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moose eater

Well-known member
Compromising your representation, dollar by dollar.

Let's see who it is that really stands by the claim of supporting an independent and courageous, compassionate America, eh?

Hint: It ain't who some believe it is.



Well-known member
I don't know.

I've always thought that if the good Christians believe so heavily in the glowing nature of a glorious Heaven, why do they resist going there so hard? Seems that maybe the religious values they wear on their shirtsleeves, end before the elbow.
nobody is in a real hurry to see if they are right, and many fear the unknowable, faith or no. they will miss seeing their kids/grandchildren growing up, perhaps fear for the safety (physical and financial) of family. i've known folks refuse life-saving treatment knowing that you don't get out alive, and why bankrupt your family prolonging the inevitable ? there are, as you suspect, more than a few whose religious identity is but a facade donned for others. "only the Shadow knows..." :ninja:

moose eater

Well-known member
nobody is in a real hurry to see if they are right, and many fear the unknowable, faith or no. they will miss seeing their kids/grandchildren growing up, perhaps fear for the safety (physical and financial) of family. i've known folks refuse life-saving treatment knowing that you don't get out alive, and why bankrupt your family prolonging the inevitable ? there are, as you suspect, more than a few whose religious identity is but a facade donned for others. "only the Shadow knows..." :ninja:
Yep, religious doubters, lacking faith in their professed religion(s), engaged in waging religious wars. Go figger...


Well-known member
distracted by the mythical "72 virgins" awaiting martyrs in Paradise, i guess... :dunno: no doubt an attractive recruiting tool to folks that are used to sheep and goats...


  1. Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.
  2. Overriding concern with ethnicity.
  3. A tendency to evaluate other people, activities, cultures, etc. primarily from the perspective of one's own as being superior.


Well-known member
Jews aren't ethnic group lol just big sect

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Well-known member
French historian Emmanuel Todd on Russian military doctrine :

"When they say that Russia wants to invade Europe, one wonders if you are led by serious people who know how to read, who know how to work. [...]

Russian military doctrine is clearly defensive. To say that Russia is going to invade the world, you have to be disturbed."

But, if Russia is attacked, there will be a nuclear tactical response.

Note : When Macron visited Sweden from 30 to 31 January 2024, he affirmed the will of Paris to supply its nuclear weapons to the European Union :

"France has the responsibility to make its deterrence available to the’European Union." (Macron)

But the European Union is a creation of a particularly warmongering state, the USA.


Well-known member
Kinda sad stoned thought this afternoon
here's another to think on. "if" the West relocated Israel in its entirety to Texas, say (fuck, they can have it!) and pulled all of our military out, the various rabid wingnuts of the Islamic faith will still be killing each other in manners deemed "uncivilized" by our standards and enjoying it. fighting is a damn intramural sport to them, and war is a condition of life... been going on for centuries.


Well-known member
Does not describe me. Especially concerning Palestine. I've already posted my stance that I think things should return to 1947 not 67. Not a great straw man.
it's not a strawman, you're more up in arms about a genocide that already happened than the one currently taking place. it's perfectly applicable.

The 'other thing' has been also ongoing for several hundred years but as lately as the 70s into the 80s first nation children have been stolen from families by the state and forced to attend/reside at schools which cut their hair and wiped their language and culture from their beings by force and brainwashing. This in part was to try to prevent the ongoing battle to take back their lands which were stolen.
those are indeed problems but if you can't see how people living in a open air prison that they cannot escape from and are completely controlled by an occupying government that shoots them dead in the streets with impunity every second of the day, before and after 10/7 then i'll just circle back to my quote about liberals lol.

Really? I did not know...I was demonstrating the weakness of your statement about your ancestors moving to North America post slavery and the wars on Indians. Not that they really did,
yes lol they really did. italians and germans who emigrated to New York weren't oppressing indians or slaves or stealing their land with the expressed permission and financial support from the US govt lol.

as those wars continue...some through armed occupation
??? what occupation ???

...some through protest,
protesting against israel will literally cost you your job in many instances

usually ended by brute force
yes the US is a police state, it does this with every group of protesters

...some through guerilla sabotage

...some through the courts
cool. meanwhile the courts are literally rigged in favor of israel

...even some through politics.
cool. meanwhile elected american politicians will literally call you a far right nazi or anti semite and dox you if you try to do the same with the palestinian genocide.

TLDR your comparison sucks
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Well-known member
i'll look up how many native Americans died during/after the tribes being forced onto reservations & systematically starved by governmental indifference and corrupt agents who had been put in charge of the "poor savages" ...you'll pooh-pooh the numbers though, i bet. "ancient history"
no, how many native americans RIGHT NOW are in concentration camps like the Gazans are? the answer is zero. which is why i said this comparison is lame and that you're seemingly more focused on actions that cannot be changed, vs shit that can currently be changed.

what would be your starting point to any compromise negotiations with someone whose long term goal was to kill you all ? let them kill HALF of you and call it even ? LOL! i guess you could call that a "start"...
you realize this is what the israel/palestine conflict is based upon right? israel said gimme half your country, they said no and conflict broke out. why would the palestinians agree to a compromise? they have every right to resist, violently, to remove the occupiers from their lands.


Well-known member
-that- is the comparison that i was making, beginning from Cannavores statement which i quoted. would YOU be backing them if Native American tribe members today started attacks on the rest of us, wanting to regain their homelands ? same question i asked him, thus my comparison.

sure why not. this country sucks and is built off the backs of slavery and genocide lol.


Well-known member
things considered "historical" get under your skin, don't they? who is going to move Israel? that will be interesting. oh, another question...how long before the Israeli occupation will fade into the mists of settled history like what the US govt did to the native peoples like The Cherokee, Comanche, etc. ten years ? twenty? a hundred? :shucks: :dunno:


Well-known member
Where's the part where they started a new war and killed a bunch of festival kids and took hostages?
prior to 10/7, the IDF fascists already killed hundreds if not thousands of palestinians just in 2023 alone.

Huwara Pogram for instance, which took place in 2023 in the West Bank where Israel themselves say Hamas does not operate;

"On 26 February 2023, hundreds of Israeli settlers went on a violent late-night rampage in Huwara and other Palestinian villages in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, leaving one civilian dead and 100 other Palestinians injured, four critically, and the town ablaze.[1][2] It was the worst attack stemming from Israeli settler violence in the northern West Bank in decades.[3][4][5]"

May 2023 when the IDF sniped American Shireen Abu Akleh in the face?

How bout June 2023 with Smotrich declaring 4,500 new illegal jewish settlements on Palestinian land? Days later, 5 days of Pograms against the palestinians and their lands took place.

How bout July 2023 when the IDF raided Jenin Hospital, and bombed the Jenin refugee camp?

Settlers and military having a festival near the gates of the world's largest concentration camp, what could go wrong? How many civilians did the IDF kill themselves?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
here's another to think on. "if" the West relocated Israel in its entirety to Texas, say (fuck, they can have it!) and pulled all of our military out, the various rabid wingnuts of the Islamic faith will still be killing each other in manners deemed "uncivilized" by our standards and enjoying it. fighting is a damn intramural sport to them, and war is a condition of life... been going on for centuries.
Well that’s just like uh your opinion man…

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