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Well-known member
It should be obvious that Bidan can not do anything let alone hold back the Taliban for another 12 days. The date alone would antagonize the Taliban enough to work hard to destroy the Deep States goals.

Go ahead and make apologies for the worst US military disaster all time for the US. Trump was the only President focused on withdrawing from the 20 year fiasco. Bidan did not have a choice on the actual withdrawal.

So now Biden didn't have a choice but to withdraw from Afghanistan. So he was indeed following the Trump plan put in place. That sure seems to contradict what you said earlier. And if we had left the same hasty way under Trump, you would've brushed all criticism of that aside and hailed him a hero for having the balls to get out. A true hypocrite to the end.


Well-known member

We're trying to stop a war/invasion. Not be mired in it. I'd say maybe stop being a brainwashed moron for just once but I know that's way too much to ask.

Three Berries

Active member
Says the guy who bought all the ghost of Kiev type stories and the covid narrative for 2 years. Hahahahha

You create your own reality based on what you use for information and how you apply it to everyday life. Seems some don't have much of an everyday life if all they do is parrot what the MSM talking points are for the day peppered with the usual condescending insults. But then change their tune as to the facts when the official propaganda source pivot or just quit talking about it. How's the Trump/ Russian Hoax argument holding up? Oh wait we have a new point of contention.....

The Left set up Ukraine for a money pot of corruption. Now they will pay the price. Soros will help!!!!


Well-known member
Says the guy who bought all the ghost of Kiev type stories and the covid narrative for 2 years. Hahahahha

I'm not surprised you think Covid was some made-up fantasy to bring down Trump and install a NWO. You people are beyond pathetic. It is entertaining to poke you with sticks, though.


Active member
Sorry guy but your broken links are leading to a 520 Error but you probably planned it that way because so far your links from that server have mostly led to stories of how the Ukrainian Nazis fought against and more or less defeated the Russian puppet government of Viktor Yanukovych pushing him out of power and you realized if you kept posting those links someone would start pointing that out.

Just because you were in Ukraine before the pandemic means absolutely nothing, I'm sure you weren't the only Putin apologist there at the time.

It is IC that broke the links they are easy enough to fix but guess that is above your competence level. As for your support of the american coup d’etat, toppling the elected government in Ukraine, installing a fascist regime that has launched pogroms and genocide against ethnic russians, this speak for itself.

Btw the fact that I’ve been there means that I know the country better than you buddy.


Active member
We're trying to stop a war/invasion. Not be mired in it. I'd say maybe stop being a brainwashed moron for just once but I know that's way too much to ask.

So thats why you toppled the democratically elected government and installed a fascist regime that started pogroms, genocide and war: ”to stop a war/invasion” :gaga:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Come on now - let's not devolve into name calling and mudslinging over differences of opinion - please keep the discourse civil - every opinion is welcome - no matter how caustic you might find it - someone once said that free speech is the right to be able to say things and have opinions that others may not like -


Well-known member
Come on now - let's not devolve into name calling and mudslinging over differences of opinion - please keep the discourse civil - every opinion is welcome - no matter how caustic you might find it - someone once said that free speech is the right to be able to say things and have opinions that others may not like -

There's a difference between opinion and fact. Some here seem hellbent on pushing their opinion as fact. That said, my humble apologies as I know I violated that rule regardless.


Well-known member
To Volcanna, Entropical and Three Berries...

I apologize for crossing the line into personal attacks. This does not mean I agree with you, just that you're fellow humans and canna brothers regardless and you don't deserve that.


...como el Son...
And I solemnly promise by the mummy of Lenin, that I will leave what remains uncorrupted of the relic of the incorrupt arm of St. Theresa back in its urn, and I will not brandish it threateningly before anyone else again...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good - Good - <smiles broadly>



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I imagine that with so much of the focus on the Ukraine, for making mischief in other areas where Amerika has stuck her nose where it shouldn't be, it may be open season. They can probably attack without quick reaction reinforcements, which are all tied up in Poland. The ME is still a smoldering wreck, and xiden had to open up another front. I bet another Arab spring is coming, especially with oil so high and America so dependent on importing it, again.

Then there is Taiwan. IMO, they are on their own unless the Japs come to the rescue. So many opportunities for mischief with the world's supposed cop (fat from too many free donuts) chasing Russian boogeymen.

Big bidness, this war thing. It's how broke empires die. Interesting times being a civilian in this crumbling empire.

And the empire doesn't just go away quietly. When it cannot push around the others, the empire turns to within. We are seeing that now, with these globalist tools that stole elections (with the help of the media machine) turning the governments against the people they are supposed to serve.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hostia puta, que altos son los chiquillos ucranianos, si llegan a esas canastas...

In the US all baskets are the same height. Kids have to try much harder, but that's how you grow up to be a great player (not that Hempy would know anything about that :biglaugh:).