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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If you're not trying to hate more or kill somebody it's probably not that fun.

Just find a little hate and start trying to kill someone.

I think it's pretty easy.


Well-known member
Thats why it needs to be called the war-on-my-terms thread

What a bunch of fascist murderous moderate centrists you all are :D✌️

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Is it because everyone on here is against war yet wants to kill somebody? 😜
I was thinking more the rampant antisemitism, anti Arab sentiment, propagation of nazi ideology, and the general mouth breather conspiracy bullshit. The general level of hate and support of murder are a pretty close second though…


Well-known member
it's not murder to kill the person or people or group that is holding you against your will in a place you cannot escape from. it's legal and justified under international law. furthermore saying israel shouldn't exist doesn't mean kill all the jews lmfao. libs know all this but they don't care.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
How about some righteous gore or maybe outrage over gore supported by alternate gore?

I try to time my breakfast with the picture drops.


from the future

Russia, China and complementarity in Africa​




from the future
Peace project there but NATO alias U.S. hate that how without wars their systemic evil deep state can survive!


from the future
23rd anniversary of September 11th: The official version s’ collapses like a house of cards


par Tyler

On 11/09, 23 years ago, the attacks in the United States against the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon in Washington took place.

According to the official version, terrorists with Islamic backgrounds, hijacked 4 airliners and used them as weapons to bring down the World Trade Center and attack the Pentagon.

But researchers, scientists, pilots around the world are not content with the continual explanations coming from politics and the media. Obviously, some things are not clear. It is rather reminiscent of an attack staged, that is to say that secret services would have carried out these attacks on the order of the government. And despite everything, terrorism and the fight against terrorism mark in a continuous way the history of the world of the XXIst century, of which the attacks of the World Trade Center were considered as the’ or so to speak the kick-off’. Bills, prepared in advance by the American government, such as limiting freedom of assembly, freedom of’ expression, wiretapping and mail surveillance, are includedas well as the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and many other serious things’s still have been implemented following September 9. For example, unlimited searches and arrests without a court order can be carried out. This is also the case in other countries with regard to terrorist actions, such as the subway attacks in England, the attacks in Spain and France. In France, the government has set up the’state of emergency throughout the country. You will learn more in another show.as for example during the attacks of the subway in England, the attacks in Spain and France. In France, the government has set up the’state of emergency throughout the country. You will learn more in another show.as for example during the attacks of the subway in England, the attacks in Spain and France. In France, the government has set up the’state of emergency throughout the country. You will learn more in another show.

We show a 4-minute film that was presented a few days ago, based on a current and well-founded study by Dr. Hulsey of’ University of’Alaska, which says that’it is impossible that an office fire could be the cause of the collapse of the WTC tower 7, as the official version of the American government wants to believe.

There is also a small documentary of’just 20 minutes in German, which was also broadcast a few days ago and contradicts with 50 counter-arguments the official version of the American government. According to this documentary it is even proven that the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were staged.

S’please judge for yourself S’il n’is not urgent to resume research on attacks, to FULLY clarify inconsistencies and to take, accordingly, appropriate measures.

Finally, there is an academic study based on the WTC7, which calculated that tower number 7, which was almost 200m high, could not’ collapse because of’ an office fire. Here is an excerpt from the live transmission of September 7, 2017. A project in which for 2 years we worked on a realistic model of the WTC7 reconstructed virtually at the’computer. It’ is with great impatience also that we waited for the’study of Dr. Hulsey. Now she's here and she's proving that this whole September 11th story can't be true.

The current results of our research concerning Tower 7 of the World Trade Center are as follows: The’ collapse of the building was not triggered by fire. C’ is my conclusion. C’ is what we discovered. This differs from other older studies’. The conclusions are based on the results of’ABAQUS and SAP2000. The’ study of the’ NISTa vertical collapse is not’ consistent with the’ collapse that actually took place. I refer to the images we have just seen of the gradual collapse of the’. This does not correspond at all with what’on can see. These are two completely different things. C’is what I mean ; do you understand what I mean ?

