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moose eater

Well-known member
Unfortunately you still do not get it. If your ancestors arrived later, their path was cleared by theft; your place of residence was gained by theft and genocide. Besides that, as I stated, the oppression is ongoing. Industry and settlers continue to claim unceded indigenous land. The same is true of people relocating to Israel. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy. You ignore my statement that I fully support a return to pre 47.

Armed occupations - Have you heard of Kanehsata:ke - Oka? or Wounded Knee? There are more, not publicized
Sabotage - one of many - https://thenarwhal.ca/coastal-gaslink-attack-explainer/

I am not trying to make a comparison and I am not more concerned about the North American situation over that in Gaza. I was challenging your statement that the North American conflict/settlement is over.

I do question some of the ridiculous photos and video and accompanying comments showing up in this forum, mostly from X/twitter; some video obviously rendered from gaming video.
It's over in N. America/the USA insofar as if you ask the many members of the United Nations what government is in charge of the United States as we know it and who does the land belong to (notwithstanding the SCOTUS ruling in 1867 Cherokee v. Georgie stating the (tribes)/Cherokee Nation is an "interdependent domestic sovereign nation'), the many members at the UN would reply that the US Government has jurisdiction over and controls this soil.

If you asked those same members to the UN about Gaza, the vast majority agree that Gaza (and Palestine in general) belong to the Palestinians, yet Israel is still there running the show.. Like a home-invader who starts ordering you to cook breakfast for them and do their laundry, while they drive your car to town..


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It's over in N. America/the USA insofar as if you ask the many members of the United Nations what government is in charge of the United States as we know it and who does the land belong to (notwithstanding the SCOTUS ruling in 1867 Cherokee v. Georgie stating the (tribes)/Cherokee Nation is an "interdependent domestic sovereign nation'), the many members at the UN would reply that the US Government has jurisdiction over and controls this soil.

If you asked those same members to the UN about Gaza, the vast majority agree that Gaza (and Palestine in general) belong to the Palestinians, yet Israel is still there running the show.. Like a home-invader who starts ordering you to cook breakfast for them and do their laundry, while they drive your car to town..
Interesting?...but irrelevant to my post.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have sent a number of messages to my 2 senators and my congressperson.

But I think that for the most part, AIPAC's wallet and threat of spin in retribution for not toeing their line is significantly louder and more impactful than my messages.

Not that monetary and slanted/tweaked editorial influence hasn't bought out/off your representation decades ago, but now it's a foreign power doing so... with money given to them from YOUR tax dollars.

I wondered aloud last night to my wife as to whether or not gifting 'economic support' to a foreign government or their lobby, KNOWING FULL WELL that they intend to use that money to sway representation in this Country, isn't tantamount to treason.

And I'd love to find out through example, via efforts toward such prosecution.

Seeing AIPAC 'de-nutted' would be yet another moment that brings cause for celebration. Like/similar to the cause for celebration should someone put three rounds up close and personal into Bibi's cranium.

I don't doubt that you have been active in contacting your representatives.

I was asking cannavore.

moose eater

Well-known member
Interesting?...but irrelevant to my post.
I figured it applied to determining whether an entity is or isn't currently viewed as an 'occupying force'.

I also left out the parallel to/in Canada, where the various First Nations bands have become established as a layer of recognized government, but the UN would view Canada as 'legitimately' operated and controlled by Ottawa, despite the sub-sets/areas of the Country controlled by the First Nations bands.

Again, the many members to the UN don't view Gaza as legitimately occupied, operated, or controlled by Israel.
By the way, and acknowledging it as an unrelated tangent, a long-time First Nations artist from Whitehorse, Y.T., Ca. area, who'd been living in the Vancouver/Richmond, B.C. area for close to 4 decades now, with stints back to Whitehorse here and there, Richard Shorty, a former member of the Hippie School, died a couple days ago.

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moose eater

Well-known member
I don't doubt that you have been active in contacting your representatives.

I was asking cannavore.
My point was that, overall, correspondence with the conventional representation, whether White House or Congress, is pointless.

I could write a lengthy paragraph on the dishonest double-speak I received back from the Biden Oval Office, re. their "concern over civilian casualties in Gaza, and (their) doing everything they can to minimize those..." after Israel had already used white phosphorous cannisters in a civilian area, and Biden authorized sending -more-... white phosphorous cannisters, despite the use of them anywhere in the manner in which they were used constituting a war crime.

They rely on the ignorance of the public they address, knowing that few will look beyond the veneer and research the actual occurrences, versus the podium-sourced lies.

Writing them achieves 2 things. Putting it on the record, (to what end, who knows?), and killing trees by virtue of the paper the messages are printed on before ending up in their shredder.

I bank on karma or "someone with a serious investment in changing the course of time...", but I've come to seriously doubt the efficacy of karma at this point.

moose eater

Well-known member
Why do so many believe in karma, anyway? Is there a better reason for it than, "it's what some other people believe?"
Similar reasons that many believe in various religions; a hopefulness toward justice in a world filled with unanswerable and/or unsolvable questions or ills.

