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Well-known member
Opinion | Haaretz Editorial
Editorial | Oct 8, 2023

Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War

The disaster that befell Israel on the holiday of Simchat Torah is the clear responsibility of one person: Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister, who has prided himself on his vast political experience and irreplaceable wisdom in security matters, completely failed to identify the dangers he was consciously leading Israel into when establishing a government of annexation and dispossession, when appointing Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to key positions, while embracing a foreign policy that openly ignored the existence and rights of Palestinians.

Netanyahu will certainly try to evade his responsibility and cast the blame on the heads of the army, Military Intelligence and the Shin Bet security service who, like their predecessors on the eve of the Yom Kippur War, saw a low probability of war with their preparations for a Hamas attack proving flawed.

They scorned the enemy and its offensive military capabilities. Over the next days and weeks, when the depth of Israel Defense Forces and intelligence failures come to light, a justified demand to replace them and take stock will surely arise.

However, the military and intelligence failure does not absolve Netanyahu of his overall responsibility for the crisis, as he is the ultimate arbiter of Israeli foreign and security affairs. Netanyahu is no novice in this role, like Ehud Olmert was in the Second Lebanon War. Nor is he ignorant in military matters, as Golda Meir in 1973 and Menachem Begin in 1982 claimed to be.

Netanyahu also shaped the policy embraced by the short-lived “government of change” led by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid: a multidimensional effort to crush the Palestinian national movement in both its wings, in Gaza and the West Bank, at a price that would seem acceptable to the Israeli public.

In the past, Netanyahu marketed himself as a cautious leader who eschewed wars and multiple casualties on Israel’s side. After his victory in the last election, he replaced this caution with the policy of a “fully-right government,” with overt steps taken to annex the West Bank, to carry out ethnic cleansing in parts of the Oslo-defined Area C, including the Hebron Hills and the Jordan Valley.

This also included a massive expansion of settlements and bolstering of the Jewish presence on Temple Mount, near the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as boasts of an impending peace deal with the Saudis in which the Palestinians would get nothing, with open talk of a “second Nakba” in his governing coalition. As expected, signs of an outbreak of hostilities began in the West Bank, where Palestinians started feeling the heavier hand of the Israeli occupier. Hamas exploited the opportunity in order to launch its surprise attack on Saturday.

Above all, the danger looming over Israel in recent years has been fully realized. A prime minister indicted in three corruption cases cannot look after state affairs, as national interests will necessarily be subordinate to extricating him from a possible conviction and jail time.

This was the reason for establishing this horrific coalition and the judicial coup advanced by Netanyahu, and for the enfeeblement of top army and intelligence officers, who were perceived as political opponents. The price was paid by the victims of the invasion in the Western Negev.

The above article is Haaretz’s lead editorial, as published in the Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel.


Well-known member
this guy is deeply connected to republicans beyond Trump.

the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives just called out members of his party for being too cozy with this little nazi.

I don't know anything about Fuentes nobody I know knows him.
Is he one of those kids doing tic toc videos?
Screw him.i can't defend a nazi idiot.
Forgive me if I don't push on a link ,I will take your word for now ,because I don't want to see nazi garbage.


Well-known member
I don't know anything about Fuentes nobody I know knows him.
Is he one of those kids doing tic toc videos?
Screw him.i can't defend a nazi idiot.
Forgive me if I don't push on a link ,I will take your word for now ,because I don't want to see nazi garbage.

but that squad, though


Well-known member
I don't know anything about Fuentes nobody I know knows him.
Is he one of those kids doing tic toc videos?
Screw him.i can't defend a nazi idiot.
Forgive me if I don't push on a link ,I will take your word for now ,because I don't want to see nazi garbage.

You have a whole thread about Orwell, so you'll appreciate this.

Fuentes, who is now documented as working closely with the Texas Republicans at the highest levels, is deeply and profoundly and unequivocally animated by a desire to eliminate Jewish people, and is organizing with others around this principle. The weight of evidence of this guy's overt antisemitism measured against anything that "the squad" is alleged to have said is simply enormous. There's no comparison, and frankly I think it is dishonest and immoral to pretend otherwise.


Well-known member
The Squad I have heard of they are congresswomen from the house. I have personally heard nazi garbage from ilmar (brother fucker) and I have heard aoc defend her remarks. These are me.bers of the house. Not tic toc dance influencers that nobody has ever heard of. And frankly I find it hard to believe that any republican supports him especially in Florida.


Well-known member
You have a whole thread about Orwell, so you'll appreciate this.

Fuentes, who is now documented as working closely with the Texas Republicans at the highest levels, is deeply and profoundly and unequivocally animated by a desire to eliminate Jewish people, and is organizing with others around this principle. The weight of evidence of this guy's overt antisemitism measured against anything that "the squad" is alleged to have said is simply enormous. There's no comparison, and frankly I think it is dishonest and immoral to pretend otherwise.
I have never heard of the guy


Well-known member
None of the news I see mentions him .why if Republicans want his support. Other news I won't look at because it is nonsense. Cnn is a joke and they have publicly apologized for producing ccp lies


Well-known member
Here in the US, we did so with the Native American, and then the black population.
I do not wish others to repeat such as that, as it is a terrible thing, which once done, can never made right.
We then lie to our children and ourselves about it over and over again. The expense to all is without end.


Well-known member
I don't apologize for any rare exception . But it is day and night. Between Republicans and Democrats. I will vote for the lesser of two evils. Hopefully not Trump. But Trump isn't all bad he moved the American embasy to Jerusalem and worked with Israel after obama who spit on Israel. After Trump obiden went on to disrespecting Israel and Netanyahu.


Well-known member
I'm still looking into this Nick Fuentes and all I'm seeing so far is Republicans denouncing him but I will look further.


Well-known member
I don't apologize for any rare exception . But it is day and night. Between Republicans and Democrats. I will vote for the lesser of two evils. Hopefully not Trump. But Trump isn't all bad he moved the American embasy to Jerusalem and worked with Israel after obama who spit on Israel. After Trump obiden went on to disrespecting Israel and Netanyahu.
Were one to look at the delivery of war supplies to Israel across administrations, one would see that it has never slowed down.


Well-known member
More condemnation of Fuentes by Republicans. This sounds like he had dinner with Trump and Kanye.


Well-known member
More condemnation of Fuentes by Republicans. This sounds like he had dinner with Trump and Kanye.

Just a kanye loving nobody who dined at trumps mansion and triggered a liberal hissy fit. But if his guest was Omar or Tlaib.......then.........then it would be okay. They don't hate jews :D (y)