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...como el Son...
The Spanish Pablo Gonzalez, arrested at the Polish-Ukrainian border, accused of spying for Russia, and remanded in custody in Poland:

The spokesman of the Polish Government, Stanislaw Zaryn, confirmed this Friday to the Polish press agency Pap the arrest of the Spanish journalist Pablo Gonzalez, accused of spying for Russia. "The man was identified as an agent of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation (GRU)," said Zaryn, in statements to that media.
The statement added that Gonzalez "carried out activities for Russia while taking advantage of his journalistic status. This allowed him to move freely around Europe and (other countries of) the world, including areas affected by armed conflicts and areas of political tension."



...como el Son...
As the news about Ukraine progresses, and since this thread is called "War", allow me the localism of giving you the war report of another war much less known, long (it started when I was a child), and much closer to my hill:

W.S.A.D.R. & S.P.L.A.'s War Report for FRIDAY, MARCH 04, 2022; Western Sahara War:

Armed operations by both armies continue in Western Sahara. The forces of the Western Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic continue to strike at the Moroccan bases located on the Moroccan military wall that divides the entire Sahara, both in Moroccan territory and in the occupied areas, as confirmed by the war reports issued this week.

Today, the Saharawi Defense reports in its war report No. 476 of new attacks in this first week of March which bombed the trenches of the Moroccan occupation soldiers in the area of Umaytir Lemjeinza, as well as the headquarters of the 43rd corps of the FAR, destroying a battery of artillery BM 21.

Although Morocco denies the destruction and chaos in its bases; the enemy has suffered losses in its arsenal and casualties in its ranks. Since the breakdown of the ceasefire and the subsequent resumption of the war on Friday, November 13, 2020, the SPLA has been harassing the occupying forces in different sectors adjacent to the Moroccan military wall.



Active member
I see where you’re going with this:

The US said there were WMD’s, and there weren’t - but they got gold and oil.

Putin is saying there’s genocide and a Nazi drug addict government, and there isn’t - but he gets his ‘greater Russia’.

Yes. That’s how what you posted makes sense in this Russian invasion thread.

Did Russia interfere with the US invasions of
sovereign nations?...for gold and oil...

Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails | WEB OF DEBT BLOG https://ellenbrown.com/2016/03/13/exposing-the-libyan-agenda-a-closer-look-at-hillarys-emails/

China and Russia Strengthen Ties To Replace US Dollar With a Gold-backed Trading Standard https://www.newsbtc.com/news/china-...place-us-dollar-gold-backed-trading-standard/

Our economy is tied to oil production and the petrodollar...

If the petrodollar collapsed, the entire world would collapse with it into an economic crisis worse than the Great Depression. For a while.

A little history:

In the Bretton Woods conference of 1944, the US dollar was tied to gold at a fixed rate of 35 dollars per troy ounce of gold. This made the dollar very attractive as a reserve currency for many countries and created an artificial demand for dollars that allowed the US to print money without it resulting in inflation. At one point the US held about 80% of the world’s gold reserves.

However, the US has a history for being bad at balancing budgets. In 1971, near the end of the Vietnam War, the US had a massive fiscal deficit. In the same way you fear for your money if your bank is making bad investments, countries who had their reserves in dollars started to feel uneasy with the way the US was spending (or printing money). They got scared that their money was essentially only fractionally backed, and started buying back gold with the dollars they had, the equivalent of a bank run. The US realized it didn’t have enough gold reserves to cover the massive amounts of money they had printed out (like a fractional reserve bank), and so they unilaterally decided to let the dollar float in what is now called the Nixon Shock. It was a virtual default (or theft, whichever word you prefer). Since then, the USD has lost more than 30 times its purchasing power relative to gold.

Without gold backing the dollar, demand for dollars would have collapsed. In fact, for a while, the “oil shocks” that resulted from Nixon’s decision caused considerable economic instability and inflation. The US had to figure out a way to stabilize and solidify the dollar.

So, how did they do it?

