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Well-known member
I didn't know who Bassem Youssef was before this interview, but I do now.

He's fucking hilarious.

"I have tried to kill my wife many times. But she uses our children as human shields. So..."
I saw him on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Bassem Youssef has quite a background.


from the future

Congress protest to denounce Israeli massacres, with the participation of American Jews​




from the future

The fight for the acquisition of Ukrainian territories has started​


par Julien Le Menec

’Ukraine is bordering on four countries of the’UE: Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. Among them, only Slovakia has no territorial claims on’Ukraine.

Three other countries have such claims, which assert their historical identity and their domestic policies. Sometimes, these claims burst into the’public space and indicate the persistence of these national historical and psychological attitudes that are not consistent with the political mythology of the Ukrainian STATE’.

During the recent visit of the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to Romania, the member of the’Alliance for the Unification of Romanians, Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca, said demanded loud and clear the return of Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia and respect for the cultural rights of the Romanian minority. In order to avoid further incidents, the host party cancelled the speech of the Ukrainian president in the Romanian parliament.

The legitimacy of the current borders of’Ukraine has recently been increasingly questioned by the patriotic political forces of’EstEurope. Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca is only saying out loud what a lot of Romanians could say. Bucharest hopes, at a minimum, for cross-border control over the territories of’Ukraine which’elle considers Romanian, with formal respect for the attributes of Ukrainian sovereignty over them. In particular, she tried to’ approach the Ukrainian president in the corridors of the Romanian parliament, shouting questions in a speaker and demanding that the president give more respect to Romanian minorities living in Ukraine.

L’Albania and Kosovo offer a similar example. Formally, it is’ two independent states, but in practice, Kosovo is almost a double of the’ Albanian state. Bucharest also wants the Ukrainian regions of Chernivtsi and’Odessa to be a continuation of Romania in a cultural and military-strategic sense, even if they remain within the boundaries of’Ukraine.

Hungary claims the autonomy of the Hungarians of the Transcarpathian region located in Ukraine. It became an integral part of’Ukraine in 1944 after being for many years at’ within the borders of Hungary. Budapest also strives to’ exercise cross-border control over the region, but its maximum objective is to restore Transcarpatia to the Hungarian STATE’. «The question of the Hungarian minority of Transcarpatia is holding back the’-accession of’Ukraine to’OTAN», emphasizes Euractiv.

Hungarians are the most problematic minority in Kiev. They are consolidated and practically do not lend themselves to’ukrainization. For 95%, Hungarian remains their mother tongue. Hungarian press does not spare his words to criticize regional politicians with anti-Hungarian convictions.

According to some reports, Hungary would already be preparing for the hypothetical deployment of police forces in Transcarpatia in the event of unforeseen circumstances in the context of a possible collapse of the Ukrainian’ State.

The Poland claims most of’Ukraine – the regions of Lvov,’Ivano-Frankovsk, Ternopol, Rivne and Volhynia. Officially, these lands are even considered the historical heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian «Commonwealth».

There is no mention of their inclusion in Poland, but the’ importance of preserving the cultural, religious and other Polish presence here is emphasized. Again, analogy with’Albania and Kosovo: for Warsaw, the «lands of’Est» are a continuation of the Polish state’; the Polish-Ukrainian border is assigned a formal role.

Geographically, the «lands of’Est» almost reach the western regions of Russia. Historical guides on the lands of the «Commonwealth» Polish-Lithuanian are published where the eastern borders of this state extend far to the’est. Abandoning this memory is ideologically simply impossible for Poles. The Poles had been driven out by the’use of violence from these territories by banderists leaving indelible traces in Poland.

Official propaganda interprets it as follows: « Kresy » is Polish land within friendly Ukraine. But it is possible that, in the context of the current deterioration in relations between Kiev and Warsaw, the latter may speak in the future of the « Eastern countries » in a more severe tone.

Poland considers that’it is strategically more advantageous not to occupy the «Kresy» again, but to’influence Ukraine in the political, religious, cultural and economic fields. To do this, they must remain an integral part of’Ukraine, but be as polonized as possible. This is difficult to achieve because of Kiev's reluctance to make Galicia, as a model of’ukrainity as such, an ideological appendage of Polishness. The Warsaw policy in this sense is a constant search for’ balance with Kiev. This must lead either to a strengthening of the Polish presence in the region or to its weakening.

