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moose eater

Well-known member
Rewind to a month ago old timer.
Oh!!! You mean Hamas' offensive in reply to the 75 years of torment, abuse, theft, murder, rape and more?!

Yes, that was a bit gruesome for a relatively (in contrast) limited number of people

But imagine that! Treating a People as though you're at war with them for 75 years, ruthlessly abusing them and violating international laws routinely, six ways from Sunday, and they have the gall to wage a counter-offensive.

Maybe they should have just abided by the status quo, and waited for Uncle Sam's mouth-piece at the UN, under lobby by AIPAC, to fall asleep and forget to shield Israel from the culpability for their seventy-five years of war crimes?
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moose eater

Well-known member
An eye for an eye…
Natural social physics in motion; for every force there exists an equal or greater counter-force (with those forces not necessarily being restricted in definition or type... The world tends to frown on those who commit genocide, as well, and there will hopefully soon be an obvious and stern reply... though I'm not holding my breath....).


Why I purposefully avoided kicking yellow jacket nests this last summer....

moose eater

Well-known member
So you can see why I think Hamas fucked up.
Hamas' efforts got the reality of the Palestinian plight glowing on the television screens in every developed (and some still developing) nation, and proportionality, as well as discerning who the initial aggressor is, sometimes still matters to public opinion, especially internationally, where AIPAC hasn't made their representatives quite so.... prosperous.....

And much of the world still believes in true self-defense, as opposed to our 'Domino Theory' and other dissimilar propagandist horse shit.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Hamas' efforts got the reality of the Palestinian plight glowing on the television screens in every developed (and some still developing) nation, and proportionality, as well as discerning who the initial aggressor is, sometimes still matters to public opinion, especially internationally, where AIPAC hasn't made their representatives quite so.... prosperous.....

And much of the world still believes in true self-defense, as opposed to our 'Domino Theory' and other dissimilar propagandist hose shit.

That's not worth the terrorism.

If you want value applied then apply it.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Both sides are wrong until the decision of peace pipe treaties and ceasefire negotiations.

Fuck fighting for the sanctity of real peace.

moose eater

Well-known member
And again, some would have Palestine patiently wait like masochists, another 75 years, until Israel's maps showing it as non-existent reach fruition... A plan already in motion, in violation of international law.

Israel, at this time, is literally a criminal state, being protected and armed by the US government, all in violation of the law, shielded at the UN and in Congress from bearing culpability for their crimes.

The volume and the images just got turned up louder, bigger, and brighter re. Israel's terrorism, and the far-greater crimes they have committed.

Let Bibi suck on those facts for a bit.


Well-known member
the israeli's wouldn't be victims of anything if they weren't actively trying to steal a country that doesn't belong to them. you can't be a victim AND the oppressor in this situation, which israel is.