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Brother Nature

Well-known member
Yeah for sure and I even add to it at times, it does feed the ego and give you a small rush, kind of like doing a bump of coke or having a shot, but like both those substances it's not good or you or humanity in the long run. It used to be only really politics or religious talks that brought it about, things that rely on faith and irrational thought processes, but I see it everywhere now, it's even all over the weed based threads these days. It's almost like the tools of advancement we've developed over the last few decades, with the best of intentions mostly, have done more harm than good and instead of evolving us have pushed us back into our tribal mindset.

At least we can vent here though and there aren't any real life repercussions to deal with. Gonna drink some beers and likely be hungover tomorrow, but I bet I'll fell better about life when all I have to worry about is my self induced headache..


Well-known member
Hamas is getting exactly what they wanted.
Hamas wants a two state solution with 1967 borders.

Israel wants the land they stand on and finances Hamas to keep them in power so the fascist Israeli's have a justification (albeit weak as fuck) for their ethnic cleansing, fascism, and genocide.

Liberals siding with fascists is the historical norm at this point.


Well-known member
Hamas is getting exactly what they wanted.
publicity, you are right. Israel has no choice (in my view) than to wreak massive non-proportional damage in response to an attack. when you are surrounded by much larger nations with much bigger populations, you have to use a retaliation ratio far in excess of one for one or get erased. they must inflict large enough losses to try to deter future attacks. those crying about "out of proportion" are actually saying "DEATH TO ISRAEL!" in my opinion.
Hamas wants a two state solution with 1967 borders.
yeah, Putin wants the USSR back too. :ROFLMAO: he gets to suck mud off of rocks as well. the Palestinians had an offer for a nation, and turned it down. how has that worked for them so far? :unsure:if they GET another offer, i'd advise them to take it.


Well-known member
Hamas has no power and to frame it like this is Israel Vs Hamas is insane.

There's only one side against a two state solution (which even then is a compromise. Israel should get no land) and it isn't Hamas.

Hamas has every right to defend themselves. And I said the same thing for the Taliban in Afghanistan when we invaded.

How many Israelis actually died by friendly fire on Oct 7th? Israel and Western media is blocking those reports because of the obvious indiscriminate Apache helicopter rounds that were fired into the crowds, at the vehicles, etc.

It's looking more and more like they false flagged those people to steal the rest of the country and to expand into Jordan and elsewhere for the 'greater Israel's project.

The IDF has killed more hostages than it has rescued up to this point. They don't care about hostages lol it's just further justification for their illegal actions.


Well-known member
publicity, you are right. Israel has no choice (in my view) than to wreak massive non-proportional damage in response to an attack. when you are surrounded by much larger nations with much bigger populations, you have to use a retaliation ratio far in excess of one for one or get erased. they must inflict large enough losses to try to deter future attacks. those crying about "out of proportion" are actually saying "DEATH TO ISRAEL!" in my opinion.

yeah, Putin wants the USSR back too. :ROFLMAO: he gets to suck mud off of rocks as well. the Palestinians had an offer for a nation, and turned it down. how has that worked for them so far? :unsure:if they GET another offer, i'd advise them to take it.
I wonder why they say death to Israel. Could it have something to do something that happened in 1948 perhaps?
yeah, Putin wants the USSR back too. :ROFLMAO: he gets to suck mud off of rocks as well. the Palestinians had an offer for a nation, and turned it down. how has that worked for them so far? :unsure:if they GET another offer, i'd advise them to take it.
"Hey we're gonna come in and steal your country, here's some breadcrumbs for your troubles while we take all the vital land and resources while leaving you in an arid desert where next to nothing grows" is the Israeli "offer" no shit they turned it down.

If some of you ever wondered what you'd be doing during the Holocaust well now you have your answer.


Well-known member

That's already HAPPENED and can't be changed...
it's still happening. it's the longest ongoing apartheid and ethnic cleansing campaign in modern history, maybe ever. the current nakba taking place also outnumbers the 1948 nakba at this point.

also Hamas was founded in the 1980's. you've got 40 years of oppression before Hamas decided they've had enough.


