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from the future

The little martyrs of Gaza​


On October 17, the Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital in Gaza, which treated many children, was destroyed by an Israeli aerial bombardment.

After this abomination, a black banner flies above the Imam Reza mosque in Iran.

Arab leaders refuse to meet Biden.

Dugin: “The West and its allies are absolute evil and the civilization of the Antichrist.

“Russia and the United Arab Emirates requested an urgent public meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the morning of October 18 due to the strike on a Gaza hospital,”
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Active member
Not sure that it was Israel though they did take credit for it straight away to then delete the tweet (which is something they have done a lot of, esp after they posted a vid to it that was from 2022)

Have seen some geo linked vids that seem to show the rocket intercepted.

Anyway hard to know what to make of the rocket thing on the hospital with all the disinformation, guess we'll know what caused it soon enough.. bad shit though.


from the future

How the media lied about beheaded babies to « justify » Israeli war crimes​


[Illustration : Images from front pages of newspapers reporting false allegations that Hamas beheaded 40 babies to justify Israeli war crimes.]

The White House was forced to’admit that Joe Biden had not seen « confirmed photos ».

By Socialist Worker's

Virtually every British newspaper reported this week that Hamas fighters allegedly beheaded 40 babies during last weekend's’ assault. Most of’s among them have put it on the front page.

This was used as clear evidence of the so-called abhorrent savagery of Hamas, alleged justification for the massacre in Gaza and the killing of Palestinians.

But a few days later, no evidence supports this claim and journalists and politicians flee it.

The White House was forced to withdraw the remarks made by President Joe Biden on Wednesday. He had previously claimed to have seen « confirmed photos of terrorists beheading » children in Israel.

A spokesman told the Washington Post newspaper that Biden had not seen any such photos. They said’il based his claims on the allegations of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and news reports.

Almost no one will say it, and the damage is done anyway. Marc Owen Jones, a researcher based in Qatar, said that this unconfirmed report had recorded at least 44 million impressions, 300,000 likes and more than 100,000 24-hour republications on X ( Twitter ).

It is a shameless lie used to start a war. The allegation concerning decapitated babies comes from journalists who went to Kfar Aza on Tuesday, a settlement near the Gaza border, the site of a Hamas attack.

Journalists at i24NEWS, an Israeli television channel, were among the first to report this claim, which they attributed to soldiers who recovered the bodies of the victims.

In an interview with Sky on Tuesday night, Israeli minister of the’Economy, Nir Barkat, echoed this claim : «… we heard about 40 young boys. Some of’s among them were burned alive. Some have been beheaded. Some were shot in the head. »

The Turkish Anadolu press agency was the first to announce that the Israeli’arme would not confirm this claim. L’arme subsequently told d’other media that’elle would not confirm this information because it’was « » (NDT The height of’ hypocrisy) disrespectful to the dead.

At least two other journalists have since deleted the tweets referring to these reports.

« I just looked at the first pages of today's British newspapers. I am horrified by the headlines that “ 40 babies were beheaded by Hamas ” in Kfar Aza », tweeted Guardian journalist Bethan McKernan on Tuesday.
« Yes, many children have been murdered. Yes, there were several beheadings during the attack. This claim is not verified, however, and is completely irresponsible. »
The State of Israel is used to lying. On June 9, 2006, Israeli forces detonated seven civilians on a beach in Gaza. The images of the only survivor, ten-year-old Huda Ghalia, screaming in the midst of her family's ruins were so unbearable that Israel even whispered an apology.

But only for a moment. The’arme quickly convened a commission charged with investigating the dead on the beach and S’ is almost as quickly exonerated of any responsibility.

The committee acknowledged that the’arme had fired six shells on and around Beit Lahia beach. These shells were fired by Israeli’artillery. But he said that’another explosion — probably a mine laid by Hamas — had killed the family. It’ was a lie.

A pro-Israeli American lobby group, Camera, which seeks to influence media coverage, went so far as to suggest that Huda Ghalia's trauma film was a fake : « Were the bodies moved, was the girl asked to reconstruct her discovery in front of the camera, was the video staged ? » C’was another lie.

The’history of beheaded babies echoes other’s. Take the story of Kuwaiti babies used in 1990 to justify the American war against’ Iraq after the capture of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein's forces. Its origins date back to World War I, when British propaganda accused the Germans of throwing Belgian babies into the’air and catching them with their bayonets.

In the Gulf war version, Iraqi soldiers broke into a modern Kuwaiti hospital and found service for premature babies. Western propaganda claimed that’s then threw the babies out of the incubators so that these incubators could be sent back to Iraq.

The’sthistory was first reported by the Daily Telegraph on 5 September. But’history needed more color to be really effective. There was no photo or interview with relatives in mourning. This was soon provided.

An organization calling itself Citizens for a free Kuwait was funded by the exiled Kuwaiti government. She had signed an 8 million pound contract with American public relations giant Hill & Knowlton, to campaign in favor of’a Western military intervention aimed at driving’Iraq out of Kuwait.

US Congress human rights group’ met in October. Hill & Knowlton has made a 15-year-old Kuwaiti’ tell the story of babies in front of members of Congress.

