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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
That's radical as well.

I'm seeing a possibility that neither side is rational or indicating that they can stop hating each other.

Have we tried giving them time outs in the corner?


Well-known member
the tide is slowly beginning to turn, for various reasons. Blinken yesterday stated that the "new Gaza settlements were inconsistent with international law". Biden is getting LOTS of pressure from Michigan Democrats over his posture on the conflict, and nothing effects a politicians posture quicker than the prospect of losing an election over a bad position. don't believe me? look at how he has changed over the problems on the Mexican border. supporting Israel sometimes will have to take a back seat to saving our country. Israel is NOT in existential danger, nor are they likely to be in such a position unless they continue to overplay their hand in re the Palestinians. Bibi needs to go, Israel needs to allow aid to the West Bank/Gaza. but in all reality, the Palestinian people have missed their one good chance for their own nation...you cannot allow the desire for perfect to be the mortal enemy of pretty damn good. it is like legalization advocates for cannabis urging folks to vote against improvements in cannabis laws. you will never get every fucking thing you want, at least, not all at once. it just doesn't happen that way.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Have we tried giving them time outs in the corner?

If by them you are including Israel, no.

Not that the international community outside of the US govt would not support such a thing. But it's a pretty long list of UN vetoes coming from the US from the start. This combined with the financial and military contributions. It wasn't even 9/11 yet when I wondered what it would take for the US media to ask in editorials and such to question the return on the investment on Israel. Even afterwards, not a single sentence anywhere questioning why exactly Israel can do no wrong, because neither the Zionist Jews nor world Jewry are God's chosen people and any deed to Israel in perpetuity - and all areas that border it and all areas that border those - isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

moose eater

Well-known member
I think it is rather apparent that I wouldn't be alone in detecting a certain undertone in the thread.

Convince yourself that you are on the side without racism or bias.

I have to see that.
I'm on the side opposing US-backed murder and land theft by Nationalist Zionist Fascists. Whose crimes you repeatedly passively dismiss as 'both sides-isms'.

If you see that as racism from me, then you suffer from what the younger (mostly) American Jews who produced the film 'Israelism' regard as confusing criticism of Israeli government fascism, with hatred involving anti-Jewish/anti-Semitism values.

And that says far more about you than anyone else in this thread.

Are there racists in this thread? Yep. I'm not one of them.

Does that mean I pull punches so that some weak-minded person who's apparently purposefully abandoned critical thinking MIGHT not group me with them? Abso-fucking-lutely not.

I don't need to prove anything to your manipulative, adolescent replies. You're full of posturing and hot air, just as you were when you pontificated re. returned favors for over 5 months. A detail you repeatedly leave out in your knee-jerk, ego-driven rebuttals. Why might that be? Why leave out major facts like time-periods, or Israel's past crimes? Your sense of integrity and ownership of your bullshit? Mature honesty and self-awareness? I've yet to see an honest addressing of that issue from you, yet you pretend to hold some self-created 'high ground'.

It's hollow presentation for the public's eye. Nothing more and nothing less. Ego shit by any other name.

I don't have to defend anyone else in this thread, only stand for my own views. Which I believe I've explained quite well.

Your continuing to make it a matter of 'beige' both-sides-isms, when there's only ONE country taking land for 75 years from the other, only ONE country implementing Apartheid rule for a similar period of time, only one Country getting their war crimes repeatedly covered by unilateral US veto authority at the UN as they commit crimes that even the US acknowledges exist, yet repeatedly stops any action against.

You shotgunned your reply I confronted earlier, addressing it not to an individual but to a group.

The Israeli conflation of Fascism with Judaism is chronic, and you help to spread it like the fucking plague with your watered-down assessments, chronically looking to discredit anyone who lets Israel's responsibility land on Israel's shoulders. Why might that be? Me thinks thou protests too much.

