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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I was specifically referring to the inmate and guards alike being shot down in the yard when the move to take the prison back went full-on.

By the way, there are more than a few analogies involving Hammas' behavior as being the outcome of prison conditions.

I see people not valuing people everyday, and it never gets any easier.

I really need to check out Hamas' craft service table.

moose eater

Well-known member
I see people not valuing people everyday, and it never gets any easier.

I really need to check out Hamas' craft service table.
The overly used statement of policy, "We don't negotiate with 'terrorists'" translates to "We will shoot the hostages along with the 'terrorists' and initially try to convince the gullible nationalist Lilliputians to accept that the terrorists killed them all."

As Gypsy wrote, one person's freedom fighter is another's terrorist, and vis versa.

Again, if I'm outgunned and out-funded, and my family or I have been habitually abused, I'm going to find the best most effective way to inflict harm on those responsible.

The British considered the Sons of Liberty and others affiliated with them to be terrorists because they didn't march in single rows or columns and announce themselves in open field of battle before shooting.

'Terrorist' is just as often a label applied to 'the other' to demonize them and to marginalize any legitimacy in their struggles when they refuse to submit to rules that would clearly see them decimated.

moose eater

Well-known member
I have found definitive proof of where we differ in logic.
When the US rocketed the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kabul, did headlines scream "Terrorists kill doctors and patients!!!"?

When Lt. Calley had his men shoot into the trench and suffered a mere year of house arrest, while the guy(s) who reported about it was ridiculed and harassed, did the papers and news scream, "US terrorists receive slap on wrists, and whistle-blower tormented!!"?

When Tiger Force operated in the Highlands of VN and dismembered living (sometimes elderly) civilians and wagered on how far they could skin a human being before the person died, did the papers read, "US Military terrorists commit heinous acts reminiscent of psychopaths and terrorists!!"?

When we dropped the A-bomb on a largely civilian population in Hiroshima, (the ONLY fucking country to have done so to date, by the way) did the papers read, "Well-funded and equipped terrorists, killers of women and children, annihilate civilian population leaving deformities, birth defects and decay for generations to come!!"?

When we covered a bunch of rural SE Asia with Agent Orange, wiping out rural farmers, and giving their civilians and our service personnel cancers and birth defects, did the papers read, "Well-equipped and well-funded terrorists engage in chemical warfare!!"?

I could probably write another 12 similar questions about incidents where the use of the term 'terrorists' would be quite appropriate. But history is written by the victors and the powerful (not withstanding Howard Zinn and Eldridge Cleaver or the Berrigans), left to libel or slander the losers or the lesser opponents in many cases.

It's programming through loose word play aimed at reinforcing bogus symbolism and status that's more often than not undeserved. 'Mind-fucking' by any other name.

I can't definitively say how you'd react in the scenario that I posted preceding this post. I've personally known 2 successful conscientious objectors from the Vietnam era who were taken into back rooms and slapped around. If they'd as much as balled up a fist in reaction, that would've likely been sufficient proof that they weren't truly COs.

But it was only them being slapped around. I suspect had it included them watching their family or loved ones being smacked around, there'd have been balled fists and more.

I gave up pacifism at age 15 when I got a vein near my left eye broken against a brick wall, doing the right thing. I totally respect most pacifists. I simply don't have their composure or patience for assholes.

Ghandi wrote something to the effect of, (he) preferred violence to cowardice in the name of pacifism. I dug what he was saying.

I've physically intervened for others who were mistreated in numerous circumstances, starting at a surprisingly young age. Sometimes it's our duty. That's how I see it.

And I left no physical collateral damages.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
It's always interesting to me to see where and when the term 'terrorist' is used. In Vietnam and South America, it was always guerilla warfare, but since a lot of what the US did there hasn't gone down in the history books so well, that term now conjures different emotions. The racial component is definitely there too, I hear guerilla and I think passionate bearded Latino men in jungles fighting agent the man for what they think is right. I hear terrorist and I think of another bearded man, Arabic mostly, blowing himself and scores of innocent people up to prove some kind of religious point. Obviously neither of those ring true to what those words really mean, but it's interesting to me to see the evolution of how we word who our enemies are. I'm surprised we don't call Russia Commie-Terrorists...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
When the US rocketed the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kabul, did headlines scream "Terrorists kill doctors and patients!!!"?

