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moose eater

Well-known member
lmfao Yedolf Hitler's brain is completely cooked. this would be hysterical if he wasn't a billionaire and a generational voice to dumbass impressionable minds

these are the neo nazi/anti semite/fascists you should be worrying about. not academics criticizing legitmate things lol.

At the Jewish page I've been holding court at, there's a continued overwhelming inability to differentiate between those who are anti-Zionist, anti-war criminals, anti-racist, and plain old garden variety anti-Jewish/anti-Semite.

With nationalism, ethnocentric-ism and theocracy in a fascist government, the likelihood of any massive epiphany of self-awareness, whether individually or for the State, is extremely unlikely in way too many cases


Well-known member
At the Jewish page I've been holding court at, there's a continued overwhelming inability to differentiate between those who are anti-Zionist, anti-war criminals, anti-racist, and plain old garden variety anti-Jewish/anti-Semite.
many of them know what they're doing and in the long run it's going to make actual anti semites more accepted. take previous bernie grifter turned "maga communist" turned white nationalist turned one of the largest pro-palestine voices on twitter with 2 million followers, Jackson Hinkle. Before Oct 7th he was a fringe Nick Fuentes type of internet grifting fashy weirdo. people need to pay attention to where they're getting their info from.


Well-known member
Oct 7 is quite sus, considering a few things

  • Stock traders seemed to know of the attack
  • Journalists seemed to have been informed early on
  • Egypt and other intel agencies provided warning
  • Israel's defense forces were not prepared
  • The military/police response was extremely slow to react
  • Some of the folks that were attacked advocated for peace and more just Palestinian relations

It feels like Israel wanted this to happen to further justify the cleansing of the Palestinians and perhaps to go further to eradicate Hezbollah and others. If they were going to let any group be attacked, why not the peace activists who they are at odds with idealistically.

Perhaps its a desperate attempt for Netanyahu to hold on to power/influence? Obviously the war mongering military industrial complex likes a good conflict as it continues to line their inhumane greedy pockets.

That said, some parts of this are hard to wrestle with, on both sides.

Rape and torture of civilians is inexcusable, that was psychological warfare and I cannot understand how soldiers (who are still human) are capable of such vulgar atrocity. To subject children's eyes to this so that they will forever be ruined is pure evil, I don't care how pissed off you are and how much you hate the other side.

Gaza was under blockade for many years, but I'm not sure comparing it to concentration camps is accurate considering they had hospitals, universities, day cares, bakeries, etc. Sure they were under Israel's thumb /surveillance and had no ability to prosper globally in a financial sense, but it wasn't a completely inhospitable existence. And because Palestine/Hamas continually attacked Israel, and lost those conflicts, of course Israel would have them in this blockade/police state and could justify doing so to the rest of the world.

So many across the globe have adopted the Palestinian cause, how much of the massive amounts of aid earmarked for Palestinian civilians is stolen and re appropriated by Hamas? If this wasn't the case how much better could their lives had been? Perhaps Hamas is all they have in some ways, like a necessary evil.

How can Palestine become sovereign with the corruption all around? Can a future generation of civilians ever accept Israel as neighbors and find a way to self govern?

What kind of puppet government will they (US and allies) try and force in the region if this (war) ever comes to an end? Since Israel is pushing back against the US will the US and Israel come to political blows?

Whats going on in with the UN? I appreciate their work but also acknowledge it is a quasi corrupt and evil organization in itself.

The world is watching. It is interesting how much support there is for Palestine. I am not saying it is undeserved, but it is interesting considering the many other oppressed conflict zones historically that have received far less attention. Could this be unique to the fact that Jews are involved?

Is the Israeli populace capable of self-reflection on this issue, will they move away from the right wing factions as they were trying to do before this mess?

Peace can never be attained until both sides can learn to live with one another, is that even possible?

It feels like both governments are desperate to control the public sentiment.

For me, working to disrupt and call out the US's role in all this is the most important. Why? Because it is closest to home and is the easiest for me to comprehend and relate to. All I can do is attempt to influence public sentiment by challenging viewpoints and posing questions.

Ironically, I have noticed a few on the far right having some kind of 180 on their views and are all upset that the black woman Harvard president is not being fired for being an "anti-Semite" I find this laughable considering all their fears about the "deep state" and conspiracy theories. I recall the Unite the Right torch bearers in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" I think this group is just angry and blood thirsty, and loves the idea of war and blowing up people that least look like them.

Someone please tell me where to find hope in humanity? Am I to hope for aliens to come and save us as some others have?


