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moose eater

Well-known member
you'd wear out a new bulldozer digging that many holes...
I'll toss in a contribution and maybe do some fund-raisers. We were always good at those.

Maybe like tossing tennis balls at the target that triggers the dunk tank platform, but perhaps with a different liquid in the dunk tank and something other than tennis balls being tossed.

One Benjamin per toss, unless you can show ID proving that you're a resident of a country our State Dept fucked up. In which case a crisp $20 would suffice.

Maybe have additional raffles for tickets for the dunk tank at $1 per ticket. Win the $1 raffle for the dunk tank and get a free grenade or something to toss at the target.

Contract with Pay-Per-View for some closed circuit tv coverage for live-streaming and put a sizable dent in the Nat'l debt at the same time.

Sounds more than a little bit patriotic to me, and no Chinese-manufactured US-flag lapel pins required.
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moose eater

Well-known member
pay per view and burn them at the stake for half-time entertainment for the Super Bowl ? i'd go for that... :headbange
See, once a person gets creative and ties fees and sales into something, the sky's the limit.

This is a predatory capitalist mercenary nation now, and little would be more Zen than to have the mercenary predatory capitalists who fucked the place up royally fall prey to.... mercenary predatory capitalism.

"It's a good thing.." (Martha Stewart)


Well-known member
they are doing the same for the illegal invaders across the west including the usa . you are just too stupid to notice
you don't even live in this country and get your opinions from fascists and reactionary right wing losers. illegal or legal immigration doesn't even crack the top 10 issues this country faces.


Well-known member
why should israel exist?

why does the existence of israel mean more than the lives of millions of palestinians?

moose eater

Well-known member
why should israel exist?

why does the existence of israel mean more than the lives of millions of palestinians?
Initially to alleviate the guilt and reality that the European Jews, post-WWII, were rejected by the US and UK, and others, as well as providing a foothold in an area where the US holdings would otherwise be nil, and maybe for some twisted experiment with militant Zionism, which far too many choose to conflate with more religiously in-tune Zionism in the more passive sense, wherein their God will eventually return them to His/their Kingdom, as opposed to the blasphemy involved in removing their God's long-awaited miracles from the equation, and letting the superpowers do it more directly by arming sociopaths like Bibi, and then turning a blind eye to what is clearly unlawful action..

Edit: And these days, the probability that Mossad likely has all kinds of neat info on world leaders in pivotal positions of power. Epstein? His significant other's father being/having been Mossad, and Epstein inviting ALL SORTS of people of wealth, fame, and power to the Island to fuck underage girls (or boys?). One of the more common and oldest power plays known. Grab embarrassing Intel on people you want leverage over, and run with it.
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from the future

Russia, China, ASEAN Weave Their Eastern Magic​

Pepe Escobar - Sputnik International

Pepe Escobar
All materialshttps://sputnikglobe.com/author_pepe_escobar/
Something quite extraordinary happened at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok last week – very much in tune with the forum’s main theme: “Far Eastern 2030. Combining Strengths to Create New Potential.”
The stage was shared by President Putin; Vice-President of China Han Zheng; and Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim.
That translates as Russia-China-ASEAN: a key interlocking partnership, constantly being strengthened, on the road to explore all the potential towards a new, equitable, fair, multi-nodal (italics mine) world.
In his address, President Putin focused on what is arguably the most ambitious national development project of the 21st century: the Russian Conquest of the East – a mirror image of the Chinese Conquest of the West that started in earnest in 1999, via the “Go West” campaign.
Putin detailed how the Russian Far East is fast developing, with more than 3,500 techno-industrial projects. He expanded on the Northern Sea Route (NSR) – the Chinese call it the Arctic Silk Road – with building of new nuclear icebreakers and the development of the port of Murmansk included. The NSR’s turnover, Putin remarked, is already a record five times bigger, and counting, when compared to the USSR times.
All the numbers concerning the Far East and the Arctic are staggering. The Far East is a strategic macro-region occupying no less than 41% of the territory of the Russian Federation. The Arctic, an immense natural resource treasure, linked to the NSR potential, occupies 28% - accounting for 17% of Russian oil production, 83% of gas production and holding immense deposits of gold, coal, nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum group metals and diamonds.
EEF-2024: Russia shows readiness to help build international system reflecting interests of global majority

