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Well-known member
behind the lines of the "other" war, Russia has announced that yet ANOTHER of Putrids pet oligarchs has mysteriously died. :rolleyes: this one did NOT "fall" from a high place, but allegedly asphyxiated himself in his garage with his auto exhaust. probably less terrifying (and painful) than being dragged up 8 flights of steps and tossed out of a window...:eek:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
behind the lines of the "other" war, Russia has announced that yet ANOTHER of Putrids pet oligarchs has mysteriously died. :rolleyes: this one did NOT "fall" from a high place, but allegedly asphyxiated himself in his garage with his auto exhaust. probably less terrifying (and painful) than being dragged up 8 flights of steps and tossed out of a window...:eek:
It is now well known that Putin financed the Hamas attack to take eyes and military support off Ukraine. ( for those inept at humor, just kidding)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What many considered a conspiracy theory for years has come true before my eyes here in London - The Kalergi Plan is absolutely obvious 😉 to me -

moose eater

Well-known member
What many considered a conspiracy theory for years has come true before my eyes here in London - The Kalergi Plan is absolutely obvious 😉 to me -
I had some/have some reservations about the theory/Kalergi Plan when I read a bit of it here a long while ago, but have found a new generation of Israelis/Jewish youngsters who are finding the depth of the indoctrination taught by some of their elders and more known conventional Jewish organizations, and are talking out about being cheated from having real knowledge of both their history and especially the history of Palestinians who were largely an unknown (as far as history) to them. To an extent they're angry about being lied to and being ripped off for a better view of reality.

I watched the first group of young guests in this video, and it was clear to me that this is the hope for/of that region. And their kids, if they can maintain the honesty and open dialogue.

Having Jewish Voices for Peace be designated by AIPAC, ADL, etc., as a hate group, anti-Semitic group, or even a terror group tells a person just how much some of these groups expect for the indoctrination to stick, even when there's no 'glue.'

If you've got an hour-and-three-quarters to pay attention to this, or even intermittent attention, I found this to be very inspiring and educational.


Well-known member
What many considered a conspiracy theory for years has come true before my eyes here in London - The Kalergi Plan is absolutely obvious 😉 to me -
and to me it's obvious people like you are fully brainwashed by fascist propaganda.

whats more likely? your country is being flooded with immigrants by marxist jews in some hundred plus year long conspiracy? or that what you're seeing is the result of a hundred plus years of brutal western colonialism and imperialism coming home to roost?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
and to me it's obvious people like you are fully brainwashed by fascist propaganda.

whats more likely? your country is being flooded with immigrants by marxist jews in some hundred plus year long conspiracy? or that what you're seeing is the result of a hundred plus years of brutal western colonialism and imperialism coming home to roost?
Who really knows? - all I can tell ya is that the infrastructure that has supported this nation - is being stretched to breaking point - millions more people require hundreds more hospitals to cater to their maladies - millions more people need millions of houses to live in - more schools too - and every type of social service - and more people = more wear and tear and more cost - whos going to pay for all that? - maybe its all good for the economy - the more people you can cram into a small island the more money/goods and services they will need - and the more you can tax that - whatever political name you wish to label it all - go ahead - means nothing to me - having never voted - supported or become involved in any political party - I tell it as I see it - while I wait for open heart surgery - in a long - long queue -
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moose eater

Well-known member
Who really knows? - all I can tell ya is that the infrastructure that has supported this nation - is being stretched to breaking point - millions more people require hundreds more hospitals to cater to their maladies - millions more people need millions of houses to live in - more schools too - and every type of social service - and more people = more wear and tear and more cost - whos going to pay for all that? - maybe its all good for the economy - the more people you can cram into a small island the more money/goods and services they will need - and the more you can tax that - whatever political name you wish to label it all - go ahead - means nothing to me - having never voted - supported or become involved in any political party - I tell it as I see it - while I wait for open heart surgery - in a long - long queue -
An influx of large numbers of people, wherever they come from, is apt to produce a need to expand some types of infrastructure, such as roads, etc.

However, I believe that a lot of data indicates that (especially for immigrants and migrants in the US) revenues rise in tandem to some degree, especially depending on types of jobs obtained by these groups; many immigrants are more than willing to work, thus more revenues, more re-generation of income to stores, services etc..

That's been my understanding of it, anyway.

moose eater

Well-known member
An influx of large numbers of people, wherever they come from, is apt to produce a need to expand some types of infrastructure, such as roads, etc.

However, I believe that a lot of data indicates that (especially for immigrants and migrants in the US) revenues rise in tandem to some degree, especially depending on types of jobs obtained by these groups; many immigrants are more than willing to work, thus more revenues, more re-generation of income to stores, services etc..

That's been my understanding of it, anyway.
I'd add that in re. to infrastructure, etc., involving some types, there can be a ripple effect.

Say for example that the labor pool is overwhelmed with unskilled workers; wages may or may not go down a little bit, or not. Typically a temporary issue.

With housing, if a crunch or serious pressure is placed on the housing market, rents may go up a bit, or more, or less. Also, typically a temporary thing.

Keeping in mind and using the Netherlands as an example 30 years ago, when they were taking in more refugees per capita than nearly any other industrialized country in the world, many of their immigrant groups often remained together in enclaves of sorts. Early 1990s in the Netherlands saw Moroccan neighborhoods, Turkish neighborhoods, etc. Similar to the Irish and Italian neighborhoods in New York a century or more earlier. Sometimes still today. Safety and convenience in numbers, especially if there is resentment among local population, or when your culture is perceived as some sort of threat.