When Lt. Calley had his men shoot into the trench and suffered a mere year of house arrest, while the guy(s) who reported about it was ridiculed and harassed, did the papers and news scream, "US terrorists receive slap on wrists, and whistle-blower tormented!!"?

When Tiger Force operated in the Highlands of VN and dismembered living (sometimes elderly) civilians and wagered on how far they could skin a human being before the person died, did the papers read, "US Military terrorists commit heinous acts reminiscent of psychopaths and terrorists!!"?

When we dropped the A-bomb on a largely civilian population in Hiroshima, (the ONLY fucking country to have done so to date, by the way) did the papers read, "Well-funded and equipped terrorists, killers of women and children, annihilate civilian population leaving deformities, birth defects and decay for generations to come!!"?

When we covered a bunch of rural SE Asia with Agent Orange, wiping out rural farmers, and giving their civilians and our service personnel cancers and birth defects, did the papers read, "Well-equipped and well-funded terrorists engage in chemical warfare!!"?

I could probably write another 12 similar questions about incidents where the use of the term 'terrorists' would be quite appropriate. But history is written by the victors and the powerful (not withstanding Howard Zinn and Eldridge Cleaver or the Berrigans), left to libel or slander the losers or the lesser opponents in many cases.

It's programming through loose word play aimed at reinforcing bogus symbolism and status that's more often than not undeserved. 'Mind-fucking' by any other name.

I can't definitively say how you'd react in the scenario that I posted preceding this post. I've personally known 2 successful conscientious objectors from the Vietnam era who were taken into back rooms and slapped around. If they'd as much as balled up a fist in reaction, that would've likely been sufficient proof that they weren't truly COs.

But it was only them being slapped around. I suspect had it included them watching their family or loved ones being smacked around, there'd have been balled fists and more.

I gave up pacifism at age 15 when I got a vein near my left eye broken against a brick wall, doing the right thing. I totally respect most pacifists. I simply don't have their composure or patience for assholes.

Ghandi wrote something to the effect of, (he) preferred violence to cowardice in the name of pacifism. I dug what he was saying.

I've physically intervened for others who were mistreated in numerous circumstances, starting at a surprisingly young age. Sometimes it's our duty. That's how I see it.

And I left no physical collateral damages.

If you are aware of your preference for violence and the effects of fighting fire with fire, wouldn't you think it better to just let them fight until no one can fight anymore?

What purpose could peace ever serve in a situation where someone is always going to fight back in kind?

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying... violence is not going to breed peace.

If you don't want peace and feel violent rage and don't care about making a bad situation worse then I completely understand.


from the future

"Praying to die and end" thousands of Palestinian workers sent back to Gaza after being tortured​

It's an unbroken stream of exhausted men. They arrive in small groups, haggards. Some fall to their knees in fatigue and all want to show the stigma of their detention in Israel: tortured wrists, number attached to the ankle.


One of the Palestinian workers stranded in Israel since the October 7 attacks was assisted after collapsing on arrival at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt after crossing the Gaza Strip at the Kerem Shalom trade border crossing with Israel in the southern Palestinian enclave on November 3, 2023. ©AFP or licensors


Palestinian workers who were stranded in Israel since the October 7 attacks show the number tags they were assigned while in Israeli custody, as they arrive near the Rafah border crossing with Egypt after crossing into the Gaza Strip at the Kerem Shalom commercial border crossing with Israel in the south of the Palestinian enclave on November 3, 2023. (Photo by SAID KHATIB /AFP) ©AFP or licensors


from the future
On Friday, Israel began bringing thousands of Gazans, who had come to work on its soil before October 7, back to the small Palestinian territory under Israeli bombs. Some say they don't know if they still have a family or a home.