“President Putin emphasized global cooperation, [that] Russia is ready to cooperate to establish a multipolar world order which reflects justice for a majority of… pic.twitter.com/vlr4xLbD2y
— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) September 6, 2024
So it’s no wonder the recurrent Western colonialist dream of attacking, dismembering and plundering Russia – whose latest iteration is the obsession on inflicting a “strategic defeat” of Russia in Ukraine - is directly linked to grabbing and exploiting the infinite wealth of the Far East/Arctic.
Putin once again described how the two regions are “the future of Russia” – and a federal priority for the entire 21st century: in fact, a matter of national security. Investment growth in starting capital is already up by 20% - twice the Russian average; and each ruble of state funding is matched by 34 rubles of private investment. Key industries include energy, petrochemicals, mining, timber, logistics, aircraft/machinery/shipbuilding, agriculture and fisheries.

Anwar: “Where is the Humanity?”​

Malaysia’s Anwar, a first-class orator, expanded on ASEAN as a crossroads of Asia-Pacific and weaved an elegant analysis of soft power, complete with Russian literature (it’s his first time on Russian soil), stressing contributions at the “very fabric of human history and thought” and how Russia is “pointing the boundaries of possibility”.
In parallel he praised the rise of the Global South (40% of global GDP, over 85% of the population); the appeal of BRICS (Malaysia officially applied to join BRICS+); and how Russia should be attracting increasing “investment from Muslim-majority nations.” Playing on his culturally vibrant land, he reiterated, with a smile, the national motto: “Malaysia, truly Asia”.
Anwar particularly struck a nerve with the business/technocrat audience while commenting on the Gaza tragedy. He said that he always asks his colleagues, “even in the West”, where is “the humanity”; how do they dare to “speak of justice”; and how do they dare to predicate “human rights and democracy.”
Vice President Han Zheng stressed recent high-level meetings in Beijing and Astana strengthening the Russia-China strategic partnership; the increasing trade turnover; China’s status as the leading trade partner and investor in the Russian Far East; the drive to modernize trans-border structures; and President Xi’s Global Security Initiative – which is like a sort of more ambitious version of the Russian concept of Greater Eurasian Partnership.
Han Zheng made it quite clear how China takes a new comprehensive security format seriously, to “combat the mentality of the Cold War”. And it all comes back to the overarching Chinese concept for the whole 21st century: the attempt to build a “community of shared future for mankind.”

Asia-Pacific: All About Technology and Science​

In practical terms, the forum – attended by 7,000 guests from 75 nations (very few from the West) – clinched 258 deals worth a significant 5.4 trillion rubles (over $59.7 billion).
A delightful highlight, just like last year, was an open-air exhibition, by the sea, featuring the culture, customs, cuisine and spectacular natural beauty of a wealth of regions, from Primorsky to Sakhalin, from Kamchatka to Sakha/Yakutia, from Buryatia to Krasnoyarsk.
All that soft power is integrated into the geopolitical and geoeconomic drive towards non-stop, sustainable economic growth - from Russia’s East to the entire Asia-Pacific; and addressed, for instance, at the evolving Russian-ASEAN business dialogue.
Indonesian military/security analyst Connie Bakrie, also a professor with the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University, summed it all up: “The most important thing for Asia-Pacific is technology and science (…) President Putin underlined that Russia will play a very big part in building science and technology together [across Asia], especially in the nuclear aspect of energy security.”
Putin: Global economic future lies with Asia and Global South

