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Blue Rhino

Well-known member

Well, when Palestine keeps repeating declarations of a war of extermination against Israel for the last 76 goddam years, they don't really have the right to cry like a little bitch just because it's not going their way. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
ZERO sympathy for the islamo-nazis.

moose eater

Well-known member
Well, when Palestine keeps repeating declarations of a war of extermination against Israel for the last 76 goddam years, they don't really have the right to cry like a little bitch just because it's not going their way. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
ZERO sympathy for the islamo-nazis.
Maybe the Zionists ought to steal your land and kill your people next?

That's what they've been doing for the last 76 years to the Palestinians.

moose eater

Well-known member
You sound like you’d be fun at parties…
I dunno.. He typically seems like a walking, talking points bulletin for the Canadian faction of the neo-right-wing zealots. Typically short on knowledge, but with a LOT of poorly based opinions.

One good reason to avoid parties, I guess...


Well-known member

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Maybe the Zionists ought to steal your land and kill your people next?

That's what they've been doing for the last 76 years to the Palestinians.
Hahahahaha Man you'll buy anything that's anti-Jewish apparently. Jews have lived in that land for THOUSANDS of years. Remember WW2? Yeah, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem went to Germany and visited Hitler to get tips on how to speed up the genocide of the Jews in the Middle East.

The "Zionists" didn't steal jack shit. They were simply handed the land back that the muslims had stolen from them. Any further incursion by Israel has simply been a response to Palestine's islamo-nazi aggression towards them. That's how war works.

Love how you also give a free pass to Hamas using civilians as human shields too. That's both a war crime and crime against humanity but hey, let's all be stupid islamo-nazi lovers and blame Israel for those deaths.

moose eater

Well-known member
Hahahahaha Man you'll buy anything that's anti-Jewish apparently. Jews have lived in that land for THOUSANDS of years. Remember WW2? Yeah, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem went to Germany and visited Hitler to get tips on how to speed up the genocide of the Jews in the Middle East.

The "Zionists" didn't steal jack shit. They were simply handed the land back that the muslims had stolen from them. Any further incursion by Israel has simply been a response to Palestine's islamo-nazi aggression towards them. That's how war works.

Love how you also give a free pass to Hamas using civilians as human shields too. That's both a war crime and crime against humanity but hey, let's all be stupid islamo-nazi lovers and blame Israel for those deaths.
Again, right wing talking points. The legal status is decided by documentation and evidence, not biblical or religious fantasy nonsense.

And the overwhelming majority of the UN, including the US, regard the Israeli settlements in the "OCCUPIED WEST BANK" as illegal occupations.

Stick that in your Reich wing talking points pipe and smoke it.

Unlike some, I make a point of not speaking out of my ass.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Hahahahaha Man you'll buy anything that's anti-Jewish apparently. Jews have lived in that land for THOUSANDS of years. Remember WW2? Yeah, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem went to Germany and visited Hitler to get tips on how to speed up the genocide of the Jews in the Middle East.

The "Zionists" didn't steal jack shit. They were simply handed the land back that the muslims had stolen from them. Any further incursion by Israel has simply been a response to Palestine's islamo-nazi aggression towards them. That's how war works.

Love how you also give a free pass to Hamas using civilians as human shields too. That's both a war crime and crime against humanity but hey, let's all be stupid islamo-nazi lovers and blame Israel for those deaths.
Oh, and the human shields propaganda? Do you know of -anyplace- in Gaza that isn't civilian? There are no military installations in Gaza, per se', unlike those US-funded and sponsored military sites (numerous) in Israel, to include 'Secret Site 512'. Thus, every place in Gaza is civilian. Kind of weakening the 'splash' of those claiming, "They fired from civilian locations". All of Gaza consists of 'civilian locations'.

Israel has made a point of bombing and shelling civilian locations in their obvious goal to make Gaza uninhabitable for Palestinians as part of their conscious effort toward genocide, by the legal and working definition of that term within the Rome Statute. To include Doctors Without Borders staff housing, AFTER the IDF were provided GPS coordinates for those buildings, and still shelled the structures anyway.

But if you wish to speak of those using civilians as human shields, you might look to a number of Bonafide videos of IDF using wounded non-combatant Palestinians in such strategies, pussies and sociopaths that IDF are.

Again, you fly your ignorance proudly, and I'm not anti-Jewish. Not even a bit. I'm anti-militant Zionist, land-thief, murderer, and anti-rapist, anti-apartheid, as well as hardcore anti-deluded asshole. Which means I have little to no respect for you or your re-writing of the legal and moral issues herein.
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Blue Rhino

Well-known member
I dunno.. He typically seems like a walking, talking points bulletin for the Canadian faction of the neo-right-wing zealots. Typically short on knowledge, but with a LOT of poorly based opinions.

One good reason to avoid parties, I guess...
Says the supporter of islamo-nazi trash and spreader of their propaganda.

FACT: Hamas uses human shields, a war crime AND crime against humanity. But ultra-left wing half-wits are perfectly happy to support that shit and blame Israel for it. Ultra-left wing half wits get all pissy about Palestinian "genocide" but absolutely do NOT give a shit about the enslavement and genocide of Uyghur muslims. Face it nazi-boi, you just want an excuse to rage hate on Jews.

moose eater

Well-known member
Says the supporter of islamo-nazi trash and spreader of their propaganda.

FACT: Hamas uses human shields, a war crime AND crime against humanity. But ultra-left wing half-wits are perfectly happy to support that shit and blame Israel for it. Ultra-left wing half wits get all pissy about Palestinian "genocide" but absolutely do NOT give a shit about the enslavement and genocide of Uyghur muslims. Face it nazi-boi, you just want an excuse to rage hate on Jews.
Your 'facts' thus far suck, lack any real foundation other than talking points BS, and provably so. You now resort to claiming to know my values.

Palestinians, under international laws, have a legal right to defend their soil. Israel, as an illegal occupier, doesn't have a right to be there at all, let alone as an occupying army.

There's nothing I've posted here that can't be proven as true with a little bit of honest research and looking.

You clearly own a computer, for better or for worse, yet you stick to the propaganda points instead.

Intentional ignorance. Even more deplorable than organic ignorance. Yet you continue to parade it here.

Learn something. It might make your posts look (maybe) a bit more educated, as opposed to consisting merely of western military indoctrination and brainwashing.

And grow a fucking conscience while you're at it, you supporter of genocide, land theft, rape and murder.

Edit: And my Jewish friends and acquaintances might be humored by your claim that I support a rage against Jews. Militant Zionism IS NOT Judaism.
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moose eater

Well-known member
And another video you might learn something from. Professor Avi Shlaim, an Arab-born Jew, whose father moved them to the newly formed Sta6te of Israel.


moose eater

Well-known member
And, providing you're not ADD or ADHD, here's Norm Finkelstein and his rap.. It might be a bit in-depth for you, but be patient and pay attention.


moose eater

Well-known member

Now, I've got shit to get done here,. other than to educate the apparently uneducable who seem to make a hobby of avoiding reality and facts.