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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Lefties can't meme. In this^ example, the meme poster does not seem to realize that they are identifying themselves as Hitler or similar to Hitler. Well done, lol:good:

How so?
Why do you call the poster a leftie?
What does that make you?


Active member
Among other things, your article highlights and clarifies this:

To be clear, the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine is a hornets’ nest of fascists are false: far-right parties performed poorly in Ukraine’s last parliamentary elections, and Ukrainians reacted with alarm to the National Militia’s demonstration in Kiev."
Fascist apologetic. They made a coup d’etat against an elected government in Ukraine, started killing russians and inbeddeded themselves in the military infrastructure. All while escalating the conflict with NATO support and arms shipments, training etc. And now Russia is there to denazify and demilitarize.


...como el Son...
You asked who was in the interview, and I answered. Didn’t realize you wanted me to name drop ”an important historical communist party” lol.

I don’t care about your spanish Commies 4 NATO who support the Euromaidan fascists in killing ethnic russians in Ukraine: ”balls”.

Veo que no solo, como reconoces en tu primer párrafo, lees solo a medias...Por que ya te respondí antes también a la repetición de la mentira y falsa acusaciones de colaboración al asesinato/genocidio tu segundo...Avísa cuando logres salir de tu bucle, je.

I see that not only, as you recognize in your first paragraph, you read only half-read...Because I already answered you before also to the repetition of the lie and false accusations of collaboration to the murder/genocide your second one...Let us know when you get out of your loop, heh.

Cien​ duritos?!? Cien duritos?!? Cuántas veces tengo que repetirte que no paso menos de un talego...


Well-known member
Your article says nothing that the pro-Russia Spanish Stalinist militiaman from the Donbas in the video, or others anti-Putin on this forum, like Gry, or I have said.
Among other things, your article highlights and clarifies this (as I did before here several times):

"To be clear, the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine is a hornets’ nest of fascists are false: far-right parties performed poorly in Ukraine’s last parliamentary elections, and Ukrainians reacted with alarm to the National Militia’s demonstration in Kiev."

the picture posted looks a LOT like those marching in Charlottesville at the "Unite the Right" debacle...even to their tiki torches. probably kept the mosquitoes away, if nothing else...


...como el Son...
Documentary exposing how the Euromaidan regime has ruined Ukraine and interfered in the US election:


Pero no decían los de Trump que o bien los servicios de inteligencia venezolanos y españoles unidos, o bien los italianos (!?), habían manipulado las elecciones para quitarle de presidente ? Lo ucranianos también ?!?
Joder, pues da que pensar si tanta gente tan diferente se pone de acuerdo en lo mismo...a lo mejor hasta tienen razón, je, je...

But didn't Trump's people say that either the Venezuelan and Spanish intelligence services united, or the Italians (!?), had manipulated the elections to remove him from the presidency ? The Ukrainians too ?
Fuck, well, it makes you wonder if so many different people agree on the same thing... maybe they are even right, heh, heh....


Active member
A statement said that Poroshenko "informed Hillary Clinton about the situation in Donbas" and stressed that "Ukraine today fights for freedom and democratic values, which unite the whole democratic world."


​​​​​​​Extensive war crimes in Donbass committed by Poroshenko and his army of murderers from July 27 to August 14, 2014


Clinton Foundation Timeline tagged Petro Poroshenko:



...como el Son...
Fascist apologetic. They made a coup d’etat against an elected government in Ukraine, started killing russians and inbeddeded themselves in the military infrastructure. All while escalating the conflict with NATO support and arms shipments, training etc. And now Russia is there to denazify and demilitarize.

Whatever you say. But first, you thanks with your thumbs up for this article to illustrate in Ukrainian Nazism. But since you do not read even the articles that you yourselves linked, or thank others for their validity or confirm your ideas, when someone warns you that this article clarifies and remarks things like:

"To be clear, the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine is a hornets’ nest of fascists are false: far-right parties performed poorly in Ukraine’s last parliamentary elections, and Ukrainians reacted with alarm to the National Militia’s demonstration in Kiev."

...then, that same article that you previously thanked and cheered, now becomes a "fascist apology"...
But this pro-NATO communist and murderer of Russian children by bombing their kindergartens, understands your mental dissonance...: the article was very long, with few drawings and many letters, and the "key paragraph" was not in bold title, but in the middle of the text...

Marxist greetings to all: ! Salud !

