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Well-known member
The Umbrella Man hasn't been identified and no-one has been so much as charged for those crimes. However I don't mean to suggest the two photos are of the same people, rather two different people with the same MO.
Yeah cuz he's a cop lmfao. They're not gonna charge a pig with terrorism. Ever.

It is literally the job of a custodian to keep and protect his building. That is the definition of the word custodian.
He doesn't own the building. He gets paid peanuts to keep it clean. Full stop. Buddy put his life and children's futures on the line to protect some bricks. True peasant behavior.

Torres, like the residents of Minneapolis who confronted Umbrella Man for his attempt to sow destruction in their community, acted to protect himself and his livelihood, all essential to his place in his community.
They gave him ample time to leave. His fault. He chose bricks over his children.

Who were these people, who were dressed exactly like Umbrella Man? He didn't know, but he did know they weren't dressed like students, at least the one he braced in that photo wasn't.
Cops, agents of the state, and specifically in the case of the college protests, zionists. These are the groups that have the most to gain from doing such things. You know, like when Seinfeld and Ackman financed a zionist mob at UCLA to attack anti zionist protesters with repeated attempts to "infiltrate" the encampment, and when the protesters said no, the zionists cried anti semitism, were protected by the cops, and had the dominant media narrative.

Also worth mentioning: we know already how susceptible to infiltration from far-right actors Palestinian activists have been. If this weren't a real problem, then BDS wouldn't have felt it necessary to publicly identify and denounce the far-right provocateurs whose message you've amplified here, ostensibly to benefit of the Palestinian people.
yeah you're right but not in the way you think. these groups are infiltrated by far right zionists.

censored men posting on twitter does not equal infiltration lol.
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Well-known member
anti fa and blm supporters murdered over 30 people during commievores peaceful riots .
i'm sure that's true just like how everything else you post is true.

93% of BLM protests were peaceful. The 7% that weren't were largely due to police escalation or outside agitation by fascist groups.


Well-known member
yup. all evidence points to this.
If Palestinian mass casualties (murders) is the objective, why is Israel doing such a poor job of killing en masse? Why are there so many Palestinians yet living? Israel has the capacity to kill all of the Palestinians in Gaza. How do you explain the fact that they haven't?

Are you willing to consider the possibility that Israel's objective is something other than mass casualties?

Yeah cuz he's a cop lmfao. They're not gonna charge a pig with terrorism. Ever.
Have you been following the news? Cops are being charged with crimes far more serious than destruction of property on the regular. They're going to throw the book at the cop who murdered Sonya Massey, for example. edit: In any case, there is no domestic terrorism law under which he can be charged. Whatever his intent, the guy is recorded doing a misdemeanor (destruction of property).

Buddy put his life and children's futures on the line to protect some bricks. True peasant behavior.
And you are, what? Nobility?
His choices are his own, and micro-analyzing actions of a working man in crisis, while at leisure from the safety of home may be comforting, but it is hardly convincing. You call him a peasant. I say he's a worker.

yeah you're right but not in the way you think. these groups are infiltrated by far right zionists.

censored men posting on twitter does not equal infiltration lol.
I said that our experience w censored men demonstrated how susceptible this movement is to infiltration. I've picked on you about this a lot, but you're hardly the only person who - for whatever reason - elected to amplify far-right white nationalist messaging under the pretense of advocating for the Palestinian people. You've scoffed at the idea that the allegedly pro-Palestinian movement might be engaging in antisemitism in one way or another, but that susceptibility is real and so is the antisemitism you and others dutifly repeated, perhaps believing that by doing so you might be helping Palestinians.
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Well-known member
What are you even defending man?

And yes, you are wrong, the majority of the world think so, the UN think so, the ICJ think so, only a small section of America/Americans with vested interests in the state of Isreal agree with you. Your numbers are simply semantics, to downplay the murder of 40,000 people using math is a shitty thing to do.

In what world is 40,000 dead human beings equal to 1,200 dead human beings?

I know you are not, but the way you've written the above makes you sound like a racist.

By using this logic, you could justify a cop murdering a black man because, "Hey, there's a bunch more on 'em."

I'm not defending anything. I'm interrogating the idea that mass killing (which I conflated with killing en masse or genocide) is Israel's objective. It is an inherently hateful thing to consider.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If Palestinian mass casualties (murders) is the objective, why is Israel doing such a poor job of killing en masse? Why are there so many Palestinians yet living? Israel has the capacity to kill all of the Palestinians in Gaza. How do you explain the fact that they haven't?
I have been giving you the benefit in my opinion that you are reasonably intelligent, however this puts that in jeopardy. Mass casualties means lots of people dead and wounded. Do not act so stupid.


Well-known member
If Palestinian mass casualties (murders) is the objective, why is Israel doing such a poor job of killing en masse? Why are there so many Palestinians yet living? Israel has the capacity to kill all of the Palestinians in Gaza. How do you explain the fact that they haven't?
Native americans were genocided and yet some of them are still alive hmmmmm very curious

Are you willing to consider the possibility that Israel's objective is something other than mass casualties?
no. they've stated their objective very clearly.


Have you been following the news? Cops are being charged with crimes far more serious than destruction of property on the regular. They're going to throw the book at the cop who murdered Sonya Massey, for example. edit: In any case, there is no domestic terrorism law under which he can be charged. Whatever his intent, the guy is recorded doing a misdemeanor (destruction of property).
1 cop lol.

purposely destroying property to instigate a police state crackdown and/or race war is a terrorist act regardless if there's a law.

And you are, what? Nobility?
His choices are his own, and micro-analyzing actions of a working man in crisis, while at leisure from the safety of home may be comforting, but it is hardly convincing. You call him a peasant. I say he's a worker.
i would be the smart guy getting out of the way, going home to see my kids and have some dinner and not think twice about it.

I said that our experience w censored men demonstrated how susceptible this movement is to infiltration.

I've picked on you about this a lot, but you're hardly the only person who - for whatever reason - elected to amplify far-right white nationalist messaging under the pretense of advocating for the Palestinian people.
If the material is correct (which it is) I do not care.

You've scoffed at the idea that the allegedly pro-Palestinian movement might be engaging in antisemitism in one way or another,
I do not care.


but that susceptibility is real and so is the antisemitism you and others dutifly repeated, perhaps believing that by doing so you might be helping Palestinians.
Concern trolling. Your more outraged over how people are sharing info than the fact that Israel is a fascist entity committing the most agregious war crimes of this century (with American support and tax dollars).


Well-known member
Native americans were genocided and yet some of them are still alive hmmmmm very curious
They did a good job of genociding eachother long before the white man came. Comanches wiped out every other tribe in Texas. Violence has always been part of the equation buddy


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Who do you think they kicked out of Texas 😅

Comanches were vicious. They even did deep raids into Mexico
They attacked Apaches with the help of the Spanish but the Kiowas did not suffer such a fate nor the Arapahoes however your point is taken. Haidas from near Alaska also raided Mexico.


Well-known member
They attacked Apaches with the help of the Spanish but the Kiowas did not suffer such a fate nor the Arapahoes however your point is taken. Haidas from near Alaska also raided Mexico.

Yep and later on mexico encouraged white settlers to move in so they could have a buffer from the comanches while they fought the mescalero apaches. Didnt know about the Haidis though

So Hai

Well-known member
2/3 ukranians have lost a relative or a close friend in the american proxy war against Russia. Partisan attacks against representatives of the AFU is picking up, equipment is burning and commissars are being attacked openly in the streets while the frontline collapses.

New York is about to fall..

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