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Well-known member
it's nearly logistically impossible for hamas or palestinians in general to "genocide" israelis. they have no infrastructure, standing army, money, half the population of gaza are children, they have nothing.

palestinians have a right to defend themselves. israel does not.

I agree.

It is nearly logistically impossible for hamas or palestinians in general to "genocide" israelis.

And yet, here we are. Hamas has explicitly called for genocide, days after killing over 1k Israelis in a surprise attack.

Palestine has no infrastructure, standing army, money, half the population of gaza are children, they have nothing. And they continue to meet Israel's overwhelming military with pitched resistance.

Which begs the question: to what extent does Hamas manifest the will of the Palestinian people themselves, who have nothing? Instead of manifesting the will of the Palestinian people, to what extent does Hamas act to further interests of whatever external supporters they might have?

Moreover, what is the origin of this call to genocide made by Hamas leaders? Does it come from the Palestinian people themselves? I think that unlikely.

I think it far more likely that Hamas acts as the catspaw of other regional powers without any regard whatever for the lives of the Palestinian people for whom they purport to fight.

This is merely my opinion.


from the future
Neo-nazi ukraine's genocide of its own people reminds shoah and its zionist protagonist, real crazy delirium world of darkness,



The kyiv regime sends women to the battlefields. Forced conscription of pregnant women​



from the future

Kiev regime escalating crimes against Ukrainians

Neo-Nazi junta raising its Volkssturm


Well-known member
And yet, here we are. Hamas has explicitly called for genocide, days after killing over 1k Israelis in a surprise attack.
They have called for an end to the Israeli state, not for a genocide of the Israelis. Quite different things. They explicitly say they don't wish for civilians to be harmed. What we know as Israel is actually Palestine. They are simply trying to get themselves free, as anyone with a heart would do.


from the future
Is America behind massive surge in Kiev regime's child trafficking?


from the future
Shocking extent of Ukraine's unrelenting demographic collapse


from the future

Israel has taken its last breath​


An article by the famous Zionist writer Ari Shavit, in which he says:

«It seems that we are facing the most difficult people in history and there is no other solution for them than to recognize their rights and end the occupation».

Shabit began her article by saying:

«It appears we have passed the point of no return, and Israel may no longer be able to end the occupation, stop the settlement and achieve peace. It seems that it is no longer possible to reform Zionism, save democracy and divide people in this country».

He added :

«If the situation is like this, then there is no taste in living in this country.

There is no taste in writing in Haaretz,

There is no taste in reading Haaretz. And we must do what Rogel Alpher suggested two years ago, which is to leave the country... if "Israeliism" and Jewishness are not a vital factor of identity, and if everything " An Israeli citizen has a foreign passport”, it is not only in the technical sense, but also in the psychological sense, it is finished. You have to say goodbye to your friends and move to San Francisco, Berlin or Paris.

From there, from the lands of the new German extreme nationalism, or from the lands of the new American extreme nationalism, one must look calmly and watch the “State of Israel” take its last breath.

We must take three steps back and watch the Jewish democratic state fall.

It may “maybe” that the problem has not yet been resolved.

“It may be” that we have not yet passed the point of no return

“It is possible” that it is still possible to end the occupation, stop colonization, reform Zionism, save democracy and divide the country

The writer continues:

«I put my finger in the eye of Netanyahu, Lieberman and the neo-Nazis, to wake them from their Zionist delirium.

Trump, Kushner, Biden, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are not the ones who will end the occupation.

It is not the United Nations and the European Union that will stop the colonies.

The only force in the world capable of saving Israel from itself is the Israelis themselves, by creating a new political language that recognizes the reality and the fact that Palestinians are rooted in this land.

I urge you to seek the third way in order to survive here and not die

The author of the newspaper Haaretz confirms:

«Since the "Israelis" arrived in Palestine, they realize that they are the result of a lie created by the Zionist movement, during which it has used every deception about the Jewish character throughout history.

By exploiting and exaggerating what Hitler called the Holocaust, the movement managed to convince the world that Palestine is the "Promised Land" and that the so-called temple is located beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque. So the wolf was transformed into a lamb which was transformed into a lamb. Breastfed by American and European taxpayers' money, until it becomes a nuclear monster.

The writer sought help from Western and Jewish archaeologists, the most famous of whom is “Israel Flintstein” of Tel Aviv University, who confirmed that “the Temple is also a lie and a fairy tale that does not exist, and all the excavations have been proven. It has been proven to have completely disappeared thousands of years ago, which has been explicitly stated in a large number of Jewish references, and many Western archaeologists have confirmed it.