"We see that business ties, trade routes are reorienting to the East and the Global South. Our Far Eastern regions provide direct gateway to these promising and developing markets and allow us to overcome the barriers… pic.twitter.com/paPmJM45Id
— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) September 5, 2024
Several sessions spread out across the forum were prodigies of integration. It’s not always that on a discussion about education systems in APEC economies, it’s possible to have Evgeny Vlasov, vice-rector of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) – on which sprawling, ultra-modern campus the forum takes place – debating with Yu Miaojie, rector of the first-class Liaoning University in Hong Kong.
On the so-called Eastern Polygon the debate, attended by top Putin adviser Igor Levitin, was on geoeconomics shifting to Asia-Pacific, with the Far East becoming an absolutely key gateway for foreign trade.
On the Russian-ASEAN session , including a minister from the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), much was elaborated on the five years since the start of the Russia-ASEAN strategic partnership, and how Moscow regards the Asia-Pacific, and particularly ASEAN, as a top priority.
A counterpart session examined cooperation across Greater Eurasia - centered on the development of production chains integrating EAEU, SCO and BRICS.
Karin Kneissl, head of the GORKI Center (Geopolitical Observatory on Key Issues of Russia) at the St. Petersburg State University and former Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, represented once again the (few) remaining voices of sanity in Europe: she stressed how “the rule of law is disappearing in Europe” and how “trust in the traditional system is gone.”
Hence the importance of the BRICS forum: “What is needed is a new normative foundation.”
A fascinating, timely discussion developed under the theme “Instruments of Sovereign Development in the Context of the Destabilization of the World Order”, with an incisive input by Albert Bakhtizin, the director of Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
A group of Russian scientists, with input from the Chinese, has developed a National Strength Index, which takes into account variables such as population size, natural resource reserves, military power, the strength of the economy, the solidity of government, business, and society when it comes to achieving national development goals. It’s all, of course, about sovereignty.

Cool, Calm, Collected Civilizational-States​

The multipolar debate was one of the highlights of the forum.
Host Alexander Dugin was adamant: Russia is a Pacific nation. On stage, among others, there was the irrepressible Maria Zakharova; the Indian ambassador to Russia, Vinay Kumar; the author of the concept of civilization-state, Professor Zhang Weiwei of Fudan University; Indonesian analyst Connie Bakrie; former Prime Minister of Nepal, Madzav Kumar; top-class French geopolitician Aymeric Chauprade; plus several ASEAN scholars and analysts in the audience.
The consensus was that the unilateral international “order” based on “rules” that the collective West changes at will should be on the way out. That is directly connected to the geopolitical center of gravity moving to the Asia-Pacific.
Prof. Zhang Weiwei offered a concise explanation of the Chinese way, based on “three structures”.
On the political structure, “China is fiercely independent. And ASEAN is constantly autonomous, refusing to take sides.”
On the economic structure, improving people’s living standards – or “people’s livelihood first”, in Chinese – is Beijing’s top priority.
ASEAN, meanwhile, is China’s largest trading partner. By its
geographical structure, “it’s very vulnerable, sometimes called the Balkans of Asia.” But it shines as a model of integration.
On the cultural structure, Prof. Weiwei stressed “the Asian way.”
That is, “we can afford to agree to disagree.” That’s how China “supports ASEAN’s independence”.
2024 Eastern Economic Forum in Russia: Top achievements and key moments

This year forum was attended by some 7,000 guests from 75 countries, from high-level officials and business people, to journalists and commentators, including numerous Sputnik contributors.

◻️ 258… pic.twitter.com/bajWYJAI2d
— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) September 6, 2024
The Eastern Economic Forum once again showed, in spades, how Russia and a collection of Asian civilizational-states remain cool, calm and collected, resolutely striding forward, even as a hybrid Totalen Krieg which can escalate in a flash to nuclear war is being waged by the Hegemon and its vassals against Russia and ultimately, against the BRICS.
Even as US Think Tankland ceaselessly comes up with warmongering schemes - the latest is the advent of a NATO “Arctic Sparta” to try to contain “the end of American Exceptionalism” in the High North – the new socioeconomic connections explored at the forum,and the consequential new stability and resilience, are even more significant game-changers than the military-moral debacles in Gaza and in the black soil of Novorossiya.
It's no wonder that the Hegemon plutocracy and its lowly vassals froth in unmitigated hate at being totally outclassed and outwitted by Russia, China, Asia and Eurasia, eventually destined to wallow in the gutters of irrelevancy.