Well-known member

That's already HAPPENED and can't be changed...
maybe the native Paleo-peoples on this continent should rise up and kill a shitload of people of European heritage for taking their land and moving them out . that is NOT "settled history" to THEM. would you be backing them, Cannavore? would you be okay with that? the Cherokee or (name a tribe) have as much chance of regaining their historical lands as the Palestinians do. :dunno: maybe get the UN to vote on the matter...:LOL:


Well-known member
maybe the native Paleo-peoples on this continent should rise up and kill a shitload of people of European heritage for taking their land and moving them out . that is NOT "settled history" to THEM. would you be backing them, Cannavore? would you be okay with that? the Cherokee or (name a tribe) have as much chance of regaining their historical lands as the Palestinians do. :dunno: maybe get the UN to vote on the matter...:LOL:
israel's claim to the region is thousands of years old, the native american genocide is a couple hundred and yes i absolutely support them regaining land and wealth. i have living grandparents who are older than the state of israel.

if the US and the West didn't protect israel with our tax dollars they would have already been blown off the map. it's not an organic country.


Active member
publicity, you are right. Israel has no choice (in my view) than to wreak massive non-proportional damage in response to an attack. when you are surrounded by much larger nations with much bigger populations, you have to use a retaliation ratio far in excess of one for one or get erased. they must inflict large enough losses to try to deter future attacks. those crying about "out of proportion" are actually saying "DEATH TO ISRAEL!" in my opinion.

yeah, Putin wants the USSR back too. :ROFLMAO: he gets to suck mud off of rocks as well. the Palestinians had an offer for a nation, and turned it down. how has that worked for them so far? :unsure:if they GET another offer, i'd advise them to take it.
Haha yeah because that's always worked hasn't it? Israel are bullies backed by the west not the victims ffs. A retaliation far exceeding 1-1 ffs they are just clearing them out.. non proportional damage so they can land grab yet again, fuckers aren't hiding this, we all know the 7th oct attack was bad but we all know how and why it came about..

The Palestinians had an offer? So what it's there land and country.


Well-known member

With Whom are Many U.S. Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator – Israel​

Baltimore law enforcement officials, along with hundreds of others from Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Georgia, Washington state as well as the DC Capitol police have all traveled to Israel for training. Thousands of others have received training from Israeli officials here in the U.S..

Many of these trips are taxpayer funded while others are privately funded. Since 2002, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee’s Project Interchange and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs have paid for police chiefs, assistant chiefs and captains to train in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

These trainings put Baltimore police and other U.S. law enforcement employees in the hands of military, security and police systems that have racked up documented human rights violations for years. Amnesty International, other human rights organizations and even the U.S. Department of State have cited Israeli police for carrying out extrajudicial executions and other unlawful killings, using ill treatment and torture (even against children, suppression of freedom of expression/association including through government surveillance, and excessive use of force against peaceful protesters.

Public or private funds spent to train our domestic police in Israel should concern all of us. Many of the abuses documented, parallels violations by Israeli military, security and police officials.

The Department of Justice report cited Baltimore police for using aggressive tactics that “escalate encounters and stifle public cooperation.” This leads, the report said, to use of unreasonable force during interactions for minor infractions, such as quality of life matters. Furthermore, the report details how an overall lack of training leads to excessive force being used against those with mental health issues, juveniles and people who present “little or no threat against others,” such as those already restrained.

For years, Amnesty International has found Israeli military, security and police forces responsible for the same behavior.

In one case, a 28-year-old Palestinian man, not suspected of any crime except being present during a raid, was killed in what appears to have been an extrajudicial execution by Israeli forces, including an undercover police unit, during a raid on al-Ahli hospital in Hebron November 2015.

Eyewitnesses report that when Israeli forces entered the hospital room where the suspect was recuperating, they immediately shot his cousin. There was no attempt to arrest him or to use non-lethal alternatives before shooting him dead. This is one example among many.


Well-known member
israel's claim to the region is thousands of years old, the native american genocide is a couple hundred and yes i absolutely support them regaining land and wealth. i have living grandparents who are older than the state of israel.

if the US and the West didn't protect israel with our tax dollars they would have already been blown off the map. it's not an organic country.
well, having it known that you possess nuclear weapons helps a bit, don't you think?
The Palestinians had an offer? So what it's there land and country.
it WAS, at one time...sort of. Palestine has never existed as a nation with any government other than the British ruling over the scraps of the Ottoman Empire after WW1. there is no place on earth that i'm aware of where control has never changed hands from one group to another throughout known history. there is no constant besides change. "happiness is best defined by being content with what you have" old sentiment, that. :dunno: