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Well-known member
Neither side adheres to the thing.

Hamas remained non violent 2 years after their creation in 1987..... from 1948-1989 Palestinians were committed to a non violent approach while Israel, was in fact, not & never was.
The first peace proposal from Hamas to Israel was in 1988 on the basis of Israel recognize Palestinian right to self determination & right of return.
Hamas' leader proposed peace again in 2012 and Israel responded by assassinating him just as Israel assassinated Hamas's Haniyeh in Iran with a drone strike last month because Haniyeh was the ceasefire negotiator and he was willing to make a deal.

In 2008 Palestinians in Gaza did what they were calling The Great March of Return where they tried to do a peaceful protest at the concentration camp fences of Gaza. Protesting they should have a right to return to the land they were ethnically cleansed from, and Israel responded by sniping the kneecaps of children, elderly, non violent peoples.

Israel committed ethnic cleansing in 1948
Israel started the first intifada
Israel kills ceasefire and peace negotiators
Israel deliberately kills children, journalists, doctors, academics, they bomb hospitals, school, mosques, churches, they've accused charity orgs of being in bed with hamas, they rape prisoners, and lie with impunity while our country hands them blank check after blank check of my money

Enough with the both sides garbage.


Well-known member
homie said this 8 months ago along with other people in the media (some of whom were fired for saying this)

now it's being reported by the mainstream outlets lol. israel killed a ton of their own people on oct 7th

this is why they immediately buried all the mangled cars from the nova festival on 10/7 and still aren't allowing in foreign/independent/third party verification of their claims.



Well-known member
Oct 7th was a war crime regardless of the level of Israel bombing their own people or not. That doesn't negate the prior 75 years of occupation or how we got to Oct 7th and now the deaths of 400,000 palestinians.

As Norman Finkelstein explains and analogizes it... Paraphrasing here -- Those people of hamas who committed that crime on 10/7 were born inside of a concentration camp (Gaza) a place with 70% youth unemployment where they have no past present or future & are the victims of ethnic cleansing and occupation... And he analogizes it with the history of Nat Turner and the slave uprisings. Men who were born into slavery who similarly had no past present or future, committed heinous acts in rebellion for their freedom. Those acts were committed because they were being subjugated by an external force (slavers and the system of slavery) and not simply done out of passion or driven by some other factor like religion or whatever.

This is why I find it completely disingenuous when you try to claim this is a both sides thousands of year old religious hatreds bubbling up.

Israel clearly demonstrated through their own words of the govt as well as the actions are genocidal and have never wanted a ceasefire . They want the land 1 so they can have an ethnostate which they want to expand even further as part of Greater Israel, and 2 so they can challenge the russian pipelines that provide energy to europe.


moose eater

Well-known member
Via Scahill's and Grim's Drop Site News

(Yes, there are lots of people living in bubbles, and many are the apologists for things they deny, but which are very real, but they either don't want to believe them due to biases, willfully gobbling up propaganda, being sheltered from the reality, etc., or they're just plain ignorant. Bias AND ignorance are the death nells of hope for those who need it.).


"Until our last breath": Journalist Anas al-Sharif on Documenting Israel's Genocide in Gaza Every Day for 11 Straight Months​

The Al Jazeera correspondent has refused to leave northern Gaza, even as Israel has threatened him and killed his colleagues.​

Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Sep 11, 2024


Anas al-Sharif has become one of the most recognizable faces on television in the Arab world. For the past 11 months, the 27-year-old Al Jazeera correspondent has been reporting from the front lines of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza—now the deadliest place for journalists in modern history. By some counts, over 160 journalists have been killed in Gaza since October—a rate of one journalist killed every other day for nearly a year. Al-Sharif has personally endured threats against his life, and his home was targeted in an Israeli attack, killing his father.

Al-Sharif is one of the few reporters who have remained in northern Gaza since October 7—an area from which, just a few days into the war, the Israeli government ordered 1.1 million people to evacuate and which has been the most heavily bombarded by Israel. One journalist told Drop Site News that there are only around 30 working journalists left in northern Gaza today.

