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Well-known member
Same thought I had
I'm assuming you're talking about Israel being able to kill people with precision in Iran and Lebanon but the original point is equally as freaky.

Why would the Palestinians need to kill or injure their own children to garner support from abroad? Prior to October 7th it was/is standard practice for the IDF to go into Gaza and "mow the lawn" by indiscriminate killing including the killing of children.


Well-known member
I'm assuming you're talking about Israel being able to kill people with precision in Iran and Lebanon

Yup. I tried to quote only that portion but the board software took over.
Israel is able to do "precision" strikes in Lebanon and Iran because a) Iran (by proxy) and Lebanon already launch rockets into northern Israel almost daily [1] so this single attack is simply fair play and b) Haniyeh has been living (in luxury) in Qatar ($4 Billion net worth, he had) and chose to travel to Iran for the installation of its new President. Israel isn't at war with Qatar and wouldn't launch a strike against a target there.

[1] For example: 2 days ago 12 Israeli Druze children were murdered by Hezbollah-launched rockets from Lebanon into the Golan Heights. Northern Israel has been on fire almost continuously since Oct 7 because of the many rocket and drone strikes from Lebanon.

Why would the Palestinians need to kill or injure their own children to garner support from abroad?
I wish I knew why the Islamists who are presently empowered in Gaza promote this behavior. It seems to go back decades at least. I believe it is part of a broader strategy of "lawfare" which has been exercised to great effect. Separately, it is no exaggeration to point out there are real influences on Islamism and Palestinian nationalism that can be traced definitively to Nazism (including use of child soldiers, we've discussed before).

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So Hai

Well-known member

Ukrainian commanders and soldiers interviewed by The Post cited exhaustion and dwindling resources, including a severe lack of troops. A new mobilization law adopted by Ukraine’s parliament has yet to provide desperately needed reinforcements, as new conscripts are still undergoing training, and some draft-eligible men have fled the country or are hiding at home to avoid conscription.

One sergeant, 56, who goes by the call sign “Bart,” described the situation as “critical” and said there was “serious chaos” on the front lines. He blamed failures in leadership decisions, including cases of Ukrainian and Russian forces mixing up their positions.


Well-known member
Just like the Floyd protests, you say?

Minneapolis 2020
View attachment 19041830

Columbia University 2024
View attachment 19041831

The Auto Zone guy was a undercover police agent provacateur named Jacob Pederson creating violence to make it seem like the protesters were violent so the state would have justification to crack down on the protests with the use of deadly force.


The other photo shows a janitor being a white knight for a building. He chose to interject himself into the situation. Nor does it say anywhere that he was injured or assaulted by the protesters.

"He said he tried to block them and they tried to reason with him to get out of the way, telling him “this is bigger than you.” One person, he recalled, told him he didn’t get paid enough to deal with this.

“They failed to protect us,” said Mr. Torres, 45, whose scuffle with a male protester was captured by a freelance photojournalist inside the building. The image, showing Mr. Torres pushing a man against a wall, ricocheted around social media.

Mr. Torres, who had worked there for five years, confronted some of the protesters, trying to protect what he saw as “his building.”"



Well-known member
The Auto Zone guy was a undercover police agent provacateur named Jacob Pederson creating violence to make it seem like the protesters were violent so the state would have justification to crack down on the protests with the use of deadly force.


The other photo shows a janitor being a white knight for a building. He chose to interject himself into the situation. Nor does it say anywhere that he was injured or assaulted by the protesters.

"He said he tried to block them and they tried to reason with him to get out of the way, telling him “this is bigger than you.” One person, he recalled, told him he didn’t get paid enough to deal with this.

“They failed to protect us,” said Mr. Torres, 45, whose scuffle with a male protester was captured by a freelance photojournalist inside the building. The image, showing Mr. Torres pushing a man against a wall, ricocheted around social media.

Mr. Torres, who had worked there for five years, confronted some of the protesters, trying to protect what he saw as “his building.”"

