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Active member
Oh there are Nazis in Ukraine, there is no doubt of that, the problem for people like entropical is they are concentrated in the very same separatist regions that Russia claims to be protecting as he denazifies Ukraine. The Azov Battalion is one of the most visible of these Neo-Nazi groups, they were the ones behind organizing that demonstration in Kiev that Putin supporters like to point to as proof of Nazis in Ukraine and they are headquartered in Donetsk.

Why would that be a problem for me? That is more of a problem to the residents of Donetsk, as shown above.


Active member
Well another interesting piece of information when you look into Ukrainian Nazis, many of them were largely responsible for fighting against Russia when Russia Annexed Crimea, so I can understand why Putin wants to get rid of them but here's the thing, as I've said a couple of times in other posts one of the most well known or controversial groups is known as the Azov Battalion but they're headquartered in Donetsk which is one of the areas said to be the separatists needing Russia's protection from the Nazi's. So I guess for Putin Nazi's are bad when they interfere with his imperialistic plans but when they can be used as an excuse to invade, well then they're just fine and not Nazi's at all?

Many of your beloved ukronazis are responsible for the euromaidan coup d’etat that was followed up with pogroms and genocide against ethnic russian, causing 97 percent of residents in Crimea to vote to leave Ukraine and join with Russia. Not that the will of those people matter to NATONAZI sympathizers.


Well-known member
Well to be fair, given how things went with Iraq and the fact that some of the NATO allies joined the US in that conflict I can understand the mistake Russell made, I was just surprisrd by it because he seems to be a pretty smart guy and usually makes pretty intelligent arguments. Really a lot of what he said I was able to agree with but starting on that one incorrect premise kind of taints everything that comes afterwards.

At least it doesn't look like he's straight up shilling for the russians, so that's a good thing. Maybe someone brought it up in the comments, I don't know as I didn't look, but he at least did encourage the dialogue.


Well-known member
Well another interesting piece of information when you look into Ukrainian Nazis, many of them were largely responsible for fighting against Russia when Russia Annexed Crimea, so I can understand why Putin wants to get rid of them but here's the thing, as I've said a couple of times in other posts one of the most well known or controversial groups is known as the Azov Battalion but they're headquartered in Donetsk which is one of the areas said to be the separatists needing Russia's protection from the Nazi's. So I guess for Putin Nazi's are bad when they interfere with his imperialistic plans but when they can be used as an excuse to invade, well then they're just fine and not Nazi's at all?

It's almost like some members here can't grasp any context whatsoever!


Well-known member
Regardless of how low his approval ratings are. Everyone who voted against Chump will do it again.

That's a big part of what the brainwashed cult doesn't get. The RW media and the army of online trolls have convinced them that not only is Biden an extreme, radical leftist but if you vote for him you're a liberal. They'll never admit that a shitton of people voted against TFG, not for Biden. In fact, to that point, when many GOP voters chose Biden but voted for their favorite Rep or Sen down-ticket, the RW media had them convinced that this was absolute proof that the election was stolen.

Conspiracies for the simple-minded.

St. Phatty

Active member
People quoting Qanon are just following orders from the MSM.

Know your enemy as Qanaon is made up MSM propaganda.

It's more of a Limited Hangout.

The Child Sacrifice is 100% rooted in historical Fact, and refers to the use of Gentile blood and body parts in Passover rituals and in General.

In the Middle Ages, the dried blood of Gentile children was used by Jewish rabbi's as an anti-clotting agent after Circumcision, and during other medical procedures.

As documented in Prof. Ariel Toaff's book, "Blood Passover".

The purpose of the limited hangout is to repeatedly refer to an Offensive Concept, such as ritual human sacrifice, in a background or context of fictional material, so that people just get tired of it and don't want to think about it.


Well-known member
People quoting Qanon are just following orders from the MSM.

Know your enemy as Qanaon is made up MSM propaganda.

And you know this how?? Not that it helps your point since it's your ilk that believes these lies as many of them eventually become mainstreamed to FOX so GOP politicos can start to safely parrot them.


Well-known member
It's more of a Limited Hangout.

The Child Sacrifice is 100% rooted in historical Fact, and refers to the use of Gentile blood and body parts in Passover rituals and in General.

In the Middle Ages, the dried blood of Gentile children was used by Jewish rabbi's as an anti-clotting agent after Circumcision, and during other medical procedures.

As documented in Prof. Ariel Toaff's book, "Blood Passover".

The purpose of the limited hangout is to repeatedly refer to an Offensive Concept, such as ritual human sacrifice, in a background or context of fictional material, so that people just get tired of it and don't want to think about it.

The best lies are wrapped around a kernel of truth.


...como el Son...
The irony when godless communist feel compelled to use Christian liturgy in order to portray their ”workers hero” Rothschild cousin Chaim Hirschel Mordechai aka ”Karl Marx” as a Saint :D

Who are you calling an ungodly, unfaithful dog? If I wasn't busy right now (I've just been visited by the Archangel Michael to discuss and plan this End of the World thing) I'd beat you on that sacrilegious little head of yours with what remains uncorrupted of the relic of the Incorrupt Arm of Saint Teresa,
​​​​​​till your skull would soften enough to finally be flooded as in a transcendent orgasm by the light of Grace, and the words would flow from your lips by themselves:
"I proclaim that there is only One Marx, and that Engels is his Ultimatw Prophet, and that the best ganja is the one in my backyard..."