As’a writes Phillip Knightley :

« Elle l’a done brilliantly, S’sssuffering from tears at the right time, her voice breaking as’elle struggled to continue. The Congressional committee only knew her as Nayirah and the television portion of her testimony showed anger and determination on the faces of members of Congress who’ listened to him. »
President Bush referred to this story six times over the next five weeks as an example of the misdeeds of Saddam Hussein's regime.

During the Senate debate on the’ advisability of approving military action to force Saddam to leave Kuwait, seven senators specifically mentioned the atrocities committed in incubators. The final margin for war N’ was only five votes.

It was not until nearly two years later that the truth broke out. ’history was a lie. And Nayirah, the Kuwaiti teen’ coached by Hill & Knowlton for her appearance, was actually the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. The war was long over then.

The American war in Vietnam intensified after a false report in August 1964. President Lyndon Johnson has claimed that North Vietnamese torpedo boats have twice launched unprovoked attacks on the American destroyer Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Congress responded by voting Johnson full powers to wage war in Southeast Asia. It later turned out that the Maddox was returning from SECRET’ operations against North Vietnam and that the second attack had never taken place. But Johnson had obtained his permission to go to war.

Civilians were killed in Kfar Aza, Kuwait and Belgium. But this was never enough. Lies about dead babies are necessary in order to make literally inhuman enemies, animals that can be slaughtered without any of the usual evil consciences.

This means that evidence that dead Palestinian babies were removed from the rubble of Gaza can be ignored without a problem. « These are not people like us, they are wild ».

And they reinforce more important lies, such as that, in 1948, the settlers seized land that was empty and did not belong to the Palestinians.

Those who fabricate and propagate such lies are themselves collaborators of murders and genocides.



Active member
Meanwhile, some of the UK’s leading Jewish lawyers have warned Israel of its obligations under international law in its war with Hamas.

Lord Neuberger, Philippe Sands and six other prominent UK Jewish Lawyers condemned atrocities committed by Hamas as crimes against humanity and war crimes, but added “there are laws that we must all live by”.

In a letter to the FT, they said: “There are some aspects of Israel’s response that already cause significant concern. International law forbids sieges of civilian populations … collective punishment is prohibited by the laws of war. Equally, international law requires combatants to ensure minimum destruction to civilian life and infrastructure.”

They add: “In these early days when emotions are so understandably raw, many might be reluctant to remind Israel of its international law obligations, considering to do so insensitive or inappropriate. However, we disagree.”


from the future

The Saudi-American’accord is collapsing, the’Iran is sending a deadly warning, the westerners are panicking



from the future

U.S. Deploys Large Force - Eyes On Syria​

By Moon of Alabama

The U.S. has recently moved way too many troops to the Middle East to be of peaceful purpose or to simply deter others from action.

Who does it intend to fight?

Arms Airlift to Israel, Bombers in Jordan, Two Carriers: U.S. Deploying More Forces to Mideast - Haaretz

Last week, the United States deployed the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford and its strike group to the eastern Mediterranean. The USS Ford carries about 80 combat aircraft, electronic warfare and intelligence planes. It is accompanied by five advanced missile-guided ships, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles capable of hitting targets inside Iran. According to satellite images, the USS Ford is about 180 kilometers south-west of Cyprus. P-8 maritime reconnaissance aircraft with anti-submarine, anti-ship capabilities are patrolling around the group.
Over the weekend, a second carrier strike group, led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, was dispatched to the Eastern Mediterranean and is due to arrive later this month.
Each carrier strike group also includes one or two submarines. Next to various support planes each carrier has a 'wing' of fighter planes consisting of four squadrons with 12 fighter jets each.

There is more ...

Since the Hamas attack on October 7, the U.S. has dispatched a large number of jets to the Middle East in order to “bolster the U.S. defense posture,” as the U.S Central Command has put it.
A squadron of U.S. F-15E Strike Eagle bombers based in Britain was deployed over the weekend at the Muwaffaq Salti Air Base east of the Jordanian capital of Amman. Another squadron of A-10 attack aircraft has also been deployed there.
An impressive airlift to Israel should be added to this list. According to online aviation tracking websites, at least 11 U.S. C-17 heavy-transport aircraft landed over the past 10 days at Israel's Ben Gurion airport and Israeli Air Force’s Nevatim base.
In addition to fighter and transport aircraft, two Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft belonging to the U.S. and British air forces have been operating off the coast of Israel in recent days.
Each regular Air-Force squadron has 24 fighter planes.

That's not all yet ...

Amichai Stein @AmichaiStein1 - 15:39 UTC · Oct 16, 2023
WSJ: US military has selected roughly 2,000 troops to prepare for a potential deployment to support Israel in missions like advising and medical support. They aren't intended to serve in a combat role and no infantry have been put on prepare-to-deploy order.
The above troops are probably not really relevant unless they come under fire and get killed. But the following ones are real combat ground forces and not just support:

OSINTdefender @sentdefender - 15:59 UTC · Oct 16, 2023
According to multiple U.S. Defense Officials, the the Bataan Amphibious-Ready Group consisting of the USS Bataan (LHD-5) and USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) as well as roughly 2,500 Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit are now en-route towards the Eastern Mediterranean from the Arabian Sea, where she will link back up with the USS Mesa Verde (LPD-19) who has Finished her “Mid-Deployment Repair Period” in Spain early and is already steaming across the Mediterranean.
There are also several thousand U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria and on several bases in Turkey and in various Gulf countries.