Al-Sharif has been a near constant presence on television and online, reporting almost every day on airstrikes, shelling, massacres, displacement, famine, death, and dismemberment—and, whenever he can, on glimpses of hope and Palestinian resilience. Take a moment and scroll through his posts on X or Instagram from just the past few days, or watch this video report from September 10 as an example (warning: graphic)


Like so many Palestinians in Gaza, al-Sharif has been forced to endure the unimaginable. In November, he reported receiving multiple calls from Israeli army officers ordering him to cease coverage and to leave northern Gaza. He said he also received messages and voice notes on WhatsApp disclosing his location. In his report, he ends by saying, “I am one of the few journalists in the north covering what’s happening. Despite the threats, I am not leaving the field and I will continue reporting in north Gaza.”

Less than three weeks after he was called by the Israeli army, his family home in the Jabalia refugee camp was bombed, killing his 90-year-old father, Jamal al-Sharif. Al-Sharif had been doing nonstop coverage and had not been home in 60 days. The Committee to Protect Journalists said of his father’s killing at the time: “CPJ is deeply alarmed by the pattern of journalists in Gaza reporting receiving threats, and subsequently, their family members being killed.”

Al-Sharif was threatened again just last month after he broadcast the carnage of an August 10 Israeli airstrike on a school in Gaza City where thousands of displaced Palestinian were seeking shelter, killing over 100 people. “I can’t describe what’s happening,” al-Sharif said. “We’re talking about almost 100 martyrs in the Tabaeen school in Gaza City, a big massacre.”

In response to another Al Jazeera journalist lauding al-Sharif’s brave coverage, the Israeli military put out a statement targeting his work. “He’s covering up the crimes of Hamas and [Islamic] Jihad taking shelter inside schools. I am convinced that he knows the names of a great number of the Hamas terrorists among those killed in the school,” the military’s Arabic-language spokesperson Avichay Adraee responded on X. “But he presents a lie, the motivation for which has nothing to do with the residents of Gaza.” The comments prompted Al Jazeera to condemn what it called Israel’s “blatant act of intimidation and incitement” against al-Sharif, and for CPJ to issue a statement saying it was “deeply concerned” for his safety.

There has been relative silence among Western journalists and media outlets in the face of Palestinian journalists being killed in record numbers. In some cases, Israel has openly admitted to killing journalists and has accused them of being members of Hamas.

Just over a week before the Tabaeen school bombing, al-Sharif’s close friend and Al Jazeera colleague, Ismail al-Ghoul, was killed in Gaza City in an Israeli drone strike on his car, along with his cameraman Rami al-Refee and a 17-year-old who was riding his bicycle nearby. Al-Ghoul was decapitated in the strike. In an act of protest, journalists in Gaza threw their press flak jackets in a pile to the ground. Al-Sharif addressed the crowd holding up al-Ghoul’s mangled flak jacket, saying, “This press vest is the vest the global and local institutions preach about. This vest did not protect our colleague Ismail. Nor did it protect any of my colleagues. As you can see, look at the vest—stained with the blood and flesh of Ismail. What did Ismail do? What did he do? Broadcast the image? Broadcast the suffering of people? Sorry Ismail, we will continue sharing the message after you.”

Anas al-Sharif continues to report every day from northern Gaza. Drop Site asked him to reflect on his work in Gaza for the past 11 months. He sent a 10-minute voice note in response. His voice in the recording is weary but firm. He paints a devastating picture of life as a journalist in Gaza.

These comments have been translated from Arabic and lightly edited for clarity.


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moose eater

Well-known member

Dispatch from Jenin: Resistance Swells After Israel’s Brutal Invasion​

“Our people are our people and they will not abandon us”​

Mariam Barghouti
Sep 09, 2024

The perils of reporting in Palestine have never been greater. Ramallah-based Palestinian journalist Mariam Barghouti traveled to Jenin twice during the Israeli invasion last week to cover Israel’s assault on the city and refugee camp. As she describes it, even getting to Jenin is fraught with danger. Route 60, the only road leading to Jenin city, is mostly empty, save for Israeli military checkpoints erected along the way cutting off Palestinian districts from each other. Mariam says soldiers often delay and harass journalists traveling on the road. Armed settlers also roam the area and are a constant source of danger.

