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moose eater

Well-known member
I remember reading some predictions by someone called Albert Pike - many years ago - He lived thru the American Civil War - and predicted the first and second world wars fairly accurately - and he did speak of a third and final world war - could this çurrent trouble in the middle east be the start of that? - I hope not -
I think for now, there's some restraint being shown among most of the International powers of significant weight. But that can change with a poorly placed move or 2.

But I believe the success of Hamas' from the Oct 7 attack is shaping up as they'd hoped; a greater focus world-wide on Israel's continued crimes against humanity. Cockroaches hate the light.


from the future
@Roms you seem very pro Russia how do you feel about the fact that many Russians left Russia in the last few years to go to Israel and many are involved in this with the IDF?

Iam pro-Human ya.

The Jewish diaspora in Russia numbers 230,000 people, mainly in Moscow, its Agency estimates that 20% have left for israel since the start of the special operation in ukraine. I think that this number of 44000 people reveals their zionism xtrem so good point for Russia they're gone but now they wanna come back lol not won!

Bigger Jewish museum in the world, Moscow.
Museum_Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage (converted in 2012 into Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center).jpg

Museum Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage (converted in 2012 into Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center)
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Which side possesses the righteous indignation based in being subjected to such abuses in their own homes for 75 years?

The other side that perpetuates the stealing of homes and treating Palestinians like animals simply has their religious dogma claiming that behaving as they do is due to their being God's chosen.

Any time someone is excusing unforgivable acts by claiming to be God's favorite child, I know who's full of shit.

I absolutely and completely understand why Palestinians are pissed off. If someone did to me and mine what's been done to them, I would do everything in my power to take vengeance... in blood.

Israel is pissed because they occasionally have to pay some limited dues while they divide families and steal homes and land that according to International law are not theirs.

No, there's no evidence that the Palestinians would commit equal crimes against humanity.

And if this circumstance is 'unsolvable' that's in great part due to undeserved protections rendered to the State of Israel by the US at the UN. Which I look forward to one day being illuminated for the complicity in crime that it truly is.

I see all passionate hatred as capable of atrocities.

Because of that I also find the situation cyclical.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think for now, there's some restraint being shown among most of the International powers of significant weight. But that can change with a poorly placed move or 2.

But I believe the success of Hamas' from the Oct 7 attack is shaping up as they'd hoped; a greater focus world-wide on Israel's continued crimes against humanity. Cockroaches hate the light.

I see the killing of innocent people as unsuccessful.

moose eater

Well-known member
I see all passionate hatred as capable of atrocities.

Because of that I also find the situation cyclical.
Except pre-1948, there is no significant record in modern times of Palestinians attacking and hating on Israelites.

In fact, they seemed to have lived in that region in relative harmony.


from the future
A million demonstrators in London?

look at this
It is very impressive

The video is almost 2 minutes long. The procession is endless. The fault is immense. It is perhaps the largest demonstration in the contemporary history of the United Kingdom.


moose eater

Well-known member
I've been aware of that mess since I paid attention to the Bosnian/Serbian BS and nobody had to die to tell me.

I'm not sure that is a good way to get attention.
Many didn't bother to inform themselves of Israel's abuses.

And good, bad, or ugly, it's caused an increase in awareness of Israel's abusive history.

October 7 was one day. Palestinians have lived in hell 24/7/365.


from the future

This American plan, negotiated for the first time with Israel the 1960s was of the utmost importance for the development of events in Palestine.
Its objective is to’ obtain american-israeli maritime domination against the peoples of the Middle East. In the context of’a war more wide in the Middle East led by the United States, the Ben Canal project Gurion is part of the American hegemonic military program. That complies with Netanyahu's « plan aiming to wipe Palestine off the map » :

The Ben Gurion canal
will give Israel in particular and d’other friendly nations l’ shelter from blackmail resulting from’access to the Suez Canal.

The Arab states exploited the Red Sea to pressure Israel and, in response, Israel has decided to’ acquire more control on the Red Sea. These African countries have cultural affinities and economic relations with the Arab States. L’one of the main advantages military for Israel is that’il gives Israel options strategic, because the Ben-Gurion canal will totally remove the’ importance de Suez for the American’arme if this was necessary for the’aide to Israel.

Israel aims to push’Egypt even further into a deadlock by eliminating Suez from the global trade and energy corridor
and by becoming a global center for energy trade and logistics.

Experts believe that this situation will shake the’ balance strategic and energy project chinese « Belt and Road » in the Mediterranean, as well as in the STRAit of’Hormuz, which is the transfer of 30% of the global’energy. The Ben Gurion canal would enjoy the strong support of the’ Occident. ( Eurasia Review , 7 November 2023, italics added)

President Biden broadly supports the genocide Israel. Obviously, what is at stake is a hegemonic project american which aims the’ expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland and L’appropriation of all Palestinian land.

According to Yvonne Ridley :

« The only thing that prevents the recently revised project [from the Ben channel Gurion] of’being revived and approved without discussion is the presence of Palestinians in Gaza. As far as Netanyahu is concerned, they stand in the way of the project » ( Yvonne Ridley , 10 November 2023, italics added)

Although the project is being considered by the United States and Israel, as L’a pointed out Richard Medhurst, the validity of the 1963 LLNG plan is doubtful, to say the least.

What is revealed in the Medhurst video is the strategy american military intelligence aiming to use Israel as a « turntable » in the Middle East with a view to ensure the control’ hegemonic on strategic international waterways.

