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Well-known member
Yet that didn't stop them they kept doing it anyways
Well, we assume they're enriching uranium.
That's because we ended the deal and therefore the IAEA cannot inspect Iranian nuclear sites any more (as part of the deal). While the deal was in place, because of the inspections regime, and because laws of nature exist and are immutable, we knew for a fact that they were not producing any enriched Uranium.
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Well-known member
I would also like to point out when Obama was sworn in he emboldened the enemy by going on a cowardly bitch tour apologizing to our enemies and at the same time intentionally ignoring Israel



Well-known member
They failed Mr GenghisKush ,at least orange man tried something different . And here we are today .
At the time I was very unhappy with the deal as were many opinions differ


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Proof of the flawed nuclear deal .
Can you provide from a source that WASN'T recently involved in 2 multibillion dollar misinformation and defamation cases?

I literally posted this on the previous page.



Well-known member
One of my main points is that there are no reliable news sources after the Russia Russia Russia hoax I was pissed at Trump but then when it turned out to be a hoax that did it especially when it was traced back to the Hillary camp . Russia Russia Russia.
Anything to undermine the American voter out of there vote.
This is why I try to listen to what congress men and women say


Well-known member
@right starting immediately after the 2020 election Fox News began repeating all of the election fraud lies from Trump and Co.

this is what it cost them in court.

they still have another lawsuit in the works;

this is what happens when news outlets repeat proven lies!


Well-known member
I appreciate the post ,but I'm not in support of Trump or fox.
A gentleman put up opinion as fact ,and I put up equal and opposite fact.
My statement was that half of America was pissed that Obama kept supporting Iran even though they kept breaking the deal.It did nothing but help Iran.

Ps for more content.
We could go back and forth all day long with opposing facts


Well-known member
Maybe the reality is foreign affairs are more nuanced than the common citizen can process. To me there really are no ethics involved, only many competing interests.

It also feels like everyone likes to play the blame game, instead of the solutions game.

Humans are destined to extinct themselves and will probably issue a strong blow to the rest of life on Earth in the process. We search the cosmos for distant signs of life across incomprehensible distances yet take the miracle of life, we have, for granted while knowing how rare it is.

I'm just a dreamer and a hippie for believing we can work for peace and prosperity for all mankind.

This war really feels like there is no solution. In retrospect, the leagues of nations really screwed the pooch in the Middle East in regards to Israel and the surrounding nations. Now Israel is solidly there, and always will be under threat, surrounded by Arab nations that hate them ideologically. And the powers that be only believe you can attain peace through aggression.

Perhaps if we were not so threatened by different ideas, we could allow space for everyone to be without needing to attack what is different.

This all troubles me. Children deserve a better world. World leaders are a disappointment.


Well-known member
i'm sorry, i thought you just presented a Fox News article as "proof".
No problem. Someone else quoted fake news as fact and I was pointing out that, I could also put up the opisit but undisputable fact .
I have been at this all morning and it's getting silly.
My original point was when Obama helped Iran and Iran kept undermining us anyways .
We paid for nothing and Iran kept collecting money and kept continuing on there nuclear program without so much as slowing down.
For many of the people that have a raging boner for orange man bad . This helped get him elected


Well-known member
My original point was when Obama helped Iran and Iran kept undermining us anyways .
We paid for nothing and Iran kept collecting money and kept continuing on there nuclear program without so much as slowing down.

you seem to want to forget that during Obama's administration the US and Israel destroyed Iranian centrifuges with the first known worm to cause physical damage to hardware. All while blasting thunderstruck by AC/DC from their variable frequency drives

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