But it is inside places like Jenin, where the Israeli military concentrates its military assaults, that the risks are much higher. “The roads [were] riddled with Israeli snipers stationed on the rooftops of civilian buildings, making movement dangerous,” Mariam said. She described to Drop Site News how Israeli troops frequently intimidate journalists trying to do their jobs and have shot and injured reporters in the field. While Jenin is a stronghold of militant resistance, journalists only feel threatened by Israeli soldiers, not armed Palestinian combatants.

Mariam shared some of this in a heartfelt post on social media this week:

“In our profession as war journalists we are required to wear bullet-proof vests with the PRESS insignia on them, and our cars are all also marked with 'PRESS/TV.'

It’s to be visible to armed groups, whether it’s the Israeli military or Palestinian resistance groups, that we are PRESS. With that, they’re all supposed to ensure our safety & not target us.

But in Palestine, being press means being a target. The gear which is meant to protect us has become a marker to attack us.

When the Israeli army is not around -even if I’m around Palestinian fighters- I actually don’t need my gear at all.

In fact, fighters are eager to speak with us- often commending our “bravery” to dare go by them because the Israeli military does not want their stories out.

It is only when Israeli army jets, drones, & soldiers are in the skies/ground do I find us- local and internationals- wearing our gear.

The flack jacket can’t protect me from a drone strike, a bullet to the neck, to the thigh, to the shoulder.”

Mariam filed the following story for Drop Site about the assault on Jenin and its aftermath, speaking to residents and armed fighters, who say the escalating Israeli attacks are only swelling the ranks of militant resistance groups, despite being vastly outgunned.


By Mariam Barghouti

JENIN REFUGEE CAMP – Palestinians were able to walk freely in Jenin on Friday, returning to the streets after a brutal nine-day invasion by the Israeli military. As the troops—backed by armed vehicles, tanks, and bulldozers—withdrew Friday morning, Palestinians found large swathes of the city and refugee camp laid to waste, houses that had been occupied by soldiers trashed, and roads and civilian infrastructure torn up and reduced to rubble.

Bands of men and boys carried the bodies of nine residents from Jenin refugee camp through the streets to the city center and back to the camp for burial. Members of the Jenin Brigades—a local armed resistance group—began to gather in small clusters near Khalil Suleiman hospital, where the bodies were being prepared for burial. The all-male funeral procession was infused with a combination of mourning—some of the men in tears—and collective anger.

On the outskirts of the city, members of the Palestinian Authority’s security forces emerged for the first time after retreating inside their headquarters in Jenin, a few meters from the camp, for the entirety of the large-scale offensive. Israeli troops had encircled the security headquarters and bulldozed the streets around it, only allowing food and supplies inside after coordination with the PA. It was only after the Israelis finally withdrew from the city did the PA security forces once again station themselves in Jenin’s streets, carrying their M-16s. These are the same forces who choose not to confront the Israelis and did not intervene in any way to come to the aid of the civilian population under attack during the latest assault.

For Palestinians in the West Bank, the PA is seen as an accomplice to Israel, not only unwilling to provide any real protection for Palestinian civilians against the Israeli military, but also frequently doing Israel’s bidding by detaining wanted resistance fighters and subjecting them to abuse and torture and conducting assassination attempts.


from the future

Short of cannon fodder, Kiev asks for fighters from HTS (a branch of Daesh)​

par Yoann

The Ukrainian government, which is already collaborating with the PKK to conduct covert operations against Russian soldiers in Syria, has now established contacts with the terrorists of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, a branch of Daesh) who occupy Idlib in Syria. The aim of Kiev is to liberate radical Chechen militants detained in the prisons of HTS.

Local sources reported that’a Ukrainian delegation has been visiting Idlib in recent months to meet with the leaders of the terrorist organization Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. The details of this meeting were also published on the PKK's’ analysis site, Lekolin.

According to Lekolin, the meeting in Idlib took place on June 18, 2024. The Ukrainian delegation met with the head of HTS, Haysem Omeri, and strict security measures were put in place during this meeting. What is interesting is that’ the delegation of Ukraine called for the release of some terrorists chechens and georgian radicals, including the famous terrorist leader Omar al-Shishani, detained in HTS prisons. In exchange for the release of these members, Kiev offered to supply 75 drones to HTS.