In solidarity with the Palestinian people

Michel Chossudovsky,
Global Research, November 10, 2023

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Many didn't bother to inform themselves of Israel's abuses.

And good, bad, or ugly, it's caused an increase in awareness of Israel's abusive history.

October 7 was one day. Palestinians have lived in hell 24/7/365.

Gaza has had a one hell of a month.

I just don't think that is worth it.

Escalation is not a good idea for either side but there's no telling anyone anything at this point...

Just because some people don't care how much shit hits the fan doesn't mean that everyone shouldn't.

I'm appalled at the behavior and attitudes of many on either side... but it's not cool to be slaughtering innocent people because you would only be proving one point to society.


from the future
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moose eater

Well-known member
Gaza has had a one hell of a month.

I just don't think that is worth it.

Escalation is not a good idea for either side but there's no telling anyone anything at this point...

Just because some people don't care how much shit hits the fan doesn't mean that everyone shouldn't.

I'm appalled at the behavior and attitudes of many on either side... but it's not cool to be slaughtering innocent people because you would only be proving one point to society.
The Palestinians have been being slaughtered at one rate or another for 75 years.

When a marauding bear enters my domain, PETA isn't even the third thought to enter my mind.

Actions by Hamas would likely have never taken place at all, had people held the US and Israel accountable, which they could have cared enough to do, but didn't, for 75 years.

Now that there's blood on the carpet, and brains on the wall, everyone, or at least many more, seem aghast.

Where was all of this compassion and empathy when it was just God's Chosen destroying the lives, families and homes of 'Sand Niggers'?
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from the future

«Tantura»: an Israeli documentary about the forgotten martyrdom of a Palestinian village in 1948​

In the 1940s, Tantura was an Arab fishing port in Palestine, whose inhabitants did not imagine for a single moment the’ horror that awaited them. This horror has for name « the brigade Alexandroni » who, on a day in May 1948, in the wake of the founding of the’ State of’Israel, s’empara of the Palestinian village. The tragic fate of the inhabitants of Tantura is the subject of the documentary that’a dedicated the Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz to this martyred village.




from the future

Director of’hospital Al Shifa : « The claims of’Israel that they abandoned the siege of’hospital are pure lies. »

A doctor at al-SHifa’ Hospital in Gaza City said Saturday that the Israeli’arm is opening fire on those who want to flee the’ hospital, reports Anadolu.

The Israeli’army has surrounded the hospital area and they are not « not even a meter, they are at the door », said Fadia Malhis, gynecologist at’ Shifa Hospital.

« Ils shoot all those who want to get out of the’hospital. If someone’un moves between units, they shoot them. There are many martyrs in the courtyard in front of the emergency room, the situation is very bad and dangerous, it is indescriptible », she said.

« It’ is like a prison without water, electricity or food. There were more than 100 martyrs in the garden. They opened fire on those who tried to’burden the martyrs in the courtyard of the’hospital. The garden of the’hospital is full of martyrs. Some have tried to escape from the’hospital and they have also killed them. They me’ont also shot at », she added.

Citing a’ power outage at the’hospital and highlighting the deterioration of the’'s condition of infants in incubators in the’ intensive care unit, she said: «There are 60 babies in the’intensive care unit, 39 d’between them are intubated, a baby died in the’afternoon. These will die one after the other».

She requested that measures be taken immediately to end the attacks around the’hospital, saying : « Please save us, stop this war, otherwise we will die. There are dead people everywhere. Save us, the situation is very catastrophic»


Meanwhile, Israel claims in turn, not to take S’en to hospitals or S’en to hospitals because’s would be Hamas hideouts.
Two lies in loops relayed by most French mainstream media.

These same shits are purposely sickening the statements of Human Rights Watch, which has investigated this subject and officially affirmed :
« We have found nothing that confirms the claims of the Israeli’army that the headquarters of the Hamas leadership is under the’ Al-Shifa hospital. »

But the most incredible thing is’is that’Israel proposes to take care of premature babies in danger of death at’hopital Shifa !

They cut their’ electricity, and then they want to kidnap them !​

And we hear France Info, present it as a generous offer ! It’s sordid !​


Director of’hospital Shifa called « the whole world is helping us evacuate ten incubator babies, who are still alive. With a total outage of’ electricity and telecommunications, 37 prematurely born babies were detached from their incubators at’ Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza and wrapped in blankets to prevent’hypothermia. «

Gaza: horror, hospitals still under siege, and false propaganda relayed in France !

The genocidal attacks by’Israel, which kill hundreds of Palestinians every day, including some 160 children, have spread to the bombing of the last hospitals in Gaza.

Correspondent for’Al Jazeera :
« For the first time since the beginning of this war, we can no longer count the exact number of martyrs in Gaza, some martyrs and wounded lie in the streets and no one can attain. »


The management of the’ Indonesian hospital north of Gaza announces that it has turned its yard into a mass grave for unidentified civilians.



Well-known member
B-21 Raider

The B-21 Raider will be a dual-capable penetrating strike stealth bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. The B-21 will form the backbone of the future Air Force bomber force consisting of B-21s and B-52s. Designed to operate in tomorrow’s high-end threat environment, the B-21 will play a critical role in ensuring America’s enduring airpower capability.

The B-21 Raider will be a component of a larger family of systems for conventional Long Range Strike, including Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, electronic attack, communication and other capabilities. It will be nuclear capable and designed to accommodate manned or unmanned operations. Additionally, it will be able to employ a broad mix of stand-off and direct-attack munitions.

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