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moose eater

Well-known member
Get on with your genocide then...
Not a genocide from my side of the fence. Merely wanting the original perpetrators to be held accountable, if the two twisted primary powers doing the abusing will permit justice to fly in the face of their real motives.

And as far as complaining about the absence of uniforms or formal military is concerned, the King of England said much the same nonsense about the Sons of Liberty.

Always a reason to cry, I guess, when you're a superpower used to having your way and someone sticks a fly in your ointment.

I'll crack a beer in case someone really needs to weep into it. They were on sale today, so the loss is less.

Maybe you could send Hamas $20 for some decent clothing more suited to the rubble and their identity.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Death is not the only form of justice.
When the perpetrator has planes, tanks, bombs, mortars, rockets, rifles, etc., etc., uses them frequently without any restraint at all, laughs about such actions, and shows zero remorse or real intention to mind their own ORIGINAL boundaries, other than for perpetually being frozen cryogenically for eternity, tell me what the better option is other than turning the motherfuckers into glass? Begging them to develop boundaries, maybe asking them to develop a conscience, and some humility in their delusional pretense at being God's chosen? Maybe form the humble 'God's Chosen Choir of Self-Admonishment'?

Real options are nice. Palestine has been dealing with diplomatic fluff and bullshit for decades. 3/4 of a century to be exact.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

I'm convinced.

Making more problems is absolute progress.

Just kill.

It's the only way out.

Gee, wonder how they ever found themselves in this situation...

moose eater

Well-known member
And no, when I waste an armed intruder in my home who is abusing, raping, or murdering my family, it is FAR from hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is demonstrated by those with no skin in the game or clue about the reality, who pontificate about singing Kumbaya and handing out love beads.

moose eater

Well-known member

I'm convinced.

Making more problems is absolute progress.

Just kill.

It's the only way out.

Gee, wonder how they ever found themselves in this situation...
Still dodging the question with exaggerations and melodrama, I see. Not the same quality products at all as these better options you reference that I was sincerely hoping to read about... What are these better, real options?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
In your often repeated scenario the only innocent people are inside the house and they are victim to one singular individual.

If you wanted a real discussion you would not have been such an asshole.

Maybe you need to kill someone.

moose eater

Well-known member
In your often repeated scenario the only innocent people are inside the house and they are victim to one singular individual.

If you wanted a real discussion you would not have been such an asshole.

Maybe you need to kill someone.
You're fucking hilarious. I'd have thought that by your age deflection would be waning. But I've seen this from you, first-hand, before. Catch a clue.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Plenty of people without their head up their ass know how I feel.

I have proposed solutions but you probably missed them because they didn't include genocide.

moose eater

Well-known member
Plenty of people without their head up their ass know how I feel.

I have proposed solutions but you probably missed them because they didn't include genocide.
So I missed them. Not because of genocide. Haven't seen them. Other than your shallow justifications that Ukraine and Russia are OK because they have formal clothing for the occasion. Avoidance and projection are no way to get your aims or goals across.

So, what are these workable, reality-based solutions and goals.... and methods.

I recall sending you a message simply telling you to forget about a promised issue and stating quite clearly that "I had no more quota remaining for disappointment, either political, familial, or social." A truly honest and sincere statement at that time.

The response was a flurry of 3 ego-based deflection messages that clearly couldn't see what I'd written in its honesty, with the responses written in serious ego-based defensiveness, when all I did was tell you the truth about where I was at with life at that time and people who had been less-than-fully genuine or committed.

I know what I'm dealing with here. I've seen it first-hand before.

Have a nice night. Don't feel compelled to write to or with me anymore. Pretentiousness, ego-based folks, deflection in place of honesty, and much more, are things I gave up for Lent.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Mercy and forgiveness do have a place in this world.

Personally, I cannot advocate life whilst promoting death.

I only speak for myself.

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