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Well-known member
there was also a landing ship in that drydock. it's burning too. and the drydock itself is probably damaged.

The Kilo class submarine was one of the sources of Kalibr cruise missiles that were targeting civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

Ukraine has taken control of several oil rigs in the Black Sea and has equipped them with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles. denying Russian access.

continuous strangulation of Russia's ability to wage war. there will be textbooks written about the way this war was waged.

during the Cold War years, Ukraine was the center of the Soviet weapons industry. they have not been idle while waiting for weaponry from NATO. they are building their own cruise missiles and have an excellent anti-tank missile of their own creation.

it doesn't matter how many troops Putler has in Ukraine if they don't have heavy weapons, ammunition, and food.


Well-known member



Well-known member
this could be like a football pool. everyone throws in an oz and the winner takes all!

the cool thing is that Turkey sits astride the Strait of Bosphorus and won't let any more Russian warships through. they can leave but they can't enter the Black Sea. every ship lost is an irreplaceable loss of capabilities as far as the war is concerned.
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Well-known member
Haven't really looked through this thread so I don't know if it's been mentioned before. If you're interested in what's happening inside Russia and the spin it's government is putting on the war I recommend checking out Julia Davis' YouTube channel 'Russian Media Monitor'.

It's the typical insanity a totalitarian regime feeds it's people. Hilarious but scary if you think about it rationally. Here's the latest one, Solovyov's take on the strikes on Sevastopol by Ukraine. He discusses important things like the height requirements of gnomes...

The best thing I've watched was the 2022 Russian New Year's Eve celebration. I showed it to my 98 year old grandma; she said it was exactly what the 1930s were like. It's one of the most surreal things I've seen. Hard to believe these freaks are cracking their freak jokes and doing their lame dances while their country is suffering hundreds of thousands of casualties. It's like Wizard of Oz on dramamine and demerol.

My favorite is the Russian New Year's Eve special in 2013. Solovyov and Zelensky partying down during happier times. The world is a very weird place.



Well-known member
Haven't really looked through this thread so I don't know if it's been mentioned before. If you're interested in what's happening inside Russia and the spin it's government is putting on the war I recommend checking out Julia Davis' YouTube channel 'Russian Media Monitor'.

It's the typical insanity a totalitarian regime feeds it's people. Hilarious but scary if you think about it rationally. Here's the latest one, Solovyov's take on the strikes on Sevastopol by Ukraine. He discusses important things like the height requirements of gnomes...

The best thing I've watched was the 2022 Russian New Year's Eve celebration. I showed it to my 98 year old grandma; she said it was exactly what the 1930s were like. It's one of the most surreal things I've seen. Hard to believe these freaks are cracking their freak jokes and doing their lame dances while their country is suffering hundreds of thousands of casualties. It's like Wizard of Oz on dramamine and demerol.

My favorite is the Russian New Year's Eve special in 2013. Solovyov and Zelensky partying down during happier times. The world is a very weird place.


he's already preparing them to be devastated by ATACMS


Well-known member
The Samum (former MRK-17) is a Bora-class corvette. apparently, this ship was hit by a maritime drone yesterday sometime. while not being sunk, it was damaged enough that it had to be towed back to port.

the tubes mounted on the foredeck are for launching cruise missiles.



Well-known member
"they need to take a number and wait their @#$% turn. one war at a time, please. Xi, get back in line, sir! you'll get your shot... i swear, some of these fools act like they'll die of old age before getting to wreak vengeance or bring Armageddon upon the world..."

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
It seems that the "2nd most powerful military in the world" can't even fight it's way out of a wet paper bag.
Even in Chechnya the Ruzzians couldn't militarily defeat them and so resorted to bombing the civilian population into submission.
It just proves that the demented sub-humans running Ruzzia into the ground, and their propaganda spewing pig fuckers, don't give a good goddam about anyone but themselves. They not only don't care, they actually cheer about the murder of Ukrainian and Chechen civilians. But omg let one Ruzzian civvy get killed and the fuckers wanna nuke the whole goddam world over it.

They are sub-human scum and so is anyone who supports their shit.