Funded by the’argent of the’State, the NIST also examined the fall of the WTC7, but gave as cause of the already extinguished office fires, keeping the secret on their animation and calculation.

For comparison, the Torch Tower, which burned for several hours without’ collapsing vertically :

UPDATE [21.02-01:10] PHOTO #Dubai #Emirati #incendio in flame #gratcielo Marina Torch 79 piani 336m #emergenza24 pic.twitter.com/sLhQmvhsLG
— Emergenza24 (@Emergenza24) February 21, 2015

According to NIST calculations, a single column would have given way due to fire, which would have caused the symmetric’ collapse of the entire free-falling building to its foundations. On this subject they showed some strange excerpts from their investigation, which do not correspond at all to what was actually seen. Even former NIST collaborator Peter Ketcham’ confirmed that the NIST report was distorted in favor of the government. On the other hand, the’study of Dr. Hulsey and her university team from’Alaska are much more convincing physically in relation to the strength of the materials, and they also agree with what has been seen. This provided a satisfactory explanation of physics. To make 3 turns fall symmetrically in free fallit was necessary to cancel in a well-targeted way the entire load capacity of this steel construction. Only in this way can this free fall speed, also attested by the NIST, be explained.

So there is a multitude of evidence, brought by researchers who have spoken on television and whom you have defamed and by the 3000 architects and engineers for the truth about September 11. Faced with all this evidence, it is high time now to make a real apology for deliberately avoiding questioning for years this entire American story of fantasy physical theses; and also for giving your warmongering support to the official September 11 version. This is what has triggered the waves of refugees and terrorism that we know at home. We are waiting for your apology..

source: The Rebel Sheep


from the future

The United States and the United Kingdom will officially approve long-range attacks against pre-war’ Russia​


par Hal Turner's

U. S. Secretary of’ State Blinken and British Foreign Minister David Lammy will travel to Kiev to inform’Ukraine that restrictions on the use of long-range missiles against Russian territory will be lifted.

At first, this means that the ATACMS missiles (Advanced Tactical Missile System) provided by the Americans, as well as the «StormShadow» missiles provided by the British and the «SCALP» missiles provided by the French, will now be able to be used to attack in depth pre-war’ Russia.

Analysis by Hal Turner

For how much longer can a reasonable person expect Russia to stand idly by and allow itself to be attacked by American, British, French and German weapons fired by’Ukraine?

In the real world, if the people «A» and «B» give a weapon to the person «C», and that person goes out and uses this weapon to commit an act of violence... and is arrested then they ask the person «C» «Where did you get this weapon ?». When person «C» tells them, the FOLLOWING people who will be arrested are «A» and «B».

There is responsibility and guilt for the actions of the United States, the United Kingdom, France,’Germany and the member countries of’OTAN. They are complicit before the facts.

If the United States and’OTAN had not broken the promise made by President George H.W. Bush (the father)... who had promised Mikhail Gorbachev that «’OTAN would not move one inch to the’East» if the’ Soviet Union of the’ epoch approved the reunification of the’Germany from East and West’, none of these problems would occur.

Nous promised aircraft the Soviets not to extend’OTAN. Bill Clinton came to the presidency of the United States and the presidential promise made to the Soviets fell to the’.

We didn't just extend the’OTAN from more than one inch to the’est, we've extended it up’ to the Russian BORDER!

When the United States, the European Union and’OTAN tried to convince’Ukraine to join’OTAN in 2013 and 2014, the democratically elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, said «Thank you, but no thanks». Thus, the United States – under Barack Obama -, the European Union’ and’OTAN have fomented, financed and facilitated the violent and forced overthrow of Yanukovych.