Well, a deal was struck with Saudi Arabia, by far the biggest producer of crude oil in the 70s, that required them to sell their oil exclusively in US dollars. In exchange, the US offered the Saudis weapons and protection, something they readily accepted given the Middle East’s propensity to military conflict (in part exacerbated by the US itself). The arms deals are absolutely massive to this day.

And thus the petrodollar was born. The idea was to make the global oil trade depend on the dollar, creating the demand needed to prevent too much inflation.

It was certainly easier for everyone (even if you had your differences with the US) to trade oil in US dollars, because it made markets more accessible, competitive and transparent. Soon after the Saudi deal, the entire world was trading oil in dollars, even the USSR. But it gave the US a massive amount of control, and since then the US has defended this fiercely with military force and political scheming. Recently, Gaddafi and Saddam tried to challenge this arrangement by trying to untether their oil production from the dollar. The US immediately gave them a good dose of “democracy”. Saddam was falsely accused of having WMDs. They didn’t even bother making up a good story for Gaddafi, and simply said he was an evil, corrupt despot (which he incidentally was, but that’s not an excuse to invade a foreign country). They’re both dead now. Al Qaeda and ISIS are both the result of the US funding proxy wars to topple governments they wanted to control. Just a few examples.

The US is the middle-man for the most lucrative trade in the world and much of its prosperity depends on keeping it so. With a high demand for dollars, they keep inflation under control, because all countries subsidize the growing money supply when they buy oil. It has worked brilliantly. The US has issued debt like crazy (and let’s not even go into the fact that the FED is a private institution), and despite this has had super cheap debt, because everyone wants those precious dollars to buy oil.

This has gone on for over 40 years now. 40 years of continuous fiscal deficits, military intervention in the Middle East (Iraq 2x, Libya, Syria, etc), artificially cheap debt, and a manufactured demand for dollars. All financed by the entire world’s consumption of oil.

Meanwhile, globalization has made the dollar the cornerstone of not only the oil industry, but virtually everything else, particularly the financial industry.

But make no mistake: the dollar itself is the biggest economic bubble there’s ever been. There is a massively corrupt and greedy element of geopolitical control in the dollar, rotten to the core. That greed is ultimately, I think, the biggest source of hate, sorrow and war in today’s world.

And yes: were it to suddenly collapse, it would be a disaster. The dollar supply would far and away exceed demand, resulting in high inflation. Everyone all around the world would scramble to get rid of their dollar reserves. And since everything, everywhere is connected to the dollar, it would be a catastrophe. It would all have to start with the US losing control of the oil markets.

It’s already happening now, to some extent. We’ve seen many instances where the US just can’t deal with the economic and political threats through military intervention as it did in the past:
  • China and Russia are pushing towards a non-US dollar oil market. China already has plans for a gold-backed oil futures contract in yuan. Basically, China will do what the US was doing pre-Nixon, and that’s what made everyone want to buy dollars at the time. It’s already being called a “game changer” for the oil industry. It is by far the biggest threat to the petro-dollar right now, and the US is powerless to stop it. They can’t invade China like they invaded Libya.
  • The Syria affair, one of the biggest screw ups in foreign policy history. Aside from that one, the US has a massive PR issue in the Middle East in general.
  • Venezuela is collapsing and it seems Russia and China are ready for scavenging.
Times have changed. Today, even piss-poor countries like North Korea can force the US to sit at the negotiation table, by threatening to fire a ballistic missile across the world and flatten an entire city. The world has become too unstable and the stakes are too high to use force as an effective foreign policy instrument.

A complete collapse of the petrodollar can’t happen overnight, though, because the dollar is backed by not just oil, but the world’s biggest economy. It also wouldn’t be a complete collapse, because the US itself is one of the biggest oil producers in the world, so a big chunk of trading will always be done in US dollars. But a decline will gradually happen, no matter what.

The US government is running the biggest ponzi scheme in history and in doing so is keeping the entire world’s economy hostage to the privately owned FED. Since 2008, the US has printes trillions of dollars in their “quantitative easing” programs.