And conflating criticism of Israeli government fascism with anti-Semitism IS the fucking plague. A worthless and incredibly transparent, contrived victim card, being held up by the primary perpetrators, and shared in support by lackeys who are apparently unable to engage in critical thinking when the subject involves Israel's culpability.

I recommend less self-inflating bullshit where trying to convince others of how clean one is. really..

Prove to yourself and others that there's a meeting place between your public persona 'stage displays', your spinal fortitude, and less public real self. But not to me. I've seen too much manipulative game-playing and gotcha' BS, all of which amounts to little more than excess wind... and a lot of what appears as hollowness coming from you.

All the world's a stage, right?
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
the tide is slowly beginning to turn, for various reasons. Blinken yesterday stated that the "new Gaza settlements were inconsistent with international law". Biden is getting LOTS of pressure from Michigan Democrats over his posture on the conflict, and nothing effects a politicians posture quicker than the prospect of losing an election over a bad position. don't believe me? look at how he has changed over the problems on the Mexican border. supporting Israel sometimes will have to take a back seat to saving our country. Israel is NOT in existential danger, nor are they likely to be in such a position unless they continue to overplay their hand in re the Palestinians. Bibi needs to go, Israel needs to allow aid to the West Bank/Gaza. but in all reality, the Palestinian people have missed their one good chance for their own nation...you cannot allow the desire for perfect to be the mortal enemy of pretty damn good. it is like legalization advocates for cannabis urging folks to vote against improvements in cannabis laws. you will never get every fucking thing you want, at least, not all at once. it just doesn't happen that way.
Fukin jews, arabs, evangelical christians, catholics, - all religions, greedy wall street motherfuckers, half brain trumps, destroying what little is left of humanity.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm on the side opposing US-backed murder and land theft by Nationalist Zionist Fascists. Whose crimes you repeatedly passively dismiss as 'both sides-isms'.

If you see that as racism from me, then you suffer from what the younger (mostly) American Jews who produced the film 'Israelism' regard as confusing criticism of Israeli government fascism, with hatred involving anti-Jewish/anti-Semitism values.

And that says far more about you than anyone else in this thread.

Are there racists in this thread? Yep. I'm not one of them.

Does that mean I pull punches so that some weak-minded person who's apparently purposefully abandoned critical thinking MIGHT not group me with them? Abso-fucking-lutely not.

I don't need to prove anything to your manipulative, adolescent replies. You're full of posturing and hot air, just as you were when you pontificated re. returned favors for over 5 months. A detail you repeatedly leave out in your knee-jerk, ego-driven rebuttals. Why might that be? Why leave out major facts like time-periods, or Israel's past crimes? Your sense of integrity and ownership of your bullshit? Mature honesty and self-awareness? I've yet to see an honest addressing of that issue from you, yet you pretend to hold some self-created 'high ground'.

It's hollow presentation for the public's eye. Nothing more and nothing less. Ego shit by any other name.

I don't have to defend anyone else in this thread, only stand for my own views. Which I believe I've explained quite well.

Your continuing to make it a matter of 'beige' both-sides-isms, when there's only ONE country taking land for 75 years from the other, only ONE country implementing Apartheid rule for a similar period of time, only one Country getting their war crimes repeatedly covered by unilateral US veto authority at the UN as they commit crimes that even the US acknowledges exist, yet repeatedly stops any action against.

You shotgunned your reply I confronted earlier, addressing it not to an individual but to a group.

The Israeli conflation of Fascism with Judaism is chronic, and you help to spread it like the fucking plague with your watered-down assessments, chronically looking to discredit anyone who lets Israel's responsibility land on Israel's shoulders. Why might that be? Me thinks thou protests too much.

And conflating criticism of Israeli government fascism with anti-Semitism IS the fucking plague. A worthless and incredibly transparent, contrived victim card, being held up by the primary perpetrators, and shared in support by lackeys who are apparently unable to engage in critical thinking when the subject involves Israel's culpability.

I recommend less self-inflating bullshit where trying to convince others of how clean one is. really..