"We've been in prison for 25 days and today we've been brought here, we don't know what's going on in Gaza at all, we have no idea of the situation" Nidal Abed, dressed in a black T-shirt, told AFP.

The situation he is referring to, which began almost a month ago now, is war, which was triggered on October 7 by a bloody attack by Hamas, in power in Gaza, more than 1,400 people have died in Israel, authorities say.

Since then, Israel has been relentlessly bombing the Gaza Strip, home to some 2.4 million besieged Palestinians deprived of much clean water, electricity and, increasingly, food. More than 9,227 people were killed there, most of them civilians in Israeli shelling, according to the Hamas health ministry.

Three days after the Hamas attack, Israel cancelled the 18,500 work permits issued to Palestinians in Gaza.

"Dying at any moment"​

At the crossing point of Karem Abu Salem (called Kerem Shalom on the Israeli side), these returnees parade. None took business, some were just able to put on a coat.

Yasser Mostafa, on the other hand, put a vest on his sweater when he was embarked in the early days of the war, while he was in Israel.

"The police came home and took us away," says the AFP, the man, the lines drawn.

"They put us in a camp that wouldn't even be decent enough for animals," he said, and "they tortured us with electricity, they threw dogs at us".

A little further, several men show their hands with still gaping wounds and their ankles surrounded by plastic blue bracelets. "061962", can we read on one, "062030" on another.
A man shows his wrists which still bear the traces of cuts, traces of blows and contention, he said.

Ramadan al-Issaoui said he spent "23 days in Ofer", an Israeli prison in the West Bank, a Palestinian territory occupied by Israel for more than 50 years.
"I was in a detention centre with hundreds of detainees" he told AFP in a trembling voice. "We thought we could die at any moment. We were given just enough to eat and drink to survive, we knew nothing about the outside."

"Hurror movie"​

"Psychologically we are destroyed: we do not know if our families are alive or dead and if at least we had been here in the war, we could have died alongside our children" he said, visibly struggling to speak, his forehead dripping with sweat.

As he walks into the ravaged Gaza Strip to join his family he left weeks ago, Sabri Fayez says he has just come out of a "horror movie".

"It was an endless horror film that kept ironing: intelligence, interrogation, dogs dropped on us, machine guns, while we are only workers, we take care of nothing but to make a living, "he says, waving his hands in front of his emaciated face.
"Every minute we prayed to die and end it," says the man with the tired face.

Behind him, new waves are coming. And in front, some men perched on a cart driven by a horse sink a little more into the Gaza Strip where the noise of explosions is incessant.


from the future

The Zionist’ entity massacres Palestinian journalists with the complicity of the western press​


Unheard of in modern history, the savage and barbaric Israeli Zionist’ army is massacring dozens of Palestinian journalists, as well as their families, with the complicit silence of all the western press and television sets in Paris. This press will never recover from this ignominy, its fall is final, it has lost all credibility for decades


from the future



from the future

At the origins of terrorism​


by Khider Mesloub

In public opinion, nowadays it is customary to spontaneously associate terrorism and Islam. To consider that terrorism was born in the Muslim world. However, nothing is more wrong.

Certainly terrorism was born in the Middle East. But several centuries before the advent of Islam. At a time when Christianity was just beginning to utter the roar of its preaching, which was still inaudible to the profane ears of pagan populations.

Historically, terrorism arises in an essentially Jewish Orient. It is the work of extremist Jews. In particular from a sect called the Sicaires. Their name, given by the Romans, comes from the and that, the dagger that they used to commit their terrorist actions, in particular slitting the throats of their victims in the middle of the crowd, their punitive actions in public places at any time of the day to create a climate of psychosis, of vulnerability within the population .

The Sicarii appear in Palestine, a province recently administratively attached by Rome to Syria. Opposed to any occupation, renunciation of Hebrew traditions and, above all, payment of exorbitant taxes imposed by the governor, a Jew named Judas the Galilean decides to raise his compatriots against Roman power. He formed an extremist secret society, later named the Sicarii, to fight both the Romans and the Jews deemed too accommodating with the occupiers, considered “Collaborationrs”.

