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ICMag Donor
I have been working in the news for almost 25 years. I have always dreamt of being a journalist and am one of the fortunate ones who do what they love most. And while I cannot imagine myself doing anything else, I have realized in past years what a huge toll it has on my life.

The most disturbing thing I have seen, since the Hamas attacks of October 7, is too horrible to describe and share here. In the past week, I have seen the most awful things that can be done to people of all ages—babies, older women, young teens -- scenes that I will never forget.



Well-known member

Hundreds of innocent unarmed people massacred and you think you have a justification for it?
Bullshit. And you think the killing of these people was ok ? Pfffft
Whether I've been there has N O T H I N G to D O with it.
Exactly as I thought.

You're an ignoramus. The people in Israel aren't blameless victims in a proxy war, they're active participants in genocide. You can kiss my whole asshole with your 37 countries, I bet you loved rhodesia.


Well-known member
I have been working in the news for almost 25 years. I have always dreamt of being a journalist and am one of the fortunate ones who do what they love most. And while I cannot imagine myself doing anything else, I have realized in past years what a huge toll it has on my life.

The most disturbing thing I have seen, since the Hamas attacks of October 7, is too horrible to describe and share here. In the past week, I have seen the most awful things that can be done to people of all ages—babies, older women, young teens -- scenes that I will never forget.

So you're a bullshit artist. I thought I smelled a conman, you sick fucks want to rile up Americans for another war were millions lose their lives.


ICMag Donor
So you're a bullshit artist. I thought I smelled a conman, you sick fucks want to rile up Americans for another war were millions lose their lives.
Enjoy your personal jihad. We should send you back there. Don't bring your shit customs here and spread that third world crap. That Fox war conflict reporter said those were the worst atrocities he'd ever seen. Here you are cheering them on. Bad on you buddy. It comes back. Don't worry. I hope you stay in your burrow in NY because you won't have to go very far before they get a wiff of you and take care of it.


Well-known member
Enjoy your personal jihad. We should send you back there. Don't bring your shit customs here and spread that third world crap. That Fox war conflict reporter said those were the worst atrocities he'd ever seen. Here you are cheering them on. Bad on you buddy. It comes back. Don't worry. I hope you stay in your burrow in NY because you won't have to go very far before they get a wiff of you and take care of it.
Get a wiff of me? Buddy I was raised in the ultra orthodox community, I know people who are anti Zionists for this very reason. You should visit NY and talk like that where I live. I'll invite my palestinian friends. We can even film it you fraud.

Also, nobody here will call the cops for you.


ICMag Donor
I have several jewish friends who want the Gaza Strip turned into a parking lot over this. They might just get their way. Eat your heart out.


Well-known member
I have several jewish friends who want the Gaza Strip turned into a parking lot over this. They might just get their way. Eat your heart out.
You finally got a little closer to what you really think should happen.

Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.

Talk like that in NY.


ICMag Donor
You finally got a little closer to what you really think should happen.

Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.

Talk like that in NY.
No, I told you what I thought should happen, but you prefer to make up your own fantasy story line and spew.

Two Swedish football fans were killed in Brussels yesterday. Some asshole on motorbike yelling allah 'akbar as he rode away on his motorbike. Belgium is a country that banned capitol punishment and only allowed it temporarily after WWII when they hung Belgian nazi collaborators. After seeing video of the attack they identified the man and Gendarmerie found him in a cafe and shot him dead. No questions asked. Less than 12 hours, case closed. Well done!

Like I said, It all comes back to you. Go ahead, Let 'er rip with some bullshit name calling


Well-known member
No, I told you what I thought should happen, but you prefer to make up your own fantasy story line and spew.

Two Swedish football fans were killed in Brussels yesterday. Some asshole on motorbike yelling allah 'akbar as he rode away on his motorbike. Belgium is a country that banned capitol punishment and only allowed it temporarily after WWII when they hung Belgian nazi collaborators. After seeing video of the attack they identified the man and Gendarmerie found him in a cafe and shot him dead. No questions asked. Less than 12 hours, case closed. Well done!

Like I said, It all comes back to you. Go ahead, Let 'er rip with some bullshit name calling
You're coming out the closet more, see we knew what you believed you're just a coward like all fascist boot gaggers.