Prove to yourself and others that there's a meeting place between your public persona 'stage displays', your spinal fortitude, and less public real self. But not to me. I've seen too much manipulative game-playing and gotcha' BS, all of which amounts to little more than excess wind... and a lot of what appears as hollowness coming from you.

All the world's a stage, right?

So you have completely left out the fact that I don't condone Israel or think that you are saying that all Jews are being lumped together...

You are full of rage and I figured that was a good sign to call favor for favor even.

If you were a man and not playing on a stage then you could have called me at any point.

I wasn't sure that you are usually one to fly off the handle but I see that your fall back is blowing in the wind.

There's a reason that you don't hear from me... or others.

moose eater

Well-known member
So you have completely left out the fact that I don't condone Israel or think that you are saying that all Jews are being lumped together...

You are full of rage and I figured that was a good sign to call favor for favor even.

If you were a man and not playing on a stage then you could have called me at any point.

I wasn't sure that you are usually one to fly off the handle but I see that your fall back is blowing in the wind.

There's a reason that you don't hear from me... or others.
People who know me know my word's worth. I know what yours is worth, as well.

Your calls were disinvited when you showed what you are made of, whether you placed them or not.

I don't play a role on a stage. I haven't postured anything I don't believe in or have acted on.

Your typical deflection defense is at top speed once again.

The ability to accept ownership of commission of wrongs without a bunch of 'ya'buts' rendered (especially those lacking context) is one mark of maturity.

If the remark about others not calling was aimed at past chasms with my adult children, then you're still grasping at straws in some passive-aggressive manner, as per your usual, in hopes of retaining that inflated ego you try to school others about, as you obviously have no clue about my current family structure and relationships at the moment. A desperate ego doesn't go unnoticed.

Quick, deflect again, I'm sure people are reading this...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You have no issues with your attitude, ego, or anger.

You should probably be patient instead of furious but you don't care about your issues as much as you sidestep them by pointing at others.



Well-known member
Fukin jews, arabs, evangelical christians, catholics, - all religions, greedy wall street motherfuckers, half brain trumps, destroying what little is left of humanity.
you left out athiests...or were they included in with the "Wall St./half-brain Chumps" ? most "organized" religion is at core about influence/power, of which money is a malign sideshow...

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Rage about a genocide doesn't seem unreasonable. But, pomposity coupled with veiled racist arrogance about that same genocide seems very American. Like a lot of modern world shaping events, the US is not on the historically positive side of this, but hey, keep fighting with each other, cause that fucking helps, it's definitely improved your country in the past 8 years...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Have you considered that you might appear to have your own bias against an entire nation?

The morality behind demanding death at the same time death is offending you I will let everyone else decide for themselves.

What is the appeal of creating further chaos and suffering if not to appease hypocrisy?

While I am saddened by this conflict, I'm admittedly so confused as to why people can't learn that I will just chalk it up to my ego.

Once again my ego and I have screwed everyone.

Screw Israel and screw the US and death to anyone who doesn't want more people to die.


So Hai

Well-known member
Rage about a genocide doesn't seem unreasonable. But, pomposity coupled with veiled racist arrogance about that same genocide seems very American. Like a lot of modern world shaping events, the US is not on the historically positive side of this, but hey, keep fighting with each other, cause that fucking helps, it's definitely improved your country in the past 8 years...
Lets not forget that these are people who have voted for war, both for the proxy debacle in Ukraine and the genocide in Palestine.


Well-known member
Have you considered that you might appear to have your own bias against an entire nation?

The morality behind demanding death at the same time death is offending you I will let everyone else decide for themselves.

What is the appeal of creating further chaos and suffering if not to appease hypocrisy?

While I am saddened by this conflict, I'm admittedly so confused as to why people can't learn that I will just chalk it up to my ego.

Once again my ego and I have screwed everyone.

Screw Israel and screw the US and death to anyone who doesn't want more people to die.

it is amazing the shit you invent inside that empty head of yours each day . pure science