Well-known member
Oct 7 is quite sus, considering a few things

  • Stock traders seemed to know of the attack
  • Journalists seemed to have been informed early on
  • Egypt and other intel agencies provided warning
  • Israel's defense forces were not prepared
  • The military/police response was extremely slow to react
  • Some of the folks that were attacked advocated for peace and more just Palestinian relations

It feels like Israel wanted this to happen to further justify the cleansing of the Palestinians and perhaps to go further to eradicate Hezbollah and others. If they were going to let any group be attacked, why not the peace activists who they are at odds with idealistically.

Perhaps its a desperate attempt for Netanyahu to hold on to power/influence? Obviously the war mongering military industrial complex likes a good conflict as it continues to line their inhumane greedy pockets.

That said, some parts of this are hard to wrestle with, on both sides.

Rape and torture of civilians is inexcusable, that was psychological warfare and I cannot understand how soldiers (who are still human) are capable of such vulgar atrocity. To subject children's eyes to this so that they will forever be ruined is pure evil, I don't care how pissed off you are and how much you hate the other side.

Gaza was under blockade for many years, but I'm not sure comparing it to concentration camps is accurate considering they had hospitals, universities, day cares, bakeries, etc. Sure they were under Israel's thumb /surveillance and had no ability to prosper globally in a financial sense, but it wasn't a completely inhospitable existence. And because Palestine/Hamas continually attacked Israel, and lost those conflicts, of course Israel would have them in this blockade/police state and could justify doing so to the rest of the world.

So many across the globe have adopted the Palestinian cause, how much of the massive amounts of aid earmarked for Palestinian civilians is stolen and re appropriated by Hamas? If this wasn't the case how much better could their lives had been? Perhaps Hamas is all they have in some ways, like a necessary evil.

How can Palestine become sovereign with the corruption all around? Can a future generation of civilians ever accept Israel as neighbors and find a way to self govern?

What kind of puppet government will they (US and allies) try and force in the region if this (war) ever comes to an end? Since Israel is pushing back against the US will the US and Israel come to political blows?

Whats going on in with the UN? I appreciate their work but also acknowledge it is a quasi corrupt and evil organization in itself.

The world is watching. It is interesting how much support there is for Palestine. I am not saying it is undeserved, but it is interesting considering the many other oppressed conflict zones historically that have received far less attention. Could this be unique to the fact that Jews are involved?

Is the Israeli populace capable of self-reflection on this issue, will they move away from the right wing factions as they were trying to do before this mess?

Peace can never be attained until both sides can learn to live with one another, is that even possible?

It feels like both governments are desperate to control the public sentiment.

For me, working to disrupt and call out the US's role in all this is the most important. Why? Because it is closest to home and is the easiest for me to comprehend and relate to. All I can do is attempt to influence public sentiment by challenging viewpoints and posing questions.

Ironically, I have noticed a few on the far right having some kind of 180 on their views and are all upset that the black woman Harvard president is not being fired for being an "anti-Semite" I find this laughable considering all their fears about the "deep state" and conspiracy theories. I recall the Unite the Right torch bearers in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" I think this group is just angry and blood thirsty, and loves the idea of war and blowing up people that least look like them.

Someone please tell me where to find hope in humanity? Am I to hope for aliens to come and save us as some others have?
from my historical readings on ufos, such as they are
ufos seem to show up more regularly at places where humans are at war
they don't interfere, I don't see any signs of that changing

moose eater

Well-known member
Oct 7 is quite sus, considering a few things

  • Stock traders seemed to know of the attack
  • Journalists seemed to have been informed early on
  • Egypt and other intel agencies provided warning
  • Israel's defense forces were not prepared
  • The military/police response was extremely slow to react
  • Some of the folks that were attacked advocated for peace and more just Palestinian relations

It feels like Israel wanted this to happen to further justify the cleansing of the Palestinians and perhaps to go further to eradicate Hezbollah and others. If they were going to let any group be attacked, why not the peace activists who they are at odds with idealistically.

Perhaps its a desperate attempt for Netanyahu to hold on to power/influence? Obviously the war mongering military industrial complex likes a good conflict as it continues to line their inhumane greedy pockets.

That said, some parts of this are hard to wrestle with, on both sides.

Rape and torture of civilians is inexcusable, that was psychological warfare and I cannot understand how soldiers (who are still human) are capable of such vulgar atrocity. To subject children's eyes to this so that they will forever be ruined is pure evil, I don't care how pissed off you are and how much you hate the other side.