It’ is THEN... at this precise moment... that Russia realized that the’ expansion of’OTAN was going to place American missiles on Ukrainian soil – and this by overthrowing the Ukrainian president ! ! !. These missiles would have a five-minute flight time to’ in Moscow.

Russia also pointed out that even if, as the Americans claim, the missiles were «conventional» and «defensive», they could also be re-equipped with OFFENSIVE and NUCLEAR’ogives. The retooling could be done while the missiles are in their launcher, and no one would realize that the missiles have been replaced.

Russia could then find itself on the wrong side of nuclear bombs, with a five-minute flight time to’ to Moscow, and a slightly longer flight time of 7 to 10 minutes to’s strategic nuclear missile silos from Russia.

Russia stressed that no nation on earth can defend itself against a missile whose flight time between launch and’ impact is five minutes.

Russia pointed out that it’ was American President John F. Kennedy who had set a precedent by imposing a naval blockade on Cuba because the Soviets of the time had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba with a flight time of five minutes up’ to Washington DC. (Cuban missile crisis.)

If the Soviets had not agreed to withdraw these missiles, the Soviets president Kennedy has reportedly already massed troops in Florida to invade Cuba.

Russia has attempted, at least TWICE, to negotiate «foolproof and legally binding security guarantees» through diplomatic efforts in December 2021 and January 2022 to protect its national security from the’NOTAN expansion and more missiles. L’Occident laughed and told Russia «Non». So, on the second attempt, Russia told everyone : «If we can not get foolproof and legally binding security guarantees by diplomatic means, we will get them by military or military-technical means». They told everyone – in writing – that’ils would use military force.

L’Occident waited about two weeks, then S’is again mocked the Russians and told them «non».

Russia has clearly indicated that this issue constituted a «line red» and that’elle would not allow’Ukraine to join’OTAN.

In its latest effort to maintain peace, Russia called L’Ukraine and told her : «You have five hours to agree not to join’OTAN». L’Ukraine called the United States and the United Kingdom, both of which asked her «d’ultimatum russian».

Russia has waited for. Once the five hours passed, she waited two more hours and, having heard nothing’ other than’Ukraine say before : «We are a sovereign country, we will do what we want», Russia said : «Oh yes ? Here's russian’army.

Russian troops have entered.

L’Occident then turns around and screams like girls : «C’estis an unprovoked aggression of Russia». No, it's not an aggression. She was brought on. Provoked by the’AN expansion of’OTAN. Provoked by the forcible overthrow of Ukrainian president Yanukovych. Provoked by bombardments and mortar fire of the Ukrainian’army on Russian-speaking civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk.

Russia defends its own national security by forcibly stopping the’NOTAN expansion, which is being done by the forced overthrow of the Ukrainian government by the United States and the’UE. Russia defends itself against American missiles on Ukrainian soil.

Russia defends the Russian-speaking populations of Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhia, many of whom were already attacked by Ukrainian’artillery and mortars. In fact, Luhansk and Donetsk had already lost about 13,000 people in the Ukrainian attacks, before Russia intervened to help them fight the Ukrainians in 2013 and 2014.

Russia is right in what’elle does.

If Russia capitulates,’OTAN will simply continue to S’extend until all of Russia is encircled. Then one day,’OTAN will call and say something like : «You have five minutes to get to or we will erase your country from the surface of the earth and we will take all its riches». By then, it will be too late for Russia.

Russia had to take a stand, she didn't HAVE a choice.

It is we Westerners who are the aggressors. It is we Westerners who have moved our bases from’OTAN to the Russian border. It is us Westerners who are pointing more and more missiles at Russia from all these bases. And it’is us Westerners who use’Ukraine as a proxy army to attack Russia for OUR benefit (that of’OTAN).

If Russia decides that’elle has had enough of us, it’is US (here in America) that could be hit by its missiles. All because’OTAN wants to S’extend.

I say : «No thanks, l’OTAN. You no longer need to expand».

source: Hal Turner Radio Show