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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
How you doing Audiohi . Those were different times .Carter dropped the ball on bringing back our hostages. Wasn't Oliver north guilty?
I keep hearing how strong Israel is and I know that they are strong . Its just that Israel keeps taking it on the chin and then America says deescalate and they back off. Where is the fire and brimstone?
I cant help but wonder if they were a little tougher would this be happening.
Carter was back doored by Reagan's policy advisors going around the Middle East and telling anybody who would listen that Reagan would give them a better deal if they just waited until after the election. They were more than willing to negotiate with Carter until that happened.



Well-known member
Regarding GotBuds first post. The reason for lifting the sanctions was mostly because of a pro Iran policy, like the one that was supposed to give iran safe nuclear power but instead put them closer to nuclear weaponry. It was also about a environmental policy that stopped fossil fuel ,which is produced 40% cleaner here . Why buy the same oil elsewhere when it strengthens and empowers the enemy


Well-known member
Regarding GotBuds first post. The reason for lifting the sanctions was mostly because of a pro Iran policy, like the one that was supposed to give iran safe nuclear power but instead put them closer to nuclear weaponry. It was also about a environmental policy that stopped fossil fuel ,which is produced 40% cleaner here . Why buy the same oil elsewhere when it strengthens and empowers the enemy
the Obama Iran nuclear agreement put in place a robust international monitoring regime that while in place guaranteed Iran was at least 10 years away from being able to construct a nuclear bomb.

And then trump reneged. And *that* is what put Iran closer to nuclear weaponry.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
the Obama Iran nuclear agreement put in place a robust international monitoring regime that while in place guaranteed Iran was at least 10 years away from being able to construct a nuclear bomb.

And then trump reneged. And *that* is what put Iran closer to nuclear weaponry.
Don't just say it. because you could be making it up or fudging the numbers. Bring receipts.



Well-known member
the Obama Iran nuclear agreement put in place a robust international monitoring regime that while in place guaranteed Iran was at least 10 years away from being able to construct a nuclear bomb.

And then trump reneged. And *that* is what put Iran closer to nuclear weaponry.
I afraid to address this because, I don't want to appear to be shilling for donny.

Biden ( Obama) kept working with them even though they made no effort to stop enriching uranium.
Donald wanted to put strong sanctions on Iran because the deal was a joke and put them one step closer to ww3.
My approach would have been entirely different, I would have struck the oil fields and refineries.
Bringing up the price of our oil. It would put food in American children's mouths. Produced cleaner oil %40 and given us power to make the sanctions against Russia stick .instead Russia got rich on biden cutting our oil

Ps . Every pres dropped the ball on iran
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Not a Trump endorsement​

President Donald J. Trump Is Reimposing All Sanctions Lifted Under the Unacceptable Iran Deal​

Issued on: November 2, 2018



The United States has launched a campaign of economic pressure to deny the regime the funds it needs to advance its bloody agenda.
President Donald J. Trump
REIMPOSING ALL SANCTIONS: President Donald J. Trump is reimposing the toughest sanctions ever on Iran, targeting many of the corrupt regime’s critical sectors.
  • On November 5, 2018, all United States sanctions that were lifted under the disastrous Iran nuclear deal will be fully reimposed.
    • Together with the unprecedented sanctions actions taken by the Trump Administration, this will be the toughest sanctions regime ever imposed on Iran.
  • Sanctions will target critical sectors of Iran’s economy, such as its energy, shipping, shipbuilding, and financial sectors.
    • Over 700 individuals, entities, vessels, and aircraft are going back onto our sanctions list, including major Iranian banks, oil exporters, and shipping companies.
    • The sanctions also target transactions with the Central Bank of Iran and designated Iranian financial institutions.
    • Sales of food, agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices to Iran have long been—and remain—exempt from our sanctions.
  • Reimposing sanctions will cut off revenues the regime uses to bankroll terrorist groups, foment global instability, fund nuclear and ballistic missile programs, and enrich its leaders.
FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH FULL ENFORCEMENT: President Trump will continue to stand up to the Iranian regime’s aggression and will fully enforce the reimposed sanctions.
  • The Trump Administration intends to fully enforce all United States sanctions on Iran, and will target those who attempt to violate or circumvent them.
    • Those who have failed to wind down sanctionable activities with Iran risk severe consequences.
  • The Administration has already issued 19 rounds of sanctions, designating 168 Iran-related persons.
    • These individuals were targeted for their ties to Iran’s support of terrorism, ballistic missile program, human rights abuses, criminal activities, and more.
  • Iran’s oil exports have fallen by approximately one million barrels per day since peaking in June, and over twenty countries have reduced their imports of Iranian oil to zero.
    • The Administration is pressing other importers to reduce to zero as quickly as possible.
    • We are providing fewer exceptions to sanctions than the last administration.
ENSURING STABILITY IN OIL MARKETS: The United States is confident that energy markets will remain well supplied despite Iranian oil export reductions.
  • From August 2017 to August 2018, United States crude oil production increased by 2.1 million barrels per day and exports increased by nearly one million barrels per day, adding to market liquidity.
  • Over the next year, United States production will increase by one million barrels per day or more.
    • We are working with oil producers around the world to increase their supply as well.
  • As a result of this increased production, respected forecasters like the United States Energy Information Administration expect global oil supply to keep pace with demand in late 2018 and exceed demand in 2019.
The White House



Well-known member
the international inspections and monitoring was the important part of that deal. that was the part that guaranteed iran couldn't build weapons. and now, that is gone.


Well-known member
All of the deals with Iran failed, including Trump.
It has been a game of kick the can till they ended up attacking Israel or funding hammas to do it through a proxy war.

Ps the part where biden obama failed was any inspections were a joke at best .


Well-known member
I would also like to point out when Obama was sworn in he emboldened the enemy by going on a cowardly bitch tour apologizing to our enemies and at the same time intentionally ignoring Israel


Well-known member
All of the deals with Iran failed, including Trump.
It has been a game of kick the can till they ended up attacking Israel or funding hammas to do it through a proxy war.

Ps the part where biden obama failed was any inspections were a joke at best .
This isn't a matter of opinion.
The inspections regime, while it was in place, guaranteed that Iran was incapable of amassing sufficient enriched uranium to construct a bomb.
Trump decided that was bad somehow.

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