¡¡¡ NO PASARÁN !!! (...Y si pasan, no les haremos ni puto caso.)

Click image for larger version  Name:	images (5).jpeg Views:	0 Size:	33.4 KB ID:	18087896

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...como el Son...
Salud comrade! Of course I gave my thumbs up. Now let’s see you give a thumbs up to this:

Putin Orders ‘Demilitarisation & De-Nazification of Ukraine’


Bombardeando civiles, escuelas y hospitales?!? : ME ENCANTA!...No pillaste la que pensamos liar "los míos" con el Imperio Grigo, si algún día lejano por un milagro de San Karl Marx conseguimos invadirlos militarmente:

Bombing civilians, schools and hospitals?!?...I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!...You didn't catch the one "my people" are planning to make a mess with the Grigo Empire, if some distant day by a miracle of Saint Karl Marx we manage to invade them militarily:

Siiiii !!!

Primos cubanos, nicaragüenses, venezolanos, bolivianos, uruguayos, angoleños, mozambiqueños, saharauies occidentales...

Unámonos y bombarderos los guetos negros e hispanos de las ciudades estadounidenses, para hacer pagar y expiar al Imperio de Gringoland, los crímenes raciales de la época de su Aparheit, o los del Ku Kux Klan...

Yessssss !!!

Cuban cousins, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Bolivians, Uruguayans, Angolans, Mozambicans, Western Saharawis...

Let's unite and bomb the black and Hispanic ghettos of the American cities, to make the Empire of Gringoland pay and atone for the racial crimes of the time of its Aparheit, or those of the Ku Kux Klan...

(Joking only)

​​​​​​Camarada?!? Camarada ?!? Cama...qué ???
Que no te vendo cien duritos y punto.



Active member
Bombardeando civiles, escuelas y hospitales?!? : ME ENCANTA!...No pillaste la que pensamos liar "los míos" con el Imperio Grigo, si algún día lejano por un milagro de San Karl Marx conseguimos invadirlos militarmente:

Bombing civilians, schools and hospitals?!?...I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!...You didn't catch the one "my people" are planning to make a mess with the Grigo Empire, if some distant day by a miracle of Saint Karl Marx we manage to invade them militarily:

​​​​​​Camarada?!? Camarada ?!? Cama...qué ???
Que no te vendo cien duritos y punto.


Lol. Yeah, great idea, team up with all the broke countries to invade USA? Hahaha. Bad hombre.


Active member
Here’s a spicy take.


  • 8341E372-B3A2-48E2-867B-C3DA65DB372D.jpeg
    32.9 KB · Views: 23


...como el Son...
And don't come back to me with memes, articles about British Stalinist parties with 4 members, or Putin propaganda.
I have already told you and explained that I know the reality of Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups, and how Putin magnifies their importance and crimes (which I do not deny: but they kill a lot more homosexuals or much more reddish leftists than the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, like the Pussy Root, the Russian extremists).
I have already told you how here I have more than one "comrade"
(from small Lenilist, Trotskyist or Stalinist parties, small splits to the Euromarxism of the P.C.E.) who fight as a foreign militiaman with the pro-Russians in the previous Donbass War thanks in part to Putin's propaganda, which made them believe that the U.S.S.R. was going to be resurrected, heh. (But they were also in Iraq or Syria, and I respect them for that: I do not know if you know the consequences of being a Spanish militiaman abroad: the same US army thanked them for their bravery for helping the Kurds against DAESH, he denounces them to Spain as an illegal combatant as soon as the war ends; and more than one has been a soldier of the Spanish Army, which is prohibited with a harsh prison sentence both mercenary and militia):






Right now, about the Spanish "pro-Russia" (cos they really are "pro-return of CCCP") militiamen in the actual war:


"I thought that this was going to take a path more similar to what the USSR was," says 'Juan', a young fighter from Asturias, with some bitterness. "I don't want my true identity to be known, because my family doesn't know I'm here, otherwise they would worry too much," says the 32-year-old boy who joined the military, in his youth in the Young Communists Collectives (youth organization of the PCPE at the time)"


...como el Son...
Lol. Yeah, great idea, team up with all the broke countries to invade USA? Hahaha. Bad hombre.

You'll see how you don't laugh so much when we throw you our secret and ultimate weapon: the latest UltraMegaDeathDanceGringosRemix version of La Macarena: there won't be anyone left with a healthy neuron (I myself can't stand it for more than 5 seconds...)