So Hai

Well-known member
Initially to alleviate the guilt and reality that the European Jews, post-WWII, were rejected by the US and UK, and others, as well as providing a foothold in an area where the US holdings would otherwise be nil, and maybe …

Karl Marx’s mentor and personal suppleant. The post-war theory is just a story meant to raise sympathy for jewish migration, that is all.


from the future

Myths and deceptions of the «people elu» : From the’errance to victimization until’au pact with the devil​

par Amar Djerrad

The Zionist Western financial’oligarchy founded Israel to serve its geostrategic interests. It has entrusted this task to Zionist revisionist Jews who claim to be working for the protection of Jews, but who, in reality, have compromised their security. Nazism offered them an opportunity to achieve this goal. The connivance between nazis and zionists in the project of’a false homeland, is proved by some Jewish historians.

L’Alya forced from the Zionists, root of Palestinian evil

For Gilad Atzmon, the 1950s saw Israel force the Arab jews to make their «Aliya». When’ils were reluctant, the Haganah and Mossad intimidated them by posing bombs even in their synagogues, to impute the’act to «anti-Jews» in order to force them to jostle at the gate to’expatriate in Israel. Gilad refers, for more conviction, to the’ article of Naeim Giladi's.

This is how since the Zionists expressed their will to create the’ State of’Israel. At that time, Palestinians were in the majority, living alongside 25% Christians and 5% Jews. These Palestinians are the descendants of the Hebrews according to historians Sand, Pappe and Herzog. The current Palestinian population in Gaza and the West Bank is estimated at 6 million (with an annual rate of 2.5% increase).

The Israeli Jewish population of’hui today is made up of individuals from many parts of the world whose ancestors adopted Judaism in different places, without any historical connection to the Palestinian land. They don't’ any ancestral bond that would give them any right.

The current population of this colonial state is overwhelmingly composed of Zionized Western’s, colonialist ambition declaring themselves «Semite Jews» belonging, they say, always to the same group «ethnic». The current concept of’«Jewish state» in the Middle East is fanciful, unnatural. Religion does not determine the ethnic group.

Scam on «semitism» and l’«antisemitism»

Not all Jews are Semites, just as not all Muslims are. The Semite peoples are, historically, the Akkadians, Canaanites, Aramaics, Phoenicians, Hebrews and Arabs. As for the Hebrews, only the Jews of the arab-muslim world are considered Semites. Their number does not’ reaches three million! The other – from’ other countries, European especially – are converts and opportunists pretending to be Jews.

S’appropriate the’ Semitic origin, exclusively, with the pattern of’be «jew» and L’use as a means of political coercion and blackmail through the concept «antisemitism», is a scam, a denial of’history. They even allow themselves to’accuse d’«antisemite» all those that Zionist Jews despise !

Jewish population in the worldis estimated at about 16 million (of which 7 million in Israel of Jewish faith) and the majority is not SEMite. Compared to the 400 million (at least) Semites who are not Jewish, there is deception on the part of the Zionists who, perhaps, are not even Jewish. Would the 13 million Jews in the rest of the world all be Semites? Are the american, english, french, german, canadian, argentine, australian, spanish, polish, ukrainian, russian, belorussian, and other jews of’Europe Semites? Qu’en is it, then, of the 400 million’Arabes that the’on also accuses d’«antisemites»? When Zionist Jews commit acts of colonization,’apartheid, racism, and genocide, nothing happens, but when someone ELSE criticizes only those same crimes, he is accused of’«antisemite»!

L’expression, today’hui, is reserved for them in the sense «d’antijuif». Has stupidity reached this degree of’alienation? On this subject of’antisemitism, it is good to recall 2 videos where Roger Dommergue (endocrinologist and writer) intervenes. In L’une, it says that «’antisemitism is in the Jew» by warning his Jewish coreligionists and in l’other videohe speaks of the Jews, the misdeeds of capitalism, Marxism, the Rothschilds, Wartburg and Soros.