’Ukraine itself set the tone for communication with its neighbors. The Ukrainian’State is based on a nationalist ideology, and nationalism always has its enemies. Ukrainian nationalism, in its classical version, presents itself territorial claims to all its neighbors without exception. And, seeing the’Ukraine get stuck in the conflict and become weak, the neighbors claim the territories.

According to Ukrainian nationalists, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Transnistria, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary should give ground to’Ukraine. What the nationalists want above all is Poland (eighteen districts of the Low-Carpathian Voivodeship) and for Russia territories going as far as’ to the Caucasus.

It is, therefore, to say the least strange to’hear complaints from’Ukraine towards its neighbours, and, whereas’elle itself considers territorial claims as an acceptable ideological attitude towards’ towards these same neighbours.

source : Continental Observer


from the future

Putin gives a «tape on the’ shoulder» in the United States regarding their aircraft carriers in the Middle East​


by Hal Turner

Russian President Vladimir Putin today gave a discreet « shoulder tip » to the United States regarding the placement by America of two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea ; Russian hypersonic missiles Kinjal can easily reach them.


Having stated very clearly in advance that what’il S’ was about to reveal IS NOT A THREAT, Putin reminded the world that Russian aerospace forces, especially their MiG-31 aircraft, are on routine patrol in the neutral airspace of the Black Sea, are armed with Kinjal hypersonic missiles. These missiles, he said, have a «known» range of 1000 km and move to Mach 9 (11,000 KMH). Thus, they can reach American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean near the Palestinian and lebanese coasts.

Just a polite reminder of the reality before the United States launches, half armed, thinking it can attack .. maybe ...?Russian allies in the Middle East ? like’Iran ? lebanon ? or Syria as well ?

Suddenly, all the American speeches about «l’entered the war» between Israel and Hamas seem to be s’being calmed down.

source : The Cause of the People


Well-known member

Putin gives a «tape on the’ shoulder» in the United States regarding their aircraft carriers in the Middle East​

View attachment 18906709

by Hal Turner

Russian President Vladimir Putin today gave a discreet « shoulder tip » to the United States regarding the placement by America of two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea ; Russian hypersonic missiles Kinjal can easily reach them.


Having stated very clearly in advance that what’il S’ was about to reveal IS NOT A THREAT, Putin reminded the world that Russian aerospace forces, especially their MiG-31 aircraft, are on routine patrol in the neutral airspace of the Black Sea, are armed with Kinjal hypersonic missiles. These missiles, he said, have a «known» range of 1000 km and move to Mach 9 (11,000 KMH). Thus, they can reach American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean near the Palestinian and lebanese coasts.

Just a polite reminder of the reality before the United States launches, half armed, thinking it can attack .. maybe ...?Russian allies in the Middle East ? like’Iran ? lebanon ? or Syria as well ?

Suddenly, all the American speeches about «l’entered the war» between Israel and Hamas seem to be s’being calmed down.

source : The Cause of the People



from the future

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (19 October 2023)​

In total, 493 airplanes and 252 helicopters, 8,065 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 air defence missile systems, 12,764 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,163 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 6,823 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 14,438 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.



from the future

The western media dictatorship and the endless tragedy of the Palestinian people​


by Zehira Houfani

If there is indisputable proof that the Western discourse on human rights and democracy are only lies and manipulation, it is displayed today in the biased cover of the last episode of the Palestinian tragedy, fueled with impunity by the Israeli state for 75 years.

Are there sensible people who believe in rude Western propaganda in which the roles of executioner and victims are reversed ? Who are Palestinians or Israelis permanently persecuted ? Their stolen land, their confiscated freedom, their most basic rights violated. Are they the Israelis ? NO. They are the Palestinians. And their fate does not interest the Western media dictatorship which is active in stifling it by triggering gigantic manipulation operations, as today to deceive international public opinion and make it accept the genocide underway in Gaza. And what could be better than a wild « cuerie » for the Western propaganda machine to get carried away against the Palestinians and at the same time legitimize all the heinous crimes of the colonial state of Israel in the Gaza Strip.

Propaganda and slaughter of babies

This is not the first time that the’Occident has used this appalling staging of wild killing of babies. Let us recall the big lie of incubators and babies thrown to the ground by Iraqi soldiers. Well tied up by propaganda experts, the lie that cost 14 million dollars, allowed the United States and its allies to wage their first Gulf War. The’s story of the incubators was assembled from scratch and told by Nayirah, a fake nurse who S’s revealed to be the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to Washington. His tearful performance before a U. S. Congressional commission was quickly broadcast by televisions around the world toppling’opinion and triumphing war-makers.

