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Well-known member
things considered "historical" get under your skin, don't they? who is going to move Israel? that will be interesting. oh, another question...how long before the Israeli occupation will fade into the mists of settled history like what the US govt did to the native peoples like The Cherokee, Comanche, etc. ten years ? twenty? a hundred? :shucks: :dunno:
"past genocides happened, and this one will happen and be considered normal one day too" isn't the response you think it is.

should we have put nazis on trial? if your answer is yes, why? mass killings is just a part of history, bro.


Well-known member
Well that’s just like uh your opinion man…
nope, the past is readily available. the present is obvious. the Middle East has largely been warring tribes since biblical times. they fought over land, water rights, sheep, goats, women, camels, religion. (not necessarily in that order) they are killing each other today, they'll be doing it in twenty years. "Sunni versus Shia! come watch the car bomb finals LIVE! you don't want to miss this. front row seats available for those that don't want to drive home afterwards..."


Well-known member
"past genocides happened, and this one will happen and be considered normal one day too" isn't the response you think it is.

should we have put nazis on trial? if your answer is yes, why? mass killings is just a part of history, bro.
yes. to try to deter future Adolphs. does it always work ? no, obviously. genocide will never be considered "normal", and Israel will pay a price for it...eventually if not soon. but not all criminals are put on trial, you know that. "one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter". they have already been convicted in the court of public opinion world-wide. i doubt that will get the Palestinians any land back.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
nope, the past is readily available. the present is obvious. the Middle East has largely been warring tribes since biblical times. they fought over land, water rights, sheep, goats, women, camels, religion. (not necessarily in that order) they are killing each other today, they'll be doing it in twenty years. "Sunni versus Shia! come watch the car bomb finals LIVE! you don't want to miss this. front row seats available for those that don't want to drive home afterwards..."
Maybe you should brush up on your history. Your ignorant yankee is showing its racism…

moose eater

Well-known member
Kinda sad stoned thought this afternoon, but the US and their allies involvement in the middle east has never produced a single positive result for humanity as a whole, ever.
No, but it helped to maintain strategic access points for the US State Dept., CIA, and US military, as well as profitable trade and weapons sales.

There's what we SAY we stand for, then there's the reality. And the 2 are often bigly distant from each other where the rubber hits the pavement...


Well-known member
Visit beautiful Guatemala; another banana republic the US fucked up in order to have a subservient dictatorial regime in power in a place we had no business being or doing what we were doing there.

yeah, our horribly misguided "drug war" adventures into South America caused damn near all of the problems they are having down there, as well as the crush of migrants trying to escape the countries we helped turn into shitholes. when we "represent" democracy as poorly as we have for decades, it is amazing that as many people want to come here as are presently showing up at our borders...:oops:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
prior to 10/7, the IDF fascists already killed hundreds if not thousands of palestinians just in 2023 alone.

Huwara Pogram for instance, which took place in 2023 in the West Bank where Israel themselves say Hamas does not operate;

"On 26 February 2023, hundreds of Israeli settlers went on a violent late-night rampage in Huwara and other Palestinian villages in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, leaving one civilian dead and 100 other Palestinians injured, four critically, and the town ablaze.[1][2] It was the worst attack stemming from Israeli settler violence in the northern West Bank in decades.[3][4][5]"

May 2023 when the IDF sniped American Shireen Abu Akleh in the face?

How bout June 2023 with Smotrich declaring 4,500 new illegal jewish settlements on Palestinian land? Days later, 5 days of Pograms against the palestinians and their lands took place.

How bout July 2023 when the IDF raided Jenin Hospital, and bombed the Jenin refugee camp?

Settlers and military having a festival near the gates of the world's largest concentration camp, what could go wrong? How many civilians did the IDF kill themselves?

Where's the comparison to the 2017 offer of peace?

moose eater

Well-known member
yeah, our horribly misguided "drug war" adventures into South America caused damn near all of the problems they are having down there, as well as the crush of migrants trying to escape the countries we helped turn into shitholes. when we "represent" democracy as poorly as we have for decades, it is amazing that as many people want to come here as are presently showing up at our borders...:oops:
It was more than the US Drug War.

Guatemala was lit up by our lackeys in the 80s, Chili in the early 70s when we helped to sponsor a coup that displaced and killed a duly elected leader, Salvadore Allende' (his daughter wrote a great deal after the fact).
Samosa, Baby Doc, and many more, who had nothing really to do with dope traffic.

Illegally mining Nicaragua's harbor; a war crime/act of war.

The banana trade out of Honduras back then (mid-1900s), for which the Dole family (and others) paid zero export tariff.

