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Well-known member
Perhaps sounds of combat, emergency vehicles around the hospital and heavy equipment removing rubble?

Or since most hospitals in Gaza have been disabled or bombed to shit by the IDF the tents were set up for patient overflow.
both scenarios possible. but still..."sleeping" under those circumstances ? if they WERE patients immobilized by injuries, that is one thing. anything else, i'd expect heads popping out to see WTF is going on. not like a tent is any cover...

moose eater

Well-known member
both scenarios possible. but still..."sleeping" under those circumstances ? if they WERE patients immobilized by injuries, that is one thing. anything else, i'd expect heads popping out to see WTF is going on. not like a tent is any cover...
I believe people would eventually sleep, even in a war zone. And war zones are often noisy, especially after so many people have been put into the streets via the destruction of their homes.


Well-known member
Anytime I have been hospitalized I would not have been able to get up out of the bed even if there was a bulldozer rumbling my way. Monsters are loosed.


from the future


Well-known member
Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly building a Hawaii compound with plans for an escape hatch, 'blind doors,' and an underground bunker.

Its official. You guys have scared the worlds richest jew :p