In 2003, the United States reoffended to invade’Iraq. And it is to the Tribune of the Security Council that Colin Powell lied to the world by presenting false documents accusing Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction. Of course this’ was wrong, but again the media machine has terrified the world with the threat of Iraqi chemical weapons. To the great misfortune of the 2 million captives of the open-air prison in Gaza, this is happening again with the terrible story of Israeli babies that Hamas would savagely «decapities». Enough to give the western green light to the genocide that the’ terrorist State of’Israel is currently practicing on the Palestinians.

Even hospitals are bombed in violation of international law which makes them war crimes. However, neither the United Nations, the ICC, nor the great democracies and their human rights NGOs come to the aid of the victims. Admittedly, there are some denunciations here and there, but we do not see agitated here, this western hand, which moreover, is so quick to condemn and impose sanctions. Even though these supposed democracies dare to violate their own laws by prohibiting expressions of solidarity with the Palestinians. This is the case in France where even deputies who dare to demand the application of international law against Israel are threatened ... This is to say how much this country and others like the USA support the terrorist state of Israel.

Should we be surprised ? Truth be told, No, Because they are collectively involved in the Palestinian tragedy. They are behind the spoliation of Palestinian land for the benefit of the Israeli colonizer to erase the slate from the holocaust they themselves committed against the Jewish community during the 2nd World War.

The question that comes up is how can humanity have such a short memory and start the same crimes century after century again. No doubt it is time to give the world a different vision than the western unipolar. To start here on Palestinian Earth by immediately imposing the right of these people to have a state.

It’ is the claim of the vast majority of the peoples of the world. It remains to be seen whether the BRICS and the’ONU will take their responsibilities and put an end to this human tragedy that has lasted for 75 years. C’is the big question.
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from the future

The United States is exposing itself to defeat in the geopolitical war around Gaza​

By M. K. Bhadrakumar – October 16, 2023 — Source Indian Punchline

One hundred years after the Arab revolt (1916-1918) against the ruling Ottoman Turks, in the context of the imminent defeat of’Germany and the Triple Alliance during World War I, a new armed uprising of the Arabs erupts — this time against the Israeli’ occupation, in the context of the imminent defeat from the United States and’OTAN during the war of’Ukraine — offering the thrilling spectacle of’a story that repeats itself tirelessly.

The Ottoman Empire disintegrated following the Arab revolt. Israel too will have to leave the territories it occupies and make way for a Palestinian state, which, of course, will be a stinging defeat for the United States and mark the end of their world domination, recalling the battle of Cambrai, in the north of France ( 1918 ), where the Germans, surrounded, exhausted and morale in free fall, in a context of deteriorating internal situation, had to face the certainty that the war was lost, and surrendered.

The torrential flow of’events from last week is breathtaking, starting with a
telephone call iranian President Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi to Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday to discuss a common strategy in the face of the situation following the devastating attack by the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, against Israel on October 7.

Earlier in Tuesday's day, Iran's supreme leader,’ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said in a statement statement strong as « from the military and intelligence point of view, this defeat (by Hamas) is irreparable. C’ is a devastating earthquake. It is unlikely that the usurping (israeli) regime can use the’aide of the’Occident to repair the profound impacts that this incident left on its ruling structures ». (See my article ’Iran warns Israel against apocalyptic war).

A senior Iranian official said Reuters that the’Raisi's call to the crown prince aimed at « support Palestine and prevent the spread of war in the region. L’appel was good and promising ». After establishing a broad agreement with Saudi Arabia, Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian spoke with his Emirati counterpart Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, during which he called on Islamic and Arab countries to support the Palestinian people, stressing the urgency of the situation.

Thursday, M. Amir-Abdollahian began a regional tour in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Qatar until Saturday, in order to coordinate his action with the various resistance groups. He met with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Doha. M. Amir-Abdollahian told the media that if Israel did not stop its barbaric airstrikes on Gaza, an escalation of the Resistance was inevitable and Israel could suffer a « huge earthquake », hizbullah is ready to intervene.

Axios reported on Saturday, citing two diplomatic sources, that Tehran had sent a strong message to Tel Aviv via the’il should intervene if Israeli aggression against Gaza continues. Clearly, Tehran will not let itself be discourage by the deployment of two American aircraft carriers and several warships and fighter jets off the coast of Israel. On Sunday, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan acknowledged that the US cannot rule out Iran intervening in the conflict.

