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moose eater

Well-known member
If you are aware of your preference for violence and the effects of fighting fire with fire, wouldn't you think it better to just let them fight until no one can fight anymore?

What purpose could peace ever serve in a situation where someone is always going to fight back in kind?

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying... violence is not going to breed peace.

If you don't want peace and feel violent rage and don't care about making a bad situation worse then I completely understand.
How about we call it 'peace with justice', and when the bully is protected from their consequences for their bullying, there can be no justice.

I am aware of my hatred for bullies and injustice, and the rage associated with that... even where it originates for me.

I'm also aware of my stout belief that bullies should suffer some serious consequences for their offenses.
Israel receives more land and homes that aren't theirs as their 'consequences'.

Giving flowers and well-wishes or singing Kumbaya to sociopaths rarely erases or compensates for their crimes or turns them into boundary-abiding humble people.

As long as there's unbridled greed, nationalist exceptionalism, and boundary violations, there will be conflict. As long as those who are victimized by this one-up, one-down system of modern 'rights of conquest', there will be conflict.

I would go one further and say that for protecting Israel's abuses, the US is complicit, and should face tribunals at the World Court... or at home..... But we both know that will never happen. Not until we lose the bogus cape of unearned hero and fair-handedness status and are no longer king of turd mountain.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Numerous interviews indicate Hamas did not act the same way. Including statements from hostages, especially female hostages, who reported having been treated with respect while captive.
but also accounts of women killed by Hamas at households and festival; no Israeli forces in sight.

Note; many things stated by Ritter will not age well.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
When the US rocketed the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kabul, did headlines scream "Terrorists kill doctors and patients!!!"?

When Lt. Calley had his men shoot into the trench and suffered a mere year of house arrest, while the guy(s) who reported about it was ridiculed and harassed, did the papers and news scream, "US terrorists receive slap on wrists, and whistle-blower tormented!!"?

When Tiger Force operated in the Highlands of VN and dismembered living (sometimes elderly) civilians and wagered on how far they could skin a human being before the person died, did the papers read, "US Military terrorists commit heinous acts reminiscent of psychopaths and terrorists!!"?

When we dropped the A-bomb on a largely civilian population in Hiroshima, (the ONLY fucking country to have done so to date, by the way) did the papers read, "Well-funded and equipped terrorists, killers of women and children, annihilate civilian population leaving deformities, birth defects and decay for generations to come!!"?

When we covered a bunch of rural SE Asia with Agent Orange, wiping out rural farmers, and giving their civilians and our service personnel cancers and birth defects, did the papers read, "Well-equipped and well-funded terrorists engage in chemical warfare!!"?

I could probably write another 12 similar questions about incidents where the use of the term 'terrorists' would be quite appropriate. But history is written by the victors and the powerful (not withstanding Howard Zinn and Eldridge Cleaver or the Berrigans), left to libel or slander the losers or the lesser opponents in many cases.

It's programming through loose word play aimed at reinforcing bogus symbolism and status that's more often than not undeserved. 'Mind-fucking' by any other name.

I can't definitively say how you'd react in the scenario that I posted preceding this post. I've personally known 2 successful conscientious objectors from the Vietnam era who were taken into back rooms and slapped around. If they'd as much as balled up a fist in reaction, that would've likely been sufficient proof that they weren't truly COs.

But it was only them being slapped around. I suspect had it included them watching their family or loved ones being smacked around, there'd have been balled fists and more.

I gave up pacifism at age 15 when I got a vein near my left eye broken against a brick wall, doing the right thing. I totally respect most pacifists. I simply don't have their composure or patience for assholes.

Ghandi wrote something to the effect of, (he) preferred violence to cowardice in the name of pacifism. I dug what he was saying.

I've physically intervened for others who were mistreated in numerous circumstances, starting at a surprisingly young age. Sometimes it's our duty. That's how I see it.

And I left no physical collateral damages.
Perhaps the difference (Mustard sees) is your choice to inflict pain vs fighting back to cease the aggression.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Absolutely Russian's Donbass resistance against NATO's terrorism in the fake person of ukraine's nation, the most corrupt place in the world with who do you think benefits from the crime?
I see your "little baby history" has you confused.

moose eater

Well-known member
Perhaps the difference (Mustard sees) is your choice to inflict pain vs fighting back to cease the aggression.
For the perpetrators, shouldn't there be some punishment or pain in justice being delivered? Shouldn't the cavalry who shot the ghost dancers be hung? Shouldn't Netanyahu be imprisoned for the rest of his life or executed?

moose eater

Well-known member
but also accounts of women killed by Hamas at households and festival; no Israeli forces in sight.

Note; many things stated by Ritter will not age well.
Ritter's and Hedges' scenarios for a number of things differ.

But military and police interventions in hostage incidents have historically often involved calculated forfeiture of hostages, just as they did when they gunned down their own guards at Attica.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
For the perpetrators, shouldn't there be some punishment or pain in justice being delivered? Shouldn't the cavalry who shot the ghost dancers be hung? Shouldn't Netanyahu be imprisoned for the rest of his life or executed?