...como el Son...
Well to be fair, given how things went with Iraq and the fact that some of the NATO allies joined the US in that conflict I can understand the mistake Russell made, I was just surprisrd by it because he seems to be a pretty smart guy and usually makes pretty intelligent arguments. Really a lot of what he said I was able to agree with but starting on that one incorrect premise kind of taints everything that comes afterwards.

As far as I know and if I am not mistaken, it was the US, UK and Spain who declared war on Iraq. Spain did so by taking for granted the false information from US intelligence, which claimed to have evidence of Saddam Hussein's relationship with al-Quaeda and the existence of a massive weapons arsenal.
When it became clear the intentional falsehood of these statements (which was only a US move to take advantage of the context of the almost unconditional and blind international support, after the 9/11 attacks, and divert it to its strategic objectives on oil, etc.), and after the culmination that was the shameful and criminal performance of the US and its mercenaries in the Battle of Najaf (provoked by the arrogance of US intelligence and the performance of its Blakwaters,
, who ended up running to take refuge from the barbarity they had just provoked to the protection of the Spanish base al-Aldalus ( الأندلس ), while leaving the Salvadoran and Honduran allies of the Spanish outside having to fight for their lives among the "insurgent" crowd at knifepoint), Spain abandoned the war.


Well-known member
counting the weapons of mass destruction in iraq....

I see where you’re going with this:

The US said there were WMD’s, and there weren’t - but they got gold and oil.

Putin is saying there’s genocide and a Nazi drug addict government, and there isn’t - but he gets his ‘greater Russia’.

Yes. That’s how what you posted makes sense in this Russian invasion thread.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's more of a Limited Hangout.

The Child Sacrifice is 100% rooted in historical Fact, and refers to the use of Gentile blood and body parts in Passover rituals and in General.

In the Middle Ages, the dried blood of Gentile children was used by Jewish rabbi's as an anti-clotting agent after Circumcision, and during other medical procedures.

As documented in Prof. Ariel Toaff's book, "Blood Passover".

The purpose of the limited hangout is to repeatedly refer to an Offensive Concept, such as ritual human sacrifice, in a background or context of fictional material, so that people just get tired of it and don't want to think about it.
The Middle Ages!

FFS, we don't live in a Dan Brown novel.


...como el Son...
I see where you’re going with this:

The US said there were WMD’s, and there weren’t - but they got gold and oil.

Putin is saying there’s genocide and a Nazi drug addict government, and there isn’t - but he gets his ‘greater Russia’.

Yes. That’s how what you posted makes sense in this Russian invasion thread.

There is another strategic derivative, which is the southern access of the Russian heavy surface fleet to the Atlantic via the Black Sea and Mediterranean.
Russia could find "plugs" from Ukraine, Greece-Turkey, and Spain-UK-Morocco, until it reaches the Atlantic and Cuba, Venezuela or Nicaragua.
Putin's past and current moves (some military, others economic/foreign policy) and policies with Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria and Morocco, could be part of this strategy, or simple coincidences that have favored it?


...como el Son...
Russian and communist left rises up against Putin and calls for "anti-war agitation".:

Representatives of the Russian left, including members of the Communist Party, demand the immediate cessation of the "aggression against the brotherly Ukrainian people".

Representatives of various organizations of the Russian left, including members of the Russian Communist Party, have signed a manifesto demanding Putin to cease aggression against Ukraine.

The resolution, agreed at the 'Anti-War Round Table of Russian Left Forces', condemns the decision to invade Ukraine and warns that it will not only "lead to the deaths of thousands of people on both sides", but will also impact very negatively on the economic situation of workers in both countries.

"The current invasion is only a fulfillment of the insane foreign policy ambitions of a narrow circle of people in the country's leadership, as well as a way to distract attention from the Russian government's failures in domestic policy," they claim.

Putin, the Hitler of the 21st century:
The signatories of the manifesto, which has been translated by the Argentine digital magazine 'Herramienta', demand that the Russian leaders "immediately cease the aggression against the brotherly Ukrainian people".

They also call on all Russian citizens to protest these actions and demand that their leaders stop the armed aggression against Ukraine through messages on social networks: "We urge you to carry out anti-war agitation among your neighbors, relatives, colleagues and other citizens of Russia," they stress.

Finally, they warn that "if the current government is not able to provide peace for the peoples, then the way to it passes through a radical change of this government and the entire socio-political system."

The official position of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation remains one of absolute support for Putin. Recently, the chairman of the Central Committee, G.A. Ziuganov, lashed out at the US and its allies and called for "stopping NATO's actions".

The Russian Communist Party currently has 57 deputies in the Duma and 18.93% of votes.

The manifesto has been joined by members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Revolutionary Workers' Party, the Russian Socialist Movement, Left Socialist Action and other anonymous citizens.

Among the signatories are:

Evgeny Stupin (Communist Party of the Russian Federation).

Boris Kagarlitsky (Rabkor)

Grigory Yudin, sociologist

Mikhail Lobanov (University Solidarity Trade Union)

Kirill Medvedev (Russian Socialist Movement)

Alexey Sakhnin (journalist, ex-member of the "Left Front")

Nikita Arkin (Left Socialist Movement)

V. Avramchuk (Revolutionary Workers' Party)

Sergey Tsukasov, mundep Ostankino

Elmar Rustamov "Labor Russia".


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