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moose eater

Well-known member
Yes - its all more than a little confusing at times - trying to sort the wheat from the chaff - so to speak - and then form a studied opinion - that makes any sense at all -

My bugbear was about the obvious misuse of the word 'Semetic' - often teamed up with 'anti' -

- and as for my chin - it's taken a few knocks - but I'd hardly say that it's - chiselled - lol
I agree that the use of the accusation of 'anti-semetism' for anyone who challenges Israel's 75 years of theft of what most of the rest of the world acknowledges to be Palestinian land, and related Nationalist Zionism and apartheid state used to justify those crimes, is a feeble use of the term, and a misapplication used to manipulate others to allow the perpetrators to continue presenting as victims.

The halocaust ended a long time ago.

Not that there aren't anti-Jewish people today, but when Bibi's people are called out for their sins, there's some pretty legit reasons for that which go WAY beyond their simply being Jewish.

In fact, there's a number of rabbis and hasidic Jews who believe Bibi's Zionist interpretation is blasphemy in regard to their interpretation(s).

So Hai

Well-known member
Not that it matters
"He writes in his own autobiography published in 1937 that he felt as if the position of Ethiopia’s ruler was calling out for him due to his claim as “descendant from Queen Sheba and King Solomon.” Selassie was in fact a descendant from the so-called Solomonic Dynasty, which ruled over Ethiopia since 1270."

He was a colleague and personal friend to my father and 'uncle' and he might disagree with your statement; some dispute his heritage. (you can argue varying shades of skin color but....)

View attachment 18951503
Color blindness can be a physical or a psychological condition, there is nothing to argue about. That the ethiopian solomonic dynasty actually descended from Solomon and Sheba is not supported by either historical evidence or biblical scripture. The claim is a 14th century myth popularised in the Kebra Negast.

Furthermore you confuse the modern day israeli jews with biblical israelites. At best jews are edomites from the Hyrcanus conversion and even more so they are the descendants of converted khazars.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yes - its all more than a little confusing at times - trying to sort the wheat from the chaff - so to speak - and then form a studied opinion - that makes any sense at all -

My bugbear was about the obvious misuse of the word 'Semetic' - often teamed up with 'anti' -

- and as for my chin - it's taken a few knocks - but I'd hardly say that it's - chiselled - lol
I was also righteously confused.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Not that it matters

Color blindness can be a physical or a psychological condition, there is nothing to argue about. That the ethiopian solomonic dynasty actually descended from Solomon and Sheba is not supported by either historical evidence or biblical scripture. The claim is a 14th century myth popularised in the Kebra Negast.

Furthermore you confuse the modern day israeli jews with biblical israelites. At best jews are edomites from the Hyrcanus conversion and even more so they are the descendants of converted khazars.
I was not confusing anything. I was obviously referring to ancient Israelites and did state that there were those who dispute the man's heritage as he held to personally. This was to exemplify the misuse of the term Semite. Unpopularized union of bloodlines.


Well-known member

+ grump + oblabla + flinton + bibi + micron + g-hates + vande-hyene + zelpinsky +++++
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moose eater

Well-known member

What the woman speaking about UNRWA has just elaborated upon, whether she realizes it or not, is that the Israeli Government, as it currently exists, needs to be completely neutralized by any means necessary.

The incessant whining of perpetrators in victims' clothing needs squelched. Period.

Anyone not seeing Israel's lies and manipulations for what they are, isn't trying to look.... at all.


Well-known member
You know, declaring a factual claim to be false without any consideration of any relevant evidence is literally the definition of prejudice.
??? The information was extracted by the IDF with the use of torture which is illegal under international law and not an accurate way to gather information.

furthermore the accusations are made against 12 people. 12 people out of 30k that work for the organization. cutting food and water and supplies amounts to further proof of a genocide.

That's a relief. I worried for a minute you were doing a "Israeli ... mean[ s ] person with jewish heritage" thing. Glad to see you back down from that.
but she is jewish and a zionist and likely gets paid by the government for her propaganda. she's a state agent at this point.