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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I believe Israeli propaganda operates in many venues, indirectly or directly, and their output screed can be found in many countries, to include the US.
But in this case it was anti-Israeli propaganda - no?

""Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's the first time in history we're witnessing a state not only murder UN workers on such a scale but actually tell the UN they deserved it, and scold THEM for criticizing the killings. I simply have no words.""

moose eater

Well-known member
But in this case it was anti-Israeli propaganda - no?

""Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's the first time in history we're witnessing a state not only murder UN workers on such a scale but actually tell the UN they deserved it, and scold THEM for criticizing the killings. I simply have no words.""
No, I was specifically referring to the video testimony of the Israeli spokesperson in that post, below the commentary.

Did you view the Israeli statement in that post that alleged all defamatory negative reports about Israel's offenses were coming from Hamas and not true?


from the future

Palestinian resistance destroys more than 160 Israeli military vehicles​



After destroying everything with systematic aerial bombardments, “Israel” attempts to advance with its tanks over the massive devastation it left behind, but faces violent resistance from the members of Al-Qassam, forcing the enemy to withdraw and change course. the raid.

Occupied Jerusalem, Nov 12 (SANA) The Martyr Izz al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades announced the destruction of several Zionist vehicles, hit with weapons of their own making.
The spokesman for the Al Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, announced in a statement that Resistance fighters managed to partially or totally destroy 160 Israeli military vehicles since the beginning of their ground aggression against the Gaza Strip.
“Our resisters have destroyed 25 military vehicles of the Zionist army during the last 48 hours alone,” revealed Abu Ubaida.
He added that after destroying everything with systematic aerial bombardments, “Israel” tries to advance with its tanks on the massive devastation it left behind, but faces violent resistance by the members of Al-Qassam, which forces the enemy to withdraw and change the directions of the raid.
The Israeli occupier will pay dearly for all its crimes, and Gaza will become a battlefield to confront its invading military, he concluded.



from the future

Yeshayahou Leibowitz: Israel – Judeo Nazis​


“Judeo-Nazi” is a neologism whose authorship goes to the very respected (in Israel) Israeli philosopher Yeshayahou Leibowitz (1903-1994).

Referring at the time to the occupied Palestinian territories where “we use torture. The torture ! We use it under the authorization given to us by the creature who, just three years ago, was President of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (NDA: Moshe Landau, from 1980 to 1982) . A figure who, in practice, is more important than the president of state or the prime minister and who has expressly legalized the use of torture to make Arab prisoners speak. This is what I mean by Judeo-Nazi. There are Jewish Nazis. Judeo-Nazis exist. I see a fact. If I raise my voice it's because people still don't know it».

Last edited:


from the future

Russia just faked the annihilation of the United States​


And all this time...

Let's continue to observe the game of Go that Russia is playing against the United States which, with Westerners in general, are still in their hobby and only desire one thing deep down: to have absolute power over the Other, throughout the world. We could call this psychological stage at least an “adolescent crisis”, hoping that it will pass, for example, by force of circumstances.

The ancient world is dying before our eyes.

Russia, which has never belonged to this world, places its pawns not to kill the adversary, but to win against him without fighting or as little as possible (cf. Sun Tzu, “The art of War"). In view of the events in international relations which have developed since 2008 and the Crimean War, Russian international policy is intense and today knows many positive results which now make it possible to affirm that 70-80% of the world prefers to lead towards what Russia today promotes vis-à-vis the West, i.e. multipolarity and respect between nations. This clear and clear program is winning against the inhumanity of Western supermen and transmen.

Cuba, Nicaragua, part of Latin America, Central Africa, Egypt, Libya, Syria and soon Iraq, Turkey, China, Vietnam, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia… All “friends” and collaborators of the Russian Federation. The United States is now trying to save the furniture and is trying to bring Indonesia back into its camp against China, an objective that is today somewhat of a dream. We remain in the schizophrenic world.

The Russian economy is growing slightly and not in recession like in Europe. There is almost full employment. President Putin is overwhelmingly appreciated by the Russian population…

Russia will soon put an end to the Ukronazis (and not the Ukrainian population) who are now joined, in addition to adolescents, the elderly and the disabled, now by Ukrainian women to push the horror to its heights.