Convinced that the end justifies the means, the Sicarii advocate the use of the worst terrorist methods to eliminate traitors, apostates, lapsers, moderates and all those who do not adhere to their religious principles and “nationalist” cause. The Sicaires, formidable fanatics, favor terror to make their adversaries bend, surprise to unscrupulously carry out their murderous attacks. Intimidation, assassinations and terrorist acts are used as normative, natural means. For several decades, between the year 6 and 70 AD, these fanaticized Jewish commandos sowed terror in Palestine under Roman domination against accomplices, real or supposed, to sway the undecided into their camp.

The Jewish Sicari movement is considered the inventor of politico-religious terrorism. The ancestors of Daesh and Al-Qaeda (Islamist terrorist organizations created by Western imperialist powers). In his book Life of Jesus, Ernest Renan defines the Sicarii as “pious assassins, who set themselves the task of killing anyone who violated the Law before them". In other words, to their fanatical doctrine.

Thus, the Sicaires organized and carried out the first terrorist attacks in history. As soon as it was formed, the Sicaires movement quickly attracted many young fanatic dissident Jews driven by unprecedented murderous violence. First, the Sicarii engaged in a form of rural guerrilla warfare: they set fire to the homes of the Romans and the “Collaboration” or refractory Jews, they stole their herds, pillaged their food reserves, and massacred the inhabitants. Then they launch into urban terrorism by engaging in targeted assassinations carried out using their sica, their favorite weapon.

However, according to historians, the Sicarii terrorized their fellow Jews more than the Romans. They have developed particularly bloody terrorism. “Militant and intimidating propaganda», kidnappings, assassinations, hostage-taking, demands for ransoms, these are the first terrorist feats of arms of the Sicarii, perpetrated in the XNUMXst century AD. For the Sicarii, it was natural to slaughter their co-religionists who did not support their religious principles, their “nationalist” cause. Even more so the Romans, that is to say the goyim. These Jewish terrorist attacks foreshadow the terrorism of the modern era.

It was at this time, dominated essentially by Judaism, that terrorism appeared. Assassinations in broad daylight, in the heart of the city, during the holidays. Mingled with the crowd and carrying their daggers hidden under their clothing, the Sicarii were active at all times and in all places. Without scruple or remorse.

When they were mentioned, the people of Palestine were terrified. Terror reigned in all pacifist Jewish homes. Every resident expected to have their throats cut at any moment by these lawless Jewish terrorists. In this era of “sicarius” terrorism, distrust and suspicion poisoned the relationships of the inhabitants of Palestine. There was a climate of terror. An atmosphere of psychosis. Thus, the first suicide bombings in history were carried out by Jewish fanatics who sowed terror among the Romans and Jews after the Roman occupation of Jerusalem.

At the same time, a second competing terrorist sect emerged, the Zealots, followers of a rigorous religious practice. Likewise, this sect was born from hostility to the Roman occupier. It practices direct action, that is to say terrorism. Targeted assassinations of Jewish figures who collaborated with the Romans.

The Zealots also carry out psychological warfare, intimidation operations against Jewish populations opposed to terrorism with the aim of forcing them to support their terrorist actions, to join their movement. Thanks to their agility and discretion, and the support of a part of the population won by coercion to their cause, by surprise, the Zealots could commit their crimes anytime and anywhere. They acted in public places, markets for example.

From the 50s, the Zealots took much more violent actions against the “Collaboration” Jews and the Romans. The Zealots use political and religious assassination, terror. In the 60s, in association with the Sicarii, the Zealots committed a number of terrorist atrocities, attributing them to the Romans, in order to force the refractory Jewish population into entering the war.