Palestinians are well Semitic and those who declare themselves «Ashkenazic Jews» are not. By the way, the Khazarian Jews are the descendants of the Jews and not of the »converted », welcomed by humanity by the Turkish Khanate that they then duped by quickly taking control of Khasaria. (For more information, see this conferencephilippe Ploncard d’Assac's. The others, the true Semites, are the Sephardim from’North Africa and’Spain or the Mizrahim, from the Orientals (in its real and not artificially extended acceptance). Their surnames can make the difference: The Man, Bern, Berg, Berger, Stein, Stern, Bach, Feld, Thal and other Schwarz, would they be Semites like the David, Jacob, Hayim, Cohen, Aaron, Benyamin, Jonas, Yosef, Isaac etc (s’ils have not changed their name and surname to make «original’»)

Effects of myth «people elu» and strategy of «victimization»

Zionist Jews maintain a permanent sense of victimization and revenge, resulting from many years of’errance and persecution suffered by European nations, mainly. This has nourished their deep dislike of other peoples, but above all, paradoxically and unworthyly, of those who are not responsible for their torments; indeed, let us repeat, who helped them during the 2nd World War (see HERE and HERE.). Only individuals without morality, insecure about’s, can engage in cowardly and demonic behaviors. Ron Unz talks about european jews a paranoia, which would be «the inevitable result of’ having spent more than a thousand years living as small, often highly exploitative minorities within generally hostile host populations». A Jewish paranoia, «deeply rooted [who] can simmer quietly under the surface, then suddenly burst into uncontrollable spasms of terror and rage..». Why this «paranoia» breaks out in «terror and rage», out of cowardice, against Palestinians (and Arab in general) who are in no way the cause of their torments, but not against their European executioners?

The truth, written by Jewish’historian Shlomo Sand in his book «how the Jewish people were invented», is that’il n’exists no «‘jewish people’, but human beings who have embraced jewish religion like’ others have embraced’other religions that are part of’other countries». Therefore, the problem has to come from their myths that makes’s a «elected people» of God as well as manipulation of their past as «victims»

Cowardice and barbarism beyond reason

Their cowardice, barbarism and hypocrisy went beyond reason. As shown by hundreds of videos and statements of their leaders.

October 7 laid bare the depths of their being, showing them as crooks, manipulators, thieves, female assassins and’children. Everything that Zionism hides from’inhuman for 80 years, behind the deceptive facade of «victim» d’injustice.

The recent record of this genocide carried out by the Zionist regime has already left more than 40,972 Palestinians dead, mainly women and children (14,100 children) and more than 94,761 injured (including 12,000 children). More than 10,000 others are missing probably under the rubble.82% of health infrastructure and 92% of school infrastructure have been destroyed or damaged. 2.2 million people are affected by the difficulties of’ access to drinking water (according to the’UNICEF website*). The destruction of civilian infrastructure such as homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches is part of the’ annihilation strategy of’ Israel, not to mention the summary executions, the mass arrests of the nursing staff that’s motivate by the mantra «supporting all of them, Hamas» ! According site El Manar, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, in a statement, said «israeli’apartheid simultaneously targets Gaza and the West Bank as part of’a comprehensive process of’ elimination, replacement and territorial expansion»

Rightly so,’ONU has included Israel on the blacklist countries that harm children. According to an article from site «Globalization» «israeli armed forces have made Gaza the largest’children cemetery».

L’final objective whatever the lure of what’on calls «negotiation» is to’ eliminate all Arabs of Palestine in the future and for the «Greater Israel» long term ! After that, the ultimate goal of the Jewish Zionists is undoubtedly the conquest of the world since their erratic and whimsical vision propels their rapacity to’ to make Jerusalem the supreme capital of the world. When counting alone, we always find a ‘bonus’, because the projects of the greedy are, for him, always fruitful.