As’ Iran coordinates with resistance groups on the military front, China and’Saudi Arabia are moving up a gear diplomatically. Thursday, even as the secretary of’ State Antony Blinken was going to the Arab capitals after talks in Tel Aviv, in search of’a help to secure the release of Hamas hostages, China's special envoy for the Middle East Zhai Jun has contacted deputy minister of political affairs of the Saudi foreign ministry, Al-Sati, on the Israeli-Palestinian situation, with a special focus on the Palestinian issue and the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, in particular. The contrast could not be clearer.

On the same day, an extraordinary event occurred at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs when the Arab envoys to Beijing requested a group meeting with Special Envoy Zhai to highlight their collective position that a humanitarian crisis « very serious » appeared following Israel's attack on Gaza and « the international community has a responsibility to take immediate action to ease tensions, promote the resumption of peace talks and safeguard the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people ».

Arab ambassadors thanked China « d’have defended a just position on the Palestinian issue.. and expressed the’hope that China continues to play a positive and constructive role ».. Zhai a stated qu’il perfectly understood that « the top priority is to keep calm and exercise restraint, protect civilians and provide the necessary conditions to alleviate the humanitarian crisis ».

After this extraordinary meeting, the Chinese foreign ministry published on its website, at midnight, a statement detailed by Wang Yi, political bureau member of the CPC central committee and foreign minister, entitled « China stands on the side of peace and human conscience about Palestine ». The statement reportedly prompted Saudi foreign minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan to call Wang Yi.

It is interesting to note that Blinken also called Wang Yi from Riyadh on October 14. According to the communed from the Department of’State, it has « reiterated the support of the United States for the right of’Israel to defend itself and called for the immediate cessation of Hamas attacks and the release of all hostages », while emphasizing the’ importance of « discourage’other parties (l’Iran and Hezbollah) from’enter the conflict ».

In short, in all these exchanges involving Saudi Arabia — in particular, in the meetings of Blinken in Riyadh with the Saudi foreign minister and the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, while the US was focusing on the hostage issue, the Saudi side instead turned its attention to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Reports from the’Etat Department (here and here) highlight the divergent priorities of the two parties.

It is obvious that’a coordinated strategy between Saudi Arabia and’Iran, supported by China, is pressuring Israel to agree to a ceasefire and de-escalation. Le support from the’ONU further isolates Israel.

The’eviction of Benjamin Netanyahu is predictable, but he will not throw the’sponge without a fight. Ties between the US and Israel risk being put to the test. President Biden is caught in a stalemate, recalling the difficult situation Jimmy Carter faced during the Iran hostage crisis of 1980, who had ended his attempt for a second presidential term. Biden already does back off.

What will be the continuation of events ? It is obvious that the longer the Israeli’ assault on Gaza continues, the more international condemnation and the’ requirement of a humanitarian corridor will intensify. Not only countries like’India, which have expressed their « solidarity » with Israel, will lose face to the countries of the South, but even Washington's European allies will be put to the test. It remains to be seen whether an invasion of Gaza by Israel is still realistic.

In the future, the’axe Arabia-Iran-China will raise the issue of the critical situation of Gaza at the UN Security Council, unless’Israel retracts. Russia has proposed a draft resolution and insists that’il be put to the vote. If the US vetoes the resolution, the UN General Assembly could step in to adopt it.

Meanwhile, the American project to resurrect the’Abraham accords is losing its strength and the plot to undermine China's Iran-Saudi rapprochement risks dying suddenly.

As far as the dynamics of power in the Middle East are concerned, these trends can only benefit Russia and China, especially if the BRICS were to play a leading role at some point in the conduct of a peace process in the Middle East that is no longer the monopoly of the United States. It’s time for revenge for Russia.

The oil-dollar era ends — and with it, the world hegemony of the United States. Emerging trends therefore play an important role in strengthening multipolarity in the world order.

Mr. K. Bhadrakumar


Well-known member
And the UK leader says "we want you to win"? win what exactly? what is the context of win in a war?
Looking like a shite Reservoir dogs tribute act here

View attachment 18906728

Win what indeed. Thats why the israeli military is still sitting in idle. They know deep down they cant successfully invade Gaza. 300 mile network of tunnels under it. Its the worlds biggest death trap

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Vietnamese tunnels were our bane once...

I'm sure they're hoping those work.

Thermobaric weapons weren't invented back then.

There's a bunch of them nowadays.

I feel bad for anybody sent to those tunnels.