As a side note, what anyone beforehand mentioned, the “genocide” of the Ukrainian population is one of the goals sought by Western sponsors in the event of defeat by Russian forces. Indeed, for Western sponsors, dead Ukrainians are dead Russians.

Let us simply remember that the Ukrainian forces are composed mainly of Russian people who have undergone Nazi-type “re-education” programs served by these same Western godfathers who are experts in the field since at least December 1991 and the first day of the existence of an independent autonomous Ukrainian state. From the beginning, it has been clear that this new state is accepted to the extent that it remains brother to the Russian state which, in a certain way, frees itself from it after the Soviet experience of seventy years (before the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, no Ukrainian state ever existed1. It was a region that was part of the Russian Empire).

Ukrainian Russian (“Ukraine” means in Russian the western borders of the Russian Empire, Ukraine is, originally, a region of Russia2 is “deformed” from a young age to want to kill Russians. No ideology there, the animal side of man is pushed to its climax. Some Ukrainians manage to extricate themselves from the Nazi forces in Kiev, for example, by surrendering to Russian forces or by managing to escape abroad, for those who become aware of what is really going on under the orders of small Kievan “nazillard” dwarves represented by the low-class clown Vladimir Zelensky.

And all this time...

Three days ago, Russia simulated the annihilation of the main strategic targets on American soil with undetectable submarines off the American coast!

The article appeared on Telegram on the channel “Nasha /Z/ strana» (“Our / Z / Country”) on November 8, 2023 and was published on Yandex.ru (Dzen.ru) on November 9.
by Nasha /Z/ strana

From the outset, we emphasize that the annihilation we are going to talk about is only virtual and has not led to real destruction of “strategic targets” in the United States. In view of the protests of the spokesperson of the American president, Russia has “simulated the destruction” by nuclear submarines by means of nuclear missiles which “run along the coasts of the United States”.

What exactly happened?

Russian maritime patrol off the US coast

Nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy operate “constantly,” as stated, near the maritime borders of the United States.

For the United States, such “nuclear submarine activity” is unacceptable. They call them "convoys" and "patrols", make numerous protests and demand that the submarines remain at a "safe distance so as not to threaten America».

Currently, according to forceful statements from the usually outraged political and military leaders of the United States, no less than ten nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy are patrolling off the coast of the United States. .

Ah but that’s it! The Russians here! How did they do it? (©донэллиот.фр)

The Russian military command indirectly confirms these data. What is particularly important are the hysterical statements of the American leadership that all these submarines are armed with “Bulava” (“Club”) missiles.

The Intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM Bulava

It is one of the main means of destruction used by the Russian submarine fleet. According to the American classification, the missile is classified among the “most formidable”.

Unofficially, the United States classifies it as an impossible-to-intercept (or impossible-to-shoot-down) missile. It can carry nuclear warheads. It has ten separate warheads (that is, it is capable of hitting up to ten independent and distant targets).

And a little Bulava for the 12th, here we go! (©atomic-energy.ru)

Only on the basis of the statements of the American side, Russia conducted “electronic launches” of Bulava missiles from three nuclear submarines and simulated, dixit, “the destruction of important strategic military installations” on the territory American.

The “electronic missile launch”

The term is generally used for strategic aviation. It designates all the actions planned during the execution of a missile strike, with a big “BUT”, namely, without there being a missile launch. In other words, it is both “pilot training in extreme conditions” and “playing with the nerves” of the opponent. There is no impact and no irreversible consequences of the operation.

This means that Russia did not fire, did not destroy anything, it only carried out a simulation.

Moreover, the "impact" of missiles was studied only by the United States. Russia has confirmed the electronic launches.

Now let's talk a little more specifically about "impact."

How the White House can judge what our sailors did underwater and, moreover, know what targets were chosen for undetectable missiles, remains a mystery. We are dealing with a new chapter in Western non-scientific fiction.

American protest

The spokesperson for the American president, Madame Jean-Pierre, officially protested.

Karine Jean-Pierre is the official spokesperson for the American presidential administration. She came to replace the no less adored by everyone Jen Psaki in this position, but the management of information in the White House has not changed.

Let us pay attention to the fact that the organization of such actions (which Jean-Pierre calls “destruction simulation”) is something common for missile-carrying submarine fleets coming from any country. This is also the case for the United States, which seems to have very impaired eyesight and a very short memory.

