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Well-known member
Prigozhin's opinion on the state of the Ukraine 'operation'
not getting a 'we will conquer' message

Troops from Russia’s Wagner paramilitary group, who are relocating to Belarus following last month’s aborted mutiny, will not go back to fight in Ukraine and will stay in Belarus to train local troops, their leader Yevgeny Prigozhin said Wednesday.

“We did a lot for Russia. What is happening at the front now is a disgrace. We want no part of it,” Prigozhin said in his first appearance since his troops marched on Moscow in a failed uprising last month.


Active member
your use of the word "commissars" is quite telling buddy!

it is a word almost exclusively used by Russians in the USSR days.
And english is almost exclusively used by the US Empire, including the United States and its vassals. Commissars are bought and paid for by your american dollars. Kiev vs Philadelphia 2023:


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
A dialoge? The word you are looking for is monologue. Imagine having a foreigner school you even on your own language lol.

Soon enough your commissars, bought and paid for by yourself to use ukranians for cannon fodder, will see themselves hunted.

Very humbling and I am gracious to you for pointing that out.

The word commissar....


Well-known member
Do what? Russia will launch a counter offensive of their own soon enough. Meanwhile your ukranian proxy is getting smashed - their offensive has yet to reach russian defense lines, layered mind you.

you are laboring under the misconception that all of those defense fortifications shown on the map are fully staffed and occupied. they are not! most of the Russian forces are concentrated along the line of contact or the "zero" line as they call it.

the fortifications are fallback positions designed to be occupied when the Russian front line collapses.

remember Kharkiv? once the Ukrainians attacked and the russians panicked, they had no prepared positions to fall back to and so lost a lot of ground.

the russians are anticipating having to fall back to these pre-built fortifications. i wonder why?

the real reason the Ukrainian counter-attack is going so slowly is the minefields, not the Russian soldiers.

the Ukrainians have to clear each area of mines after they secure it. this is so that the main attack force can pass through the area rapidly.

less than 30% of Ukrainian forces are being used on the front line right now.

do you still think that the war is going as Putler planned? let's see, first, he wanted a regime change. failing to achieve that, he began losing ground in the first two weeks and has lost one-half of the ground originally seized.

he then declares the four oblasts to be Russian territory by annexing them but still doesn't control all of the ground in those oblasts after 512 days of fighting.

the Ukrainians have taken more ground in the last 4 weeks than the russians have taken in the last ten months.

these statements i have made are irrefutable as they are supported by information from the Russian Ministry of Defense. their data supports these claims.

the first map shows where the Russian units are and the second shows a section of the fortifications.




Well-known member
Bless your heart.
I didn't know you are Southern.
"Bless your heart" is a phrase common to the Southern United States. The phrase has multiple meanings and is used to express genuine sympathy but sometimes as an insult that conveys condescension, derision, or contempt. It may also be spoken as a precursor to an insult to mitigate its severity.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
why are you guys wasting time arguing with a troll? try using the ignore function,he's not here for honest debate so you're just playing into his troll-y hands
I used to ignore the popsicle brigade. But then I realized it's more entertaining to counter their bullshit with facts. Plus I'm hopefully preventing one person from believing their stupidity.