China, Europe and Russia all want a piece of the pie and are fighting for it. In fact, I think the entire world is a little bit fed up with the whole thing too, especially in Europe, where the monumental cluster f**k that is the Middle East has resulted in serious demographic problems that aren’t on some remote corner of the world anymore… They are at their doorstep


Well-known member
Did Russia interfere with the US invasions of
sovereign nations?...for gold and oil...
No, the context was different because: “All Soviet policy towards the Middle East now became geared towards the major goal of close cooperation with the West - especially the U.S, (35) and the previously defended national interests in the region, which were by and large consistent with the Arab interests, became "blatantly ignored". (36) Although, according to Russian sources, Gorbachev himself originally hesitated and did not want to condemn outright the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and to follow U.S. policy, he changed his mind under pressure from his foreign minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, a Georgian who was staunchly pro-American and pro-Israel and who threatened to cause a scandal and resign. (37) Almost immediately after the invasion on 2 August 1990, what was still the Soviet government issued a statement condemning it as an act of aggression which contradicts the new positive developments in international affairs. The statement also demanded immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwaiti territory" and "the re-establishment of the sovereignty, national independence, and territorial integrity of Kuwait."’

From: https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Russi...is.-a080966042

FWIW there is no point going on about the US in Iraq etc as I will only agree with you - I was equally opposed to the US invasions as I am to the current Russian one. I also note the hypocritical lack of outcry when Russia was killing Syrian civilians. Does that mean we should all collectively shrug our shoulders and let Russia carry on doing the same to Ukraine? I don’t believe so.


Well-known member
I see where you’re going with this:

The US said there were WMD’s, and there weren’t - but they got gold and oil.

Putin is saying there’s genocide and a Nazi drug addict government, and there isn’t - but he gets his ‘greater Russia’.

Yes. That’s how what you posted makes sense in this Russian invasion thread.

I told you, if it wasn't for logical fallacies, these jokers would have nothing. Their entire fabricated realities were fed to them by grifters who trained them to think and debate this way. All the while calling us the sheep. Cult-like mentalities are truly a marvel given how you'd think they should never work as well as they do.

It's how you wind up with nationalistic "patriots" who've been tricked into voting for the very people who created the problems they're complaining about. Combine that with a goodly dose of religious fundamentalism and you got yourself a recipe for disaster. Unless you're the grifter then it's time for a second yacht.


Well-known member
ain't that the truth

Psyops are a hell of a thing. They're clever devices that are designed to get through our mental defenses, kind of like a virus or malware getting through a firewall. Plus they have the added 'benefit' of having that grain of truth so when someone who isn't the mark argues against it, the rube will always fiercely point out the one truthful element to the lie in defense of their position.

If you ever get a chance, listen or read the 48 Laws of Power. It's an insightful look into how power is accumulated and the mental manipulation that drives it.


Well-known member
No, the context was different because: “All Soviet policy towards the Middle East now became geared towards the major goal of close cooperation with the West - especially the U.S, (35) and the previously defended national interests in the region, which were by and large consistent with the Arab interests, became "blatantly ignored". (36) Although, according to Russian sources, Gorbachev himself originally hesitated and did not want to condemn outright the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and to follow U.S. policy, he changed his mind under pressure from his foreign minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, a Georgian who was staunchly pro-American and pro-Israel and who threatened to cause a scandal and resign. (37) Almost immediately after the invasion on 2 August 1990, what was still the Soviet government issued a statement condemning it as an act of aggression which contradicts the new positive developments in international affairs. The statement also demanded immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwaiti territory" and "the re-establishment of the sovereignty, national independence, and territorial integrity of Kuwait."’

From: https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Russi...is.-a080966042

FWIW there is no point going on about the US in Iraq etc as I will only agree with you - I was equally opposed to the US invasions as I am to the current Russian one. I also note the hypocritical lack of outcry when Russia was killing Syrian civilians. Does that mean we should all collectively shrug our shoulders and let Russia carry on doing the same to Ukraine? I don’t believe so.