I believe in punishment and justice but not in pain or suffering.

I think that being in service towards those you've wronged would be punishment and positive.

Hanging people will promote further pain and suffering.

Netanyahu carrying and tending to wounded would serve towards a better end result, in my opinion.

Moose, I completely respect and empathize with your position. I truly do. I've always done so and really look forward to your words!

I am no saint.

I don't think that anyone should change for anyone else but themselves... and also really admire your rage in the same way that I really admire my memory of what I would consider the same in my past thinking (feeling).

I have just applied it with perhaps a lesser success and retired it (I think).

I could totally see you and I in a James Bond movie type situation wherein the scene includes me violently raging and thereby becoming the antithesis of any logos I had formerly professed...

But if we can remember to think as we feel, I believe that violence will not feel as good as knowing that punishment can be positive and punitive.

Fuck fighting fire with fire, in my opinion.

moose eater

Well-known member
I believe in punishment and justice but not in pain or suffering.

I think that being in service towards those you've wronged would be punishment and positive.

Hanging people will promote further pain and suffering.

Netanyahu carrying and tending to wounded would serve towards a better end result, in my opinion.

Moose, I completely respect and empathize with your position. I truly do. I've always done so and really look forward to your words!

I am no saint.

I don't think that anyone should change for anyone else but themselves... and also really admire your rage in the same way that I really admire my memory of what I would consider the same in my past thinking (feeling).

I have just applied it with perhaps a lesser success and retired it (I think).

I could totally see you and I in a James Bond movie type situation wherein the scene includes me violently raging and thereby becoming the antithesis of any logos I had formerly professed...

But if we can remember to think as we feel, I believe that violence will not feel as good as knowing that punishment can be positive and punitive.

Fuck fighting fire with fire, in my opinion.
Thank you for that.

3 scenes from OCCUPY's abused history come to mind.

An elderly Black woman being clubbed by an NYPD goon in riot gear at Liberty Sq., and an ACLU observer (a volunteer middle-aged off-duty Superior court judge, no less) confronting the NYPD goon, telling him he should either arrest the woman or not, but that the (beating) was out of line, resulting in the badged goon jacking the ACLU observer/volunteer up against the wall and questioning her desire for similar abuse.

A young woman at OCCUPY Wall St, Liberty Sq. standing in a line being grabbed from behind by another NYPD goon in gear, reaching around her and grabbing her brusquely by her breast, hard enough to leave bruises, and her reflexively elbowing the 'officer of the law' resulting in a felony charge initially for assaulting a police officer, with her apparently not even knowing who it was she'd elbowed; not that it should have even mattered, considering what she was responding to.

OCCUPY Oakland, after the ports on both coasts had been shut down by the Longshoremen's Union, in solidarity with OCCUPY, after which 'the gloves came off' in service of the Oligarchs. Oakland PD firing a CS canister at point blank range into the head of a blonde-haired decorated Iraq war vet surfer, putting him into a coma.

Pacifism was paramount in all 3 of those scenes, for some because of personal convictions, but for many simply due to the reality that had proper and deserved instant karma been delivered as would have been justified, then there would have been cause for the fascists to up the ante and cause far greater serious harms. Probably to have included live ammunition being used.

Me? I think all 3 offenders deserved to die.... yesterday. But getting dozens or more of others fucked up was not acceptable, either.

I could compromise on Netanyahu to see him imprisoned for the rest of his life. But I'm the sort that views such confinement as worse than death in many ways. Maybe place him in general population in a predominantly Palestinian prison and let nature and karma take their course.

I certainly wouldn't trust him to tend to the needs of those he's persecuted and harmed.

We, as beings, are Yin & Yang. Darkness and light. I know both ends of my own personal continuum of character and beliefs, have (to some degree) embraced my inner heroes and villains, my shadow archetypes, as it were; why I'm still free, despite my disposition toward such scumbags, though if someone caps such vermin, as previously stated, at our home it's cause for celebration.

Tumors and cysts are sometimes a part of us, just as Netanyahu and those like him are a part of humanity. But I do not mourn when they are cut out of me, other than for the damaged tissue that was functional or good tissue, and is turned into scars.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Ritter's and Hedges' scenarios for a number of things differ.

But military and police interventions in hostage incidents have historically often involved calculated forfeiture of hostages, just as they did when they gunned down their own guards at Attica.
I was thinking of his statements that Hamas would beat Israel because they are fat and out of shape; that Hezbollah would pulverize Israel with rockets and a number of other loud mouth braggadocious blatherings. I'm not pro Israel in this debacle but that guy is moronic.

I do know about attempted hostage rescues. My father helped orchestrate Stanleyville.

moose eater

Well-known member
I was thinking of his statements that Hamas would beat Israel because they are fat and out of shape; that Hezbollah would pulverize Israel with rockets and a number of other loud mouth braggadocious blatherings. I'm not pro Israel in this debacle but that guy is moronic.

I do know about attempted hostage rescues. My father helped orchestrate Stanleyville.
Ritter certainly has a 'military mind-set.'

I think Hedges is closer to real.