The hope for there being some sort of built-in negative outcomes or consequences for evil or other people lacking in clarity of assessment or vision, while perpetrating harms upon others.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I figured it applied to determining whether an entity is or isn't currently viewed as an 'occupying force'.

I also left out the parallel to/in Canada, where the various First Nations bands have become established as a layer of recognized government, but the UN would view Canada as 'legitimately' operated and controlled by Ottawa, despite the sub-sets/areas of the Country controlled by the First Nations bands.

Again, the many members to the UN don't view Gaza as legitimately occupied, operated, or controlled by Israel.
By the way, and acknowledging it as an unrelated tangent, a long-time First Nations artist from Whitehorse, Y.T., Ca. area, who'd been living in the Vancouver/Richmond, B.C. area for close to 4 decades now, with stints back to Whitehorse here and there, Richard Shorty, a former member of the Hippie School, died a couple days ago.

My perspective, like that of my indigenous family is that of the turtle being one land, including the tail and much/most of the lands being unceded. I knew many of the Haida artists when residing on Haida Gwaii. The works in wood and argillite are incredible.

As you know many fights go on. I never made it to the Yukon or Alaska, just northern - BC, Alberta, and Ontario.

moose eater

Well-known member
My perspective, like that of my indigenous family is that of the turtle being one land, including the tail and much/most of the lands being unceded. I knew many of the Haida artists when residing on Haida Gwaii. The works in wood and argillite are incredible.

As you know many fights go on. I never made it to the Yukon or Alaska, just northern - BC, Alberta, and Ontario.
Richard's People were Northern Tutchone, who extend up to and beyond Carmacks, Y.T.

I was just over to, and east of Carmacks, to Little Salmon Lake this last August.

The lakes in that area are largely fished out, due to years of nearby pressure from the mining communities, especially Faro, Y.T. and those from Whitehorse. A 20-mile long DEEP lake trout lake with few lake trout remaining in it when compared to a mere 20 years ago.

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moose eater

Well-known member
My perspective, like that of my indigenous family is that of the turtle being one land, including the tail and much/most of the lands being unceded. I knew many of the Haida artists when residing on Haida Gwaii. The works in wood and argillite are incredible.

As you know many fights go on. I never made it to the Yukon or Alaska, just northern - BC, Alberta, and Ontario.
The predominant First Nations band in the Carcross (and Tagish) area, the area of the Hippie School, were Tlingit; normally a SE Alaska coastal band, but Carcross (originally 'caribou crossing') was a nomadic hunting camp for the Tlingit when the caribou were migrating through there, and they were easier to catch while they were crossing between land points in the water of the intersecting lakes there.

Re. unceded lands and compensation, it is truly a matter of the age of the infractions and the arbitrary lines drawn by courts and others.

I've less-than-completely-seriously (in expecting any compensation) reminded others of the English King(s) and their torment, land theft, murder, destruction of homes and rape bestowed upon my Irish relatives, but I've never received an offer of 40-acres and a mule.

I'm glad for the First Nations settlements, whether here under ANCSA and ANILCA or in Canada under their land claims processes. Not always equitable from many angles of view, but some degree of variable efforts. Unlike the Plains and SW US bands who sometimes received unfarmable radioactive desert land and some sheep or goats.

Edit: And ANCSA and ANILCA might not have ever happened in the way they did, but for the 'conquering' Oil Producers wanting the State and Feds to clear the way for any foreseeable problems where pushing through the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline was concerned, hence the very similar dates. The real force behind ANCSA and ANILCA in my and many others' opinions.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
ukraine cheerleaders such as microbean should be sent to the ukraine frontline
and what of Russian cheerleaders? It is probably too late now but at the onset I should have been made king of Europe so at the onset they could have nipped the bud by swarming Moscow and Putin, something which Yevgeny showed everyone is easily done.

So Hai

Well-known member
and what of Russian cheerleaders? It is probably too late now but at the onset I should have been made king of Europe so at the onset they could have nipped the bud by swarming Moscow and Putin, something which Yevgeny showed everyone is easily done.
What about whataboutism. The girls need help digging trenches.


moose eater

Well-known member
that will vary by each viewer. there is no "generally agreed" upon stance that i see. this isn't ever going to be determined by counting opinions...
I used the UN's perspective because they are the 'ruling' body for the world governments, and even the US at the UN views (and has viewed) Israel's occupation of Gaza as an illegal occupation of Palestinian land, including viewing the settlers as a violation,. They simply don't seem to care enough, in light of competing/conflicting interests on the part of the US, to do anything about it.

moose eater

Well-known member
nope. if they were, there wouldn't be 5 members with veto power over the votes of the rest of the members.
There's veto authority in nearly every government system. Always belonging to a few choice seats.

And there've been many updates as to which deaths were caused by Hamas, versus IDF and their Hannibal Doctrine.

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