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Well-known member
there are mushrooms that the active ingredient does not metabolize as it passes through the body, kidneys etc. there are reports of folks drinking their urine to take another ride...doubt that i'll ever get that desperate to avoid reality. :shucks:

that's probably what he was trying to do... right?

Top Russian space scientist dies of mushroom poisoning​


The death of Vitaly Melnikov, 77, came weeks after a Russian unmanned spacecraft crashed onto the surface of the moon, an embarrassing setback for a country that was the first to put a man in space.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites


Well-known member

But that's a very terrible way to die.


Russia must be a horrible place for a scientist to kill himself so painfully that you have to wonder what he thought could happen to him otherwise.
Hitler gave folks he was not happy with (like his best general, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel) the option of shooting themselves or having their families jailed and executed along with them. "i'm sure you'll see your way clear to do the right thing..."

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Hitler gave folks he was not happy with (like his best general, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel) the option of shooting themselves or having their families jailed and executed along with them. "i'm sure you'll see your way clear to do the right thing..."
Someone had spoken to SS General Kurt Meyer about the plot to kill Hitler (before the actual attempt). Meyer simply responded, "If I want to get shot, that's how I'd do it."

Blue Rhino

Well-known member


Well-known member
i bet he wishes he had never started this war. it's so obvious he thought it would be over in a few days and wasn't prepared for a protracted conflict.

the Ukrainians have discovered that the minefields were mostly concentrated in front of the first line of defensive structures. they have broken through the first line in several places and are finding much less density of mines.

Another Ka-52 shot down over the black sea. i think that makes 43 out of 136 in the Russian inventory. 20 million for each replacement cost.

the Ukrainians have captured a pile of thousands of grad missiles with North Korean markings.

they have destroyed so many ground-to-air missile systems that they are flying the bayraktars again.

in Rostov-on-don, Russia another officer was killed. shot 12 times by an unknown assailant.

Both China and Iran have been intimidated from supplying arms to Russia because of the threat of sanctions.

putler is negotiating with N. korea for weapons and raw materials.

the list goes on and on.


Well-known member
more cheerful news. yesterday Ukraine shot down another ka-52 20 million dollar helicopter. that makes 44 out of 136 in the starting inventory. the cool thing is they used a new Swedish shoulder-fired missile that uses a laser targeting system instead of heat-seeking so all those flares are useless now. it is a line of sight to the horizon weapon. if you can see it you can knock it down.

and Ukraine has developed a fast drone to chase down helicopters. they almost got another ka-52 yesterday but the pilot saw it coming and took evasive action but it was close. looks like they got within about 50 yards with it.


Well-known member
once again, the international war crimes warrant has effectively stopped Vladolf Putler from traveling. he had to send the mouthpiece known as Lavrov the Comedian to represent the mighty Russian empire at the G20 held in India. essentially he has been placed on house arrest by the international community.

paranoia strikes deep!

and imagine the humiliation of the great man from the great empire having to beg a shithole little country like North Korea for weapons and materials.

it reveals the true state of the Russian army. He's running out of everything!

Russians are running on the battlefield again. the Russian army has just shelled and killed its own soldiers for retreating south of Robotyne. "Not one step backward".

they are burning down recruitment offices again in Russia. and someone is hunting FSB agents again. several have been assassinated recently. they are the ones going to people's homes and dragging them out for military service.

there has been a drone strike on the only building in Russia that manufactures chips for the military. Another drone strike kills several high-ranking officers at a military office building in
Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

the Ukrainians have found an abandoned T-90 tank in perfect working order parked in the woods near Bahkmut. 72 of Russia's best tanks (T-90) have been destroyed or captured by Ukraine in addition to thousands of older models. 2301 tanks in total.

Russia remains the largest supplier of arms to Ukraine. how deliciously ironic!



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