But Hezbollah has a shitload of rockets. Mostly unused at this time, from various reports, and Israel may or may not be low on ammo.


from the future
I see your "little baby history" has you confused.

My peaceful nation much older than France look at you as what you are trivial dwarf microbe. Our Slavic brothers ahead of the big South will definately eradicate your fake system full of injustice, ignorance and anti-human paradigm so be it.
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from the future

Documents proving the links between the Ukrainian police and the FBI seized in the Donbass

In the Lugansk people's republic, unknown persons tried to destroy evidence of cooperation between the FBI and the Ukrainian police, a secret agent from the region told Sputnik. Their links go back at least to 2016.
Unknown persons tried to destroy documents confirming cooperation between the Ukrainian police and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation, American federal investigation office), sputnik was told by an agent of the secret services of the people's republic of Lugansk.

"Alerted, we arrived at one of the sites in Severodonetsk that had been controlled by the national police of Ukraine. We have discovered documents. Unknown people were trying to destroy them, but they did not have time to destroy them all" he said.

Lists of agents entered

Among the papers seized on the spot were found lists of Ukrainian police officers, including the cynophile service, who had participated in joint exercises with FBI agents on Ukrainian soil and had been trained abroad.

"They were apparently burning the archives: there were some from 2021 and 2016. There is a document saying that a telegram had arrived to confirm the training at Lvov. And what is most interesting, the training is provided by the FBI" commented the expert for Sputnik.


from the future

A new-generation aircraft missile created in Russia​

Russian researchers have designed an unguided aircraft missile that can act at the same time as a concrete-breaker bomb and an explosive fragmentation bomb. This is a global novelty, says the Rostec Group.
An innovative non-guided aircraft’ missile has been developed in Russia, Splav, a part of the study, told reporters from Rostec, the giant of the Russian military industry.
This new generation weapon, 80 mm caliber, is equipped with a powerful engine. It could lay the groundwork for the creation of missiles that combine the characteristics of explosive fragmentation and concrete-breaker munitions.
The novelty of this work is to create a basis for the design of multi-purpose air munitions with explosive breaking and’ capabilities, the group explains.

Promising design

This invention is unmatched, for its characteristics, among all Russian and foreign analogues. The new engine makes it possible to design, on its basis, unguided and guided aircraft ammunition.

The use of this missile will thus make it possible to strike both targets located in covered fortifications and wooded areas.
The designers of this missile were decorated with a professional award for their invention. They have indeed managed to solve a number of scientific, technical and practical problems, he said the group in a statement.


from the future

More than 4,800 soldiers, 8 aircraft, 205 drones.. Kiev losses in 7 days, according to the Russian Defense.​

In its weekly report, the Russian defense reported the destruction of eight combat aircraft and 205 Ukrainian drones. Many HIMARS shells and Storm Shadow and Neptune missiles were intercepted, as well as two JDAM guided bombs.
During the period from 4 to 10 November, the Russian armed forces carried out 11 group strikes with high-precision weapons and drones on airfields, arsenals, etc, warehouses of ammunition, weapons and military equipment, as well as fuel depots, the Russian defense ministry said Friday in its weekly balance sheet.
In addition, they hit Ukrainian military deployment centers and mercenaries outsiders. Over the course of this week, air defense shot down eight Ukrainian fighter jets, including four MiG-29s, two Su-27s and two Su-25s, as well as 205 drones.
In addition, 32 HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, 12 Storm Shadow and SCALP tactical cruise missiles, two Neptune anti-ship missiles, two JDAM guided bombs were intercepted.
On 9 November, Russian troops defeated a new attempt by the Ukrainian marines to land on the left bank of the Dnieper. Most of’s were neutralized, 11 others were captured.

Losses of Kiev on the different axes:​

Kupiansk Axis: 18 Ukrainian attacks were repulsed in one week; one tank, 11 armoured combat vehicles, 18 other vehicles and 16 artillery pieces were destroyed.

Axis of Krasny Liman: nine attacks were repelled; three tanks, 13 armoured combat vehicles, 20 other vehicles, six artillery pieces and two multiple rocket launchers were destroyed.

Donetsk Axis: 16 Attacks were repulsed; Kiev lost three tanks, 14 armoured combat vehicles, 32 other vehicles, 17 artillery pieces and three multiple rocket launchers.

South Donetsk Axis: three attacks were repelled; one tank, 12 armoured combat vehicles, 22 other vehicles, eight artillery pieces and a multiple rocket launcher were struck. An ammunition depot was also destroyed.

Zaporozhian Axis: 14 Attacks were repulsed; ukraine's losses amounted to five tanks, 32 armoured combat vehicles, 13 other vehicles and six pieces of artillery.

Kherson Axis: Kiev lost 18 artillery pieces, 15 and 25 vehicles. In addition, 26 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered to the Russians in one week.
In total, the Ukrainian armed forces lost in 24 hours nearly 4,825 of their personnel, killed or wounded.



from the future

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from the future
Zionist military released footage showing hundreds of scorched and damaged cars moved from the Nova music festival, which it claims that Hamas attacked. The cars have been apparently targeted with highly destructive weapons that Hamas does not reportedly own.


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