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Well-known member
- and the Shah may not have been overthrown in 1979 had the US & UK not been involved in the 1953 coup that overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government.

moose eater

Well-known member
- and the Shah may not have been overthrown in 1979 had the US & UK not been involved in the 1953 coup that overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government.
YES!! That whole pesky cause-and-effect problem, where actions (and sometimes inactions) have consequences... sometimes decades later.

Maybe political amnesia is primarily an American thing? Too much beer, maybe? Clouding the memory of history and its implications?

Thank you JKD.

moose eater

Well-known member
- and the Shah may not have been overthrown in 1979 had the US & UK not been involved in the 1953 coup that overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government.
We only like democracy in other countries when the results favor our military or corporations we determine to be preferable. Just ask a Central or South American. :)


Well-known member
This sounds like a Dulles Brothers thing that happened before I existed? Can anybody get me up to speed on the history of said 1953 coup and 1979 conflict as my US education told me nothing of the sort, but in all fairness I went to a tech high school so I only had 1/2 day of academics.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Bad move for Iran.

And those against the US and Israel, the actions of Iran are going to hurt those of their own people the most.

Stupid is as stupid does.

moose eater

Well-known member
And the colorful reality in the long run always turns out being so successful, doesn't it? (yes, sarcasm).

You'd think such power brokers and power trippers might sometimes look behind them to see the wake they leave and what is caused by their lack of proper and ethical boundaries, lack of long perspective, or their sociopathy and nationalist agendas injected into politics.

But alphabet soup agencies aren't typically held responsible for their carnage as a rule (only those who out their criminality are sent to prisons). The perpetrators of this often lethal and repeatedly failed international chess game SHOULD be sent to prison, but they're not.

BTW, Assange was on-air, live, yesterday, answering questions about the chilling of the press via imprisoning people who out such dastardly bastards as those he helped to out. Only blindered nationalists support what is happening here.

moose eater

Well-known member
already forgot the 2016 election?
Donna Brazille being ONE of numerous people to point out the DNC's shenanigans from the insider viewpoint when they were screwing Bernie, and the court ruling later on in that case that the DNC (and likely RNC, too) were essentially private clubs, able to do with their rules and operations as they wished.

They can heavily influence national elections and their outcomes, but they're private clubs where ethics and shell games come into play.

Fuck the mirage of justice in America. it's rigged, rigged, and more rigged.

Edit: I reported Wasserman-sluts to the feds for attempting to launder money on behalf of Hillary in Alaska that election (and likely other states as well), for her trying to duck under what were then federal limits on individual campaign donations via Kay Brown, and no action was taken by the feds, despite there being a witness on the Alaska Dem Party's Executive Committee who'd confronted them about it and shared the first-hand experiences and issues with me directly. My friend on that Committee was later removed. Criminals hate snitches, no matter the crime in reference..

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Well-known member
And the colorful reality in the long run always turns out being so successful, doesn't it? (yes, sarcasm).

You'd think such power brokers and power trippers might sometimes look behind them to see the wake they leave and what is caused by their lack of proper and ethical boundaries, lack of long perspective, or their sociopathy and nationalist agendas injected into politics.

But alphabet soup agencies aren't typically held responsible for their carnage as a rule (only those who out their criminality are sent to prisons). The perpetrators of this often lethal and repeatedly failed international chess game SHOULD be sent to prison, but they're not.

BTW, Assange was on-air, live, yesterday, answering questions about the chilling of the press via imprisoning people who out such dastardly bastards as those he helped to out. Only blindered nationalists support what is happening here.
It’s telling that both parties mete out the same punishment to whistleblowers.

moose eater

Well-known member
It’s telling that both parties mete out the same punishment to whistleblowers.
Like my Poli Sci Prof in the 1980s at UAF said, (RL Smith), among other profs then, see who contributes to both sides of the aisle and therein you'll find who really runs the country and expects no changes to status quo in return favor.

But both sides of the aisle in their own ways are infected with the disease 'nationalism-itis'. Both are subject to believing that the US' crimes are acceptable while many others' are not. Much like the Hatfields and McCoys in re. to personal introspection and self-assessment. Void of ethics and self-awareness of any depth..