These terrorist actions continued for sixty years, until the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70. In 70, these two Jewish terrorist sects preferred to destroy the city's food reserves to force the population to fight the Roman besieger instead. than to negotiate peace. The Jewish revolt of 66 ultimately led to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 by the Romans. As for the Sicaires, they committed collective suicide in 74 at Masada.

Ironically, terrorism was born in Palestine, but it was the work of extremist dissident Jews, Sicarians and Zealots, who developed the first terrorist actions in history. From a doctrinal point of view, the Sicarii, unlike their fanatical coreligionists the Zealots, had a “secular religion”. A point in common with the Zionists of occupied Palestine (Israel) composed of secularists and ultra-religious, the contemporary colonialist “Romans”. However, the Sicarii, like the Zealots, like Zionism, were political-religious movements. The religion-politics combination is inherent to the Zealots' revolt, to their terrorist actions, like Zionism, a politico-religious movement based on state terrorism.

This religious terrorism has just been officially reactivated by Netanyahu's fascist government. The Israeli Prime Minister, at the head of an ultra-religious government, delivered a martial speech with messianic overtones. Using religious rhetoric, he declared that the war launched against Hamas and the Palestinian population was an opposition between a “people of Light” and “a people of Darkness”. During his martial address, Netanyahu threatened the Palestinian people with destruction. “I am responsible for securing the future of this country and now my role is to lead Israel to a crushing victory» he declared, adding “we will fulfill Isaiah's prophecy". An ultra-religious rhetoric aimed at preparing new crimes against Palestinian civilians, to execute the bloody military invasion plan announced more than 15 days ago. “We fight animals and we act accordingly», had already warned the Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, on October 9, to describe the offensive as Zionist state terrorism carried out against the Palestinians.

As of October 27, 2023, nearly 3000 children have been murdered by Israeli Democratic bombs launched by the Jewish terrorist state. Compared to the French population, this represents more than 80 children killed (for the Algerian population: 000 children killed). And 140 Palestinian adults murdered. In total, it is as if nearly 000 French inhabitants (or 4000 Algerian inhabitants) had been murdered in a few days.

Thus, the Jews of Antiquity are the inventors of terrorism. A terrorism that the world will rediscover in the 2000th century. Particularly within the Zionist movement which created three bloodthirsty terrorist organizations, the Haganah, the Irgun and the Stern Group. Long before the terrorism of the extreme left (Red Brigades, Red Army Faction, Direct Action) and Islamist terrorism, Jewish Zionist terrorism once again invaded modern society to commit the greatest heist in history, usurpation of Palestinian territory by means of terrorist operations, methods long used by the ancestors of the Zionists, the Sicarii and the Zealots, XNUMX years earlier, at the beginning of our era. Like capitalism, born sweating blood and mud from every pore, Zionism comes into the world (and lives in our world) dripping terrorism and genocide through all its daily conduct, its ordinary activities.

Certainly, at the end of the XNUMXth century there was sporadic Russian terrorism, a populist terrorism which aimed to rescue the Russian people from apathy, resignation and fear through attacks. That of the French anarchists, the Ravachol attacks.

But they did not have the same traumatic impact as systemic Zionist terrorism which resulted in the expulsion of the Palestinian population from their land, in the dispossession of their sovereignty. This systemic and systematic Zionist terrorism, expropriator and exterminator, has returned in force today in Gaza with unequaled genocidal technological means and the criminal complicity of Western countries (these countries with a long tradition of mass massacres, responsible for two butcheries world: 1914-1918 and 1939-1945), will be the subject of our next article. An organizational Zionist terrorism (“Irgunian”, “Sternian”) transformed since 1948 into sacrificial and ritualized state terrorism committed against the Palestinians by the descendants of the Sicarii and the Zealots, the occupiers of Palestine, the Zionists. State terrorism committed in the name of the Torah and the “Greater Israel” project, that is to say the colonization and annexation of all Palestinian territories, West Bank, Gaza (even the territories of Jordan, Lebanon , Syria, the whole Middle East?).

source: The 7 of Quebec


from the future

Report: 7 October testimonies strike major blow to Israeli narrative​

October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles​