Did I mention that in addition to bad faith arguments marks also revel in hypocrisy? That's why we're constantly charging them with moving the goalposts. It's also why you should never call anyone who has been duped stupid. Intelligence, at least as we define it in modern times, only has a marginal effect on one's gullibility.

moose eater

Well-known member
The irony when godless communist feel compelled to use Christian liturgy in order to portray their ”workers hero” Rothschild cousin Chaim Hirschel Mordechai aka ”Karl Marx” as a Saint :D

Quaint, and sounding almost educated re. Marx, except for the fact that Marx was NOT an Atheist, he was an Agnostic.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well the Taliban at that time was running the show. 12 days is close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades. Good to see you supporting the worst pResident the USA has ever had.

the real polls must be getting down to the 10% approval rating. When we hit 4-6% that's the bottom.

Again the 12 day mark was when the operation wrapped up, the withdrawal actually began a full month before 9/11. If it was all about 9/11 Biden could have easily stretched it out. After all he got the Taliban to agree to letting him delay things from the May 1st deadline Trump had promised, up to August 31, so another 11 days would have been nothing. Coincidentally (although not really a coincidence as much as the plan all along) The Taliban began the final offensive on May 1st, which gave them control of the country in a matter of days rather then weeks or months like the Pentagon was forecasting. Of course now you'll probably say something equally stupid like "30 days is close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades" in order to try to keep your fake news narrative alive.

As of the SOTU address Biden's approval rating was at 40% which is dismal of course but about the same as Trump's average approval rating over the 4 years of his presidency. Now that the pandemic is wrapping up, mandates are being lifted, job creation is still very high and unemployment is still very low and life will likely begin to return to normal, I feel rather then plunging like you predict Biden's numbers will start to rise once people get out there and see what is actually going on rather then staying at home and obsessing on social media reports.

By the way, you do realize don't you that a big part of why Biden's numbers have dropped so low is because many Americans are upset that the Attorney General and the DOJ have yet to do anything meaningful about holding Trump accountable for 1/6 but if you've been paying close attention to all the news rather then just focusing on Ukraine you know that's likely to change very soon.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lmao sure buddy. I was in Ukraine before the pandemic outbreak but believe you whatever.

​Here your beloved NATONAZI Battalion is murdering civilians for trying to escape war in Donetsk:

https://odysee.com/@Lav%C3%A9rit%C3%A9partag%C3%A 9e:4/Marioupol-civils-tu%C3%A9s:7

https://odysee.com/@Lav%C3%A9rit%C3%A9partag%C3%A 9e:4/Marioupol-civils-tu%C3%A9s.2:4

Slava Ukraini, heroiam slava :gaga:

Sorry guy but your broken links are leading to a 520 Error but you probably planned it that way because so far your links from that server have mostly led to stories of how the Ukrainian Nazis fought against and more or less defeated the Russian puppet government of Viktor Yanukovych pushing him out of power and you realized if you kept posting those links someone would start pointing that out.

Just because you were in Ukraine before the pandemic means absolutely nothing, I'm sure you weren't the only Putin apologist there at the time.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Why would that be a problem for me? That is more of a problem to the residents of Donetsk, as shown above.

It's a problem for you and people like you who keep trying to claim Putin only invaded Ukraine to get rid of the Nazi element. If that were true his military actions would be concentrated on Donetsk rather then all of Ukraine.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Many of your beloved ukronazis are responsible for the euromaidan coup d’etat that was followed up with pogroms and genocide against ethnic russian, causing 97 percent of residents in Crimea to vote to leave Ukraine and join with Russia. Not that the will of those people matter to NATONAZI sympathizers.

Well given the fact that the vote was taken by Russia and Russia is very good at threatening people with dissenting votes and opinions with either a loss of life or a loss of liberty, I'll continue to look very skeptically on that 97%. I mean given how fragile the ecosystem is there do to the salt water problems if so many there hated being in Ukraine then why not just move to Russia? Especially now with Russia's economy in a freefall I bet that patch the Russian's made to improve the water problems won't hold for very long. Not when Putin will need to be diverting every ruble possible to fund a failing war effort.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's more of a Limited Hangout.

The Child Sacrifice is 100% rooted in historical Fact, and refers to the use of Gentile blood and body parts in Passover rituals and in General.

