoolboys.

“Growing up in the midst of war, struggling with poverty, illiteracy, and instability, Afghan children are already facing untold challenges,” Adams said. “Mullah Omar and the Taliban fighters he commands should respect their own code of conduct and stop strapping bombs to children and sending them out to commit suicide in a war they are too young to understand.”

In February 2010, the UN special representative for children and armed conflict documented cases of Taliban child suicide bombers. Journalists have documented reports of children being trained by the Taliban in Pakistan to act as suicide bombers against NATO targets in Afghanistan. Children as young as nine have been apprehended crossing the border into Afghanistan allegedly for this purpose. Children as young as five are reported to have been used to plant bombs in southern Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is a party to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, which prohibits non-state armed groups under any circumstances from recruiting or using in hostilities anyone under the age of 18. The use of children as fighters is a war crime.

In addition, suicide attacks that target civilians, do not discriminate between civilians and combatants, cause disproportionate civilian loss, or are carried out with perfidy – that is, when the attacker feigns being a civilian – are serious violations of the laws of war. Those who carry out, order, or are involved in such attacks as a matter of command responsibility are likewise liable for war crimes.

The Taliban’s use of children as suicide bombers also directly contravenes its code of conduct, the Layha, which was created in 2006 and has since been revised twice. On May 11, the Taliban issued a statement saying that it had “strictly banned participation of adolescents in Jihadic operations as per its policy [and that] the mujahideen [Islamist fighters] [are] not allowing youngsters to join their ranks.”

The use of children also contradicts the message released by the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, on August 28 to commemorate the Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Fitr in which he instructed Taliban fighters to respect civilians, including children, and to strictly obey the Taliban code of conduct. He urged Taliban fighters to:

Observe obedience to your amir [leader] and see to implement the codes of conduct of mujahideen which have been delivered to you… You should strictly observe the precautionary measures which are told to you by your leaders... You should be very careful about conduct with the common people. Gain the heart of people through good conduct and behavior.

On May 11, the Taliban denied using child suicide bombers, saying:

As in the past, the propaganda outfits of the enemy claim now time and again that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan uses children and adolescents in its Jihadic operations. They also claim that there are a great number of children in the ranks of the Mujahideen. We would like to make it clear for all that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has strictly banned participation of adolescents in Jihadic operations as per its policy.

“The Taliban’s code of conduct was seen as a positive step, but five years on it seems to be little more than a public relations tool,” Adams said. “Every time a suicide vest is strapped to a child, the code and Mullah Omar’s pronouncements will be seen as meaningless.”

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moose eater

Well-known member
Use of children as ‘human bombs’ rising in north east Nigeria
Young girls are most frequent victims
22 August 2017
ABUJA/GENEVA/DAKAR/NEW YORK, 22 August 2017 – UNICEF is extremely concerned about an appalling increase in the cruel and calculated use of children, especially girls, as ‘human bombs’ in northeast Nigeria. Children have been used repeatedly in this way over the last few years and so far this year, the number of children used is already four times higher than it was for all of last year.

Since 1 January 2017, 83 children have been used as ‘human bombs’; 55 were girls, most often under 15 years old; 27 were boys, and one was a baby strapped to a girl.

The use of children in this way is an atrocity.

Children used as ‘human bombs’ are, above all, victims, not perpetrators.

The armed group commonly known as Boko Haram has sometimes, but not always, claimed responsibility for these attacks, which target the civilian population.

The use of children in such attacks has had a further impact of creating suspicion and fear of children who have been released, rescued or escaped from Boko Haram. As a result, many children who have managed to get away from captivity face rejection when they try to reintegrate into their communities, compounding their suffering.

All of this is taking place in the context of a massive displacement and malnutrition crisis – a combination that is also deadly for children. There are 1.7 million people displaced by the insurgency in the northeast, 85 per cent of them in Borno State, where most of these attacks take place.

Northeast Nigeria is one of four countries and regions facing the spectre of famine, with up to 450,000 children at risk of severe acute malnutrition this year.

UNICEF is providing psychosocial support for children who have been held by Boko Haram and is also working with families and communities to foster the acceptance of children when they return. This includes providing social and economic reintegration support to the children and their families.

UNICEF also supports reconciliation activities in northeast Nigeria, led by respected community and religious leaders, including influential women, to help promote tolerance, acceptance and reintegration.


Notes for editors:

For more information about UNICEF and its work for children, visit www.unicef.org/nigeriaregionalcrisis

For more information, please contact:

Harriet Dwyer, UNICEF Maiduguri, +234 906 222 2215; [email protected]

Doune Porter, UNICEF Nigeria, +234 803 525 0273 [email protected]

Thierry Delvigne-Jean, UNICEF Dakar, +221 77 819-2300, [email protected]

Christophe Boulierac, UNICEF Genenva, Tel: +41 79 963 9244; [email protected]

Marixie Mercado, UNICEF Geneva, Mobile: 41 79 559 7172 [email protected]

Media contacts
UNICEF Media Team
Tel: +1 212 303 7984
Email: [email protected]
Buy a map.

Where is Nigeria? What have the sources of their tensions been?

Where is Gaza or other hotspots in the ME?

And please tell me what percentage of the Muslim faith agrees with the Taliban?

Or are all Muslims alike in your view of things?

I'll wait.