The Umbrella Man hasn't been identified and no-one has been so much as charged for those crimes. However I don't mean to suggest the two photos are of the same people, rather two different people with the same MO.

Whomever Umbrella Man was we agree he was a provocateur and that he was acting to promote accelerationism - he was acting with intent to inflame violence and destabilize civil society. The people who witnessed his crimes were appalled at the attack on their home/neighborhood and the peace of their community, and they confronted him. Torres was employed by Columbia as custodian. It is literally the job of a custodian to keep and protect his building. That is the definition of the word custodian. Torres, like the residents of Minneapolis who confronted Umbrella Man for his attempt to sow destruction in their community, acted to protect himself and his livelihood, all essential to his place in his community. Who were these people, who were dressed exactly like Umbrella Man? He didn't know, but he did know they weren't dressed like students, at least the one he braced in that photo wasn't.

Also worth mentioning: we know already how susceptible to infiltration from far-right actors Palestinian activists have been. If this weren't a real problem, then BDS wouldn't have felt it necessary to publicly identify and denounce the far-right provocateurs whose message you've amplified here, ostensibly to benefit of the Palestinian people.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Israel is able to do "precision" strikes in Lebanon and Iran because a) Iran (by proxy) and Lebanon already launch rockets into northern Israel almost daily [1] so this single attack is simply fair play and b) Haniyeh has been living (in luxury) in Qatar ($4 Billion net worth, he had) and chose to travel to Iran for the installation of its new President. Israel isn't at war with Qatar and wouldn't launch a strike against a target there.

[1] For example: 2 days ago 12 Israeli Druze children were murdered by Hezbollah-launched rockets from Lebanon into the Golan Heights. Northern Israel has been on fire almost continuously since Oct 7 because of the many rocket and drone strikes from Lebanon.

I wish I knew why the Islamists who are presently empowered in Gaza promote this behavior. It seems to go back decades at least. I believe it is part of a broader strategy of "lawfare" which has been exercised to great effect. Separately, it is no exaggeration to point out there are real influences on Islamism and Palestinian nationalism that can be traced definitively to Nazism (including use of child soldiers, we've discussed before).

The point is that if they can use smart tech to hit a target in Iran or Lebanon, then they could use the same tech in Gaza (which they claim BTW) to hit Hamas targets but they obviously just want mass casualties in Gaza. Not rocket science...er...maybe it is.


Well-known member
The point is that if they can use smart tech to hit a target in Iran or Lebanon, then they could use the same tech in Gaza (which they claim BTW) to hit Hamas targets but they obviously just want mass casualties in Gaza. Not rocket science...er...maybe it is.

Do you really think it makes any kind of sense to argue that Israel "obviously just want(s) mass casualties in Gaza"?

If Israel wants mass casualties in Gaza, they sure are taking their time about it.

As of Oct 7 Gaza had a population of 2.1 million human beings. In the 300 days since October 7 2023, the Gaza Ministry of Health reports that 39,480 Palestinians have died because of the war. At this rate it will take Israel over 43 years to kill all of the people in Gaza.

Maybe Israel is fighting to destroy Hamas, and not to see mass casualties in Gaza. They're doing a much better job of destroying Hamas than they are producing mass casualties. Once they have Sinwar I think that's it.

Notice there havn't been any rocket attacks from Gaza since May.

As for why isn't everything Israel does so precise as the killing of Haniyeh? My guess is that cruise missiles are expensive and likely whatever human intelligence resources went into this were hard to come by and can be used in high profile operations like this one time only. Israel doesn't have infinite resources. Only in our imaginations does anyone have infinite resources.