The last of these was in 1968 AD by British archaeologist Dr. Caitlin Kabinos, when she was director of excavations at the British School of Archeology in Jerusalem. She carried out excavations in Jerusalem and was expelled from Palestine due to her revelation of "Israeli myths about the presence of traces of Solomon's Temple under the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Where I decided that there was no trace of Solomon's Temple and discovered that what the Israelis call "Solomon's stable building" has nothing to do with Solomon or the stables, but rather an architectural model of a palace. Commonly constructed in several areas of Palestine, this despite the fact that "Kathleen Kenyon" came from the Palestine Exploration Fund Society, in an attempt to clarify what was said in the biblical stories, as she showed great activity in Britain in the mid-XNUMXth century concerning the history of the "Near East"

The Jewish writer pointed out that:

«The curse of lies is what haunts the "Israelis", and day after day it hits them in the face in the form of a knife in the hand of a Jerusalemite, Khalili or Nabulsi, or with a stone or a bus driver from Jaffa, Haifa and Acre.

The “Israelis” realize that they have no future in Palestine, it is not a land without people as they have lied about. Here is another writer who recognizes, not the existence of the Palestinian people, but rather their superiority over the “Israelis”, this is Gideon Levy, the left Zionist, when he says:

It seems that the Palestinians have a different nature from the rest of humanity… “We occupied their land and we called their young people prostitutes, prostitutes and drug addicts, and we said that a few years would pass and they would forget their homeland and their land, and then their young generation will explode the Intifada of 1987.

And we put them in prison.

We said, “We will raise them in prison.” Years later, after thinking they had learned their lesson, they returned to us with an armed uprising in 2000 that consumed everything that was green and dry.

And we said we'd tear down their houses

We besieged them for many years, then they extracted missiles that were impossible to use to attack us, despite the siege and destruction.

So we started planning them with the dividing wall

And the barbed wire... and lo and behold, they came at us from underground and through tunnels, inflicting heavy losses on us.

During the last war

We fought them with our minds, then they took over the “Israeli” satellite (Amos)? They sow terror in every “Israeli” home by broadcasting threats and threats, as happened when their youth managed to take control of “Israeli” Channel XNUMX

Ultimately, as the author says:

«It seems that we are facing the most difficult people in history and there is no other solution for them than to recognize their rights and end the occupation».

source: Haaretz

sent by Mouna Alno-Nakhal

moose eater

Well-known member
It's always much easier for the comfortable in life to advise those who have had their families killed and homes stolen to practice pacifism and patience.

But when you break that down, the trickle down of relatively meaningless but really heartfelt-sounding bullshit, from places where programming the video recorder and deciding which steak to have for dinner are the challenges of the day. Maybe acknowledging that you're going to be late on your electricity bill by a couple days.


It is absurdity that the trespasser and thief, wielding lethal force much more significant in capacity, receives the verbal protections from those not being routinely victimized, that the trespassing murderer and thief seemingly is afforded protection from paying for their crimes by virtue of 'both sides'-isms and such bullshit..

Perhaps we should ask the Zionist rapists if they got off really well, and maybe they'd like a free STD test kit after the fact so their wives don't find out in some really harsh manner.

If you're not DEEPLY angry at the 75 years of murder, theft, and more, then either you're not paying much attention, or you're trying to hide some inexplicable support for the Zionist thieves. One or the other. Maybe both?

And it hasn't been Palestine with government support taking homes and mutilating babies for the greater part. Nope. It's been God's Chosen.'.

Save the fake empathy. Not buying it.

And some think or claim this is an anti-Semitic thread?

Holy fuck.

moose eater

Well-known member
Hostages killed in Hospital.

It's a remake on the old joke, How can you tell IDF/Mossad is lying? Their lips are moving.

They've forfeited their integrity LONG ago.

Just read Dhar Jamail's colleague's report and witness statements about his being beaten and tortured.

IDF and Mossad are Zionist criminal propagandist lying scum.

But the day may be coming when Uncle San can no longer afford to run interference for their crimes, and they may hopefully be held accountable at the World Criminal Court.

I hope I'm alive to see that.


Active member
And some think or claim this is an anti-Semitic thread?
Criminal antisemitic and comunist threat.
statements about his being beaten and tortured.
Asking where the Hostages are - is not a Crime.
But the day may be coming when Uncle San can no longer afford to run interference for their crimes, and they may hopefully be held accountable at the World Criminal Court.
Hey how many human Animals are in Guantanamo?


moose eater

Well-known member
Criminal antisemitic and comunist threat.

Asking where the Hostages are - is not a Crime.

Hey how many human Animals are in Guantanamo?

Statements by racist land thieves and those who support systemic rape have no relevance.

Many of your own rabbis acknowledge your Zionist government to be derailed from the Jewish faith by virtue of the strong-arm authoritarianism, taking your God's work out of your God's hands. Not just hypocrites, but fascist hypocrites.

And while you glory in the mistreatment of Palestinians in THEIR land, I worked to shut Guantanamo down.
So I'm thinking your head is way up your Zionist ass once again, scumbag racist.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Clearly you got enough to not understand what I wrote though.

How can you possibly think that?

You implied that growing up in a house with an abusive parent affects their children's thinking.

I just pointed out that mine must have not hit me hard enough to think that murder is a viable option.


Active member
Better wipe them out then.

Only one side attempting that....


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