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Well-known member
Yeah that 'christian' news report is sick.
i looked at some of the UNRWA employees being "anti semetic" and genocidal or whatever in their comments and most of them are just like god bless our peoples resistance to occupation. some more nefarious sounding comments but it's not out of the realm of normalcy for a people who live in a generational concentration camp. these people have deep resentments built up.

i don't really think it's anti semetic to say israel shouldnt have a right to exist.... AS IT CURRENTLY EXISTS.... as it's current existence is based off of illegal settlements, occupation, large scale death, etc.

remove the blockades, dissolve the entire israeli govt, send the war criminals to the hague to rot, return palestinian homes to their rightful owners, go back to the 1967 borders (something Obama used to agree with) and/or make it a state for arab, jew and christian like it once was.
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moose eater

Well-known member
name? context? The propaganda from everywhere is polluting thought. Just look at the Rom info. I am on the side of the Palestinians receiving freedom from the oppression & violence they are receiving as well as Syrians, Sudanese, Ukrainians.....
He's speaking on behalf of Israel at what appears to be the UN.

moose eater

Well-known member
Not sure, but I'm guessing that if Israel stopped stealing land that's not theirs and allowing their 'settlers' (a gross euphemism and understatement if ever there was), and forcing Palestinians into living circumstances that require fragmenting of families while living in a quasi-concentration camp status, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, there'd be a bit less desire to cause harm to them... Maybe not.

Like a burglar serial rapist upset and indignant that he got shot at.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Not sure, but I'm guessing that if Israel stopped stealing land that's not theirs and allowing their 'settlers' (a gross euphemism and understatement if ever there was), and forcing Palestinians into living circumstances that require fragmenting of families while living in a quasi-concentration camp status, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, there'd be a bit less desire to cause harm to them... Maybe not.

Like a burglar serial rapist upset and indignant that he got shot at.

Their opponents would do the same thing if they had the upper hand.

There's no fixing it.

moose eater

Well-known member
Watching plenty of interviews with bias on both sides has led me to argue with you on that.
Which side possesses the righteous indignation based in being subjected to such abuses in their own homes for 75 years?

The other side that perpetuates the stealing of homes and treating Palestinians like animals simply has their religious dogma claiming that behaving as they do is due to their being God's chosen.

Any time someone is excusing unforgivable acts by claiming to be God's favorite child, I know who's full of shit.

I absolutely and completely understand why Palestinians are pissed off. If someone did to me and mine what's been done to them, I would do everything in my power to take vengeance... in blood.

Israel is pissed because they occasionally have to pay some limited dues while they divide families and steal homes and land that according to International law are not theirs.

No, there's no evidence that the Palestinians would commit equal crimes against humanity.

And if this circumstance is 'unsolvable' that's in great part due to undeserved protections rendered to the State of Israel by the US at the UN. Which I look forward to one day being illuminated for the complicity in crime that it truly is.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I wonder if one day the Palastinians will have their own holocaust museums -

For some of us, they already do. But they're made of memories in the mind.

If they had a physical museum, inevitably, Israeli 'settlers' would claim it, move in, and destroy all artifacts... Simply because of manifest destiny for being God's chosen.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I remember reading some predictions by someone called Albert Pike - many years ago - He lived thru the American Civil War - and predicted the first and second world wars fairly accurately - and he did speak of a third and final world war - could this çurrent trouble in the middle east be the start of that? - I hope not -