Now, according to his statement, Russia has done the unacceptable. “Being at a critical distance from the coast of the United States, we have repeatedly declared the need to observe a safe distance, the nuclear submarines of the Russian Federation simulated the destruction of our strategic facilities. Russia has no right to do this».

Karine Jean-Pierre insists on the significance of the Russian exercises, assuming that she can seek a “meaning” in things: Russia does not have the right to demonstrate that it can annihilate America.

It's fabulous, isn't it? The United States has all the rights, Russia has no rights. Shut up, hussars! Not a word about your supremacist exclusivity!

Let us conclude, according to our good tradition, with an anecdote

US spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre is once again protesting against Russia. “Our intelligence services intercepted conversations between personnel responsible for launching Russian missiles. The latter are not content with firing Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles, they also claim that very soon, America will see “white polar foxes arriving” on its soil". She will logically say that the Americans are extremely outraged and that, in complete agreement with environmentalists, they are preparing retaliatory measures.

Hey Yankees! That's it, I'm at your place! Hooray! (©2-kartinki.ru)

The Russian Foreign Ministry, through the voice of Maria Zakharova, responds to this concern: “We will speak with our missile launchers and we advise the United States to work with a professional translator-interpreter who knows what the expression "a white polar fox is going to visit you" means».3


Active member
@Roms you seem very pro Russia how do you feel about the fact that many Russians left Russia in the last few years to go to Israel and many are involved in this with the IDF?


Active member
Zionist military released footage showing hundreds of scorched and damaged cars moved from the Nova music festival, which it claims that Hamas attacked. The cars have been apparently targeted with highly destructive weapons that Hamas does not reportedly own.

It seems like it's starting to unravel a bit



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
This is the post I was referring to. If you click on 'expand' it will reveal a video of a well-paid Israeli nationalist hack and liar. A professional propagandist by any other name.

That is the video I was referencing.
I rarely click on twit stuff because it loads my computer with cookies. I did try just now and got only an invitation to join, however I bet the video is cut to serve the poster's opinion.


Active member
ok thank you, but is the info correct in the tweet? ie did Israel admit it... (I'm actually not on twitter or X but seen the post elsewhere) eeek pro Assad not good at all...


Well-known member
I rarely click on twit stuff because it loads my computer with cookies. I did try just now and got only an invitation to join, however I bet the video is cut to serve the poster's opinion.
It's a 2+ min clip of a fascist saying the UN and journalists are taking the side of Hamas lol. They are losing the informational war so badly it's great.


Well-known member
ok thank you, but is the info correct in the tweet? ie did Israel admit it...
I posted a article from a survivor of the rave days ago basically saying as much but I don't know if it's been corroborated fully. Reports saying 2/3 of the deaths were military personnel, just don't know how accurate it all is yet. I just woke up lol I'll have a look later.

moose eater

Well-known member
I rarely click on twit stuff because it loads my computer with cookies. I did try just now and got only an invitation to join, however I bet the video is cut to serve the poster's opinion.
I'm not sure what could've been edited from the clip either before or after the Israeli's statement to make it any less dishonest. In his statement the Israeli claims what is already disproven; that all of the information re. military brutality, abuses, and crimes coming out in the media are sourced at Hamas and are either lies or simply incorrect. He's essentially claiming that the allegations pertaining the Israel's behavior in this are manufactured/fabricated and that all such allegations are to be disbelieved. Again, a statement that has already been proven false by independent sources.

He's doing what apologists for IDF do best. Lying through his teeth.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure what could've been edited from the clip either before or after the Israeli's statement to make it any less dishonest. In his statement the Israeli claims what is already disproven; that all of the information re. military brutality, abuses, and crimes coming out in the media are sourced at Hamas and are either lies or simply incorrect. He's essentially claiming that the allegations pertaining the Israel's behavior in this are manufactured/fabricated and that all such allegations are to be disbelieved. Again, a statement that has already been proven false by independent sources.

He's doing what apologists for IDF do best. Lying through his teeth.
name? context? The propaganda from everywhere is polluting thought. Just look at the Rom info. I am on the side of the Palestinians receiving freedom from the oppression & violence they are receiving as well as Syrians, Sudanese, Ukrainians.....


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
name? context? The propaganda from everywhere is polluting thought. Just look at the Rom info. I am on the side of the Palestinians receiving freedom from the oppression & violence they are receiving as well as Syrians, Sudanese, Ukrainians.....