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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
My peaceful nation much older than France look at you as what you are trivial dwarf microbe. Our Slavic brothers ahead of the big South will definately eradicate your fake system full of injustice, ignorance and anti-human paradigm so be it.
The Mexicans? I'm not in the USA genius.


Well-known member
While my sympathies are with the Palestinian people and have been for a long time there is still a single glaring question that all those bashing Israel over their military assault on Gaza are refusing to acknowledge.

Would the suffering and destruction that we are seeing in Gaza right now be happening if Hamas had not conducted their assault on Israeli civilians on October 7?



Well-known member
While my sympathies are with the Palestinian people and have been for a long time there is still a single glaring question that all those bashing Israel over their military assault on Gaza are refusing to acknowledge.

Would the suffering and destruction that we are seeing in Gaza right now be happening if Hamas had not conducted their assault on Israeli civilians on October 7?

View attachment 18917109
Israel wants complete control of Gaza and the West Bank. If it wasn't gonna happen now it would have eventually. They finance Hamas and keep them in power to justify their ethnic cleansing in the sake of stopping Hamas terrorism lol. You know, similar to how the US props up terror groups that eventually comes back to bite us in the ass.

If a guy goes into a pre-school with a gun and holds a classroom hostage and uses the children as human shields.. Is the appropriate response to indiscriminately carpet bomb large swaths of area? Of course not except that's what Israel is doing, and there's sufficient enough evidence to suggest a bunch of those civilian rave deaths were caused by Israel forces killing everything on sight .

There is no Hamas in the West Bank and yet that doesn't stop Israel from murdering people and displacing them from their homes.
The whole notion that Israel is only doing this to defend themselves is a total lie.


Well-known member
For the perpetrators, shouldn't there be some punishment or pain in justice being delivered? Shouldn't the cavalry who shot the ghost dancers be hung? Shouldn't Netanyahu be imprisoned for the rest of his life or executed?
in time, that might well be the opinion of many. it is not right now for most Israelis (or many others), and most of the American public was behind the Cavalry's work to "cease depredations" by the "uncivilized bloodthirsty savages" at that time, and largely for the same reasons. we considered them less than human, treated them as such, and stole their homeland after starving them into submission by slaughtering the buffalo in wanton fashion. just as it is too late to punish the cavalry, Netanyahu too will probably escape legal punishment. hindsight etc etc...

moose eater

Well-known member
in time, that might well be the opinion of many. it is not right now for most Israelis (or many others), and most of the American public was behind the Cavalry's work to "cease depredations" by the "uncivilized bloodthirsty savages" at that time, and largely for the same reasons. we considered them less than human, treated them as such, and stole their homeland after starving them into submission by slaughtering the buffalo in wanton fashion. just as it is too late to punish the cavalry, Netanyahu too will probably escape legal punishment. hindsight etc etc...
It was and is the same old tactics; dehumanize those one wishes to displace and steal from, make them out to be evil, uncivilized and less than, then do as you will and make up whatever lies are necessary to cover your ass should the light of day illuminate what's really going on.

I can't think of too many conflicts where this hasn't been the greater power's tactic.

But the heavy-handedness and lies perpetrated by Israel are indeed attracting more of the world's attention.

moose eater

Well-known member
While my sympathies are with the Palestinian people and have been for a long time there is still a single glaring question that all those bashing Israel over their military assault on Gaza are refusing to acknowledge.

Would the suffering and destruction that we are seeing in Gaza right now be happening if Hamas had not conducted their assault on Israeli civilians on October 7?

View attachment 18917109
The Palestinians could've simply agreed to peaceably go back to living in quasi prison conditions as sub-humans.

How dare they strike back.

moose eater

Well-known member
By the way, in the very real analogy I posted in the OCCUPY situations, my belief that the perpetrators in riot gear deserved the ultimate consequences was not simply related to their acts, but include an expectation that those entrusted with power and authority by those they are -supposed- to protect, for which they swore an oath, are guilty of far more than mere assault or inappropriate groping and intimidation.

Those with such authority and obligation should be held to a significantly higher standard, not a lesser standard.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
I think Hamas was well aware of the reaction their assault would cause. Hamas has never been an organization afraid to loose lives and while their actions are inexcusable, they are more understandable than the reaction Israel went with. Aside from the 'official' narrative spouted by the US politicians and it's media, I've not met or spoken to a single person who has supported the murder of over 10,000 humans and continued torture and displacement of an entire race of people.

moose eater

Well-known member
More than a few talking heads have pointed out that Hamas' action did what it may well have been intended to achieve; to put Israel's over-kill and racist Apartheid policies on the front page and in the lime light.

While the stuffed shirt bureaucrats rattle off their milquetoast justifications for what Gaza and the West Bank have been enduring for decades, average less mesmerized people around the globe are sometimes gaining a whole new perspective where it concerns Netanyahu's fascist racist thieving policies.

That's why the Israeli propaganda machine is working in high-speed over time. But it is hopefully too late for their choir boy shtick to sell too well.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I believe Israeli propaganda operates in many venues, indirectly or directly, and their output screed can be found in many countries, to include the US.
Just as the United States propaganda machine operates in many venues, other than those limited to more formal outlets for State Department, DoD, and administrative releases.

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