In the Middle Ages, the dried blood of Gentile children was used by Jewish rabbi's as an anti-clotting agent after Circumcision, and during other medical procedures.

As documented in Prof. Ariel Toaff's book, "Blood Passover".

The purpose of the limited hangout is to repeatedly refer to an Offensive Concept, such as ritual human sacrifice, in a background or context of fictional material, so that people just get tired of it and don't want to think about it.

You mean the book that a week after its publication, Ariel Toaff withdrew the book from circulation, in order to "re-edit the passages which comprised the basis of the distortions and falsehoods that have been published in the media" The book was republished the following year. Toaff added an afterword, "Trials and Historical Methodology: In defence of Pasque di Sangue", in which he wrote,

"I wish to specify that the principal aim of my research was to investigate the role of the so-called ‘blood culture’ in the German-speaking Jewish community, as in the Christian society that surrounded it. This was a manifold, therapeutic, magical, propitiatory, alchemic role which flouted the strict biblical and rabbinic prohibitions on the consumption of blood....But between this dried blood used in the rite – blood which originated from unknown ‘donors’, alive and well, and mostly belonging to indigent families – and alleged ritual murders there was no relationship whatsoever save in the minds of judges (and not only those of Trent) as they endeavoured to prove the blood accusation against the Jews. Through their tendentious interpretations, the magical, therapeutic, alchemic, propitious or maleficent use of blood served to give plausible support to the deadly blood libel."


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
As far as I know and if I am not mistaken, it was the US, UK and Spain who declared war on Iraq. Spain did so by taking for granted the false information from US intelligence, which claimed to have evidence of Saddam Hussein's relationship with al-Quaeda and the existence of a massive weapons arsenal.
When it became clear the intentional falsehood of these statements (which was only a US move to take advantage of the context of the almost unconditional and blind international support, after the 9/11 attacks, and divert it to its strategic objectives on oil, etc.), and after the culmination that was the shameful and criminal performance of the US and its mercenaries in the Battle of Najaf (provoked by the arrogance of US intelligence and the performance of its Blakwaters,
, who ended up running to take refuge from the barbarity they had just provoked to the protection of the Spanish base al-Aldalus ( الأندلس ), while leaving the Salvadoran and Honduran allies of the Spanish outside having to fight for their lives among the "insurgent" crowd at knifepoint), Spain abandoned the war.

Well you're not incorrect but really it was all started by the US who as you went on to indicate used the blind international support after 9/11 to create a multi national coalition. I know of no intention that the UK or Spain had of going after Saddam before or separate from the US wanting to go after him. A move by the way which turned Bush from being fairly popular in the US right after 9/11 to being extremely unpopular. The main reason why Bush got re-elected was because of a sentiment that since he started that war/mess he should be the one to clean it up. Which he obviously was unable to do completely and so it fell on Obama afterwards.


...como el Son...
I told you, if it wasn't for logical fallacies, these jokers would have nothing. Their entire fabricated realities were fed to them by grifters who trained them to think and debate this way. All the while calling us the sheep. Cult-like mentalities are truly a marvel given how you'd think they should never work as well as they do.

It's how you wind up with nationalistic "patriots" who've been tricked into voting for the very people who created the problems they're complaining about. Combine that with a goodly dose of religious fundamentalism and you got yourself a recipe for disaster. Unless you're the grifter then it's time for a second yacht.

AUGUSTO MONTERROSO : La oveja negra :

En un lejano país existió hace muchos años una Oveja negra. Fue fusilada.
Un siglo después, el rebaño arrepentido le levantó una estatua ecuestre que quedó muy bien en el parque.
Así, en lo sucesivo, cada vez que aparecían ovejas negras eran rápidamente pasadas por las armas para que las futuras generaciones de ovejas comunes y corrientes pudieran ejercitarse también en la escultura.

In a distant country, many years ago, there was a black sheep. She was shot.
A century later, the repentant flock erected an equestrian statue of her that looked very nice in the park.
Thus, from then on, whenever black sheep appeared, they were quickly put to the sword so that future generations of ordinary sheep could also be trained in sculpture.

descarga (8).jpeg

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