ICMag Donor
You're coming out the closet more, see we knew what you believed you're just a coward like all fascist boot gaggers.
That was predictable. Oh right I did predict the bullshit name calling. It's only because that's the best you can do. People who cheer on mass murderers and say that a court system and laws can't work, that's what they do. I've been to a few places where people are lawless and think this way. They were shit holes.


Well-known member
That was predictable. Oh right I did predict the bullshit name calling. It's only because that's the best you can do. People who cheer on mass murderers and say that a court system and laws can't work, that's what they do. I've been to a few places where people are lawless and think this way. They were shit holes.
You're a coward. Plain and simple. Gag the boot


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
alright,hopefully everyone has had time to cool off...

let's be perfectly clear here,personal insults are not tolerated. i understand people have passionate positions on these topics but let's have an adult discussion without resorting to flinging insults back and forth.

consider yourself warned,if it keeps up i'll be happy to hand out temporary bans from the speakers corner


from the future

The Middle East crisis and transport routes​

by Leonid Savin



Against the backdrop of a new conflict in Palestine, the announcement of the suspension of negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Israel gave rise to a broader interpretation of events affecting the interests of India, Iran, the EU , Russia and China. While wars in the Middle East have always affected the whole world, especially the Eurasia region, in a way, this matter is indeed linked to the plans of several states towards Israel and Arabia Saudi.

Days before the Hamas attack, the White House confirmed that almost all issues relating to the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel had already been resolved, with some nuances regarding Iran still to be agreed.

On the Saudi side, there were two conditions: access to nuclear technology and improving the socio-economic conditions of the Palestinians, who were directly dependent on Israel. The Palestinian question became the cornerstone of these negotiations and Hamas practically derailed the agreement. At the same time, the collective West was interested in another geoeconomic project – the creation of another transport corridor, with Saudi Arabia and Israel as key players.

India-Middle East-EU Corridor

This agreement was reached during the G20 summit in New Delhi. According to a White House briefing, the leaders of the United States, India, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Italy and the European Union have signed a memorandum of understanding on the creation of a new India-Middle East-EU Economic Corridor (IMEC).

In addition to rail links and shipping lines, high-speed data cables and energy pipelines are being considered. These would complement existing maritime and road networks to improve the movement of goods and services to and between these countries.

From a geopolitical perspective, the India-Middle East-EU corridor is now seen as a competitor to China's Belt and Road initiative. The United States and EU countries have probably cherished such hope, although the Chinese initiative involves more than 150 countries and around XNUMX international organizations have signed up to it. Saudi Arabia and Israel are also members of the Chinese initiative. So there is no real competition.

As for India, it initially opposed the Belt and Road because its main component, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, passes through disputed territory. It was important for New Delhi to create an alternative route to EU countries, because today the entire flow of goods passes through the Suez Canal. In addition, in 2003, the Indian conglomerate Adani Group acquired the port of Haifa in Israel, and relations between India and Israel in recent years have been very productive in various areas.

Italy's withdrawal from the Chinese initiative, on the other hand, demonstrates the skepticism of European countries, who are increasingly wary of China's growing power, following Washington's political line.

Meanwhile, besides the India-Middle East-Europe project, which has failed so far, and the Belt and Road, there are other alternatives for organizing roads and logistics. They have their own actors and opponents, as in the case of the two projects mentioned above.

Middle corridor

The day before, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev visited Georgia where, during a meeting with Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, he confirmed the importance of the Middle Corridor and participation in it. The question of resuming construction of a new deep-water port in Anaklia was raised, as well as the development of other transport infrastructure.

This initiative was officially created in 2013 by Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia, but began to gain momentum relatively recently. There is an international association “Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”, which is the operator of this project.

At the regular meeting on September 28-29, 2023 in Aktau, an agreement on interaction and responsibility measures in the organization of cargo transportation in container trains along the TMTM route with the use of vessels feeder and an agreement on the organization of container transportation in direct international rail-sea communication with the participation of feeder ships between the ports of the Caspian Sea (Aktau-Baku-Alyat) were signed. The following companies were also accepted as members: Alport (Azerbaijan), BMF Port Burgas (Bulgaria), Semurg Invest (Kazakhstan), LTG Cargo (Lithuania), Global DTC Pte.Ltd (Singapore) and Istkomtrans LLP (Kazakhstan). The association now has 25 member companies, represented by 11 countries.