Gaza was under blockade for many years, but I'm not sure comparing it to concentration camps is accurate considering they had hospitals, universities, day cares, bakeries, etc. Sure they were under Israel's thumb /surveillance and had no ability to prosper globally in a financial sense, but it wasn't a completely inhospitable existence. And because Palestine/Hamas continually attacked Israel, and lost those conflicts, of course Israel would have them in this blockade/police state and could justify doing so to the rest of the world.

So many across the globe have adopted the Palestinian cause, how much of the massive amounts of aid earmarked for Palestinian civilians is stolen and re appropriated by Hamas? If this wasn't the case how much better could their lives had been? Perhaps Hamas is all they have in some ways, like a necessary evil.

How can Palestine become sovereign with the corruption all around? Can a future generation of civilians ever accept Israel as neighbors and find a way to self govern?

What kind of puppet government will they (US and allies) try and force in the region if this (war) ever comes to an end? Since Israel is pushing back against the US will the US and Israel come to political blows?

Whats going on in with the UN? I appreciate their work but also acknowledge it is a quasi corrupt and evil organization in itself.

The world is watching. It is interesting how much support there is for Palestine. I am not saying it is undeserved, but it is interesting considering the many other oppressed conflict zones historically that have received far less attention. Could this be unique to the fact that Jews are involved?

Is the Israeli populace capable of self-reflection on this issue, will they move away from the right wing factions as they were trying to do before this mess?

Peace can never be attained until both sides can learn to live with one another, is that even possible?

It feels like both governments are desperate to control the public sentiment.

For me, working to disrupt and call out the US's role in all this is the most important. Why? Because it is closest to home and is the easiest for me to comprehend and relate to. All I can do is attempt to influence public sentiment by challenging viewpoints and posing questions.

Ironically, I have noticed a few on the far right having some kind of 180 on their views and are all upset that the black woman Harvard president is not being fired for being an "anti-Semite" I find this laughable considering all their fears about the "deep state" and conspiracy theories. I recall the Unite the Right torch bearers in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" I think this group is just angry and blood thirsty, and loves the idea of war and blowing up people that least look like them.

Someone please tell me where to find hope in humanity? Am I to hope for aliens to come and save us as some others have?
There's a SHITLOAD to consider and reply to in there, and it's easiest to go backward.

I'll begin my reply from the last bits of yours, as it's easiest that way.

I had a Poli Sci prof at University of Alaska-Fairbanks in the early 1980s. His name was R.L. Smith. A Black man in Interior Alaska when it was a fairly White place to be.

He'd worked on Capitol Hill, and one could tell if they were paying attention that he didn't respect a whole lot of the dynamic there, though I have no idea what brought him to Interior Alaska. I guess the question never occurred to me.

He said in class one day that the only hope he had for the human race on this planet was if we were attacked by another entity from space, due to our tendency to group the wagons together when under duress, the whole failed history of policy born of "my enemy's enemy is my friend", and similar happy horse shit.

A student, who may or may not have simultaneously been reacting to the somewhat rare presence of a Black man on campus, (not unheard of, but a definite minority of notable proportion) went to the Dean of the Popli Sci dept and filed a complaint for wasting his time with such talk, of course taking it somewhat out of context.

No good ethereal discussion goes unpunished when the speaker is disliked.

Yes, Gaza has/had hospitals, but specialists are often in other places, like Jordan, and as Rob Mulford's Palestinian friend's story I posted weeks ago in Rob's Guest Opinion piece stated, Palestinians often require permission from Israel to travel, even for the medical care necessity of a minor child with cancer, which was denied.

If your movement is restricted, your access to food, water, medicine and other resources is in somewhat of a chokehold, even before Oct. 7th, and you can be shot or beaten by 'settlers', IDF or border guards with little or no repercussions to the doer, how is that much different from a prison or concentration camp, other than in prison someone else pays for your housing, bills, and food?

I'll continue with more later, as I'm eating the first meal of the day now. But consider a phenomenon applied in group and marital counseling, often referred to as the "perpetrator, rescuer, victim triangle'. In this pattern, one party offends against another/spouse/whom ever, then feels guilt, remorse, fear or whatever leads them to go at the other as a rescuer. The entity that was initially assaulted or harmed/hurt is many times in no state to feel accepting of being rescued by the entity who initially inflicted the harm (mind you, in the current state of things in Gaza, I don't see Netty caring about rescuing anyone, but others in Israel do/might), at which point sometimes the effort is rebuffed with whatever version of assault. and the initial doer is turned into a victim of sorts, and the bases get run like a 3-base ball diamond.

