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Well-known member
Both sides are calling for it, but only after he side is succeeding.

This is one of the problems with ethno-states. A problem with them or their policy is an attack on their ethnicity. Any effort to fight is genocide because it’s two ethno-states.
palestinians and hamas are not calling for a genocide of jews


Well-known member

The Zionist project

14. The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project based on seizing the properties of others; it is hostile to the Palestinian people and to their aspiration for freedom, liberation, return and self-determination. The Israeli entity is the plaything of the Zionist project and its base of aggression.

15. The Zionist project does not target the Palestinian people alone; it is the enemy of the Arab and Islamic Ummah posing a grave threat to its security and interests. It is also hostile to the Ummah’s aspirations for unity, renaissance and liberation and has been the major source of its troubles. The Zionist project also poses a danger to international security and peace and to mankind and its interests and stability.

16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

17. Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage. The Zionist movement, which was able with the help of Western powers to occupy Palestine, is the most dangerous form of settlement occupation which has already disappeared from much of the world and must disappear from Palestine.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's like the Oprah Winfrey Show over there.

"You get some free terrorism, you get some free terrorism, free terrorism for everybody!!"

We look the other way if war crimes can be just in one's eyes?

There's two factions and they're both hateful and ready to kill.

Neither side is good or just in their approach, and they don't want it any other way. This will continue to unfold as it has been.

We have people who are completely unaffected, outside of their concern (coupled with direct inaction), convinced to call for death and destruction whilst saying that they don't approve of death or destruction....

Just like either side in Gaza.


Well-known member
Why are they showing up every day trying to stab me?

There's more to the question and I think not too many people process that far.
Have you never dealt with insane people?

Maybe you stole his girl 25 years ago. Maybe he followed you home after a traffic cut off incident. Either way he’s stalking and harassing you.

I had a guy pull on gun on my at my mailbox for passing him on a 4 lane highway he was going 25mph under the speed limit on, with no other traffic nearby.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Have you never dealt with insane people?

Maybe you stole his girl 25 years ago. Maybe he followed you home after a traffic cut off incident. Either way he’s stalking and harassing you.

I had a guy pull on gun on my at my mailbox for passing him on a 4 lane highway he was going 25mph under the speed limit on, with no other traffic nearby.

You survived?


Well-known member
You survived?
I was lucky. 99% of people acting crazy, aren’t. But if he showed up later at my home I wouldn’t have given him a chance. This was a southwestern state where I’m allowed to defend my home.

But having sense I didn’t pull my pistol on him at the mailbox and start a shootout. I basically told him to calm down and don’t ruin both our lives over a non incident. He drove off in his lifted truck and I’m sure was happy he did.

moose eater

Well-known member
And, who decides ownership, and when they owned it. Does who owned it last own it, or some of the many groups before?
Even before the most recent ICJ/ICC ruling that Israel is operating as an illegal state, over 140 member states of the UN, including the US, acknowledged the West Bank and any other Israeli settlements were illegal invasions and seizure of Palestine by Israel.

The law functions on legal documents, not religious fables.

moose eater

Well-known member
Say that to homeowners trying to evict squatters right here in America.
I helped hook up a truck to the trailer hitch of a mobile home one day, involving non-paying tenants, and we hauled 'the home' away. Problem solved. (That was in Spokane Washington, by the way, during grad school at EWU, and I was helping my neighbor resolve his 'problem'. And yes, I was armed).

But the scenario you've presented doesn't involve 76 years of nationalist land theft, seldom prosecuted raping and pillaging, unanswered murders, and more.
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