If tomorrow the US stops helping Israel, it is certain that’il will not be able to hold a single month against Hamas and Hezbollah! What to say against all the states in the region! This entity neither’a military power, nor doctrine, nor culture, nor the will to fight these opponents who have everything that’elle does not’a, because’s are immoral and colonists that is, thieves of land that do not belong to them! Even reserve general Ishaq Brik is convinced that the’arme did not’a the ability to overthrow Hamas, and that the continuation of the war could lead to the collapse of the’ reserve army and the’economie. Go and make them understand why and how all the colonial territories in the world have regained their independence even after more than’a century of colonization !

Despite the ongoing total destruction, evil acts of’ aggression, mass expulsions and genocide, Israel n’en will ultimately derive no benefit whatsoever. It will never win the’ friendship of neighboring countries, nor the benevolence of many nations as we already see. When’a so-called drug turns out, in the long run, toxic, no one will want no’en, it will be rejected by everyone !


from the future
It is rumored that macron's real mother would be Nelly Sabine Rachel Cécile de Rothschild, daughter of Baron Elie Robert de Rothschild and Baroness Liliane Elisabeth Victoire de Rothschild.


The resemblance is obvious, isn’t it!

Couple of french antechrist with his transgenred wife, oblabla obama cry.
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from the future

It's puppets all the way down​


Kursk was invaded by puppets in the name of stockholder equity.

By Dmitry Orlov − On 2 September 2024 − Source Orlov Club
Curious minds want to know: Why did the Ukrainians attack the Russian region of Kursk, thus opening a new northern front that was until now essentially peaceful’? The’operation was hopeless, given that Ukrainians were already losing control of their last strongholds in other PARTS of what is now the Russian territory, and that’s now risk losing yet much more. What is more, to organize this hopeless invasion, the Ukrainians had to withdraw their best remaining troops from the eastern front,’ weakening it to such an extent that Russian troops advance faster than ever.

What's more, by outright attacking a peaceful and relatively defenceless region that has been under Russian control since September 2, 1943 – date on which the’Red Army chased the Nazis from’Hitler – and doing so with Ukrainian Nazis and members of’OTAN sometimes wrongly called « mercenaries »''all cheerfully decked out with Nazi’insignes, they managed to reopen a Pandora's box that had remained closed for 80 years. Heaps of Russian’men are now convinced that’it is time to give the world a new lesson on the subject: “never invade Russia”and they show up at the nearest recruiting office. This new wave of volunteers, whose number is around 1,500 a day, is different from the previous one, which simply wanted to help its brothers in Donbass, or reservists who were called to active duty. These really want to go kick the ass of the Nazis up’ to Jupiter. All those who sympathized with the Ukrainian Nazis should be very nervous, because the Russians will undoubtedly look for kinetic means to explain to them the error of their behavior.

The reasons given by the Ukrainians to justify their invasion of Kursk were all absurd. The’ of them was that the’ attack was a way to break the ice with the Russians, which would allow’ to start fruitful negotiations. This was made shortly after the Russians pointed out that’il n’y had no legitimate government in Kiev and that’il n’y therefore had no one to negotiate with. Zelensky's term of office ended in May, parliament's term in August, and all these actors are now squatting Kiev's public buildings. And there's no one’y to negotiate with in Washington either, since old Biden S’ collapsed on a beach somewhere trying as well as he can to S’oxygenate while his underlings go wild trying to understand Kamala's blatant incompetence.

Another reason given was that the’invasion of Kursk would force the Russians to withdraw their troops from the’Est front, which would slow their progress. They tried to’y achieve this by withdrawing their own troops from the eastern front while the Russians deployed new reserves in Kursk and their advance to’est accelerated. Did they not know that the Russians are only deploying about half of their troops on the front at some point, the rest being busy testing new equipment and participating in’ training exercises? Does this matter in any way ?

Note from the Francophone Saker

For some time now, indelicate people have been retranslating “mal” in English our own translations without the’author who lives from his publications. Dmitry Orlov made us a friend since all his years to let us publish the French translations of his articles, even those paying for anglophones. In these new conditions, in agreement with the’author, we propose the 1st part of the’article here. You can read the rest in French behind this link by subscribing to the site Boosty dmitry Orlov's.