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Well-known member

We denounce the repression of the Russian government against the Communist Party.

Partido Comunista de España; November 4, 2021:

​​​​​​Dozens of leaders and elected officials have been arrested after the fraud in the September elections, while the systematic harassment of their militants and headquarters grows. The electoral fraud of the ruling party, United Russia, in the Duma elections in September, has continued with police repression and the arrest of numerous communist leaders. Although United Russia lost the elections, the fraud made it possible to present official results that scandalously increased the votes obtained by the ruling party and subtracted millions of votes from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The elections revealed the growing weakness of the capitalist system imposed in Russia and the strengthening of the proposals and the strength of the Communist Party. That evidence has led Putin's Russian government to launch a new wave of anti-communist repression. After the elections, dozens of militants were arrested, and many others had to face government fines. particularly in Moscow, and many deputies of municipal bodies and candidates for the State Duma are being pressured and intimidated by the police, in an operation that is undoubtedly due to the government's growing fear of the strengthening of the Russian Communist Party (...continue...)


¡NO PASARÁN! (... y si logran pasar, no les haremos ni puto caso)

yep. the Russian communist movement is one of if not the largest oppositions to Putin and the oligarchs who control the country.

The only "communists" that are currently supporting Russia against Ukraine are Russian plants (astroturfed commies) and nazbols (red fascists)/tankies (aka the most hated groups on the left amongst other leftists)


Well-known member
Spain sends a new shipment to Ukraine with 1,370 rocket propeled grenade launchers C-90 and anti-tank rocket launchers C-100, and 700,000 machine gun cartridges:

C-90 Instalaza:



C-100 Alcotan:


sounds strange, but a NASCAR race team owner offered to buy the Ukrainian military a million rounds of ammunition...


Well-known member
That really depends what we send. Deleting that convoy would break their spirit, as would some anti-missile measures with a return of fire. While posing for photo's with their own nuclear bomb would be a real 'oh fuck' moment for the opposition.

The real question though.. would you rather we left you to loose, or gave you the weapons you desired to have a go back.




Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My point exactly. I’m not wrong - you are:

… exists only in your head. You have obviously never been to Ukraine. The areas you believe to be inhabited by Nazi’s are ethnic russian. Your beloved Nazi’s are fascists from the western Ukraine and abroad. Putin stepped in when the DPR called for help, as they faced imminent attack after NATO sent massive amounts of lethal aid to the Nazi militias. Meet the people of Donbass and learn what they have been through since Euromaidan coup.



No it's you who are wrong, just because you can cast doubt on one report of the 44 false flag attacks and that doubt only comes from an unproven belief torture was used to get that confession. There are 43 other false flags that were never in doubt, in fact in several cases the Germans responsible were caught within hours by local authorities.

Actually it is you who clearly have never been to Ukraine, either that or you are just acting in a willfully ignorant way. That most well known, highest profile Neo-Nazi group in Ukraine is the Azov Battalion and they are headquartered in Donetsk.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Any day now someone will provide proof of all of these nazis in Ukraine the same way Trump will be reinstated as president.

Oh there are Nazis in Ukraine, there is no doubt of that, the problem for people like entropical is they are concentrated in the very same separatist regions that Russia claims to be protecting as he denazifies Ukraine. The Azov Battalion is one of the most visible of these Neo-Nazi groups, they were the ones behind organizing that demonstration in Kiev that Putin supporters like to point to as proof of Nazis in Ukraine and they are headquartered in Donetsk.


Well-known member
Physiological warfare dictates that we talk about those close to him moving to out/off him.
Fear that he could loose it all to the men around him, is reason to make a deal that he can't hide from


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lol. Just pointing out your obvious use of whataboutism. Lolol. You seem so smart, I’m intimidated. Lolol.

See, there you go, you don't understand whataboutism at all Whataboutism would be something like someone pointing out Trump's mishandling of pulling out of Syria to Biden's handling of pulling out of Afghanistan. Except the problem for you with Afghanistan it was actually Trump who largely doomed that withdrawal when he promised we would leave Afghanistan by the end of May 2021. That commitment to a timeline allowed the Taliban to just build up it's forces and plan to take over since they knew exactly when the only force keeping them in check was going to be leaving. Biden actually made it less horrible by buying an additional couple of months.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I mean, he's not wrong, per se. Fact is, the US(Mostly under conservative leadership at least in modern times) is wrongly imperialistic. As to NATO pushing out Russia, yeah I'm good with any effort to stifle Putin and the current Russian government. They're an autocratic, pseudo-dictatorship that has been telegraphing its intent for decades.

That said, as a self-identified progressive, I like his thoughts about how we're more alike as a people and of a global governance of sorts.