Just my guess. I have no expertise about such things, just a guy.

just a quick back of the envelope calculation, but if you take the 2.1 M population of Gaza and look at the historical birth rate (30 births/1000 people) and death rate (3 deaths/1000 people) and subtract the number killed in the war, you'll see that the total population of Gaza grew by ~8000 people this year so far.
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Well-known member
If Israel wants mass casualties in Gaza, they sure are taking their time about it.
At this rate it will take Israel over 43 years to kill all of the people in Gaza.
flippin' amateurs. Hitler "cleansed" Europe of a LOT more people than that in under 10 years. that Teutonic efficiency, i guess...:whistling:


Well-known member
Whatever bullshit justification you pose, 40,000 dead human beings is still a mass casualty in any country…

No justification offered, only facts & perspective. I'm not bullshitting. If I'm wrong, say so.

40,000 dead human beings is still a mass casualty in any country


The same is true of 1,200 dead Israeli human beings. [1]

The numbers are proportional.

100 dead Palestinians to 3 dead Israelis.

[1] Of course this only counts those killed Oct 7 and none killed subsequently, like the 12 Druze children murdered 2 days ago by Hezbollah rockets. Not sure of the number of post-Oct 7 Israeli deaths in this war, tbh.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
No justification offered, only facts & perspective. I'm not bullshitting. If I'm wrong, say so.


The same is true of 1,200 dead Israeli human beings. [1]

The numbers are proportional.

100 dead Palestinians to 3 dead Israelis.

[1] Of course this only counts those killed Oct 7 and none killed subsequently, like the 12 Druze children murdered 2 days ago by Hezbollah rockets. Not sure of the number of post-Oct 7 Israeli deaths in this war, tbh.
What are you even defending man?

And yes, you are wrong, the majority of the world think so, the UN think so, the ICJ think so, only a small section of America/Americans with vested interests in the state of Isreal agree with you. Your numbers are simply semantics, to downplay the murder of 40,000 people using math is a shitty thing to do.

In what world is 40,000 dead human beings equal to 1,200 dead human beings?

I know you are not, but the way you've written the above makes you sound like a racist.

By using this logic, you could justify a cop murdering a black man because, "Hey, there's a bunch more on 'em."


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Do you really think it makes any kind of sense to argue that Israel "obviously just want(s) mass casualties in Gaza"?

If Israel wants mass casualties in Gaza, they sure are taking their time about it.

As of Oct 7 Gaza had a population of 2.1 million human beings. In the 300 days since October 7 2023, the Gaza Ministry of Health reports that 39,480 Palestinians have died because of the war. At this rate it will take Israel over 43 years to kill all of the people in Gaza.

Maybe Israel is fighting to destroy Hamas, and not to see mass casualties in Gaza. They're doing a much better job of destroying Hamas than they are producing mass casualties. Once they have Sinwar I think that's it.

Notice there havn't been any rocket attacks from Gaza since May.

As for why isn't everything Israel does so precise as the killing of Haniyeh? My guess is that cruise missiles are expensive and likely whatever human intelligence resources went into this were hard to come by and can be used in high profile operations like this one time only. Israel doesn't have infinite resources. Only in our imaginations does anyone have infinite resources.

Just my guess. I have no expertise about such things, just a guy.

just a quick back of the envelope calculation, but if you take the 2.1 M population of Gaza and look at the historical birth rate (30 births/1000 people) and death rate (3 deaths/1000 people) and subtract the number killed in the war, you'll see that the total population of Gaza grew by ~8000 people this year so far.
Perhaps you are conflating 'mass casualties' and 'genocide'.

This misinterpretation style and fallacy presentation is unfortunately in hyper use on this forum.


Well-known member
The numbers are proportional.
100 dead Palestinians to 3 dead Israelis.
Israel has ALWAYS (and said so) reacted proportionally to attacks. "kill one of us, we'll kill ten (or whatever) of you."they have to inflict much more pain in reprisals than they suffered because they are much fewer in number. they are going to lose in an "eye for an eye" fight... they do not play the game called "you win, i lose".
This misinterpretation style and fallacy presentation is unfortunately in hyper use on this forum.