The situation in Gaza is, as stated, a little bit different in some ways, and in other ways not. But envision a situation where the foot on the throat of Palestine, that's been there for 75 years as the major powers largely turned a blind eye to murder, ethnic cleansing, land theft, and war crimes up the wazoo, and the foot of Netty is removed from the Palestinian State, with any hint of there being something other than a 2-state solution. If someone has had their foot on your throat, then someone says, "OK, we're past that, now play nice together and get along." there's a good chance there's unvented steam and resentment that has yet to be resolved, whether personal, systemic, or whatever.

Thus, nothing shy of a 2-state solution is ever going to work in my opinion, and even then, they'll still be immediate neighbors.

Edit: I can't personally think of any down-trodden people in a conflict zone where the conflict and abuse has been permitted by a super-power to go relatively unchallenged for 75 years. In that time, many human rights activists and organizations have been paying attention. Of course, as soon as one of their heads or journalists writes an unflattering review of Israel's Apartheid status, then those work visas are either revoked or denied, as Israel did to the head of Huiman Rights Watch not too long ago. Same reason Chris Hedges is barred from working in Gaza OR Israel.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Palestinians often require permission from Israel to travel, even for the medical care necessity of a minor child with cancer, which was denied.
Sounds a lot like the poor and disabled of the USA or Canada begging social services for relief to seek adequate medical care.

moose eater

Well-known member
Sounds a lot like the poor and disabled of the USA or Canada begging social services for relief to seek adequate medical care.
Distinctly less force involved.

When I go on Medicare shortly, the insurance broker piped in that one benefit to transitioning from my insurance with their network, to the same company but with Medicare as the network, is that the network for Medicare is national rather than merely restricting me to Alaska and Washington State.

I asked her how many seniors are able to travel the Lower-48 from Alaska after a pittance of a retirement kicks in.

But no one in my 'hood can shoot, bomb or beat me without any consequences, either.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Distinctly less force involved.

When I go on Medicare shortly, the insurance broker piped in that one benefit to transitioning from my insurance with their network, to the same company but with Medicare as the network, is that the network for Medicare is national rather than merely restricting me to Alaska and Washington State.

I asked her how many seniors are able to travel the Lower-48 from Alaska after a pittance of a retirement kicks in.

But no one in my 'hood can shoot, bomb or beat me without any consequences, either.
When I was denied going to another country for surgery and put on a 2 year waiting list, I begged, borrowed and stole to get to Mexico where I had my surgery by the cream of the cream surgeons in 2 days and the surgeon was actually the person who helped me get out of bed the first time. The US could learn a lot from Mexicans.

moose eater

Well-known member
Some who are sincere in their interest of this issue might like to attend by computer or (??).

I just received a fairly generic but most likely 'shotgunned' invite from The Intercept and Jeremy Scahill, which follows in quotes. You'd likely need to go to The Intercept and search for any links through which to apply.

Unfortunately, I'll be in Los Anchorage that day, enduring a $10,000 scan, which used to only be available in Seattle in my network.

So now that Anchorage has joined a bit more of the modern medical world, I get to travel less distance, be gone from home less time, earn fewer air miles, but have to skip Pike Place Market and the fried clam strips and chicken gizzards. SHIT!!... I guess.

>>>""""Everything we know about Joe Biden’s 50-year history of supporting and facilitating Israel’s worst crimes leads to one conclusion: He wants Israel’s destruction of Gaza — with more than 7,000 children dead — to unfold as it has.

Israel is barring international reporters from entering Gaza — and systematically killing the Palestinian journalists who are the eyes and ears of the world, reporting from this Israeli-enforced killing cage.

On Tuesday, I’m hosting a live conversation with independent journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous on the U.S. role in Israel’s scorched-earth campaign to annihilate Gaza, the future of Palestinian resistance, and the urgent need for journalism that tells the truth about this crisis."""<<<

moose eater

Well-known member
When I was denied going to another country for surgery and put on a 2 year waiting list, I begged, borrowed and stole to get to Mexico where I had my surgery by the cream of the cream surgeons in 2 days and the surgeon was actually the person who helped me get out of bed the first time. The US could learn a lot from Mexicans.
They'll let me go wherever I wish, BUT, outside my network area or with a physician or service that's not in-network, I pay more, don't get reimbursed, and the deductible doesn't apply to my standard in-network deductible.

Former political allies here have had major dental/surgery done in gated specialty medical communities in Mexico. Others at private clinics in India.