The problem with Russell's take on things is that he appears to feel that since members of NATO have been guilty of invasion then naturally NATO must be inclined to invade which is incorrect. NATO by it's very articles only gets involved militarily when one of it's members has been invaded. That why the first and only time article 5 (the one that says an attack on one is an attack on all) was ever put in play was when the US was attacked on 9/11 by a force whose command was based in Afghanistan and this allowed NATO to invoke article 5 to go into Afghanistan in order to support the US in going after Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. This however became murky later on when the US suddenly decided to go after Iraq even though they had yet to succeed in defeating Al-Qaeda. At that point they lost much of NATO's support as the US efforts began to fall outside of Article 5 however some of the support remain and the US formed a coalition based on individual alliances that existed separate to and outside of NATO. Depending on what day of the week one asks Russia for it's justification for going after Ukraine the answer will be due to the threat of NATO on it's border but this is illogical for two reasons. One is that the only reason Ukraine is desirous of joining NATO is for protection (under article 5) from the repeated invasions from Russia against Ukraine. If Russia would stop invading Ukraine and recognize it as a sovereign nation then Ukraine would have no need to join NATO for protection and it could serve as the buffer between NATO and Russia that it's geographical boundaries make it. Two being that by invading and taking over Ukraine Russia effectively increases the danger they claim NATO represents because with Ukraine as part of Russia that would have Russia bordering 4 NATO countries placing NATO on Russia's border in a way it isn't without attacking Ukraine. In other words by doing what they are doing by attacking Ukraine Russia is actually making the threat they claim NATO represents even more real then it currently is. Still even if Russia includes Ukraine as part of it's territories there is no real threat from NATO unless Russia does what Putin has talked about for years and attack the NATO countries it would then border in a further attempt to restore the former USSR. If Russia could just learn to respect other nation's right to exist it has nothing to fear from NATO.


Well-known member
Fue un cuerpo de élite del Partido Comunista de España que se integró primero el el Ejército Republicano Español en nuestra Guerra Civil, y posteriormente fueron parte de la élite de choque del Ejército Francés.
Sus miembros se destacaron en el sacrificio que hizo el Ejército Francés en Dunquerque para permitir la evacuación Aliada, y especialmente en la liberación de París: en todos los documentales y fotos de los primeros tanques Aliados (todos con nombres españoles en su honor) entrando a París, estás viendo realmente a estos milicianos.
También fueron claves en tomar y guardar muchas de las fotos históricas de la vida y muerte (fueron usadas en Nuremberg, creo recordar) en los campos nazis.

It was an elite corps of the Communist Party of Spain that was first integrated into the Spanish Republican Army in our Civil War, and later they were part of the shock elite of the French Army.
Its members were prominent in the sacrifice made by the French Army at Dunkirk to allow the Allied evacuation, and especially in the liberation of Paris: in all the documentaries and photos of the first Allied tanks (all with Spanish names in their honor) entering Paris, you are actually seeing these militiamen.
They were also instrumental in taking and saving many of the historic photos of life and death (they were used at Nuremberg, I seem to remember) in the Nazi camps.

no sabia eso Muy interesante. Wow conoces tu historia amigo. 😎


Well-known member
well, this will be awkward later on, if Russia prevails. one of Russias own oligarchs has reportedly offered a one million dollar bounty on Putin, to be given to anyone that takes him into custody. SOMEONES wallet is running scared of what is happening in Ukraine & around the world...


Well-known member
of course western media is softening the image of azov batallion to the american libtards and such. yes azov members hold some government positions. yes they are financed by the US and Canada. they recieve a small % of the vote in the elections but THAT STILL DOES NOT JUSTIFY RUSSIAN IMPERIALISM LOL.


Well-known member
You'll see how you don't laugh so much when we throw you our secret and ultimate weapon: the latest UltraMegaDeathDanceGringosRemix version of La Macarena: there won't be anyone left with a healthy neuron (I myself can't stand it for more than 5 seconds...)

A Dance of Mass Destruction??!!!
crossed line.jpg


Well-known member
Oh there are Nazis in Ukraine, there is no doubt of that, the problem for people like entropical is they are concentrated in the very same separatist regions that Russia claims to be protecting as he denazifies Ukraine. The Azov Battalion is one of the most visible of these Neo-Nazi groups, they were the ones behind organizing that demonstration in Kiev that Putin supporters like to point to as proof of Nazis in Ukraine and they are headquartered in Donetsk.

He tried(I say that loosely) to claim that I was wrong because..."Look I found the nazis in Ukraine! I told you so!" but failed to admit that he claimed they were "running the country" as he put it. False Equivalence of the highest order.

Gotta love it when these smooth brains start fighting above their weight class and wind up getting their collective asses handed to them!


Well-known member
See, there you go, you don't understand whataboutism at all Whataboutism would be something like someone pointing out Trump's mishandling of pulling out of Syria to Biden's handling of pulling out of Afghanistan. Except the problem for you with Afghanistan it was actually Trump who largely doomed that withdrawal when he promised we would leave Afghanistan by the end of May 2021. That commitment to a timeline allowed the Taliban to just build up it's forces and plan to take over since they knew exactly when the only force keeping them in check was going to be leaving. Biden actually made it less horrible by buying an additional couple of months.

If they understood logical fallacies they wouldn't be gullible RW morons.

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