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Active member
What about pulling out of the grain agreement and then attacking ports full of grain?
Russia did not ”pull out” of the agreement. Russia decided to not extend the agreement due to Ukraine and its western sponsors not fullfilling their obligations, they instead violated the agreement.

And now here you are, crying like a bitch over Russia ”pulling out of the grain agreement and then attacking ports of grain” lol.

Apparently it is the latest in ukranian fertilization techniques.


Well-known member
And so the losers resort to threatening beach goers with terrorism.

World grain prices up 17% after russia attacks alternate grain export routes.

Two-thirds of African leaders refuse to attend Putin’s summit​


Putin's recent article on Russia-African relations may be an effort to mitigate the damage to both Russia's standing and his own reputation in Africa, caused by Russia's withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which allowed Ukrainian grain alleviate food security risks in a number of African countries.

but... the bridge to the beach doesn't work anymore :cry:


Well-known member
there is the argument that evil is an omnipresent/naturistic force and whatever God is doing is beyond humans and doesn't focus on humans as a central concern or even operates on concepts such as good and evil, natural evil would be things like hurricanes and wildfires, whereas war is the result of nincompoops not knowing how to behave correctly, God may have no concern whatsoever in regards to human behavior

only 42% of people in the United States report being happy, the happiest countries are like Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Iceland, and what kind of for profit medical systems do they have or how many nuclear weapons have they tested on their own land, do they even develop nuclear weapons

unless some things change big time in the United States, which they won't and there is a higher probability of Denmark legalizing, my goal is to graduate and save up some money and move to Denmark, which is where the company that makes the insulin I get is headquartered, I have legitimately almost died because of the medical system in the U.S.

it's that or buy a house in the U.S. which is basically a bank scam

it's not just about getting good insurance and getting affordable medication, it's that none of the people in the medical system here actually help they just pass you off to someone else that will make money from your situation such as advising you go to an emergency clinic or ER, some head nurse at my old Dr's office suggested a non emergency 911 call which is where a police officer takes you to a hospital so you save the ambulance fee, but then literally said I don't know how you'll get home after that, great plan!

one of the few things the U.S. has going for it is the education system, and it's kind of strange in the sense that it's also a good way to plot an escape, or stay in the U.S. with a higher income and succumb to a greater magnitude of consumerism and material possessions
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well he/she/it - the God - is not making God's look all that good these days - and even in days gone by - being all powerful and all - able to create great miracles - and fix what's broken - especially with what's considered as 'his own creations' - looks like he's just interested in playing tin soldiers with us all anyway - if so - what sort of warped amusement is that? - maybe like watching 'The Terminator' for the 5th time in real life - keeps him happy? - so us waring humans must have been made in his own image - as even The God's go to war - it seems -

If that's what you have to do to be a God - don't bother to sign me up - I'd be more ambivalent - and would keep tinkering with my creation - until I could change that lusting for blood - via high kill counts - from swarming kamakazi exploding suicide drones - amongst a litteny of other ways to create more pain and suffering amongst us all -
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Active member
Only five African countries will not be represented at the summit.

Meanwhile western weapons deliveries to ukranian ports have been buried with the grain in Ukraine and the Black Sea shipping route is in lock down. Any attempt of americans to engage the russian fleet will be crushed like the ukranian ”counter offensive”.
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Active member

Revelation 12:7-17 Douay-Rheims 1899

7 And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels:
8 And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.
12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you that dwell therein. Woe to the earth, and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time.


Well-known member
how many weapons is Finland trying to supply? they have had nato relations since 1994 and they border Russia, do jackasses like Trump even exist in Switzerland?

the only places foaming at the mouth to supply weapons are the same ones that got their jollies from ww2, and none of these countries rank as the happiest


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Well he/she/it - the God - is not making God's look all that good these days - and even in days gone by - being all powerful and all - able to create great miracles - and fix what's broken - especially with what's considered as 'his own creations' - looks like he's just interested in playing tin soldiers with us all anyway - if so - what sort of warped amusement is that? - maybe like watching 'The Terminator' for the 5th time in real life - keeps him happy? - so us waring humans must have been made in his own image - as even The God's go to war - it seems -

If that's what you have to do to be a God - don't bother to sign me up - I'd be more ambivalent - and would keep tinkering with my creation - until I could change that lusting for blood - via high kill counts - from swarming kamakazi exploding suicide drones - amongst a litteny of other ways to create more pain and suffering amongst us all -
The real god is a molecular chap. Maybe not a big bang but a little drip.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
how many weapons is Finland trying to supply? they have had nato relations since 1994 and they border Russia, do jackasses like Trump even exist in Switzerland?

the only places foaming at the mouth to supply weapons are the same ones that got their jollies from ww2, and none of these countries rank as the happiest
which places got their jollies from ww2?


Well-known member
anyone ever see the meme where a protester is holding a sign that says "Jesus, protect us from your followers!" ? The Wisdom of Solomon 12:13, 16-19 - "through such works you have taught your people that the righteous must be kind..." anyone seen any forgiveness or kindness out of the "Christians" in the GOP right wing lately ? :unsure:


Active member
how many weapons is Finland trying to supply? they have had nato relations since 1994 and they border Russia, do jackasses like Trump even exist in Switzerland?

the only places foaming at the mouth to supply weapons are the same ones that got their jollies from ww2, and none of these countries rank as the happiest
By now the russophobic finns have sent over a billion EUR in military material to Ukraine. I would guess the same goes for Sweden.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Well he/she/it - the God - is not making God's look all that good these days - and even in days gone by - being all powerful and all - able to create great miracles - and fix what's broken - especially with what's considered as 'his own creations' - looks like he's just interested in playing tin soldiers with us all anyway - if so - what sort of warped amusement is that? - maybe like watching 'The Terminator' for the 5th time in real life - keeps him happy? - so us waring humans must have been made in his own image - as even The God's go to war - it seems -

If that's what you have to do to be a God - don't bother to sign me up - I'd be more ambivalent - and would keep tinkering with my creation - until I could change that lusting for blood - via high kill counts - from swarming kamakazi exploding suicide drones - amongst a litteny of other ways to create more pain and suffering amongst us all -
I look at it this way. What kind of omnipotent god would let a bunch of puny mortals murder his son?
What kind of god says "Thou shalt not kill" but also says, "Hey my Israelites, I'm'a need you to march on Jericho and kill every man, woman and child in the city."
What kind of god totally fucks an innocent guy's life up (Job), just to prove a point to his adversary?
What kind of god tells you to murder your own son and right at the point before the killing strike basically says, "Just kidding".
If that's what people worship, they're fucking nuttier than squirrel shit. Then the believers tell you crap like, "It is not up to us to question the will of god". Yeah? Why the fuck not? A LOT of his actions (and inaction) are highly questionable?
Like my personal favourite when he supposedly destroyed seven cities just because he was pissed off at two of them.
What a dick.