Mind you, some of those ethnic enclaves/neighborhoods in the Netherlands (Arnhem being an area in which I had more experience, staying with friends) were incredible places to shop for groceries, ready-to-eat food, alcohol/liquor, restaurants, etc. (*There was a cold curried chicken salad at one grocery market in the red-light district in 1991, near where my friends lived in Arnhem, that I would still pay money for the recipe of/for).

I found the best way to know if you were in an ethnic 'mob' or organized crime-controlled cafe' with cannabis and hashish, or not, was to look at the wares on the menu. If they were exclusively from Morocco or Turkey, then there was some degree of probability that you were feeding the underground, tighter organizations. If there was a wide variety or selection of points of origin for the wares, there was less likelihood that it was mob controlled.

But that was in the days of the Guilder, and I miss that chicken salad and the .75 cent USD Grolsch 11.2 oz.. bottles in the grocery. Like Pike Place Market in Seattle, I could've hung out there for a good long while. It was about 1.85 Guilder to $1 USD back then. Fucking heaven for me! Pretty much the entire Country was on sale!!
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
An influx of large numbers of people, wherever they come from, is apt to produce a need to expand some types of infrastructure, such as roads, etc.

However, I believe that a lot of data indicates that (especially for immigrants and migrants in the US) revenues rise in tandem to some degree, especially depending on types of jobs obtained by these groups; many immigrants are more than willing to work, thus more revenues, more re-generation of income to stores, services etc..

ĹThat's been my understanding of it, anyway.

An influx of large numbers of people, wherever they come from, is apt to produce a need to expand some types of infrastructure, such as roads, etc.

However, I believe that a lot of data indicates that (especially for immigrants and migrants in the US) revenues rise in tandem to some degree, especially depending on types of jobs obtained by these groups; many immigrants are more than willing to work, thus more revenues, more re-generation of income to stores, services etc..

That's been my understanding of it, anyway.
Well the locals don't seem to quite see it that way - and we're never asked - if they would enjoy mass unfettered immigration in their villages or towns or cities - services for them gets degraded or even canceled and takes much much longer - due to huge demands on the public purse - other services are cancelled too - there are many other effects on the locals - such as the quality or frequency of medical care they are getting - this vid might be helpful to explain it -

moose eater

Well-known member

Well the locals don't seem to quite see it that way - and we're never asked - if they would enjoy mass unfettered immigration in their villages or towns or cities - services for them gets degraded or even canceled and takes much much longer - due to huge demands on the public purse - other services are cancelled too - there are many other effects on the locals - such as the quality or frequency of medical care they are getting - this vid might be helpful to explain it -

Humanitarian aid and answers will always cost money, and sometimes create inconveniences.

Which is more important? Giving aid that saves lives to refugees, or the other (sometimes minor) inconveniences?

There are many skilled professionals who immigrate to other countries as refugees, and end up working manual unskilled jobs, too.

moose eater

Well-known member
By the way, the Doc I saw today in Fairbanks, I'm pretty sure is a Scot.

A fellow with poor bedside manner and excessive presumptuousness, with a rather weak ego, for whom negative reviews have followed him from the Mid-West to (now) Alaska.

In the medical world, shit still happens. The surgeon I had in Seattle damned near killed me and inserted lies into my chart; he was born in the US.


Well-known member
and to me it's obvious people like you are fully brainwashed by fascist propaganda.

whats more likely? your country is being flooded with immigrants by marxist jews in some hundred plus year long conspiracy? or that what you're seeing is the result of a hundred plus years of brutal western colonialism and imperialism coming home to roost?
zionists are nothing to do with judaism. it is fascist propaganda to describe anyone who does not want open borders as far right, or fascist or one who would imagine it is a 'marxist jew'

kalergi plan is a matter of fact

Brother Nature

Well-known member
By the way, the Doc I saw today in Fairbanks, I'm pretty sure is a Scot.

A fellow with poor bedside manner and excessive presumptuousness, with a rather weak ego, for whom negative reviews have followed him from the Mid-West to (now) Alaska.

In the medical world, shit still happens. The surgeon I had in Seattle damned near killed me and inserted lies into my chart; he was born in the US.
Had a similar incident with 'home-grown' doctors vs. the 'imports' that people seem to complain about a lot. Had a somewhat bad motorcycle accident and it took a few days getting back to civilization before I could see a doctor, I decided to go private and pay through the nose for 'the best help money could buy'. The kiwi doctor who owned the practice and had been a osteopath for 20+ years told me there was very little to worry about with both my swollen foot and smashed tibia. I was concerned as I had previous injuries on both areas, but took the guy at his word. A week and a half went by and I was in so much pain I couldn't walk, had what looked like bruising all around the smashed area of my leg. Decided to get a second opinion from the local free clinic. Thought I needed an x-ray to see what had happened to the bone and previous titanium rod in that leg. The radiologist on that day had recently arrived from Taiwan and spoke very little English, but enough to sit me down and say, "Mate, I'm the professional here, you don't have bruising you have a major infection." Turns out I did and when I went to their specialist he said it was good I went for a second opinion because the infection was so bad that if I left it another week they would have had to take my leg.