I agree with Will Schryver:

Will Schryver @imetatronink - 17:10 UTC · Oct 16, 2023
So ... a large amphibious assault flotilla will join the two carrier battle groups assembling in the eastern Mediterranean. Many believe this is just "power-projection posturing". I find that explanation deficient.
This is a war fleet. And Hamas is NOT its target.
Hamas isn't the target.

On Sunday, in a stilted 60 Minutes interview, President Joe Biden pointed north:

Scott Pelley: Would you support Israeli occupation of Gaza at this point?
President Biden: I think it'd be a big mistake. Look, what happened in Gaza, in my view, is Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don't represent all the Palestinian people. And I think that...It would be a mistake to...for Israel to occupy...Gaza again. We...but going in but taking out the extremists the Hezbollah is up north but Hamas down south. Is a necessary requirement.
Scott Pelley: And you believe Israel would pursue [the two state solution] that after what's occurred--
President Biden: Not now. Not now. Not now, but-- but I think Israel understands that a significant portion of Palestinian people do not share the views of Hamas and Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a powerful Islamist militia to Israel's north which is armed and trained by Iran. Iran also supports Hamas.
Scott Pelley: There's limited fighting already on the northern Israeli border, and I wonder what is your message to Hezbollah and its backer, Iran?
President Biden: Don't. Don't, don't, don't.
Scott Pelley: Don't come across the border? Don't escalate this war?
President Biden: That's right.
If attacked Hizbullah, with 100,000 missiles, would destroy Israel. I therefore do not believe that Hizbullah in Lebanon is the real operational target Biden has in mind.

Hizbullah can not be deterred from attacking Israel. If it wants and needs to it will inevitably do so, and do so successfully. It has hidden its forces and weapons either underground or within the population of Beirut and southern Lebanon. Bombing them does not make sense. There is also the fact that the last U.S. intervention in Lebanon infamously ended with lots of dead Marines and an embarrassing retreat from the country. I do not think that the U.S. wants to repeat that experience.

Iran, another potential target, is too difficult to attack. It can effectively retaliate over a large area causing huge damage to any U.S. installation in the Middle East. It could also hike oil prices at a time when the Biden administration is urgently trying to lower them.

That is why I believe that the real aim of this build-up is to finally 'regime change' Syria and to kick out the Russian forces who are there to support its government.

Israel Radar @IsraelRadar_com - 17:39 UTC · Oct 9, 2023
Israeli warning to Hezbollah: IDF will destroy Damascus, target Syrian President Assad if Hezbollah joins war; US warships will support Israel in war. Message relayed via France (@ynetalerts)
Israel Radar @IsraelRadar_com - Oct 9
IDF instructs Israelis to prepare for 3-day stay in bomb shelters/secure rooms, ensure supply of food, water, battery-run devices in case power is down. This is a clear indication of imminent escalation into larger war.
The recent Israeli bombing attacks on the airports of Aleppo and Damascus, disabling both of them, point into this direction.

The neo-conservative lunatics in the White House may well think that they now have a chance to eliminate Russia's presence in the Middle East.

They will think of this as a revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine. They also believe that it will prevent, or compensate for, their geopolitical defeat in Gaza.

Russia is undoubtedly prepared for that. Still, its contingent in Syria is too small. A combined attack by all U.S. forces in the area, more than 150 airplanes, would certainly defeat it.

The question then will be: "What's next?"

But I for one do not dare to answer it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Same as it ever was - in my lifetime anyway - some might say 'Just let it ride - and roll with it' - but sometimes you have to stop - and shake your head - and bite that lip - knowing that our 'freedom' is paid for in taxes that buy bombs that kill people - innocent people - is it really worth all the collateral 💔 damage - and broken hearts?

- is there not another way?


Active member
I was reading yesterday that this hospital bombing was actually caused by a misfired rocket from the islamic jihad group?

Not sure, some say so but then why did Israel declare it was them to quickly delete it? Also they originally tweeted a different video from 2022 until it was pointed out to them.

They also gave a warning to that hospital just before the explosion

But I think al Jazeera caught it in a live feed and imagine it could all be geo linked soon enough if not already.


Well-known member
Enjoy your personal jihad. We should send you back there. Don't bring your shit customs here and spread that third world crap. That Fox war conflict reporter said those were the worst atrocities he'd ever seen. Here you are cheering them on. Bad on you buddy. It comes back. Don't worry. I hope you stay in your burrow in NY because you won't have to go very far before they get a wiff of you and take care of it.
i love how libs turn into neocons when it's war crimes that their party supports and endorses.

we all know this would be a different story for libs if all this news about israel was about russia instead.