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moose eater

Well-known member
love that place
When I'd be taking the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry out of the old docking at Pier 48, before they moved it to Bellingham, it rarely failed that I'd get into Seattle with lbs. of smoke and 24-48 hours before the boat left. (Murphy-isms). It was back in the days before they put lots of donated $ into gentrifying the place, and there were political activists literally standing on fruit crates and pedaling their pamphlets, magazines, etc. Back then you might run into members of ELF, etc., there.

The musicians back then played where they wished, as the Market didn't have designated spots for them to stand on a scheduled shift. Conformity didn't live there quite yet, but basic civility typically did.

I'd drop my pack(s) with suspect payload off at the BC ferry terminal (I think it was Pier 64) and put that gear into a coin-operated locker there, so that if anyone had said something untoward re. my ventures, I wouldn't have it on me when I checked into the terminal I was later departing from at Pier 48. (Hard to find such lockers these days with the fears of terrorism and bombs, they took most or all lockers out of the equation).

I'd sleep in various places, either in the concrete or wooden stairwells, or sometimes someone offered me a bed, listen to music by the musicians in various places near or inside the corridors of the market, and eat the aforementioned foods and Asian cuisine for a day or 2, maybe some awesome Dungeness crab chowder at the Pike Place Brewery and Restaurant, shop in the headshops, antique shops, the pubs, etc. (I still have at least one pipe from those days, purchased there in the Market's lower level inside).

There was a used bookstore that carried a wide variety of leftist reading material as well as conventional, right across from the pig. It was called Left Bank Books. They often had unique stuff.

There was a used clothing store just around the corner from the infamous pig statue called, 'The Schizophrenic Clinic' and they funded a street clinic for mentally ill folks. I got used, as-new, name-brand hiking boots there, as well as the old (made in Oregon) Pendleton wool shirts for pennies on the dollar.

It was a whole different atmosphere there back then.

Gentrification sucks, on one hand, but their efforts also saved a class act Market that was in disrepair and needed a LOT of preservation.
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Well-known member
I really appreciate the insight and the thoughtful replies. I guess what bothers me about these affairs is I know there are cool and peaceful people everywhere.

I know a lot of Israeli's and Jewish people are against the actions of the administration and want better relations with their Arab citizens and neighbors. We forget these things when we see hyped up constricted young men being arrogant and disrespectful as the government's culture has encouraged them to be, then they get a slap on the wrist we they get too out of line for the international community to witness, hence the state's objective to block, intimidate, and silence the press.

On the other side there are many good and peaceful people in Palestine, Iraq, and Iran. They have good reason to be angry and I do not attempt say that I really understand much about their cultural or religious views. What we are shown are the ones chanting "death to America" and while I understand why they may have that view I don't find it comfortable since me and my family live here.

I think many people have views greater than what we are propagandized to see and they have feelings and opinions that vary from their rulers. the rulers try and shape the sentiment and are quite effective at doing so. Forced conscription, religious persecution. But quite typically the leaders are using the populace for whatever ego and power driven aspirations the collective conscious of the state has.

This is pretty much why I despise Nationalism. Though I do love culture, and realize it is regional. Borders do kind of promote brand and identity.

Just too many victims when it comes to war. I even pity the self righteous soldiers that often times do not understand they are brainwashed tools. But most of all its the citizens, people just want to exist, and they do have love. No one gets to choose where they are born, more or less (maybe on a soul level) so why should we group people together and assume they all have a certain ideology.

Yes the people should rebel against their unjust governments, and they do try. That is why the Hamas and other terrorists should maybe have some pause before they target civilians. I know those are the targets that are only accessible to them, but oftentimes that anger may be misdirected.

Fuck all governments...But I'm not really the anarchist I used to be because as I got older I realized many people need the stability of a system, they are not self-reliant, and they take comfort in having their lives structured for them. I know we will be forced away from that eventually, but are people kind enough to take care of those that cannot for whatever reasons?

I ramble. I want humanity to globally move to a better place for individual and the environment. I feel like I am losing sight of how that is possible aside from the small actions I can take in my own community which often times I do not do enough.

moose eater

Well-known member
I really appreciate the insight and the thoughtful replies. I guess what bothers me about these affairs is I know there are cool and peaceful people everywhere.

I know a lot of Israeli's and Jewish people are against the actions of the administration and want better relations with their Arab citizens and neighbors. We forget these things when we see hyped up constricted young men being arrogant and disrespectful as the government's culture has encouraged them to be, then they get a slap on the wrist we they get too out of line for the international community to witness, hence the state's objective to block, intimidate, and silence the press.

On the other side there are many good and peaceful people in Palestine, Iraq, and Iran. They have good reason to be angry and I do not attempt say that I really understand much about their cultural or religious views. What we are shown are the ones chanting "death to America" and while I understand why they may have that view I don't find it comfortable since me and my family live here.

I think many people have views greater than what we are propagandized to see and they have feelings and opinions that vary from their rulers. the rulers try and shape the sentiment and are quite effective at doing so. Forced conscription, religious persecution. But quite typically the leaders are using the populace for whatever ego and power driven aspirations the collective conscious of the state has.