If you stick enough money into a dictator's pocket and give them enough weapons, or even a good old American administration, they'll willingly fuck their own people, and fabricate one story or another to make it sound patriotic.
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moose eater

Well-known member
yeah, our horribly misguided "drug war" adventures into South America caused damn near all of the problems they are having down there, as well as the crush of migrants trying to escape the countries we helped turn into shitholes. when we "represent" democracy as poorly as we have for decades, it is amazing that as many people want to come here as are presently showing up at our borders...:oops:
We (State dept spinners) blamed FARC for the major cocaine production coming out of Colombia, when, in fact, FARC was more mobile and often outgunned (like Palestine, for example) and the massive cocaine production and shipments, as often as not, involved the right-wing juntas that were supporting the then right-wing government, and they typically didn't have to worry too much about the Colombian Government's helicopters and troops; they were on the same side..

moose eater

Well-known member
not surprised. sounds much like our CIA running heroin out of the Golden Triangle during the Viet Nam and Afghanistan wars. can't let a disaster go to waste...make money while it's available. :(
There's a reason US Special Ops/CIA went straight to Noriega's private office after the assault in Panama was underway.

Think: Nicaragua Sandinistas and the Reagan guns-for-drugs that Ollie North had Fawn Hall shredding papers for days over.


Well-known member
they typically didn't have to worry too much about the Colombian Government's helicopters and troops;
i watched several "expose's" about the cocaine trade over the years, and LOTS of the "lab destruction" videos were obvious photo-op bullshit . nobody there, no product in process, no drums of solvents or catalysts. shit had been abandoned long before, just as planned. fucking dog and pony show with no damn dogs or ponies...planting too many explosives to destroy a tent and empty containers for the benefit of the film crew...

moose eater

Well-known member
i watched several "expose's" about the cocaine trade over the years, and LOTS of the "lab destruction" videos were obvious photo-op bullshit . nobody there, no product in process, no drums of solvents or catalysts. shit had been abandoned long before, just as planned. fucking dog and pony show with no damn dogs or ponies...planting too many explosives to destroy a tent and empty containers for the benefit of the film crew...
The US was giving BILLIONS of dollars to the then-Colombian Gov. for cocaine suppression ('Plan Colombia', under Billy Bob Clinton), all the while their right-wing juntas were producing and pedaling.

Mind you, I have no beef with coca. Legalize it all, just as the Dutch Mayor in A-dam advised the other day.

But I do think lying, murdering, corrupt governments, especially my own, (as that's the one I'm responsible for), suck ass royally.

My neighbor was in Panama around the time the Spec. Ops were getting ready to leave, having raided Noriega's office(s). The same neighbor who was doing high-tech aircraft wiring who was too often in interesting places when shit had either just happened or was about to happen. i.e., Turkey, the night before GW's illegal Iraq invasion, Panama during the raids on Noriega's office. etc.

He was a world traveler making BIG money at that time, now retired. But the better I got to know his wife, the more I understood the world-traveling gig. :)
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
it's not a strawman, you're more up in arms about a genocide that already happened than the one currently taking place. it's perfectly applicable.

those are indeed problems but if you can't see how people living in a open air prison that they cannot escape from and are completely controlled by an occupying government that shoots them dead in the streets with impunity every second of the day, before and after 10/7 then i'll just circle back to my quote about liberals lol.

yes lol they really did. italians and germans who emigrated to New York weren't oppressing indians or slaves or stealing their land with the expressed permission and financial support from the US govt lol.

??? what occupation ???

protesting against israel will literally cost you your job in many instances

yes the US is a police state, it does this with every group of protesters


cool. meanwhile the courts are literally rigged in favor of israel

cool. meanwhile elected american politicians will literally call you a far right nazi or anti semite and dox you if you try to do the same with the palestinian genocide.

TLDR your comparison sucks
Unfortunately you still do not get it. If your ancestors arrived later, their path was cleared by theft; your place of residence was gained by theft and genocide. Besides that, as I stated, the oppression is ongoing. Industry and settlers continue to claim unceded indigenous land. The same is true of people relocating to Israel. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy. You ignore my statement that I fully support a return to pre 47.

Armed occupations - Have you heard of Kanehsata:ke - Oka? or Wounded Knee? There are more, not publicized
Sabotage - one of many - https://thenarwhal.ca/coastal-gaslink-attack-explainer/

I am not trying to make a comparison and I am not more concerned about the North American situation over that in Gaza. I was challenging your statement that the North American conflict/settlement is over.

I do question some of the ridiculous photos and video and accompanying comments showing up in this forum, mostly from X/twitter; some video obviously rendered from gaming video.

moose eater

Well-known member
Do you bother sending any of this to your representatives?
I have sent a number of messages to my 2 senators and my congressperson.

But I think that for the most part, AIPAC's wallet and threat of spin in retribution for not toeing their line is significantly louder and more impactful than my messages.

Not that monetary and slanted/tweaked editorial influence hasn't bought out/off your representation decades ago, but now it's a foreign power doing so... with money given to them from YOUR tax dollars.

I wondered aloud last night to my wife as to whether or not gifting 'economic support' to a foreign government or their lobby, KNOWING FULL WELL that they intend to use that money to sway representation in this Country, isn't tantamount to treason.

And I'd love to find out through example, via efforts toward such prosecution.

Seeing AIPAC 'de-nutted' would be yet another moment that brings cause for celebration. Like/similar to the cause for celebration should someone put three rounds up close and personal into Bibi's cranium.
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