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Well-known member
well, this will be awkward later on, if Russia prevails. one of Russias own oligarchs has reportedly offered a one million dollar bounty on Putin, to be given to anyone that takes him into custody. SOMEONES wallet is running scared of what is happening in Ukraine & around the world...

It's not like their gonna make a getaway in their yachts🤣
Unless it's in the Maldives, for now.


Well-known member
The problem with Russell's take on things is that he appears to feel that since members of NATO have been guilty of invasion then naturally NATO must be inclined to invade which is incorrect. NATO by it's very articles only gets involved militarily when one of it's members has been invaded. That why the first and only time article 5 (the one that says an attack on one is an attack on all) was ever put in play was when the US was attacked on 9/11 by a force whose command was based in Afghanistan and this allowed NATO to invoke article 5 to go into Afghanistan in order to support the US in going after Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. This however became murky later on when the US suddenly decided to go after Iraq even though they had yet to succeed in defeating Al-Qaeda. At that point they lost much of NATO's support as the US efforts began to fall outside of Article 5 however some of the support remain and the US formed a coalition based on individual alliances that existed separate to and outside of NATO. Depending on what day of the week one asks Russia for it's justification for going after Ukraine the answer will be due to the threat of NATO on it's border but this is illogical for two reasons. One is that the only reason Ukraine is desirous of joining NATO is for protection (under article 5) from the repeated invasions from Russia against Ukraine. If Russia would stop invading Ukraine and recognize it as a sovereign nation then Ukraine would have no need to join NATO for protection and it could serve as the buffer between NATO and Russia that it's geographical boundaries make it. Two being that by invading and taking over Ukraine Russia effectively increases the danger they claim NATO represents because with Ukraine as part of Russia that would have Russia bordering 4 NATO countries placing NATO on Russia's border in a way it isn't without attacking Ukraine. In other words by doing what they are doing by attacking Ukraine Russia is actually making the threat they claim NATO represents even more real then it currently is. Still even if Russia includes Ukraine as part of it's territories there is no real threat from NATO unless Russia does what Putin has talked about for years and attack the NATO countries it would then border in a further attempt to restore the former USSR. If Russia could just learn to respect other nation's right to exist it has nothing to fear from NATO.

That's a very good point. I was at least impressed that he attempted to keep things in context and made clear how very wrong what Russia is doing. I suppose when you start off your diatribe with a blatantly false assertion it casts a certain dishonest tone to the rest of what you say.


Well-known member
I apologize in advance for the length of this post. Twitter format sucks.











I think when the private delivery of turkey drones is done we will get videos of the russian convoy beeing blown up.

Three Berries

Active member
Zelinsky is a figure of resistance to Russian aggression only in the eyes of the lying western press, and the automatons who take anything they say for granted.

That would be a laugh though: NATONAZIS fighting for the global gay disco, worshipping a martyred jewish comedian :D

Obama started it so what's out of sorts?

Three Berries

Active member
The comment to me stated that Biden botched the withdrawal as if it were his plan. All I did was point out that the plan was created by Trumps admin. I also agreed that it was botched and that Biden very well could have changed it to be more successful, if not for the sake of optics.

Also, please don't attempt to match wits with me. You're way out of your league.

Trump was to have evacuated Afghanistan in the prior spring. bidan canceled that and moved it to the 9/11 anniversary time frame.

Three Berries

Active member
NATO is nothing but a Globalist police force to support he EU. But the EU has tied themselves to Russian fuel. NATO no longer makes sense.

Trump wanted the NATO members to pay their fair share, what they had agreed to. In doing so many claimed Trump abandoned our allies. What has happened now? Germany greatly increase their payments to NATO. But it really is none of NATOs business what is going on in Ukraine.

Here's Putins view FWIW.



Well-known member
NATO is nothing but a Globalist police force to support he EU. But the EU has tied themselves to Russian fuel. NATO no longer makes sense.

Trump wanted the NATO members to pay their fair share, what they had agreed to. In doing so many claimed Trump abandoned our allies. What has happened now? Germany greatly increase their payments to NATO. But it really is none of NATOs business what is going on in Ukraine.

Here's Putins view FWIW.

You realise they just dubbed an English voice over an English voice, not saying the same thing. On a Russian news channel. I can't give that the credibility to get past the 10 seconds of disbelief I gave it.

Three Berries

Active member
You realise they just dubbed an English voice over an English voice, not saying the same thing. On a Russian news channel. I can't give that the credibility to get past the 10 seconds of disbelief I gave it.

So you know it is false?


...como el Son...
no sabia eso Muy interesante. Wow conoces tu historia amigo. 😎

There were many other groups, columns, regiments, companies, that after the defeat of the Spanish Republic before Hitler, Mussilini, and Franco, fled to French territory to continue fighting Hitler: they were treated, in general by the French government, worse than dogs of fight: many lived in French concentration camps until they were called for combat. And after the disaster and sacrifice at Dunkirk and Narvik, the Spaniards who were rescued from both missions and brought to the UK. , were so dissatisfied with the collaborationism of the Vichy government and the treatment and operation of the Free French Army, that several began to desert the French army to apply for entry into the British army. Those in charge of the French army in Great Britain considered that the Spanish republicans were "politically unreliable", and as a gesture of goodwill towards the Franco government, decided to separate the Spanish republicans from the rest of their army, and send them back to the Franco's Spain. With the initial agreement of the British government, a first ship was prepared at Avonmouth docks, and when the Spanish republican soldiers were about to embark and learned that they ware to be betrayed and handed over yo Franco, they mutinied and refused to board unless it was necessary in the form of corpses, and the shameful betrayal with which they heroism was going to be paid, began to cause discomfort among the bulk and rest of the allied troops, at a time like that after the allied evaluation of Dunkirk; and the Frenchgate Military Mission in London reacted by ordering that one in three of the mutineers be executed as punishment.
The British authorities finally reconsidered and intervened, and the French officers were relieved of their commands. France later tried to avoid Spanish republican aid, until recently. I leave you photos of some of the tributes, already in this century, (I think Presidents and 1st Ministers of the French Republic, Mayors of Paris) that they usually do now in France to commemorate the Liberation of Paris and the Spanish republican help:

Click image for larger version  Name:	1b33c8baec6a7af4c0f41beee9ed5f85.jpg Views:	0 Size:	133.7 KB ID:	18088977

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Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_6723.JPG Views:	0 Size:	31.5 KB ID:	18088991

Click image for larger version  Name:	24_08_04.jpg Views:	0 Size:	51.5 KB ID:	18089021

Click image for larger version  Name:	1b33c8baec6a7af4c0f41beee9ed5f85.jpg Views:	0 Size:	133.7 KB ID:	18088977

Click image for larger version  Name:	1b33c8baec6a7af4c0f41beee9ed5f85.jpg Views:	0 Size:	133.7 KB ID:	18088977

Click image for larger version  Name:	cementerio-campo-de-gurs.jpg Views:	0 Size:	102.4 KB ID:	18089026

Click image for larger version  Name:	cementerio-campo-de-gurs.jpg Views:	0 Size:	102.4 KB ID:	18089026

And this are the 2 symbol that Hitler had reserved for them in his death camps:

Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_6723.JPG Views:	0 Size:	31.5 KB ID:	18088991

Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_6723.JPG Views:	0 Size:	31.5 KB ID:	18088991

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