This is pretty much why I despise Nationalism. Though I do love culture, and realize it is regional. Borders do kind of promote brand and identity.

Just too many victims when it comes to war. I even pity the self righteous soldiers that often times do not understand they are brainwashed tools. But most of all its the citizens, people just want to exist, and they do have love. No one gets to choose where they are born, more or less (maybe on a soul level) so why should we group people together and assume they all have a certain ideology.

Yes the people should rebel against their unjust governments, and they do try. That is why the Hamas and other terrorists should maybe have some pause before they target civilians. I know those are the targets that are only accessible to them, but oftentimes that anger may be misdirected.

Fuck all governments...But I'm not really the anarchist I used to be because as I got older I realized many people need the stability of a system, they are not self-reliant, and they take comfort in having their lives structured for them. I know we will be forced away from that eventually, but are people kind enough to take care of those that cannot for whatever reasons?

I ramble. I want humanity to globally move to a better place for individual and the environment. I feel like I am losing sight of how that is possible aside from the small actions I can take in my own community which often times I do not do enough.
Part of Hamas' justification for targeting civilians is that they've watched as Israel targeted their civilians with far greater firepower and destruction for years.

While the US and others have emphasized more restraint on Israel's part, often for the US citizen audience's gullible benefit around election time, they've never set a firm red line, that might say, "if you violate this line, we're done."

Israel's a petulant child tantrumming to get its way, and the US sees their geographic location as far too valuable strategically to do the proper parent thing, spank them, sit them down, and tell them they've lost their allowance and night out.

The fact that Biden has LESSENED restrictions that would've affected sending Israel arms, and despite Israels war crimes, continues to do so, including munitions that the very use of, by themselves, constitutes war crimes, and sends them $Billions in US tax dollars, says something even more sinister. As Jeremy Scahill states, they're invested in finishing off Gaza, because, in my opinion, it's easier than forging a 2-state solution., The US never liked the Arabs too awful much anyway. Except for the murderous Saudis, who had far more people on the 9/11 aircraft, on which I believe there were ZERO Palestinians.

And re. the hate for America, we've been sending the genocidal folks in Israel weapons for decades. If I was selling guns to the neighbor that was terrorizing you and killing your family, you'd be apt to have some attitude toward me as well.
Next time our buildings have aircraft flown through them, that -might- be a part of the issue.
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Well-known member
With all due respect for your view Moose. While I believe Israel has genocidal aspirations to say they have effectively doing genocide their whole oppressive history is not correct in my opinion. They have been assholes, earlier in time Arabs were also aggressive but got beaten in earlier wars.

That said, for most time the Palestinian population was growing, not decreasing. Genocide would look a little different? Poison the well shit. I'd like to term it more like severe oppression and colonialism.

Though I admit now genocide is becoming more true with Gaza bombed to ruin and so much murder in the W. Bank. This war is clearly not against Hamas and human shields is an excuse to terrorize displaced people and finish them off.

moose eater

Well-known member
With all due respect for your view Moose. While I believe Israel has genocidal aspirations to say they have effectively doing genocide their whole oppressive history is not correct in my opinion. They have been assholes, earlier in time Arabs were also aggressive but got beaten in earlier wars.

That said, for most time the Palestinian population was growing, not decreasing. Genocide would look a little different? Poison the well shit. I'd like to term it more like severe oppression and colonialism.

Though I admit now genocide is becoming more true with Gaza bombed to ruin and so much murder in the W. Bank. This war is clearly not against Hamas and human shields is an excuse to terrorize displaced people and finish them off.
Preceding 1948 (1947/1948), the Arabs and Jews in Palestine had lived relatively homogenously, neighbor to neighbor, at a time that the Arabs were greater in population in Palestine than the Jews; sometimes by significant numbers. 2:1 in many years..

Since the Nakba, it's been obvious that the Israeli hard right had intentions of driving them from the Gaza Strip, a 5-mile by 20-mile area being relentlessly assaulted now by what some now consider one of the world's most advanced militaries.

The fact is that the US -technically- restricts exporting weapons to countries committing war crimes or acting in ways that violate set standards.

That's where Biden is talking out both sides of his mouth and is complicit in war crimes by knowingly sending weapons (and financial support) to Israel while being aware of their misuse of their military.

If I sell you a firearm, knowing you intend to commit heinous acts and felonies, I can be held liable. There's no -real- accountability in this for the major players, and as J.F. Kennedy said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." Social physics.
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Well-known member
That said, for most time the Palestinian population was growing, not decreasing. Genocide would look a little different? Poison the well shit. I'd like to term it more like severe oppression and colonialism.
Palestinian population of Gaza has grown because Israel displaced and expelled a million Palestinians from what is now Israel & the West Bank, forcing them out of the country into neighboring countries, and the remaining refugees into Gaza. This is a common zionist talking point I see constantly.


from the future

The ugly plouc City n' israhell complicities for most and all aren't listed.


Well-known member
Or since most hospitals in Gaza have been disabled or bombed to shit by the IDF the tents were set up for patient overflow.