Thus, kiev officials are trying to reorganize radical figures to wage a paramilitary war against Putin and Kadyrov, while HTS would gain extensive military capabilities to strike Syrian and Russian forces.

HTS holds many radical terrorists in its prisons in Idlib due to power struggles and various disagreements. Some of them’s are Chechen and Georgian terrorists who fought against Russia in the 2000s before traveling to Syria to participate in the so-called «sainte» war against the regime of Damascus.

The PKK website claims that last month HTS agreed to the conditions mentioned, releasing some radical individuals from prison and receiving 75 drones. However, no information or image has yet been published to confirm this claim.

The Kiev government, which is beginning to encounter serious problems of «personnel» in its war against Russia, is known to seek new reinforcements for the front. In this context, after emptying its own prisons and establishing close relations with the PKK/PYD, it is not surprising that Kiev is also turning to HTS with the same goal.

The Associated Press has released images of a Ukrainian commander of the Islamic State in the Donetsk region.

Worrying images show terrorists of #Daesh who fight alongside the Ukrainians.#Zelensky #ukraine #Islamic State #IS #Azovhttps://t.co/ztRIPzah4S pic.twitter.com/KJRREV0pi5
— Le Media en 4-4-2 (@LeMediaEn442) February 17, 2023

Thousands of Chechen terrorists traveled to Syria after the start of the war in 2011 to participate in the so-called «war sainte». These radical elements, who had previously fought Russia in Chechnya and Georgia, are now fighting in Syria and against Russian soldiers in the country.

These militias, in addition to viewing Turkey as an enemy in the’Astana process, are among the most well-known Chechen groups in Syria, including Cays el-Muhacirin vel-Ensar, the Caucasus’emirate (syrian branch), Cund el-Sam and Ajnad el-Kavkaz. In addition to fighting Syrian and Russian soldiers, these groups are sometimes involved in mass massacres in other countries.

A Chechen terrorist in Syria said BBC : «There are no’ training camps and resources in the North Caucasus as in Syria. We are ashamed of’ being here while the Caucasus is still busy. But the young people come back after receiving training here. A friend of mine went straight back to the mountains after training on explosives here».

It is now clear that the Zelensky government is planning to reorganize the Chechen terrorists in Syria to send them to the front against Russia.

source: The Media in 4-4-2

Daesh = CIA and MI6 terrorist organization


from the future

The UK has given Kiev official carte blanche to use the transferred Storm Shadow stealth cruise missiles to strike Russian territory. This was reported by The Guardian, citing sources in Whitehall. This decision marks an important step in the’ escalation of the conflict and significantly increases the capacity of’Ukraine to launch deep strikes in Russian regions.

This missile, developed jointly by the UK and France, has been used for some time by the Ukrainian armed forces in attacks against military targets. Kiev now has the opportunity to strike not only border areas, but also regions of Russia, which can include strategic targets far from the front line.

It should be noted that the decision applies not only to Storm Shadow, but also to its French counterpart, the SCALP-EG missile, which automatically integrates it into the new agreement. This means that the Ukrainian armed forces will be able to use both types of missiles to attack key targets in Russia.

In the coming days, the approval of the American administration is also expected for the supply and use of tactical missiles ATACMS, whose range can reach 300 km. According to insiders, the White House announcement should take place within 2-3 days. This opens up the possibility for’Ukraine to strike strategic targets at an even greater distance, which significantly expands the area of potential military operations’.

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.fr/news/kievu-razr...y-territorii-raketami-storm-shadow-i-scalp-eg


from the future

Medvedev threatened Britain with hypersonic missiles​

Dmitry Medvedev, vice-president of the Russian Security Council, commented strongly on the British foreign minister's recent statement that London would support Kiev for 100 years. According to the Russian politician, this promise does not correspond to reality and Ukraine will not last even a quarter of the indicated period.
Medvedev pointed out that the British minister's remarks sound like pure deception. In his comments, he also pointed to the dubious prospects of Britain itself. According to Medvedev, the UK could face serious problems in the coming years, which could call into question its existence in its current form. In particular, the politician said that, if necessary, Russia could use its hypersonic missiles to help him in this matter.

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.fr/news/medvedev-prigrozil-velikobritanii-giperzvukovymi-raketami

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