Although the middle corridor currently accounts for less than 10% of the total volume of goods transported along the Northern route (i.e. across the territory of Russia), due to the limited capacity of sea ports and railways, the absence of a unified tariff structure and a single operator, the member countries of the TMTM association have implemented a logistics chain management system. Currently, TMTM member countries have set a goal of increasing the capacity of the middle corridor to 10 million tonnes per year by 2025.

One of the advantages of the Middle Corridor is that it is 2000 kilometers shorter than the Northern Corridor which passes through Russia. The travel time between China and Europe is thus reduced to 12 days, compared to 19 days for the northern corridor. Additionally, the Middle Corridor will reduce sanctions risks associated with transit through Russia. Of course, it opens access to new markets, with a population of around 80 million along the route.

The middle corridor also offers the possibility of increasing energy exports from Central Asia to Europe. For example, Kazakhstan intends to ship 1,5 million tons of oil (2-3% of its oil exports) to Europe via the Middle Corridor this year.

The two initiatives have one thing in common. Like the India-Middle East-EU corridor, this route bypasses Russia. However, the middle corridor includes China. On May 19, 2023, Xi Jinping met with five Central Asian leaders at the China-Central Asia Summit to discuss the launch of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway and the construction of several highways that will be an integral part of the Middle Corridor. .

Turkey, for its part, is trying to leverage its geostrategic importance to become a bridge between the EU, on the one hand, and the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia and China, on the other.

In an optimistic scenario, the middle corridor is expected to increase transit capacity to 50 million tonnes, complementing China's vision of an Iron Silk Road, as well as Turkey's growing regional influence. Furthermore, Turkey also plays a crucial role as an intermediary in the European value chain due to its geographical structure.

However, Turkish President Erdogan recently announced plans for an alternative trade corridor and is considering sharing the Iraqi Development Highway project as an alternative route. Today, Turkey's share in the Iraqi economy is already very significant.

From North to south

Finally, there is the North-South international transport corridor, in which India is also involved. The other key players are Iran and Russia, whose territory is crossed by this route.

This route has been under discussion for some time, but only this year have concrete results been seen, both in terms of ferry services across the Caspian and the completion of the railway section Azerbaijan-Iran. It could include several branches, in particular a maritime section from Iran to Saudi Arabia (goods from Russia have already been transported there), as well as a railway direction from Iran to Turkmenistan and, further , to the countries of Central Asia. An additional horizontal dimension covering Afghanistan and Pakistan (including the reactivation of the TAPI energy pipeline) is also possible in the future.

Turkey, which shares a border with Iran, could also join this corridor, but it is in no rush to do so.

The Russian position on the implementation of this route is optimistic (even the middle corridor can be mutually beneficial), but not proactive enough. After all, only now, within the framework of the sanctions regime, have we reached concrete decisions and results, although it would have been much easier to do so earlier.

Furthermore, given Kazakhstan's fear of falling under secondary sanctions, Russia's interests are unlikely to be taken into account there. On the contrary, Kazakhstan will try to promote the middle corridor in order to diversify its logistical capabilities.

In summary, we can conclude that the Belt and Road will continue to develop according to the planned trajectory. The middle corridor may represent a certain risk for Russia of losing part of its transit. The India-Middle East-EU corridor remains unrealizable. The North-South corridor is the most promising from the point of view of Russia's interests. The Iranian and Russian economies are increasingly interconnected (and on the eve of Iran's accession to the EAEU, this is important). Contacts with India continue to develop, which counterbalances the Chinese vector. The development of this transport corridor will encourage other countries in the region to use it. Furthermore, it does not carry serious risks, as in the case of the proposed Middle East hub. Russia and Iran are strategic partners interested in the formation of a multipolar world order. India also wants to change the current order. Washington's clients, such as Israel, or ambitious players, such as Turkey, are not present as key participants in this project. However, it should be taken into account that the West will try by all means to put obstacles in the way of hindering the functioning of the North-South corridor. Attempts to embroil Azerbaijan and Iran, as well as the various accusations made by the United States against Tehran, are directly related to this situation and aim to isolate Iran.

source: Catechon
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